
11 Reviews
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Parasite (2019)
Virtually flawless, visually perfect and eerie and tense
9 October 2023
"Parasite" is truly a modern masterpiece. For those who don't know, the film released in 2019 to immediate acclaim, winning several awards, and for good reason. The plot follows a poor family and a rich family in Korea. The poor family live underground in a tiny apartment sized home, with little food and luxuries. On the other hand, the richer family lives in a beautiful, futuristic home that looks like something out of a Stanley Kubrick film like "A Clockwork Orange" due to its intriguing architecture and design. Anyway, the son in the poor family receives a request from a friend to work at the rich family home. He agrees, and as the story goes on, the poor family forges a plan to purposely eliminate and fire every other worker at the house to be the exclusive workers. Their plan works, in a wacky and comical way. However, it becomes more of a thriller and even horror once the house's basement is revealed to have a man hiding within, the husband of one of the previous workers. It begins to go downhill, and that's when the film peaks and became one of my all time favorites.

Overall, it is a must watch for any movie fan or student! 10/10.
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The Last of Us (2013 Video Game)
The Best PlayStation Exclusive (After FFVII Personally)
27 February 2022
Uncharted 2-4, God of War, Final Fantasy VII, Spider Man PS4, these are all PlayStation exclusives that once you play, they are games you won't forget. Each one has at least one absolutely amazing thing about it to anyone, whether it's the graphics, the characters, the story, the locations etc. The Last of Us is all of these things and more. It's graphics still hold up after 9 years, the story is outstanding, the characters feel so real and detailed (especially Joel and Ellie and their relationship that's built up throughout the game) and the locations are detailed filled with jaw dropping scenery.

The story is about Joel, a middle aged man who faced tragedy after the beginning of a zombie virus outbreak twenty years ago. He and his partner Tess meet Ellie, a fourteen year old girl who was bitten by a zombie and should have turned into a monster but didn't. Ellie has the cure for mankind's biggest tragedy ever, and the fate of millions are within these people's hands.

On top of the amazing story, the game is very realistic. You mainly take control of Joel who isn't a super human like Nathan Drake who has about a thousand bullets no, Joel has VERY limited ammunition and you have to be very careful about shooting or using melee weapons because after a few shots with a gun, your ammo runs out and after a few hits with a melee weapon it breaks so you have to use your supplies wisely. You're never totally screwed if you have no ammo or no melee weapons though because you can observe the local area to find more ammunition or melee weapons and you can find explosives and bricks and bottles to toss in an enemy's direction. You can upgrade weapons and gear too on a special worktable in certain areas (such upgrades include faster reload speeds). This is THE experience on PlayStation 3 and 4, and will stick with me for a long, long time.
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Metroid Dread (2021 Video Game)
My 2021 Game of the Year!
19 February 2022
The only adventure I've gone through with Samus was Super Metroid and I greatly enjoyed it. However I was immediately dethroned for me by Metroid Dread. The visuals are positively stunning, the bosses and enemies are a tough challenge, the secrets you can find in every corner are rewarding and give you a sense of accomplishment and power, the music is brilliantly done, the game is (for the average player) around 8-11 hours long which means when you master it you can breeze through it in a few hours. This narrowly claimed my game of the year (with Halo Infinite being nearly, nearly as good of a game) but honestly, it deserves it and I am patiently (not really though) awaiting for Metroid Prime 4... I'll just have to wait about six years, but it'll be fine!
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Final Fantasy VII (1997 Video Game)
The Single Greatest Game
7 February 2022
I've never been a fan of RPGs. The only ones I've played to a large extent are the original Xenoblade Chronicles and Pokemon. I never want to suck all of my time into a fifty hour game (or more) instead of playing a few shorter ones. This game is different. It still obliterates my mind that this game was made in 1997. The graphics are still brilliant especially in the cutscenes (yes, cutscenes in a game in 1997).

