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It's a feel-good show at the lowest standarts of quality
21 December 2021
I haven't watched the original show of He-Man, and it's other followups. But I know what people normally expected: More He-Man. Well, you got him. Just not 100%, and more 33 percent. There is two other characters in this show that got more spotlight, and though they were really basic, they were not fully bad.

I liked watching it. Not it all, there were moments that just out right is garbage, but I could look away from it. Not fully ignoring it, because if I could, this certainly would have been a 10/10, which... with all the flaws the show has, does not compute with it.

I am not really mad that He-Man was not the fully focused character. Though they made it seem like it in the marketing, it's not really true here. I can't really blame them though. They wanted attention, but the show is not called "He-Man" either, though I understand why others felt down about it.

But main reason why this is a 7, and not any longer or any lower, is because of it's run-time. They know at least what it wants to be, and doesn't use 10, 1-hour episodes to show it, but instead just litterally cut it with half. Both episodes and runtime on though episode, which makes me invested enough too care. But if it was the other way around, I would not have felt the same way at all!

Also worth mentioning is, that the cast is great too! Acting in this show is not bad, and that helps a lot.
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You really aren't allowed to hate it.
19 December 2021
How the casting is from beyond my understanding, though I know it's incredible to see all these people together. But there is so many other things that plays into this movie. Like... If the meme with IGN saying "This makes you feel like spiderman" was said here... It's really close to the truth. This is the most Spiderman movie you can get!

I remember I just had to recover from this movie... That might be extreme, but i didn't know which words to put into it right after watching it. They somehow make you feel like you can't hate anything about it. You can try, but with all this movie is, it's really hard finding excuses!

How the story develops is remarkable, the money shots, the comedy, the action... When you watch this in theaters it's such a unique experience because people are cheering and clapping more than I have ever seen! I am glad I went in and saw it before cinema closed because of covid, but if you still have a chance to watch, go watch it now! You will not experience this form of entertainment in cinema in a long time!
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DuckTales (2017–2021)
Refreshing Ducktales!
19 December 2021
I watched this on my first cheap subscription month on Disney+, and it's just a really "Feel-good" show for all ages. There is something for everyone in and, and as this is a reboot, it doesn't just feel like that. It's a new take on the show that is just great!
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The Flash: Armageddon, Part 5 (2021)
Season 8, Episode 5
Welcome back Eric Wallace...
19 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was as sure as the episodes after episode 4 was going to go downhill from that point. As I can see from other reviews and this episodes rating, it's not far from the truth, and I personally really disliked this episode. I mean we got good fight scenes, and good endings to Despero and Damien Darhk. The acting from certain actors/actresses was pretty good too but anything else is unnecessary, predictable and dumb.

Eobard reason for wanting to destroy Barry's life is so disappointing. They make him sound like a jealous lille **** . The whole plot with also discussing if they should kill him or not is pointless too, because we know Team Flash don't kill, even though Barry already have done it 5 times with other villains that deserved a redemption 1000x more than Eobard Thawne.

This episode just feels like shouldn't exist. 4-parts should have been enough instead of 5.
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The Butler (I) (2013)
Development is great... Informative, Historical and Touching
9 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie with my class this week. These are not my type of movies, but I surely didn't dislike it.

How black people was treated back in the day was horrible, and seeing how they began to protest for their rights and freedom was interesting and inspiring. At times it was also horrible to see how the racists response back to it... Killing, Violent actions... You feel more watching this than any other show, because they tackle a such an important topic and because you know, that at least 90% of it is real. (10% of it being how it is told to feel more like an movie than a actual documentary). But generally being a real story makes it so much more touching.

We follow Cecil and his family doing different things, but we are seeing each of theirs perspectives on how black lives gets more important and important. Especially Cecil. We see him from a child to and old man, almost having seen it all. Have seen the whole change there were made. From Black People only were slaves and nothing more, to having Obama being the first black-president of the united states of America, done within a little less than a century.

I can never understand how a black person have felt, but I know it has been terrible. But I am glad they and everyone else that wanted change, change the way we looked at them. I think that is very important for every other issues that we have. If there is enough people that see something as a problem, we are willing to change it.

It's a good movie. It's touching, and it really can make you feel. You should watch it. Both for your entertainment, but also to know what they actually went through...
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The Flash: Armageddon, Part 4 (2021)
Season 8, Episode 4
I really liked it... But I know I am gonna hate something later...
9 December 2021
This episode could easily be my favorite episode of The Flash season 8 so far. But I am too skeptical about one thing... It is the continuation of certain side-stories and romances in the show. It's going to be repetitive.

