
44 Reviews
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Gave up at episode 2
13 December 2022
The premise is very interesting and I see that it could have gone to cult level status but after watching 2 eps, that hope is entirely dashed. The one thing i truly like are the brothers and his friends, how they are always there to protect although there were just too much use of guns. Would have been nice to see more alternative methods of fighting back, traps, hand to hand or just something new rather than just guns.

What spoiled the show for me was the very quick attraction between the male lead from the future and the female lead. Just after meeting a couple of times and there is no chemistry or spark by the way suddenly he gave a speech about how enticing she is (even if it was meant to be fake). Learn from Korean dramas, take it slow with romance. Use hints, body language and less in your face romance. Like the audience is not stupid. Plus the female lead look way too young for him, almost like a daughter. So that's a little off.
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on and off crap fest
30 September 2022
So lets imagine these 2 are my best friends and I have the unfortunate luck of watching their so called on and off relationship go up and down, misunderstandings, fights, bickering, break ups, sudden hook ups and then break up again. You know what, after the first movie, i'm breaking up with these 2 friends.

If you cannot listen and talk like normal adults and stop giving stupid ultimatums, walk offs, grouchy growls every single second, then maybe just maybe we can be friends again.

Maybe go learn from kdramas on how to handle romance. Feel good romance. This is just horrible drivel stressful to life.
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Good and bad for this movie
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wouldn't smash this movie to bits as there are some enjoyable parts and then some parts that could have been better, and some parts that were downright cringey. I would start with the best parts:-

The best parts
  • the music was good, especially the action scenes, the music was seamless and made it better.

  • the little thor kids, downright adorable and loved that scene for what it was, even tiny thots can be heroes
sad to say that's pretty much the part I enjoyed.

  • not as pretentious or forgettable as Dr Strange Multiverse.

Could be better parts:
  • the villain need more backstory, need more scenes of brutality to give him that dark side, right now he's just a kidnapper of kids and maybe 1 god killer.

  • don't pursue the romance, it was over for so long that it felt forced. Why not just settle for her being your family no matter what. Love doesn't always have to be romantic. It would feel more real as they have history.

  • don't include the guardians if you can't use them wisely.

Cringey parts:
  • making cancer part of a comedic scene, so wrong
  • humor at all the wrong times
  • zeus campiness and kept pushing for orgy so wrong and yuck
  • the nude scene so wrong when there are kids in the movie and parents are most likely bringing their kids to the cinema.

  • the overly cartoony portrayal of the gods, it just makes marvel look stupid. Seriously a Bao God made of the pao bun???? Marvel, you are making a mockery of yourself.

  • the whole movie did look like a 2 hr long snl skit.
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Trailer was better than the movie itself
12 August 2022
Just based on the trailer and the humor in it, I thought this would be a decent afternoon family watch but after 15 mins of the usual stereotypical cliches. Same old daddy wasn't there to change my underwear issues, same old new hottie girl, same old extra tough girl, extra extra girl who is quite annoying by the way. Pretty much everything the blond girl did or say with the extra dramatic mouth thingie was annoying. Owen wilson looks pretty haggard and beat up not at all like an actual inspiring hero. Lines are meant to be funny but kinda felt forced and flat. Had to say too the title for this movie is really not good.
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From (2022– )
honestly whats new?
3 March 2022
US shows are becoming so predictable and generic even at this age. Good idea, interesting plot but the writing is boring, the humans are predictable. I can pretty tell what's gonna happen next, and i keep forwarding all the supposedly deep conversations. Maybe US need to learn from K-dramas, how they are able to keep people guessing and be unpredictable and yet give hope with human reactions. Must characters in US shows always be stereotypically annoying?
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2 November 2021
Nobody sleeps in the woods tonight, so I'm guessing everyone is safe and tucked in bed in a hotel somewhere?

You know what would be scary? EVERYONE sleeps in the woods tonight. Now that's horrifying.
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Voyagers (2021)
teen angst in space?
1 May 2021
So basically this is just a movie about teens behaving badly? Like Girls and Boys Gone wild but in space? Urgh.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
They don't enjoy each other
4 March 2021
The problem with Flash which has made me watched it less and less and finally giving up is the lack of work life balance. When any of them actually do spend some time with each other, it's more to have some kind of deep emo talk and then thats it. Most of them they are under attack, in trouble, fighting a villain etc etc etc. You hardly get any connection to the characters anymore. there's no group fun activities, no holidays, no birthdays, no sweet backstory. everyone is stressed out, and you start wondering their lives really suck and at the end of being heroes, there are really no rewards to anything. And i hate the emo talks. in life these kind of talks don't happen as much this show wants you to think. it's their way of trying to inject that work life balance and its the most boring one. learn from sense8, with the dangers, the intrigue, they still take moments to enjoy life with music, dance even a simple dinner.
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How do you from a 10 to a 1 within a movie???
3 January 2021
The first movie was so good, I can still watch again and again whenever I need to feel inspired.