The story and characters are also top stuff. Everyone knows Cloud and Sephiroth and Barret and Aerith and Tifa. And the story... I don't want to spoil it. Go play the game. It's one modern systems like the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It's the greatest game of all time in my opinion.
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Super Mario Galaxy (2007 Video Game)
The BEST 3D Mario
22 January 2022
Super Mario 64 aged a little poorly in a handful of aspects, Super Mario Sunshine is open world which is cool, but those controls are quite a bit bad. Super Mario Galaxy? Next to no flaws at ALL. Leaping from planet to planet through orange stars, stomping goombas, flipping around the main hub area; EVERYTHING about this game is almost completely superior to the previous 3D Mario titles (in my opinion of course). The stunning graphics and music is also masterful. It's your typical Mario story, princess is captured, get her back but at least Mario Galaxy makes it more cinematic and intense. The castle is drilled from the ground and brought up to space! Now that is much more intense than any other Mario game up to that point.

Never played it? Try it. It has a chance (which is quite big) to become one of your all time favourite games. It is amazing.
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Might be better than The Dark Knight
29 October 2021
Yeah I said it. The Dark Knight blew me away with it's story, action scenes, epic soundtrack, and don't even get me started with how good Heath Ledger was at Joker, but The Dark Knight Rises was just as good, if not better. Sure, a few aspects aren't on par with it's older brother, but it still nailed what a superhero movie is all about. This movie is and always will be a very special movie to me. I don't want to spoil it for those of you folks who haven't seen it, but lets just say that this is one of the greatest if not the greatest superhero movie I've ever seen. It's sort of sad that this is a severely underrated movie compared to the franchise's other films, but I'm okay with that, mainly because the underrated stuff actually, most likely, is better than the overrated stuff. Go argue with me about my opinion, but you won't ever, ever, ever change my mind. If you haven't watched this yet, you'd better enjoy it. *sniff. Yeah, this is great.
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The IT Crowd (2006–2013)
Under Rated Masterpiece!
9 October 2021
So funny.

In my top three shows, maybe top... well, one!
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Tragic, Beautiful and Brilliant war film
26 August 2021
Where to begin with this movie... Grave of the Fireflies (Hotaru no haka) is an animated war film set in Kobe, Japan, also known as one of, if not the largest place in Japan. This isn't your average general rated movie with colours and rainbows spreading all over the screen, no. This is a very sad (like, you will totally cry) and graphic film.

The film focuses on Seita, a young boy determined to become a soldier in the war, and Setsuko, a toddler who wants to survive the war.


What's so sad about this film is that the two struggle to survive this hell of a world and get so close to survival, just to die of malnutrition.

When I saw Setsuko lying on her mattress saying "Seita, I made you these riceballs", and their only rocks, I burst into tears. She was so hungry that when Seita finally sold everything just for some watermelon for her, she eats it, says "Thank you Seita" and dies, and that didn't help my sadness at all.

This is a brilliant film, worth the watch for anyone. Even the viewers more likely to cry will like this film, because everybody cried when they saw this film. Truly worth your time, and this is my favourite animated film of all time.
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Teen Titans Go!: Parasite (2013)
Season 1, Episode 17
24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. There is nothing more to say... okay, yes there is. This episode is about Starfire getting stung by a monster, and she gets a little parasite thing called Parry on her hip... if you thought that was weird, that isn't even a quarter of how more weird and disgusting it gets. Starfire grows fond of her new friend and even hugs it. Yes, she hugged a parasite, and didn't throw up. Then, even weirder, the Titans also grow fond of... the parasite... eh. And then Robin pours a jar of parasites onto his face... for no reason, and that's gross. And then Robin, grown annoyed of Parry, communicates to Parry through brain waves. Then Parry turns into a crab monster.

This episode is not only disgusting, weird and straight up bad, this is probably the most empty episode of something I've ever seen.
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Overall fine movie, just nowhere near amazing
12 August 2021
This is a movie I can't blame children for enjoying.

