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No need to adjust your TV.
17 May 2024
Late Night with the Devil was quite a wild ride and once the ball gets rolling it never really lets up.

What impressed me most about this film was how it portrayed the 70s aesthetic throughout and how it felt as if you were watching an old broadcast of a late night TV episode.

The actors all seem believable in their roles where they are on the set of a late night TV show acting as real people.

The special effects throughout the film can be hit and miss, where you see a distinct difference in what is CGI and what is practical effects.

Overall, this is a great horror movie with so many other competitors out there here recently.

It will definitely be a film to watch on Halloween annually!
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Inception (2010)
What is reality?
17 March 2024
Inception was quite a ride from start to finish.

A film that does require some thinking to comprehend what is taking place throughout.

This has been recognized as one of Christopher Nolan's best films and I can see why.

What struck me with this film is the way that it plays with dream and reality, how the cast plays part in the dreams of other characters and it becomes a constant back and forth of wondering whether what is going is reality or not.

The cast includes many well known actors including Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy.

All of them were perfectly casted with awesome performances.

Many of the set pieces involving the dreams were very imaginative and creative and are often the most memorable aspects of the film.

If you are interested in a film that requires some critical thinking, it's mostly definitely worth your time!
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Videodrome (1983)
The Video Arena
3 March 2024
Here lately I've been watching a ton of films that are set either in the 70s or the 80s.

Videodrome is one of those I took time to view due to it being known as one of the best horror movies of the 80s

In many ways, I feel as if this film is ahead of it's time with some of the themes it tries to highlight and tackle such as sex and violence on TV and I still feel the theme is relevant today with the addition of the internet.

James Woods is the lead and operates a sleazy TV studio and one of his crew member discovers through satellite a connection to a show known as Videodrome where basically anything goes and the people are tortured and beaten of this so called show.

Throughout the film he becomes drawn to the idea of this show and has various hallucinations about it.

This film being directed by David Cronenburg does have your far share of gore and body horror that still stands up quite well to this day.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
A Call back to Slasher films of Old
27 February 2024
A call back to the slasher films of old.

Thanksgiving is a visceral yet enjoyable watch from start to finish.

Horror and slashers are something I generally gravitate towards, it's just been a genre I've loved even when I was younger.

Naturally, I was excited to see a horror film that centers around the holiday of Thanksgiving much like in the same vein as the classic Halloween franchise.

However, don't expect anything that reinvents the genre in anyway but do expect some extremely gory yet also campy and humorous moments, which is of course where Eli Roth tends to shine.

It also manages to incorporate light commentary in relation to consumerism as well as social media.

Not the best horror slasher but it stands on its own as an entertaining watch.
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Vortex (2021)
Facing Mortality
24 February 2024
After watching a few Gaspar Noe films, I was not expecting this sort of view from him, knowing his style of filmmaking.

Although Vortex has Gaspar Noe's fingerprints on it with its very artistic and avant-garde style.

It has so much of a different approach and seems to be a more grounded piece and really has more of a personal story to it's narrative rather than his other films.

The film, of course centers around an elderly couple who are dealing with various health issues. The wife struggling with dementia and the husband struggling with heart issues.

The son of the husband and wife also plays a role in the story despite him having issues of his own.

It's a very realistic story that touches deeply on mortality and coming to the end of your life.

Very much a story of the human condition.
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Less is more
20 February 2024
This film is really the definition of less is more.

A film that tells a story in a simple yet impactful way.

Full disclosure, This is my first viewing of a Michael Haneke and had no idea this was one of his first feature length films.

The story basically centers around a family that gets caught up in their mundane life, really becoming numb to reality.

The cinematography of this film is very unique, most of the time it is centered around objects in the world rather than framing the people in particular.

It shows the detachment of this family, how they really aren't the focal point of their lives.

The ending leaves on a very tragic note, that implies more of what happens than it shows or tells.

It's not for everybody, due to its fragmented style of filmmaking but it tells a compelling story nonetheless.
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The Godfather (1972)
The Corleone Dynasty
17 February 2024
The Godfather is the most influential American film that has ever been released.

So there isn't much more that I can say to really emphasize how much you should watch this film.

An epic film telling the tragic story of the Corleone family who is one of the biggest mafia families set in the 1940s to the 1950s.

A film that really goes deep into the topic of family, power structure and being placed at the head of your family's empire without a choice.

Marlon Brando and Al Pacino are the two stand out characters.

Without even having any sort of back story you can see the type of power Vito Corleone holds among the family and to see the transition of Michael Corleone become a major head of his family despite originally wanting to have nothing to do with his family's business.

