
5 Reviews
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
3:10 to Stupification
9 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge Elmore Leonard fan but this little tale wasn't exactly his finest hour. We're supposed to believe that this really bad-assed outlaw (killer of dozens) suddenly becomes all eaten up with the cause because he found a one-legged rancher he could respect?

Give me a break. No. Give me my money back. Oh -- and if you happen to be the loyal supporter of a big-time gangsta' type leader of men, and you extend yourself mightily to save him from an overnight trial and hanging, don't be all shocked and appalled when he decides to plug you and your buds in the chest (repeatedly) just on general principles.

It's the Old West, Dude. Win a few, lose a few, y'know?
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Every time it shows up, I watch it all over again.
27 October 2007
I can take country music or leave it, but this film, its characterizations, its songs, its perfect-pitch dialogue -- all are just exceptional!

Horton Foote, the writer, is a certified genius -- that much has been demonstrated time and again. I was sorry to read that the director, Bruce Beresford, and Robert Duvall had some difficulties working together, because I thought the direction was absolutely flawless, and (needless to say) Duvall was as exceptional as he always is.

It's unbelievable that this film hasn't received more recognition for the priceless little gem that it is. All I know is, whenever I see it on the TV schedule, I'm right there, watching it from beginning to end, all over again.
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Othello (1995)
Fishburne is Excellent
21 March 2007
I don't pretend to be an authority on actors who have played Othello, but I've never witnessed a performance of the play, on film or on stage, wherein Othello was portrayed with more humanity and authenticity.

According to the biographical notes, Fishburne never received any professional training as an actor. Perhaps this explains why his acting, in this beautifully edited film, comes over as so believable and so powerful. Instead of chewing the scenery in the approved fashion for such high-powered roles, Fishburne's portrayal is focused more on Othello's love for his wife, and on his profound sadness at her supposed betrayal, than on violence and vengeance. In a word, the performance is understated, and made far more impressive by Fishburne's extremely intelligent interpretation than it otherwise would have been.

The acting throughout is superb, and the (abridged) speeches gain grace from their light editing. (Even Shakesspeare, after all, can be improved upon, now and again -- and if that be treason, make the most of it!
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I can't think, offhand, of a worst movie -- ever!
27 February 2007
I'm certain that in my many, many years of movie-going, I've seen worst movies than this one. However, I am, for the moment at least, stunned into complete inability to recall even one.

Brian Di Palma is such a terribly, terribly feeble imitation of Alfred Hitchcock. Di Palma films are, in general, pretty bad, but he has outdone himself this time around! I think he had to be really trying to make a bad movie, to make one quite this awful. It is disjointed, fanciful, silly, incoherent and insipid. Just as a crowning touch, the attempt to re-create the late 40s period was done on the cheap and was consistently unconvincing.

The acting was universally atrocious. Others commenting have criticized Scarlett Johansson's and Hilary Swank's acting in other films. Not me. I think they're both quite decent actresses -- but not in this turkey! I want my money back! More importantly, I want my two hours back! And take a tip from me -- ANYTHING with Josh Hartnett in it is going to be third rate, every time!
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Hollywoodland (2006)
Tweedledee, Tedium
17 February 2007
Understand, I'm not hypercritical of films. I'm generally a pretty easy lay, as moviegoers uh ... go.

But this baby as so slow-moving, so muddy, so Godawful that I fell asleep watching it on DVD. So I gave up until I'd had a good night's sleep, and then tried again. Fell asleep again. If you've got an insomnia problem, have I got a cure for you! Rent this movie!

And I violently disagree with commenters here who thought Ben Affleck did a nice job on his part. He was good in the sense that he was every bit as wooden as the original George Reeves, but aside from that, he gave his usual Zen Affect performance. (Whenever a bad movie is made in the U.S., Ben gets royalties.)

Diane Lane was fine, but she wasn't enough, all by herself.
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