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LurchWorld (2010 Video)
weird animated abstract science fiction
12 November 2010
ten lines of text wouldn't really be needed to describe this short in full, but a description might help anyone who isn't sure whether or not they want to watch this.

it starts out with a "transmission" bunch of oval shaped artifacts that look like fragments of ceramic jars with markings tumbling in space. then weird things happen leading to a voyage to another reality.

it's a very abstract short that doesn't have a story. some of the graphics are very primitive & hand drawn and some appear to be CGI. it's hard to have an emotional response to this as it plays more like a series of snapshots of random items and is simply a 2 minute experience each viewer will take something different from. it's simply a moving sculpture.
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Luminoid (2000)
weird & sexy fembot short
12 November 2010
what seems to start out as a banal low budget short about a female android narrated by a British woman with a sexy voice devolves into a weird & surreal piece of art. it's hard to get where this film's strange charm comes from. maybe it's just the eye & ear candy.

the narrator simply describes a couple of events and perceptions and "emotions" of the android whilst various stylized images like the closeup of a mouth of a character that says something to the android. the story kind of has the feel of an installation one might find in an art gallery like video art by nam june paik. there isn't really a story as much as a narrative, but it works brilliantly.
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M51 & Gizmo (2007)
HYSTERICAL animated SF short about Earth's orbit & birthdays
12 November 2010
this EDUCATIONAL, don't groan, short starts out with some sort of alien who gets around by it's spring's eagerness for his next birthday. he then decides to use his "all powerful" flying saucer toy to make his wish come true.

his human woman neighbor must step in though when things go wrong to explain his mistakes back to him. this is very well made and has a dry tongue in cheek sense of humor that's much funnier than many modern "attention deficit syndrome" cable TV kid's shows although it borrows their style.

it's just one fun extremely absurd concept juxtaposed against scientific facts with a light, bouncy (pun intended) vibe. this can be enjoyed by humans and aliens alike of all ages.
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weird, but profound animated sci-fi social commentary
12 November 2010
at first it's hard to get into this animated black & white short as it seems random & pointless. slowly though, it starts to unravel it's narrative about the fate of a world being discovered by the robotic central character and his "magic headphones" that tap into the civilization's archives.

despite the allegorical nature of the story, it really seems to be about human society and future shock related issues. as the robot travels from place to place, plugging into their "information portals", the meaning of it all snaps into focus and the story's weight becomes apparent. the conclusion will resonate with some and be dismissed by others who might not like the message, but that only adds irony to the final scene.

i'd call this short surreal, cerebral & poignant & well worth watching for anyone looking for a SERIOUS short that has something important to say.
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Elektrik Kiss (2010)
VERY well made, but has no ending
11 November 2010
the production values for this short are off the charts. it's extremely well made and there's a bit in the middle that's hysterical. the animation & design are terrific and the set is well made too. the problem is just when the story is getting started, it literally ends abruptly leaving the viewer hanging like a Saturday night live skit that's funny and that just fizzles out at the end.

i saw links for related videos that might be continuations to the story and would definitely be worth watching if they are, but by itself, the way that this short ends is a little annoying. it's like the makers intended to go on, but couldn't think of where to go next.

on it's own though, it's a nice enough little diversion and is much better made than a lot of shorts.
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a sort of CGI sci-fi haiku
11 November 2010
this very short film revolves around the life & dreams of a robot built to serve as a war machine. while it follows it's orders, it has dreams for more.

the CGI is on the low end side and the narration is subtitled Japanese, but succeeds as an artistic statement. it's hard to write 10 lines about a story that ends in the time it takes to think up & type just a couple, but hopefully this will help anyone, particularly on dialup, decide whether or not to watch it.

it reminds me a lot of the type of abstract CGI experiments one would see before the technology took off and began being used regularly in movies. if you want to see a quick piece of sci-fi poetry more than a full story, this short is OK if not anything special. the style & not just the narration, is very Japanese. fans of that culture & anime will like it more than those who only like Hollywood fare.
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endearing little sci-fi tale told through a child's eyes
11 November 2010
this short is definitely made for children and is a nice example of the power of imagination. it will be quaint and even silly for anyone older than 10 maybe, but it's excellent for younger children.

the protagonist loves outer space and fantasizes about building a spaceship to visit there and then decides to build one despite the teasing by her fellow playmates who think she's crazy.