It's a tale that is engrossing from start to finish even being at almost 3 hours long.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Travis Bickle and NYC
15 February 2024
Taxi Driver is just one of those films I enjoyed from start to finish.

It's a classic of course when it comes to filmmaking.

There is something about this film that resonates with me, understanding the feeling of isolation and loneliness that somebody can have and really feeling you don't belong in this world or environment you are living in.

Of course, I wouldn't go to the lengths that Travis Bickle played by Robert De Niro goes through to try to clean the streets of NYC and be a taxi driver at the same time.

It's pretty much a character study of an anti-hero of sorts.

The cinematography caught my eye all throughout this film, it really captures the beautiful neon lights and signs of the city while also contrasting it with the gritty filth of the streets.

It's just an essential watch for anybody interested in film.
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Birth (2004)
13 February 2024
I feel as if this film were released today it would be under the umbrella of A24.

Birth after initial viewing was not what I expected and was a unique experience.

Summing up the story is basically about a woman who is struggling to deal with her husband's death and comes across a boy who claims to basically be a reincarnation of her husband.

Nicole Kidman is an excellent choice for this kind of role and goes through many emotions trying to cope with the loss of her husband.

The cinematography in the film is really beautiful in certain shots, especially the opening scene of the main character's husband especially running through Central Park.

Overall, the film is worth a watch even if leaves more to be desired in the story department.
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Goodfellas (1990)
10 February 2024
Considered one of the classic American films of recent times.

Goodfellas is a crime drama unlike any other and plunges you deep into being a voyeur of a mafia enterprise.

Watching this film there are many things that can be addressed and dissected but here are two major points that resonated with me the most while watching this film.

The characters, they feel less like actors in a movie and more like people going about their daily lives, it seems more like you are peering into the lives of these characters rather than watching a performance because they seem so believable and realistic.

(You also are always wondering who is going to get killed next at every turn)

There is no remorse at all from the guys in this film.

Another thing that resonated with me was the artistic quality of the film, the overall way the environments look such as large set pieces in restaurants seem unbelievably alive.

You could go on and on talking about what stands out in this film but as you watch it, it just seems less like a film and more like being an actual voyeur of the lives of the mafia.
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"What have you done to it's eyes!?"
8 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What more can be said that hasn't been said about Rosemary's Baby?

A film about a wife and husband who move into their new apartment in the city and once they get settled in everything starts to unravel and we find out that her neighbors and her husband are not what they seem on the surface.

This is one horror film I've seen as being ahead of its time with some of the themes it touches the first time I watched it.

This film is more of a slow burn type of horror but it really pays off.

Seeing this woman fall apart throughout the duration of the film is just horrifying and extremely tense and especially for a woman who seems to be so innocent, she is taken advantage of the whole time.

One thing, I find most effective is that you really never see what Rosemary's Baby is, it's really up to interpretation.

One the quintessential horror films of any horror fan.
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M3GAN (2022)
Not necessarily a clone of Chucky
7 February 2024
Before l had first watched Megan, I thought it would basically be almost a clone of Chucky.

However, I was pleasantly surprised with the result, this is a Blumhouse film so of course it can be hit or miss with their brand of horror.

I really enjoy Megan and I believe it is one of my favorite modern horrors in recent time.

I also think this film is pretty timely with the aspect of A. I. and basically the consequences of losing control of that technology where it becomes sentient and able to have control of itself.

That is a really scary concept in my opinion, because it is not so far removed from reality, but the best part is that with these themes it really doesn't take itself too serious and has fun with the concept.

If you enjoy horror films of killer dolls or the concept of A. I. trying to take over, you will enjoy this!
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Halloween II (1981)
Michael Returns
4 February 2024
Halloween II is my favorite sequel out of the entire franchise.

Despite it being seen as a poor sequel.

I see a lot of great moments and potential out of this film, the fact that it picks back up right after the end of Halloween where Laurie is sent to the hospital after her encounter with Michael.

It is essentially an extension of the first film.

The sequel takes place mostly in the hospital, which I feel adds to the atmosphere of the film, the hospital seems to have empty and eerie feeling to it.

The sequel also amps up the gore factor and has some brutal scenes in it.

Most of the main characters return from the previous film including Dr. Loomis.

If you are a fan of the franchise, this is a great watch!
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The Birds (1963)
3 February 2024
One of Alfred Hitchcock's most notorious films.

Centered around a woman by the name of Melanie, who visits a bird shop and crosses paths with a man known as Mitch.

