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This Wasn't the First Time Hargitay Worked with Stevens
13 April 2024
Mariska Hargitay and Fisher Stevens reunited on an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. This reunion happened 23 years after working together on the short-lived show show on FOX called Key West.

Stevens played Seamus O'Neill, a Hemmingway wannabe who won the lottery and moved to Key West for writing inspiration. In one of the episodes - Less Moonlight (S01E04) - Hargitay played Laurel, a woman who surprises Seamus and seduces him in the middle of the night.

Fast forward 23 years later, and Hargitay and Stevens are reunited on an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. This time, Stevens played Alvin Gilbert, a fashion photographer accused of raping a model, while Hargitay played Lt. Olivia Benson, working harder to prove the guilt of Gilbert.

Their chemistry was still present, and their scenes together were intense and electric. The reunion was a testament to the enduring relationships that can be formed in Hollywood and the power of television to leave a lasting impression on people's lives.
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The NEW Sheriff on the Squad - Emma Carr
29 January 2024
Other cheerleading coaches, who were also teachers, simply just threw in the towel. That is, when the fab five members of the Jackson high school cheer squad kept acting up and not doing what they're suppose to do. Coach Hanley sure gave up when Brooke didn't allow Megan to have the last tumble in the halftime show. By then, there was a NEW sheriff, and NEW enforcer, on the Jackson HS cheer team. And that enforcer was Emma Carr, the replacement cheer coach and world geography teacher that lasted longer than any of the cheer coaches. That was because Carr put her foot down not just on the cheer squad, but also, throughout the school. Carr let the Fab Five know that the party was over. That their days as mean girls were OVER.
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WKRP in Cincinnati: Up and Down the Dial (1982)
Season 4, Episode 22
An Accurate Reflection of What Was Actually Happening in Radio During That Time
14 December 2023
The creators of WKRP conducted extensive research to develop the unaired final episode, which focused on the radio landscape in the early 1980s. Specifically, they delved into the AM frequency utilized by the sitcom's fictional station and its subsequent trajectory.

This final episode accurately depicted the direction in which the AM frequency was heading, mirroring actual events in real life. During that time, numerous AM stations across America were transitioning from music-based formats, including Top 40, to non-music programming. Formats like All-News, talk radio, sports talk, and interviews experienced a surge in popularity on the AM frequency. Interestingly, AM stations like WABC 77AM in New York transitioned from music to News/Talk in 1982, coinciding with the conclusion of WKRP. Six years later in 1988, WNBC 66AM also went from music format to talk radio, with a major focus on sports discussion. It is important to mention that during this transition period, the radio station also underwent a name change to WFAN.
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Episodes (2011–2017)
Joey Tribbiani, Did You Just Say the F-Word?
7 September 2023
Marvelous it is to witness the luminary from Friends illuminating under a different hue. On that NBC sitcom, Matt LeBlanc was prohibited from uttering the taboo word, or any of the seven indecent words. However, in this Showtime series, LeBlanc unleashes his full range of expression. Moreover, we encounter a British duo of scriptwriters, Sean and Beverly Lincoln, who brought their successful UK sitcom to the shores of the USA. As a result, chaos ensues for the trio. LeBlanc's profound influence completely transformed the course of the American edition of this British import, diverging from the Lincolns' original vision.
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Monday Night Mayhem (2002 TV Movie)
Two Turturro Brothers Working Together
20 June 2023
As part of a joint endeavor for a movie, John Turturro and his brother Nick are play significant roles. John portrays Howard Cosell, an outspoken and controversial member of the Monday Night Football announcing trio, who never refrained from stirring things up, especially between Frank Gifford and Don Meredith. Meanwhile, Nick assumes the role of Chet Forte, a womanizing, gambling producer of MNF. In certain scenes, Nick's character Forte revolutionized television with jiggle-TV, which captured beautiful women in the stands on camera, a concept that became mainstream with the popular Charlie's Angels show produced by ABC's Entertainment division.
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Confidence (2003)
Robert Forster and Morris Chestnut Together Again after Like Mike
25 May 2023
Confidence was the second time Forster and Chestnut worked together after Like Mike in 2002, which was a PG-rated family-friendly sports movie.

Like Mike follows orphan Calvin Cambridge (played by Lil Bow Wow) who discovers basketball talents after finding Michael Jordan sneakers. Forster played LA Knights Head Coach Wagner and Chestnut played Knights star player Tracy Reynolds.

These two men moved over to this R-rated thriller in 2003. Jake proposes that the grifters work for The King and steal money from Morgan Price, but Special Agent Butan forces corrupt LAPD detectives to switch allegiance to him. The four grifters reunite and celebrate after Gordo and Butan arrest The King and confiscate the $5 million in a duffel bag.

Chestnut plays Travis, a henchman for Morgan Price, played by Forster.

After working together in a past film, It's was fun seeing these two actors reunite in another film, especially when it's for a completely different type of movie.
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Acapulco H.E.A.T. (1993–1994)
A DYNASTY connection on Acapulco HEAT
16 October 2022
I am of course talking the original 80s version aired on ABC from 1981 until 1989, which James Healy and Catherine Oxenberg was a part of. Acapulco HEAT was a chance for Oxenberg (lead role) and Healy (guest star) to reunite after doing Dynasty, but separate seasons. Oxenberg, who played Ashley Hunter-Coddington on HEAT, played Amanda Bedford Carrington (Alexis Colby's daughter) on Dynasty from 1984 until 1986. Healy, who played Neal Strake in five episodes of HEAT, played Sean Rowan on Dynasty from 1987 until 1988. Moreover, it seems like Healy had a knack for playing the villain. He played one as Rowan in Dynasty, and he also played one as Strake in HEAT.
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The Cover Girl Murders (1993 TV Movie)
Majors & Barr Reunited After "The Fall Guy"
26 March 2021
Majors played Colt Seavers, and Barr played Howie Munson, on the ABC action comedy The Fall Guy (1981-86). Seven years since the series ended in 1986, Barr and Majors are together again. This time, Barr works behind the scenes as a teleplay writer, while Majors is in the starring role. LOVE IT!
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