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Sex Education: Episode 8 (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
A Solid Ending to a Solid Season
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While Season 2 represented the apex of the show, Season 4 was perfectly good in its own right. I feel like perhaps the high points of the show have given some viewers unrealistic expectations about plot arcs involving teenagers.

I have seen a lot of complaints about Otis & Maeve not having a resolution, but honestly what were people expecting? They are 18 at most, do we really think they're going to live happily ever after? Maeve going back to America and using her writing talents was the only logical conclusion. There was nothing besides Otis for her in England.

I really liked Aimee's resolution, finally burning the trousers from her assault (the bus scene in S2 was the high point of the series imo), and her romance with Isaac suits both of them perfectly.

Jean finally admitted she wasn't okay and while I didn't like her sister at first, the final phone in scene was genuinely moving and powerful.

I wasn't expecting Eric's choice of profession but he does have the perfect personality type for a pastor, and forging his own path gives him freedom his church never could.

Adam and Michael had the most growth throughout the series, Michael being a genuine antagonist at the start but really endearing by the end. They are perfectly cast as father and son, too. I'd have liked to see a bit more Eric and Adam time together though.

I didn't love the new characters all that much, though Aisha seemed really sweet. I was glad Abby and Roman made some progress together and generally as people, but I started to tire a little of the Positivity thing with Abby. Thankfully this was addressed and rectified. Plot may have taken a back seat to representation but in this day and age it's important to give hope to young people I think.

Cal replaced Lily as the emotional crux of this season, and Dua Saleh did a great job of making you feel that. I'm glad they seem to be in a better place now.

Ruby could have had a more fleshed out ending but her helping out O in the election was a nice heartwarming touch. I liked her more in seasons 3 & 4 than in 1 & 2. I liked Isaac a lot more this season too.

I thought Beau's acceptance of Viv ending it felt a little too done and dusted and I was anxious he was gonna do something really horrible in retaliation. I'm glad he didn't and that this resolved it. It's an important issue to highlight but might have been given more weight in a less crowded series character wise.

Overall, a much better ending than the review score suggests, I have hugely enjoyed this show and mark it among Netflix's best. A reunion film a few years down the line would be welcome but at the same time I am at peace with it being left where it is.
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Coronation Street (1960– )
Frustratingly bad
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Update 25th and 26th December 2023. So boring. Unrealistic and duller than ditch water.

Update: The episode today Friday 13th October was so terrible. Stephen and Jenny are such bad actors.

Stephen threatened Jenny with a bottle and there was a whole crowd there but none thought to tackle the weak old man. It was so outrageously bad full of the most stupid people in every possible way . . Best of avoiding like the plague.

End of update.

If I wasn't addicted to watching it I would stop. More fool me.

Have all the good writers of coronation street died !!!

No consistency of character.

The villains continue to apparently hoodwink everyone even though it's completely obvious that they are toe rags to all but the deaf, dumb and blind.

Stephen gets away with murdering several people, remortgaging his mum's house and stealing evidence and all kinds of things.

Cassie gets away with making her brickhead son think she is the victim. NA is not like it was portrayed at all.

Max is just ridiculous about Lauren.

Highly unrealistic all of it.

This was all just in one episode.

May I be free of my addiction to such a rubbish program.
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Takeshi's Castle (2023– )
Great games and contestants but mean and annoying English commentators
31 August 2023
I wish there was a way to turn off the English commentators for the Prime version. Romesh Ranganathan and Tom Davis are about as funny as a root canal and unnecessarily mean about the contestants, who all look really nice and funny. I would have preferred an option for the original Japanese narration either with dubbing or subtitles. And surprise surprise the English script is written by Geoff Norcott, another terminally unfunny 'comedian'.

As for the games themselves, they look a blast and there is some genuine skill involved to win the rounds. Some of them are a little hard but there is enough of a mercy element not to be overly harsh. I'd be giving this 8 if it wasn't for the annoying English guys talking over it. Please consider adding an original audio option for the remaining episodes.
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An Engrossing French Police Drama
23 August 2023
This appears to be an anthology series with a different lead character every couple of episodes. It deserves a higher mark than it has been given here, hence the 10/10. There is enough variety and tension in the storylines to keep you entertained, and although some of the plot can be a little outlandish, the script is tight enough and the acting good enough to hold it together. I hope they do more, although according to IMDB the episode air dates span a long time so they may have already done several seasons. It's also good to see different parts of France as opposed to just Paris, Brittany or the South. Would recommend if you have a spare couple of hours.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Incredibly boring
16 August 2023
Nothing happens. Going over and over the same words. There is no story. It is incredibly dull. More boring than a political party broadcast.