We saw to relationships in this future episode that is defiantly going to be a thing in later episodes. But because that seemed like the start of their romance, I can't help but dislike, that we are going to see them fall in love again later in the series. I just think I have a trigger spot on that, because I don't want to see the exact same story or romance unfolding twice. It's going to be something that will affect future episodes, if The Flash writers doesn't do something different in that case. And as The Flash doesn't really shine at it's brightest with the writing staff most of the time, I doubt that I am going to love to see all of the same again.

But the rest of the episode was great! Surely I was hyped almost all around the episode. The episode was really well done in that aspect. Only things I would change is how Ryan Joi is in the episode, because that just feels absolute unnecessary just for a side-plot, and how Iris decides something "important". That too felt something like they have done before. But certainly Armageddon is probably going to be the best thing about this season!
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The Flash: Armageddon, Part 3 (2021)
Season 8, Episode 3
You can predict the story, but the acting and plot twist shines!
5 December 2021
It is basically that what the title says. If you have seen the episode, you know what I am talking about. Something of those types of episodes can you almost guess how its going to turn out, though after the story is finished, an plot twist accrues that would blow any Flash fan away!

But the acting in this episode were so much better than the other ones. Iris has a lot of emotion, which is handled mildly better than how she normally reacts, and all the other characters that are going through tough things also shines more than what they may need to show, but for the sake for the episode, they really do a good job. I especially like Barrys and Jeffersons dialogue scenes, which were a treat.

You surely wouldn't want to miss this episode like all the others, and others to come in the event!
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The Witcher (2019– )
It's strange loving anything else but the story.
5 December 2021
Everything about this shows looks so good. Detail to detail and they don't hold anything back. I like the lightning and the music, and how crazy the sounds can get sometimes. You can but this style of filmmaking in any medieval fantasy show/movie, and it's not going to fail.

Where it just drains a lot of my praise for the show is the story, though I would say its more of an opinion. That's why I give it 8 stars instead of lower, because surely others love the story too. I love the adventures Geralt walks through and Yennefer's transformation, but anything else feels meh, which is important for one other major character you follow Ciri. It was also confusing to follow up on where were in the story. Comedic moments are also great with Geralt and The Bard.

But if you don't mind gore and disturbing scenes, then the visual details and everything around it is music to my ears and delicious eye-candy. And maybe you find the story more interesting than I. I would definitely want to see where it all goes in season 2.
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The Flash: Armageddon, Part 2 (2021)
Season 8, Episode 2
Wait is this Flash?
24 November 2021
This episode was filled with twists and turns, and I couldn't love it more.

The whole episode started of wired and confusing. There were somethings that didn't make sense and felt rushed, but the ending shows perfectly sense of it all!

It's almost too hard not to spoil it, because its hard to explain. But you know what I am talking about, when you see it. Everything that you see in this episode can feel wired, but it's only because that a CERTAIN person, feels a CERTAIN way. We are as confused as this person, and we figure it a bit out at the end. If that is was the Flash writers attended us to feel this way, then probs for them.

The style of last scenes was seemed so much off of what Flash normally does, but it works to show, that this isn't just a Flash Episode, it's an speciel semi-crossover event.

Only thing I really didn't like, was the cheesiness as usual, but that plays such a small factor when the episode was this good! This event will surely one of the best things on Flash, I am certain!
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The Flash: Armageddon, Part 1 (2021)
Season 8, Episode 1
A lot to nip-pick, but a good start!
24 November 2021
This didn't really feel any different from what style The Flash episodes are at this moment, but it did feel better than usual.,

Though you can easily spot 5-10 small flaws in writing in this episode. I did enjoy it on average. Visually was good, and Despero (This events antagonist) was really good, they really nailed him in this new version of him.

I didn't like how Ray and Chester communicated to each other this episode, that really felt cheesy and forced to be an story, but it did round up well with what Ray wants to do in the future.

And one confusing part is, that Cecille seemed emotional when Chester said the word "Dead", presuming what you want with it, but I don't think that is an flaw, as must as it could seem like one. Hopefully we will discover that in the next episode.

But nice to see Flash is back. Though the event may seem to be the main-good part about this season, we should enjoy it while it lasts.
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