The second movie had so many forgettable and nonsensical moments that its borderline ridiculous. And if a movie raise more Whys than wows, it means the plot is insanely stupid.

And its 2.5 hours long. And i cannot for the life of me recall one memorable scene except the dustbin. The dustbin was the highlight of the movie for me.
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A drivel of a show with no substance and too much pretense.
13 October 2020
The only intriguing episode was episode 8 when they showed the backstory of the Lady in the lake then episode the first 15 minutes was good till it was resolved between Dani and the lady. After that it continued with the same boring drivel that ran through ep 1 till 7. What happened to this show??? Hill house was impeccable packed with enough emotion, scares and mystery to be top notch. Bly Manor was full of slow monologues that borderline on annoying, characters that are hard to care for, and the gardener, that girl has zero charisma. Gugino had the charisma to play the older version, and the younger one is so forgettable. The guy playing peter Quint was not impressive as the druggie brother in Hill House, but in this one he's just not of any calibre. There's no substance. Very disappointing sequel afer Hill House hit it out of the ballpark.
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Too much making old age looking senile and dumb
24 June 2020
More than half then movie are the young kids trying to explain to the old ones that they are in the movie. Sometimes explained in a slow drawl as if talking to a small stupid child. Firstly video games exists in the era of the your grandparents. Of all people they would be experts in it. Surely you don't need to stretch the i don't understand what its going on plot to more than half the movie??? Too much conversation over it just dulled the whole experience. Would have preferred the old guys show up the young ones in experience and wisdom.
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Frozen II (2019)
Too many songs and not enough humor
21 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Do we have to explain every single emotion with a song? If the audience start saying oh no another song, something is seriously wrong with the movie. The characters this time are also more annoying, with Elsa never keeping her promise, Anna being way too whiny and naggy, Stefan only given the lovelorn sidekick role, Olaf dying and obviously coming back. Too simple a plot, too easy an ending and why did it wait till now for the forest to bite back? After the movie unlike Let it go, i honestly cannot remember one song.
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It's not bad at all
12 February 2020
How strange all the bad reviews. I went in skeptical worried that it will be another Ghostbusters fiasco coz that one is seriously bad but I loved it! Kristen acted better than she did in Twilight and her character is really quite charming, all the other girls did well too. I dare say they don't overact and turn on the campiness extra like the original Charlie's Angels. I enjoyed it for what it is, good entertainment and it held my attention throughout.
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Dump the commentary
18 November 2019
Its not a bad show, it has some good witty lines. But what really spoils it for me is the commentaries in between every 10-15 mins, where the actors talk to us audience, shares their views and what's coming. Its really unnecessary, gets obnoxious and for a simple show, i don't need any teensplaining. It also breaks the attention on the show itself. Seriously i will give this show up just because of this.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Back to old habits
9 November 2019
I thought I would like this season better than the first season, it started out better with less brooding and woe is me but then it went again back to old habits of the past, raking up past deeds. I've never a tv show so reliant on its past to make the present. its as if the whole show need some kind of therapy. And now this ep says the tower is under attack but what have they done except eat sleep sulk train there? They are hardly making any mark on the work. Hawk and dove pretty much look like they are cospaying halloween every day. Seriously though Dove, your outfit looks like you can trip over and hurt your pretty neck. White is not a serious hero color. So yah the team has not done anything to get much attention except living in flashbacks and suddenly there's an attack. I just don't get it. I hope it gets better. A superhero should be fun not an actual guilt trip.
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Legacies (2018–2022)
Thank God its not like the Originals
25 October 2019
Seriously if it had been like Vamp Diaries or the Originals with all the seriousness, darkness and taking themselves way too seriously, I would not be watching it. I watch the show to destress, laugh a little, enjoy the witty banter and not get annoyed by teen angst. Its nice to see collaboration, less triangles, more teamwork and just plain silliness. Makes my hour a lot more fun and a lot less intense.
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Hancock (2008)
Direction and horrible side plot
16 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It started out grumpy and bitter and moved to comedy and slapstick, the direction of Hancock's personality is very weird.

And the wife sharing bit, I'm not a fan. Please don't covet your friend's wife. I mean Hancock had no idea that Charlize's character was his wife and he was already eyeballing her. I feel that cheapens the character and made him increasingly unlikable and as if it was tested and frowned upon, a rush edit to the plot came up, she was his wife after all so that made everything ok.