She begins to pursue this man to his home out in the country and gives him his favorite birds which are known as lovebirds.

As the film goes on we notice that the birds don't seem to be acting normal and begin to attack people out in public and chaos breaks out from there.

The story and pacing can somewhat feel like a slow burn but the climax and action towards the end pays off.

Despite the villain being average birds, I still find that the premise can be frightening and I was shocked by a few disturbing shots throughout the film.

It is honestly one of my favorite from Hitchcock.
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X (II) (2022)
31 January 2024
X was an enjoyable horror from start to finish.

Drawing heavy inspiration from one of my favorite horror films of all time The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

However, X takes a rather different approach and becomes quite thought provoking being a horror film.

Of course, it's about a group of amateur cast and crew who are shooting a porn film outside an elderly couples home and even with these characters it still manages to weave interesting commentary about youth and old age.

The antagonist otherwise known as "Pearl" who is the elderly woman living in the house becomes infatuated with these young adults and yearns for the youth she once had.

This is a horror film of course so in a sense she seeks out her revenge as well as her husband on these young adults after finding out what they are filming.

It's a slasher film that weaves in interesting commentary, If you love slashers I'm sure you will enjoy this one!
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Blue Jasmine (2013)
High Life to Low Life
30 January 2024
Blue Jasmine is my first time viewing a Woody Allen movie.

Overall, I was not disappointed, however I've always heard this was his most highly rated film. So this where I decided to start with his work.

I thoroughly enjoyed the film, it is a drama that seems more like a character study of somebody who lived the high life and then everything came crashing down.

An individual who is not necessarily the most likable but you understand why she feels the way that she does.

Dealing with an individual who is trying to cope with her mental illness and yearns for the past she had before.

One thing I found slightly jarring was how the film cut between present and past at first it seemed confusing on what was happening but as the film went on I understood the difference between each cut.

This was an overall great drama and had great performances, of course by Cate Blanchett.
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"Sy the Photo Guy"
28 January 2024
One Hour Photo is a thriller from the early 2000's you should not miss.

A thriller you wouldn't expect to work because of the main character being Robin Williams and the theme centered around a photo development department in a supermarket.

However, it was better than what I had expected.

The main character "Sy the Photo Guy" lives a pretty uneventful life and develops photos for multiple customers but has a sort of attachment to one particular family because he has been developing photos for them for years.

He then suspects that the husband of the wife is being unfaithful and basically becomes a voyeur, watching the family and trying to take revenge in his own hands.

Robin Williams is an awesome actor in such a serious role too.

It's an unsettling and creepy film but really worth your time, if you love a good thriller/drama!
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Rear Window (1954)
One of Hitchcock's Best
27 January 2024
Rear Window is one of Hitchcock's best films.

What struck me most with this film was the view of all the different apartments in the neighborhood, the way you could see through and see the lives of every individual.

Each character has a unique personality, showing what their lives look like on the surface.

Of course as the film progresses, we see through the window of one particular apartment that seems rather suspicious and from there the suspense starts to build.

The whole duration is centered around one specific location being the character's apartment L. B. Jefferies as we are basically voyeurs trying to solve the mystery.

If you've enjoyed any film from Hitchcock, this should be one at the top of your list.
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Irreversible (2002)
A Nauseating Ride
25 January 2024
Climax was the first Gaspar Noé film I watched and now Irreversible is the second.

One of the most visceral and unsettling films I've watched and makes you feel like you are watching these characters in real time with the long takes.

It can be a dizzying and nauseating to watch because of the spinning camera work but it is more of an experience than just watching a film.

This film is of course not in chronological order but in reverse, showing the events that lead to horrific scene that happens midway into the film.

As soon as I started watching, my heart was racing, it starts you off with the unsettling music and the spinning of the camera with the main character trying to seek revenge of what happened to his girlfriend.

While the beginning and the middle of the film is horrifying, the ending just leaves a pit in your stomach knowing that each event you just watched is what lead to the outcome of the beginning.

A hard watch but such an experience.
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"There's so much beauty in the world"
25 January 2024
I remember when I was really young and always seen the cover of this movie at Blockbuster.

Of course, looking at the cover I would be way too young to watch it, but it always intrigued me.

Being an adult now, I think it's a film that I would be able to resonate with now.

This was my first time watching this film and I think despite it being a product of its time coming out at the turn of the millennium in 1999.

In my opinion, its themes and topics remain relevant, uncovering the dark underbelly of American life and how families on the surface try to put on a perfect facade to their lives.