Acting was probably fine but I don't understand how anyone could bring emotion into a nothing story.

I would have turned it off within the first 10 minutes but my friend wanted to watch it.

I tossed and turned through two episodes.

I recommend that no one watch this ever.

I guess you have to have a certain kind of damaged dead brain that never questions anything or lifts their head up to see the light, to be able to watch this dog s..t.

I prefer to think about saving the planet and fairly redistributing wealth.
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Greed (I) (2019)
Far Better than the Reviews are Saying
3 August 2023
This probably isn't the best Michael Winterbottom/Steve Coogan film (hello, 24hr Party People) but it's pretty decent, showing the kind of excess and disgusting wealth that the super rich retail moguls parade around. The stats at the end are particularly eye-opening, and for that alone I have given it 10. People need to know about this level of wealth inequality, and there aren't that many other films doing it, so hats off.

The film itself improves as it goes along, perhaps the script at the start felt a little contrived but it felt like the writers found their groove more as it went on. This often happens, I've found, but perhaps could have done with a re-edit for the beginning bits. Coogan is decent enough, the cast is very solidly stacked, but it's Dinita Gohil who steals the show.

Worth a watch, if not for the subject matter alone.
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Kings of the Wood: Episode #1.4 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Charis is amazing
2 June 2023
Charis is an amazing artist and should be on TV more. I have to write more words for this review so I would like to say that Charis should have been on more episodes and they should definitely have included her in the second season. What's wrong with you guys ?

Charis Williams aka the salvage sister does some brilliant work and classes for adults and older children.

She is a joy to watch as she has a sparkle that not many people have.

TV producers out there get Charis on your programs now, we will all be entertained. Thanks.

I don't think this program should have been a competition I think it should have been just artists demonstrating work.
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The Big Conn (2022)
Giving it 10 coz I think all people should get money
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People need money to live, this man was just making it easy for people to get money to live. It wasn't even a big amount of money. It wasn't greedy for people to get this money. I am sure that 95% of people apply for disability because they have disabilities. What about trusting people.

I think it's outrageous that a large percentage of people don't get disability granted in America, how terrible.

Anyway show a little love and trust each other.

I can't understand how anyone would want to stop people receiving disability benefit. I don't understand why anyone would be upset that they got their benefit within one month instead of eighteen months!

Redistribute the world's wealth fairly.

Free the man.
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High Water (2022– )
29 October 2022
Well written and acted. It was captivating we couldn't stop watching it.

The characters used were interesting, believable and touching.

I recommend watching this. There aren't many words to say it is just simply a masterpiece.

I wonder how people write these reviews because you have to use six hundred characters and I don't have six hundred characters to write. Just watch the series and you are likely to enjoy it unless you have a brain wrong.

It was very intelligently written. The way the characters interlaced.

I felt this needed a ten star review to give the series justice and recognition for all the good work put in by the people involved.
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All of Us Are Dead (2022– )
Incredible series
7 February 2022
This is easily the best Korean drama I've ever seen. The action is sustained, well-paced and highly engaging, the stunt choreography is arguably the best I've seen across any genre, any country, and the acting and script are top notch. It avoids the repetitive and expositional motifs of a lot of Korean tv, doesn't have any significant filler and manages to keep saccharine moments to a minimum for what is mainly a high school horror drama. The episodes fly by despite being either side of an hour in length, and while I would love a 2nd series, it sits perfectly as a stand-alone. The zombies are scary and amusing at the same time, it has mastered Korean tv's knack for intrinsic comic timing, and the villains are genuinely intimidating. Also the best zombie tv show I've ever seen, tonally it's more 28 Days Later than the Walking Dead (thank god). 100/10, would recommend.
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Katla (2021– )
Please will someone just do a DNA test
27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The 'mystery' of who these people are could be resolved in a very short time by just doing a DNA test. Instead we have to wait until the 2nd to last episode to know what we already knew at the beginning. Also, nobody ever says anything to anyone to clear up any understanding, there were times when I was screaming at the screen for Grima in particular to just make a single solitary sound in front of Kartan and other Grima. Please. A fart. Anything.

The scenery's amazing, the little kid is creepy and well done, but it feels like a missed opportunity and has a cop-out ending. Nothing really happens. Recommend if you have some sleep to catch up on.
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