
12 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
It's OK
23 March 2024
Road House is ok. If you need late night filler, this is a good movie to watch and forget. Not terrible but beyond over the top. Not sure what this movie was about. It had relationships, bonding, corruption, small town vibe, IDK, it was like watching a video game intro. The end scenes were over the top. The bar or club , technically should not exist. None of this movie seems to make sense but somehow you keep watching. Jake Gyllenhaal plays a troubled ex UFC fighter who has a dark past. Some issues he needed to overcome. He is asked to clean up a club "Road House" because of constant violence. His performance was ok but the cliche troubled tough guy routine is so thick it's cheesy at times. The supporting characters are like filler. The bookstore girl was an interesting addition and Connor Mcgregor's character was so animated, not terrible. The club owner's performance was a bit flat. Considering the constant fights and damages, this club was raking in thousands a night. Not sure what to say about this movie except that it was OK.
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The Orville: Cupid's Dagger (2017)
Season 1, Episode 9
29 April 2023
Kelly Grayson is amazing. The more I invested in "The Orville" the more I saw a person who is curious, assertive, knowledgeable, funny, likeable, entertaining, sympathetic, a hero. Then the cupid episode comes out. That's right Kelly is "perfect". Not her fault that she screwed her marriage with Ed. Literally. Now Ed falls under the same spell and a perfect explanation as to why Kelly made a mistake. This episode is the beginning of the end for Orville. Kelly is allowed to make mistakes. It's called being human. What made her interesting is NOT how amazing she is but her development in the series from her bottom , with Ed , to her in later episodes. Her goal was to "make things right". How does that even matter if her whole reason to fix things with Ed is some chemical "geo fence" that makes all with in it horny. This is a parody on itself and the beginning of the end for Orville. Stop giving your characters an OUT every FV<K'n time. Kelly made a huge mistake. She is making it right with all that she is doing for herself and hopefully for Ed. If he accepts it . STOP excusing characters for their mistakes with scientific explanations for their infidelities and allow them to be human. It's the humanity that makes them worth watching. NOT the constant excuses to why they are "perfect". Just stop it or stop making episodes.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Bait and Switch
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Din Djarin has given his show to Bo-Katan. Technically , she is Mandalorian. She shows good leadership and strong presence on screen. The show is just not good. The logic or lack their of is almost painful to watch. The Mandalorians picked the most treacherous spot to camp. Yes, everyday Mandalorians die because of the planet's wild life and none of their tech seems to help. It's just accepted. Episode 7 showed a land cruising pirate ship scene that may have been better if the ship went around the dinosaur. Its as if the scenes are just happening to move the plot. First Order is beyond obvious and almost infantile in their discreteness. This show is a parody of its previous seasons. I would suggest watching up to the end of season 2 and walk away from season 3. The mission of sending Grogu to Luke was , i think , the actual end of this show. This entire season feels like 100 different writers submitted their work to chatGPT to construct. A disappointment .
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47 Ronin (2013)
Really dumb movie.
30 November 2022
Movie is about vengeance. Samurai backdrop is more of a prop. I don't know what Keanu was thinking. The japanese setting was nice. Felt like a video game. The dialogue and choppy scenes were laughable. Then there are witches and magic. Oh boy. It's a bit choppy but straight forward , very little thought is needed to watch this movie. Some of the actors and scenes were actually pretty good. Keanu was not in them. There was a giant magic soldier that just seemed like a video game character. The witch had some decent scenes. There was a couple of forest scenes where they all just were there. Movie felt like a video game. Anyways good afternoon watch if you like Witcher type shows . Very one dimensional acting with Japanese feudal setting.
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Episode one is barely ok.
24 August 2022
There are a lot of reasons to watch a show about a character becoming a super human creature and maintains their intelligence and human looks. This show has not shown them. It focuses on a quick one time lesson to make the main character power up to expert. Then the main character leaves the training they already graduated from because life and reject who they've become. Now a random incident occurs and they must turn into the very creature they've instantly mastered and rejected. The reasons this show is missing the mark are the writing and editing. There are scenes that seem not plausible. Not even in a fantasy super-hero show.