Ash, Pikachu and friends fight Mewtwo, the strongest Pokemon in existence. It's a fun idea, and the animation is very good and modern.

However, this movie is far, far away from perfect.

Brock can't stop crushing on girls, Misty is still quite annoying (yes, I find her annoying) and Ash... well, he ruined the movie for me at the end, but I'll get to that.

Flaw One: Lack of characters, not including Pokemon. ADD A NEW CHARACTER(S) if you're making a remake of the original movie! Why watch this one when you could watch the better original one! There's no reason to watch this one if the original is there to watch!

Flaw Two: The storm part. There's a storm at the beginning of the movie, which, you know, is perfectly fine. Everyone near the dock runs into a shelter to wait for the storm to pass, which is also perfectly fine. But, doesn't anyone have a Pokemon that can fly? There's like, over thirty trainers in the shelter, maybe they have a Dragonite or Archeops. If not, then pull out a boat. I mean, they're at a dock. And somehow, Jesse and James have a Lapros ship. I'd like to know how they got that. Ash, Misty and Brock ride on a Gyarados through the waves, which is a dumb move. A boat makes sense, but holding onto a creature that's a fast swimmer and can make you lose your grip easily isn't a smart move.

Flaw Three: The ending. Ash strikes again. By that I mean Ash ruined the movie for me. At the end (Spoiler Alert) he dies and turns to stone. Then, all of the Pokemon in the arena start crying and their tears flow into Ash's body... and he wakes up. WHAT?!? That's quite an awful decision, because even the kids would realize that's a bit weird. Worst part of the movie. It ruined it for me.

Watch this movie. It's pretty alright.

Just ignore the ending.
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Scott the Woz (2017– )
Best underrated YouTuber on the planet
6 August 2021
I could ramble on about Scott for around a thousand years, as his channel is so big and will entertain you for weeks, even months, and I will, but first I want to say, his channel is one of the best things I've seen displayed on a TV screen. His originality is untouchable, his videos and ideas are fun, and his actors... man his actors! From Gex to the therapist hating shapes, hell, Scott says "Hey all, Scott here!", and that is something I just say to myself sometimes. Every actor has at least three memorable lines. Scott's first video may be a bit weird and corny, and the camera is not too great, but his originality and character is still there. His channel really begins with his second season, but season one still has memorable and funny episodes, like "A Very Madden 08 Christmas", "Tinder" and "Fitness Games". Season two is much better however, with great episodes like "Game Controllers", "Night Trap", "Game Stores" and "It's Awesome Baby!". Season Three goes even further with masterpieces like "Game Of The Year Throughout The Years", "Shovelware Variety Hour 1 + 2", "The Game Room", "Desert Island Gaming", "Third Party Controllers", "The Rarest Of Games", "The Great Gaming Mysteries", "Midnight Releases" and "It's A Bargain Bin Christmas". Season four is arguably better, with episodes like "Anime Games", all of the Dark Age Of Nintendo episodes, "Game Collecting", "Console Gaming On The Go", "Game Show Games", "Plug And Play Games", "Used Games", "Wii Channels", "The Trial", "Mario Party (N64) Party Hard", "Memory Cards", "Console Launches" and "You're Not An RPG Guy". Now we're on season five. I don't know if this is my favourite season, because my favourite episode is here, "Borderline Forever", but there's other good episodes in this season like "Virtual Boy I've Seen Better", "Borderline Forever", as mentioned. "Demakes", "Game Boy When Game Met Boy" and "A Console's Perfect Fit". So far this is the best and worst season, as it has my favourite episode, but has the worst selection of episodes. Give him a Subscribe on YouTube, because he deserves all of the support in the world. He barely has.1.5 million subscribers, which may sound like a lot, but compared to other YouTubers, it's not a big number at all. He's put so much effort into his videos, so go check him out. Bye!
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