some of the story includes crudely drawn "crayon style" animation of planets & spaceships, but that is simply part of the overall vibe of the story. at a time when parents have to worry about violence and other bad influences in media that's supposedly for children, this short stands out as a truly innocent and even inspirational film they need not worry about.
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weird SF short with unexpected politically incorrect twists
11 November 2010
this short starts with a good natured hen pecked (pun intended) farmer's attempt to appease his nagging wife by building a robot out of junk. the southern stereotypical dialogue is so over the top it's hysterical especially so out of place in a science fiction story.

he manages to pull it off and build the robot to take over all of his chores, but there's more to the story than just that, there's unexpected twists to follow.

all along the way, there are plenty of laughs even if the jokes are dumb, but the film definitely isn't a pale imitation of something else. the writers had to have dropped acid or something because this story is really out there.

it kind of falls apart a little at the very end, but it hard to stop laughing the 1st 3/4 of the film. if you've been starving to see something unlike anything else you've ever seen or predictable, this is it!
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Dark Static (2009)
a B&W tribute to ju-on & kairo that works
9 November 2010
there isn't a lot happening in this B&W short, but the director manages to do a great job of creating tension with little more than a TV screen & telephone.

the low contrast dark look does a great job of giving it a claustrophobic feeling and the location itself has a vaguely creepy indefinable quality.

for such a minimalist film, the director pulls it off and has a VERY keen eye for framing. the enigmatic video that appears on the screen has a dark sexy quality to it that also oozes menace.

if you're a fan of ju-on (the grudge) & kairo (pulse), this short probably does a better job of capturing the vibe of the originals than the Hollywood remakes. a very pleasant surprise in a world full of mostly crappy short subjects.
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Electropolis (2009)
wait, i'm invested in the plight of a traffic light?! LOL
9 November 2010
this nice little flick takes place inside a crosswalk traffic light and is about the stick figure inside that tells everyone when to walk. it turns out that the little guy has dreams of his own just like everyone else despite his mundane task of repeatedly posing as someone walking.

his personality creates unexpected problems with silly results, but the whole time, the viewer starts to admire his pluck. being an individiual though has consequences.

despite the symbolic nature of the character, it's easy to root for him and by the end of the film he becomes a friend to the viewer.

this is an amazing & surprising film that tells a totally compelling story with nothing but body language and is a very rare treat in a world of short subjects that wish that had this one's heart.

this short totally delivers the goods for people of all ages.
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Dreamspace (2008)
random snippets of reality with a purpose
9 November 2010
after breaking up with his girlfriend, a man finds himself jumping around into different realities (dream spaces) for reasons he can't fathom and only wants to get back to reality. unknown to him, the journey has a purpose he'll only understand at the end of his journey.

this is a very well made and slightly surreal twilight zone kind of story. despite it's random nature, there is some emotional weight to the non-linear story. it might not be the most important short ever, but it acquits itself nicely by being well worth watching.

it's hard to write a full 10 lines about a short subject when you could pretty much sum everything up completely in that space, but this above average short deserves at least one review. you can do far worse than this digging for short stories.
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WOW! funny, inspired and unpredictable
9 November 2010
after seeing a lot of mediocre to flat out crappy short subjects, this has to be one of the best ever. as the description says, 3 different guys who've lost their girlfriend all decide to travel to other dimensions to be re-united with her, but what happens after that is completely unexpected.

there's a really funny & totally unexpected bit in the middle that's hysterical. the film is inspired lunacy with more than one unexpected twist. the pacing is great but i just can't get over how twisted the story is and stays right until the end. i've yet to see a sci-fi short this entertaining. every second is essential for this messed up (in a good way) gem.
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raises a question it never answers
9 November 2010
this short picks up at what appears to be the end of civilization with the last two humans in a world where everyone is driven to commit suicide in the ocean like so many lemmings.

it's well made and even presents the viewer with a haunting image about 1/3 of the way in, but is frustrating as it never tells the viewer what happened or why. if you like movies that leave you guessing, it could be a treat but if you don't it's frustrating.

perhaps it's a statement on pointlessness. if nothing else, it's a strange concept and unlike anything else you'll see. it's like walking into the last 8 minutes of a film and not knowing exactly what's happening.
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Data Stream (2008)
plays like a trailer for a full length film
9 November 2010
there was some potential to flesh the concept out into a story, but all the viewer gets is a man on the run from a faceless corporation and the reason why he's running. there isn't any time invested in giving his character any depth. the viewer is simply dropped right in the middle of a movie that's already running and then the projector breaks before it's over.