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Westworld: Que Será, Será (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
End this show
20 August 2022
Logic has left the building . Actually, after season 1 ended so did this show. This show seems like a scratch pad for actors and studio. Let's just do whatever we think is cool and go with it. Show is done . Stop making episodes.
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Eyeball Poetry: West World (2018)
Season 1, Episode 26
Just watch season 1
20 August 2022
Season 1 is some of the best television ever. After season 1 it's a drop in expectations and a true disappointment. Show went from Emmy to Razzi in one season. Season 3 does not help and season 4 is a dark cheap matrix. I hope the show ends . The logic is gone, the suspense is gone, the beautiful, excitement, the idea of life coexistence with A I is gone. It's just like you don't care. The actors and studio are having fun and they seem to be using the series like a giant scratch pad .
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Good afternoon Movie
20 August 2022
Aubrey puts it out there. She is in a bind. Welcome to life. Her criminal record keeps her from getting any type of decent paying job and her anger , frustration about it just compounds her situation. She needs help to pay off her school loans and start her life. But nothing seems to go her way. Hence the title. The movie is good in that it draws you in to Emily's situation. You are able to empathize with her and the characters around her. There are some action scenes but its not that type of movie . There are some party scenes and family type scenes that also draw you in. Can't wait for her next movie. Props to Theo Rossi ,Youcef and Jonathan Avigdori ,Khalil.
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The Orville: A Tale of Two Topas (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
This episode is good at creating controversy
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I appreciate The Orville on creating this situation. I don't appreciate the Unions intrusion on family matters. The commander overstepped her authority. She should have never introduced a minor to that file. The show attempts to excuse the recklessness by having the father admit to the password but the damage was already done. It was done when her culture made her male . And now The Union wanting to support a minors wishes and make her female again. The Union officers , other than the doctor should not be allowed to speak to Topa at all on a gender assignment issue. The Union, may be correct on passion and individual choice but are wrong on imposing on a family decision on one of their minor's even if on a parents request. That decision falls on the parent . Again , one parent did agree but on the belligerent derision from the Union. Also, the procedure was done on a Union ship. A parent was pushed to the ground when speaking for their child. This is a violation. State does not rule over a parent. This again separates the parent from ownership of their child . A dishonor was done on this episode. I hope children do not get the wrong idea. Episode shows a poor execution by the Union.
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Nope (2022)
Good for Sci Fi
8 August 2022
Sci Fi movies are , IMO, the most intriguing because you go to the theatre to escape. What is a better description of escape than dealing with aliens? Movie made you feel like we have a family of horse trainers that are struggling. Not only as a family but as a business. Their father's legacy, besides his children are in jeopardy. This movie touched on that well. The disconnect , IMO, was with the build up and inferences you must make in the movie. The scenes looked great and the flashbacks were clues that worked. The build up and finale fell a little flat. It did land but not a "10" or what we are trained to expect from watching previous alien type discovery movies. I did like the spaghetti western music in a certain scene. Won't ruin it for those who haven't watched. All in all a good movie. Not great. But worth my ticket because for the time the movie was on the screen , I was entertained.
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Westworld: Well Enough Alone (2022)
Season 4, Episode 2
Filler episode
5 August 2022
In short, this episode was filler. There are a few reveals but it could have been condensed into other episodes. Show has continued degrading and it's becoming not interesting.
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Westworld: The Auguries (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
Not sure what's happening
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After season one, I continue to watch in the hopes that it starts getting better. It doesn't . Season 3 was so cheesy , I thought I was watching the CW network. This show has really detoured from its origins. Season 4 starts like a matrix. Meaning, characters are in play but every thing is changed . Dolores , (the Jesus of two races) is alive or seems to be but doesn't remember her past. She seems to express her past in short stories as a writer. Maeve , Caleb, William, are also in play. It seems there was continued riots and the world has changed . Slowed down. More human. The irony. The scenes seem off, in the sense that something with reality is not quite right. The consistent characters are Maeve and William. More William or android William. He acts just like his terrible self. Maeve is on the run and kept her "Agent Smith" characteristics. The west world is now the real world or a simulation of it. Unfortunately, after 1 amazing season and 2 disappointing seasons, I'm no longer that interested.
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