The cast were all perfect in my opinion, they all felt like believable and dysfunctional families. Out of the whole cast Annette Bening really stood out.

Multiple scenes were stunning to watch especially with the rose petals covering the ceiling with the character Angela.

The symbolism of the color red showing up in multiple frames, over all it was beautifully shot and told a compelling story.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
23 January 2024
I will say that one of the major reasons I went into this film was the fact Mia Goth was one of the main roles.

Having watched X and Pearl, even though I knew this film was going to be a different beast entirely and had no relation to those films, I was looking forward to watching this when I first heard about it.

Infinity Pool is quite a unique horror experience most of the premise involves James (Alexander Skarsgård) who goes on a trip to a foreign country to find inspiration for a book he is writing and he and his wife get in tangled in this couple due to an accident that happens early in the film.

It's pretty much all down hill from there. After the accident. He gets imprisoned and basically is given the option to pay a hefty price to have a doppelgänger of him be killed off rather than him for his "punishment".

Of course as it goes on it becomes quite chaotic and psychedelic.

I thought it was a unique and original idea for the film.

It has an art house horror vibe, which is one my personal favorite types of horror films.

If you like horror in almost the same vein as A24 although not an A24 movie, I believe you will enjoy this.
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Antichrist (2009)
Coping with Loss
22 January 2024
This was the third Lars Von Trier film I watched.

I decided to start with his unofficial depression trilogy but not starting in the order of release but somewhat in reverse.

I had heard that Lars Von Trier films were graphic and explicit and from what I heard "Melancholia" was the least of these, so I started from there and then went on to watching "Nymphomaniac Vol I" and "Vol II".

I finally watched this last because I knew it was infamous for being graphic.

I felt it was the most difficult to watch, however seeing as this film was more aligned with the horror genre, I knew that I would enjoy it.

That being said I don't see it necessarily as a horror film, it feels like a very dark drama, because most of the film revolves around a couple trying to cope with the passing of their child.

It's very emotional and dives into the darkness of depression and coping with loss.

Seeing that this film is very dark in tone, its production and presentation is the exact opposite with so many beautiful shots, especially the opening sequence.

It could be seen as being pretentious and artsy, however it was still beautifully done.

Both actors were incredible and felt like an actual couple.

I could go on an on about this film but needless to say, it was a great watch but just know it's not for everyone.
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Evil Dead Returns
21 January 2024
Evil Dead Rise is a pretty strong entry in the franchise.

Taking place outside of the cabin in the woods setting and into an apartment building changes the tone of the film while still staying in line with the formula of the franchise.

Compared to the 2013 film which was somewhat of a soft reboot, I felt as if this film played it a little safe compared to that film.

The gore is still there leading to blood and guts being splattered everywhere on screen so it still feels like the Evil Dead.

The whole dynamic of the mother and children also is a welcome change.

I would say this is a serviceable entry and worth a watch but I find the 2013 film to be slightly superior to this one.
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Thought Provoking and Explicit
20 January 2024
With a name like Nymphomaniac, you should know what you are getting into and on top of that it's a Lars Von Trier film.

Nymphomaniac Vol 1 is an intriguing, thought provoking and explicit look into the mind of a self proclaimed Nymphomaniac named Joe who gets rescued by a man named Seligman who sees her unconscious and bloody on the street.

Upon taking her in she tells the story from the beginning of her life until how she ended up on the street.

Starting from her discovering her passion for sex and how it became basically an addiction throughout her life. Vol 1 primarily focuses on her teenage to young adult years of life.

This is a drama however it has moments of humor sprinkled in.

One thing you should be aware of is that this film does not hold back with its depiction of sex. It is on screen and in your face.

Despite the explicit content, it creates the perfect balance with the story and really puts you in the mindset of Joe.

It will make you uncomfortable but don't let that avoid you from giving it a try, if you are familiar with the Lars Von Trier formula.
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Scream VI (2023)
One of the best in the Franchise
19 January 2024
Scream is a horror franchise I've always really loved.

The fact that this franchise can still make a solid film 6 films in is almost unheard of, especially when you are talking about horror.

Scream VI is by far one of the top tier films of the franchise.

It completely changes the environment, moving away from Woodsboro and into the Big Apple.

The massive atmosphere of the city I believe amplifies the experience because Ghost Face can just hide in the shadows among crowds of people.

Speaking of Ghose Face, it's the most brutal that he has ever been, wielding not just knives but shotguns.

All in all if you are a long time fan of Scream you will enjoy this, it still aligns with the meta humor of the franchise and still feels fresh coming from a franchise that was birthed in the 90s.
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