it's not a bad short, but there really just isn't much to it. it's more of a thought experiment than anything. by the end once everything is revealed, it's just hard to care because it's over so quick. there just isn't anything in it for the viewer to latch onto.

if you just want to see a quick snippet of a bigger story though, it's OK.
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not funny even as a sex farce
9 November 2010
this short starts out with an extremely slow talking & creepy sounding narrator (like he's reading a children's book to preschoolers) explaining the events leading up to the creation of an Australian public sex service.

the story then begins with a new 1st time "customer" seeking to avail himself of the services only to find out that there are waiting lists, loopholes and unappealing alternatives.

the short has a surprise ending that's supposed to be funny but isn't and might even go over many viewers' heads.

instead, look for another very similarly themed short called "peep show". it has several nice chuckles along the way with a very satisfying (pun intended) and funny ending.
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Cosmonaut (2009 Video)
well made & enigmatic, but not quite satisfying
9 November 2010
this short revolves around a cosmonaut's failed mission and is connected to experiments in sensory deprivation. everything the viewer learns is through subtitled narration by a woman with a lovely voice.

if one can take a film that's is just a snippet of events without a lot of fleshing out of the details, it isn't bad, but for me it just played out like someone postulating a theory. it's like reading notes on an experiment more than a story.

towards the end, once the subject of sensory deprivation is introduced, there's a mildly haunting series of flashbacks (8mm home movies) that give the story all of it's energy, but in the end, all that happens is dumping unresolved questions on the viewer.

if you're in the mood for something very low key and plot less, it's a good short but if you're looking for story or even character interactions, you'll be disappointed. maybe something got lost in translation.
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Toho for Toho haters.
24 June 2010
this film has much better action & is better looking than the fake looking toho crap that's an insult to a 5 year old's intelligence. the story itself, too, is an improvement over the mindless dribble in toho classics. there's a real backstory & credible motives for the scientist in this one if not why a monster from space would attack a city.

it has great attention to detail and scale with the same oversaturated colors look of old toho movies. the CGI is so good, that you might think it is an older movie at times except the jets & sets don't look like toys, but the film is faithful to the retro visual style of the 60s films.

the only real giveaway that it's CGI is the character animation. it isn't up to the standards of a full length feature, but this would make a great one if it was ever redone.
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the ORIGINAL "Alien"... this is one FUN & action packed b-movie!
21 January 2007
i just got this film on VHS through an auction and greatly enjoyed it! it's nowhere near as bad as it's reputation. it IS technically limited and even unintentionally funny in parts, but a lot of the story was very much ahead of it's time and inspired. it's like a typical 1950s space monster b-movie on steroids.

after watching it, i couldn't believe just how much of this film's story mirrors that in alien.

the film DOES use "godzilla grade" models and space ships, but it also has some REALLY nice sets that embarrass those in many more well known films with typical surplus radio parts and a few blinking lights. as much as i always hated those fake looking models in godzilla films, here they're forgivable because at least this story makes sense.

for what this film lacks in production values and sheer suspension of disbelief, it more than makes up for with conviction and originality. the ending has to be seen to be believed, it is EXTREMELY action packed.

this is my new #2 "old school sci fi" favorite only after forbidden planet. it's THAT GOOD!

don't believe this film's low score. it's funny and campy at times true, but it's also clever, sincere and action packed too. you've NEVER seen a pre 1970 sci-fi film that goes where this one does. it humbles many a predecessor with it's scope and originality.

i had a blast watching this one and by the end, had given it the respect it deserves for it's ambition and OBVIOUS inspiration on Alien. this film really tries hard to be a blockbuster and totally surprised me by how close it came to pulling it off.

hopefully, more people well schooled in just how bad typical 1950s American sci-fi films were, using little more than stock footage for SFX at times, will see this film and give it the respect it deserves for creating EVERYTHING in it from scratch and using new ideas of it's own.

i think there are a lot of 7+ votes out there that just haven't had the chance to see this film. i give it a 9 for effort and entertainment value.
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WORST MOVIE EVER!!!!! It has NO redeeming qualities at all.
21 January 2007
this film is the absolute WORST i've ever seen! i've seen some REAL stinkers too like Manos: The Hand of Fate, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Gymkata, Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women, They, War of the Robots, Robot Holocaust, Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy and Hercules in New York, to name a few, but this film is in a league all it's own! i'd previously considered Backwoods to be the absolute most hideous film with no redeeming values until i saw this steaming pile of doo.

