
9 Reviews
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Gridiron Gang (2006)
Give this film a chance
22 September 2006
I have seen a lot of people rag on this film because it has a wrestler in it. First of all lemme say something. This isn't the football movie to end football movies. The Rock actually plays his part really well as well as the other members of the cast. To totally brush this off would be an injustice. I had my doubts as well, not because of The Rock but because there are so many football movies that come out and a lot fail to keep my attention. I loved Varsity Blues and The Program. The Replacements failed to meet expectations and Remember the Titans was just OK. and don't even mention The Longest Yard remake.... This film is definitely above average. The presentation is handled well and The Rock proves he belongs there. He also proves that he excels in drama rather than being the action hero or the comedic role (although i did enjoy The Rundown). So take a chance on the movie and chances are you will enjoy the whole 2 hrs and some change that this movie is.
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Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002 Video)
27 October 2002
Why does it seem like the Hellraiser films are slowly becoming morality tales? I am starting to think that. Inferno was mostly morality and i could deal with it because it was something different but in hellseeker, we have "Lets make a deal" Kirsty and a cheating spouse and also a tale of greed. Cmon now. This movie basically said in only a few words, if you cheat or your greedy you will go to hell. To top it off, not enough of Pinhead. Ugh. Definitley wouldn't suggest this.
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This should of been the only one made!
27 October 2002
This was much better then I had expected. Not a blockbuster by any standards but what horror movie is these days? Anyways This was the movie that should of been made first and should of been the only film made. Great effects, good story. Better then the original. Even though i do wish they would bring the original guy who played Wishmaster back. But even if they don't this movie is definitley a must have or at the very least a must rent. I know i will be buying this as soon as i find it.
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Fantastic-One of the years best
2 October 2002
I am going to say as well as others. This is a movie you either love or you hate. There really isn't any inbetween which is nice for a change when your trying to get an definite answer if your trying to judge if you want to see a movie or not. Anyhows

This is easily one of my favorite movies of all time. The scenery was beautiful, the script was better then what I could have imagined. After all, for me, I am not really big into foreign films but a fan of the horror genre. But then again, this movie can't be classified at just one genre. Seems like there is a little comedy, martial arts,suspense. Basically every genre you can imagine is in this movie and it works surprisingly well. Even the english dubbing wasn't bad. The dubbing on this was much better then Crouching Tiger,hidden dragon (which i felt was better with subtitles because the dubbing was horrendous)

I watched this with my dad last night and we both enjoyed it. His only gripe was the length (the running time is nearly 2 1/2 hrs, not counting deleted scenes), but the length didn't bother me since I am used to watching long movies to begin with.

So I suggest everyone give this at least half a chance because it would be a shame for a movie like this to not be seen.
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ozzy at his best
15 September 2002
This definitley Ozzy at his best but for die hards like me, there were some great songs missing such as War Pigs, Black Sabbath, Shot in the dark. I would also like to hear songs that i have never heard live such as songs like Rock N Roll Rebel, You Can't kill Rock N Roll, The Ultimate Sin. Maybe someday.
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15 September 2002
Gotta love Alice Cooper. Hes one of the great performers that continue a "metal" legacy. When you see his concert you definitley get your dollars worth. But its hard to beleive, 30 yrs later, his equal counterpart, Ozzy Osbourne, still holds more popularity then Alice. Both are great musicians, both have done alot for the music business, but Ozzy is credited as being the father of heavy metal. Maybe its a british invasion thing, i don't know. But one things for sure, Ozzy and Alice should go on tour together. That would be a metal fans dream come true. As far as this dvd is concerned. GET IT GET IT GET IT. Especially if you have never seen him in concert before. A must have for anyone who likes to be entertained for 90 minutes.
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Vulgar (2000)
15 September 2002
This is a very disturbing movie. If you're expecting an actual Kevin Smith movie, this is not it. Kevin Smith's company presents this film as well as plays a small part in the film. But it is not a Kevin Smith film.

Words can't describe this film. It is one of those movies where you wonder if the director actually had an expirience similar to this to write something this disturbing. If you like this, i would check out the movie Last house on the Left, which is a wes craven film
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What were they thinking?
15 September 2002
Being I am open minded to pretty much all kinds of movies. This movie had to be one of the worst films i ever seen. The question is WHY on earth would someone make a movie like this? Maybe, it was funny back in the day when it was made. But being 2002 its definitley outdated. And what exactly is it with the singing?? hello? Granted its a "clean film" without the sex, violence, and F-bombs that plague over 80% of movies today, but it is really sad when I find and Adam Sandler movie funnier then this. Even the movie OSCAR (with Sly Stallone) was funnier then this piece of rubbish.
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Signs (2002)
9 August 2002
After reading all the positive reviews on this movie i figured I would give it a chance. After being hit and miss for past month I was looking for a good movie to watch that would be actually scary? When was the last scary movie? If you think Signs is THAT MOVIE. You are wrong. It started off good but after the first half hour is slowed right now, which seems to be the directors trademark his past 2 films. 6th sense was awesome, Unbreakable was decent and I felt this movie was poor. I truly felt it was money wasted on this film. The story is original however, and the concept was decent. But the surprise ending wasn't really a surprise because Shayalam has overplayed the "surprise ending". So folks do your self a favor and go see something else because this was what i would consider an ABC Special.
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