Plus Will Smith and Charlize Theron ZERO chemistry. Cannot believe for one second that they were immortals in love. Siblings yes that is actually more believable.
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Harpoon (2019)
What's with the narration!?
9 October 2019
The narrator can't stop talking! throughout the movie there is an awful lot of narration that is not even funny. I watched a few minutes and forward to the end and still narrating. Horrible acting, the narration is very distracting, it's like an audio book mansplaining to you every single thing.
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Such a bore
31 August 2019
Holy camoley, the trailer made me anticipate a much more dapper wittier snarkier movie but after half an hour, I checked the reviews and realized I should just cut my losses and stop the movie. I don't know what the movie was trying to do, why there is a ufo in there, what is the purpose of zelda, where is the humor, and why is everything moving so slow?
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Not as bad as what the bad reviews are saying
12 July 2019
I read the bad reviews before watching so my expectations were quite low but I was surprised that it's not that bad, and I quite enjoy it. I've watched movies that I fwd more to the end to get it over with and movies I feel took my time that I'll never get back but I didn't feel it with this one. It was enjoyable, plenty of nostalgia and for a final closing movie ending with a game of chess and peace, it was about right. Definitely not a golden movie, but it was entertaining nonetheless. The cast were very on point though perhaps the villain Vuk could be wearing better clothes rather than that and high heels while running at full speed. Did no one watch Jurassic Park and why one should not be wearing heels and running?
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Teen Spirit (2018)
Lost the way and not good where it ended up
12 July 2019
20 mins in, I had to recheck the plot on imdb to check again where is this movie going. What was I looking for? Something different maybe, something unexpected. But nope, the plot said it will test her integrity, talent and ambition. So without watching, let me guess, greedy producers who try to get everything from her, try to corrupt her with glitz glamour, some boys trying to seduce her in the midst. Yup there it is. Even the performances and songs become a bore. Elle Fanning was good in some movies, in this one her sour and dour expressions stayed from start to finish. At first in dealing with a single mother, a crumbling house, school, her peers everything is so freaking depressing. Then she gets her dream and still so sad. Then she finish the last song and looked like she just broke her own heart. Pop stardom is not in her spirit, I'm afraid.
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Van Helsing (2016–2021)
Predictable, too serious, not enough witty lines and horrible cliffhanger ending
11 May 2019
I skipped a lot of the later episodes and just watch fast fwd the finale. Enjoyed the first season a lot but season 2 and 3 are a mess of a plot. It takes itself way too seriously and the humor is non-existent. The cliffhanger ending is a HUGE copout and so anti-climactic. So if this is not renewed, that's it? Everything is done just coz the seer says so, gimme a break. does it have to be that mindless and unpredictable?
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
So Vanilla, I can't even.
23 March 2019
I've pretty much watch all the seasons, at first it was fun maybe because of Cat Grant and her sauciness. Then she left and who are we left with. All Vanilla Cast. Everyone is ultra boring, moralistic. and black and white. Good is good, bad is bad. and you know what, that equals to super boring and predictable. Do people really have that many heart to heart, do we need to learn something good in our hearts for every episode, do you actually have to steer our moral compass to the right direction? How about some good wit, good lines, good humor and all round entertainment? This current season I am forwarding a whole lot and skipping episodes. Next season I will forgo it altogether.
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The Gifted (I) (2017–2019)
Seriously what is the point?
13 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 was such a drag but I thought maybe it will gain momentum and season 2 will have more of an impact. I was so wrong. The things that are good about this show are far and in between while the bad takes over almost three quarters of an episode.

Pros 1. All of Polaris scenes. Good strong actress and her intensity works 2. The three sisters scenes are good 3. Reeva is good as well but sometimes she disappear for so long, where does she go??? vacation? 4. Amy Acker, most developed character ever from mommy to bad ass. More please!

Cons 1. The brother and sister angst, it goes on and on without any development and there is just absolutely no love between them. Why are they even related? 2. The husband of Amy Acker, is there such a thing as downward development from strong to weak to utterly useless. That will be him. 3. All the mutants outside of Inner circle. What a bunch of useless, brainless talentless homeless group. Nothing they planned ever worked out, just watched the sun guy try to take a person hostage in a car and ended up getting shot. I laughed at that. you can't even do that right??? IRL, these are what you call people you cannot depend on. Lots of nagging, lots of whining, lots of woe is me, lots of meetings with don't know who, talk talk talk and when it comes to some action, they either get attacked, shot, killed or things just blow up in their faces. Is there a reason the Inner Circle should ever fear them? Don't worry, they will just trip over their own bumbling feet. 4. The Purifiers, holy crap are these the White supremacists or what? They all seemed to have a look? Dads with mustaches on armed with shotguns meeting in the basement.
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How did this drivel even get a Season 2
7 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I tried, I really tried and the one thing I was waiting for was for her friends and Harvey to find out that she is a witch and when did that happen??? On the last freaking episode, by that time I really don't care!

The best things about this show is Miranda Otto and after ep 6, her presence are felt less and less. And the weird sisters, they were good.

Worst things, how about everything else?
  • Salem not talking and come on get an actress who is not allergic to cats!
  • Sabrina looks like she's 10 yrs old so to see her snuggling and kissing harvey is not right. She looks like a child and everyone else much much older.
  • Trying to make Sabrina dark and yet casting a Disney lookalike is a bad idea. The actress who played Sabrina can't carry a murder without making it look cutesy. Sorry she's the wrong girl or this is the wrong direction.
  • the Satan thing is overdone, confusing, and all over the place.
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