i actually LIKE cheesy movies and low budget parodies, but this is no Attack of the Killer Tomatos or Dark Star.

basically, it's just a bunch of the most obnoxious suburban teenage jerks with a camcorder thinking they're funny and making a movie. it's supposed to be a parody of Lord of the Rings, but all it is is those obnoxious punks constantly talking about sex acts (with A lot of very sadistic mysogyny), using ebonics and in general acting like idiots.

this is "toilet humor" taken to it's extreme and is not funny when that's all this cast is capable of. imagine a bunch of suburban junior high students who mouth off to their parents without ever being disciplined and you'll get an idea of the level these talentless morons operate on.

if you think calling women nothing but "b####" constantly and talking about raping them, pouring acid in their eyes and then punching them in the stomach or pretending you're "straight outta da hood" for an hour and a half straight = parody, then watch this movie. otherwise, there's NOTHING else going on in it! it's that one dimensional.
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King Kong (2005)
the commercials didn't spoil a film for once! kong truly IS king!
17 December 2005
the movie was even better than i thought it would be. there are a couple of weak spots in the film eg. natives that are over the top and reminiscent of the "burukai" (sp?) from the LOTR films, they stretch the need to incorporate the main characters into all of the key scenes, and it takes it time getting up to speed, but once kong hits the screen, the film is a blast to watch.

it doesn't waste all of it's action in previews like the MTV fast cut action CHEATING vomit films batman bookends & alien vs continuity erros. when the action starts, it's fast paced, interesting and intense. if you thought that the kong vs. t-rex teaser was all there is to the film, just wait until you see how the scene ESCALATES to an insane showdown unlike anything you've ever seen before.

not only does the film wow viewers with one nice action vignette after another (wait until you see the "swamp worms", they're creepier than most monsters in actual horror films), but it has great character chemistry.

the makers did a great job of building the "fay wray/kong" relationship. they add a lot of great touches that makes it believable as well as writing kong so you can almost hear him thinking. the animators deserve recognition for giving kong emotional range while still making him a gorilla in mannerisms.

after being disappointed by the lukewarm chronicles of narnia that i watched just before kong, it was great to have not totally wasted my day. as far as i'm concerned, the film has better action sequences than any sci-fi film since the matrix reloaded and more moving character development than any sci-fi film since a.i.

this is a MUST SEE big screen outing for any devout sci-fi junkie. just when you think things can't get any worse, the doodoo REALLY hits the fan time and time again and kong really IS king in this one. he's probably the best CGI character ever. the film remains true to the original, but offers plenty of surprises, twists and increased depth.

getting the DVD will be a no brainer.
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jumanji for trekkies
13 November 2005
i was expecting this film to merely be a decent way to waste some time like it's predecessor, but zathura is better. it's just as wacky as jumanji, but just seems to make more sense.

it's a little bit on the short side and i expected a few more action scenes, but what's there is pretty good.

the dialogue is funny, but was a little more edgy than i expected.

overall, the film moved along at a brisk pace and had some nice unexpected twists. it was nice to see that it was filmed as a retro "buck rogers type" sci-fi game, but with modern day action levels. it's a nice mix.

the film offers enough action to keep your attention and enough surprises to keep you guessing. it was a lot better than i expected it to be. it was fun.
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Doki-Doki (2003)
the Japanese independent version of Amelie?
15 September 2005
i feel so lucky to have caught this film on a 3 short subject film festival on PBS. it totally caught me by surprise. it's a very effective escape into Japanese culture that has an almost documentary feel.

it's a slightly surrealistic look at a group of commuters who are always at the same station every day and how they relate to each other. it's told from the perspective of a young female who likes to observe the people around her and imagine what they're like in real life.

the film is very low key, even slow paced, but it just has a way of keeping one riveted to the screen that's hard to describe. maybe it was that it was "authentic japan" as opposed to the "hollywood japan" in films like black rain.

black rain never showed the hysterical, but REAL, "beware of perverts" signs posted in subway cars. LOL

the thing that really makes the film awesome though, is the ending. i was at the edge of my seat talking to my TV! it's that good! once it was over, i had to say WOW! i'd love to own this on video. man do i wish that i had taped it.

independent films don't get any better than this.
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kung fu meets bugs bunny... much better than kung pow!
9 May 2005
i thought this movie might be fun from what i saw in previews, but it was much better than i expected. the action is often eyepopping with riffs from warner brothers toons and the matrix, but with a Chinese flair.

there is a lot of imagination in the ways that each character uses their individual style of kung fu and many of the butt kickers are the least likely to go "bruce lee".

there are many hysterical bits in this film and the characters are much easier to relate to than most kung fu films. don't let it's connection to "crouching tiger hidden dragon" fool you! this film is NEVER boring. it's the single best Chinese film i've EVER seen.

you just have to see for yourself how much action and bellyache inducing laughs there are in this film.

if you liked kung pow! enter the fist, you'll LOVE kung fu hustle. it's THE kung fu film that others will be compared to in the future. it's that great.

this film is a blast. the only thing that kept me from giving it a 10 is that a couple scenes are a bit much and too intense. what happens to the little boy after he gets bullied is a bit extreme. otherwise, this film is a riot.
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much funnier b-movie spoof than "8 legged freaks"
19 October 2004
this film should appeal to fans of trashy sci-fi and horror b-movies or to fans of most 3000 and attack of the killer tomato's. this film is what "8 legged freaks" attempted to do, but couldn't pull off. it's a parody of all of the old movie clichés. it's all played with a straight face and is at times hysterical. it isn't consistently funny, but it does remain true to it's material and isn't condescending or even worse, a failed attempt at fake camp. (there is actually a campsite in the film though) LOL the film was made down and dirty in just a few days (as it should have been) and it shows.

some of the funniest bits are the most subtle, but there are some great one liners too. i won't give any of them away. you'll have to watch the film yourself.

if you love cheesy films like plan nine from outer space, or robot monster, you owe it to yourself to give lost skeleton of cadavra a try. i paid $22 for my copy having never actually seen it, and am much happier with it than many films i've bought for only $5. it's a hoot and a half if you're into b-movie schlock or decent parodies of it.

the intentionally bad dialogue is spot on and all of the cast give great performances. the animala character is hysterical. this is the first film that i've seen in a while that i've really liked a lot.

it has some slow spots (like an actual b-movie), but it also has some knee slapping funny bits.

they just don't make em' like this anymore, but they should.
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retro done right... jetpacks and ray guns are cool again
26 September 2004
OK... this film is no blade runner. a lot of people don't seem to get it, but the point is that this film isn't supposed to be "bigger & badder" than today's high tech sci-fi films like the matrix. it's supposed to be an homage to 1930s serials and comic books.

in that regard, sky captains is a great film. there really hasn't ever been a film like it. it has the feel of old "buck rogers" type films, but also has the sfx that today's audiences expect. i found myself thinking during the film "i bet this would really make anyone seeing it in 1930s eyes bulge".

the soft focus and narrow tonal range bother many, but for me, made the film seem more authentic. it really looked like an airbrushed comic book more so than say dick tracy. the very things that a lot of people complained about actually helped this film in my opinion. yes, it was a cgi film... but the cgi didn't look as "plastic" as it does in other slicker films because the soft focus romanticizes it.

while this isn't the "best sci-fi" film ever made, it's nice to see film makers brave enough to throw modern formula out the window and get back to basics. sky captains has a nice nostalgic feel for anyone looking for an alternative to today's overly jaded "corporate sludge" films.

instead of trying to cash in on whatever the flavor of the minute is... sky captains goes out and does it's own thing. it's refreshing to see heroes that don't wear Gothic black leather like so many recent films and to see it on the bad guys instead again! LOL

by the way... that "evil chick with the pouty lips" looks hot! LOL

sky captains isn't for everyone. if you're never satisfied and expect every film to be more over the top and technically perfect than the last one you'll be disappointed, but if you want to try a more nostalgic film (just like the previews obviously display) then you'll get sky captains and have fun watching it.

it's 100X more fun to watch than original poor production value serials, but it still stays close to their feel. this film will be remembered long after the already forgotten 80s remake of flash gordon with the queen soundtrack.

this film is literally a no-brainer. you won't have to scratch your head over confusing details. you can just watch it and feel like a kid again, or you can watch it and feel like a crotchety old nit picker.

sky captains is a refreshing change of pace that pays homage to classic sci-fi from every decade. to anyone that makes "star wars" references... look at the address of the scientist's hide out. 1138 is a direct reference to george lucas' very first film which ironically enough has just been re-released finally.

if you'd like to see a film that has old fashioned innocence but still delivers large scale action, then sky captains delivers exactly what it advertises.
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