
49 Reviews
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Lakefront Empire (2024– )
Ok it's not that horrible
23 April 2024
It's pretty bad. Literally no one sold a house or found a house, it just highlights how bad you all are at real estate. It is one large commercial for the Ozarks and most of us have seen the tv show, so now it's the elephant in the room .... Is Jason Bateman going to show up? Because that is the only thing that would save this.

The guy who wanted to come there and get "neck-ed!" And have naked people run around and not be on display on the water? Then they take him to an island with no access !

Or the couples that literally say they need a dock big enough for their boat but we have to measure each time and waste their time and ours?

Then the male couple that want all this weird privacy was just sus!

Only stars for Peggy! She puts it all out there and there was no phonie side, mad respect Mama!

No nepo babies please .....
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What the heck did I watch ?
9 April 2024
So this is my first time watching this show after seeing it on the list of suggestions constantly.

First episode was a bunch of slobs.

Pick up the laundry! Take the food items and flammables off the stove top and clean up your mess! 200k is down payment on a new house but these people spend every dime for storage and organization and they get a cabinet and fireplace in the corner of a living room. What kind of design is that??? No storage at all added for the kids toys and then this brother and sister design team add some dangerously pointed horn sconces right at child-eye-levels! Then cue the token "safety hazard" that none of these pro's saw coming.... Added 3 stars for some decent work and at least one family got an entire addition.
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Wish (II) (2023)
What is wrong with people?
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't see how people could give this such a bad rating. Was it profound and these amazing catchy songs?? No, but come on ! 1's , 3's and even 5's are way too low. It's a kids movie. Calm down. Basic Disney themes with fun Easter eggs for the kids to find. Preaches following your dreams and making them come true on your own not waiting for magic!

These reviews do not need to be this long for me to tell so many people they got it wrong............the songs were good, what do people expect? The lead character was beautiful and sweet. Watch it again and relax a bit with the Oscar level criteria.
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Poor Things (2023)
3 for visuals
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Are we serious with this garbage? Haha.....the whole movie is eating, sex, eating, sex.....and so forth.....nothing makes she a baby or Edward scissor hands ? She can't walk right but can do all the jumpings to make her happy, take shots like she's 21 and have conversations...but she's basically autistic and that's great! But this movie is overrated. Some funny parts were mostly Ruffalo and I typically don't like him. But this isn't some profound trendsetting movie here. Vincent price and tim Burton have done it before...sans the happy endings .....

Dafoe was excellent but he could read the phone book and win an Oscar...all in all weird, funny, but overrated...
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Dreamgirls (2006)
Are the bad ratings fake??
3 March 2024
I can't think of any other reason for this low rating besides ratings from a bot or fakes.

Did we watch the same movie?? For reference I'm mostly a right leaning, straight, middle aged , upper class, white man and I think this movie was phenomenal!

Beyonces greatest performance and her song "listen" was so heartfelt.

My wife loved it too and we both wrote this.

Eddie was powerful and nice to see in a serious, Jamie Foxx sold it! And jennifer Hudson who typically tends to over sing IMO, did a beautiful job and earned that Oscar!

It was nice to see a movie convey its point and period without vulgar, sex, and violence!

Kids can watch this and learn a lot about that time and not be exposed to inappropriate things.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
Stories are stories
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved it.

Like how could you not? It's poetic justice and honestly the way things might need to happen these days.

The last episode did leave some plot holes but I loved the whole free thinking and higher power presence.

Not everything needs to be spelled out for us. I loved the exposure of other cultures and history and geography of our country: Those places exist in our world and should be talked about. Jodi foster is Queen and will always be agent Starling to me! She is amazing and I can't understand how you find fault here. Expectations are way too high and sometimes you need to take a step back and ask the right questions....
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The Bear: Sundae (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
That's not how life or business works
12 January 2024
So Sydney contributes zero money, has nothing to lose but some crappy food dishes that no one seems to like (not even herself) she has no resume or reputation yet is worried about Carmen!?? Can someone please give this chic a reality check!? It's a total entitlement of a generation expecting things and pieces of something that belongs to someone else or another family because they demand it! She literally walked into a family restaurant off the street and begged to work there and she thinks she's something special. I just don't like her and it's making the show less fun to watch.

I give the rest of the stars for Richie and Carmie and literally anyone else besides Syd!!
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I love this movie so much!
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have always enjoyed this movie, but lately it has hit differently. Just thinking about the past and what women had to overcome and the stereotypes and the "roles they were born to fill," just makes you think how far we've come.

It wasn't that long before this that women could not even vote! And at times it seems we may go backwards with women's rights but seeing where it was helps give us a little more hope.......even if it does take 60 years or so.... I'm by no means some over the top fighter for women's equality, but you can't help but feel something special for all the smart, brilliant, beautiful women before us that broke down barriers for us women today! Thanks Ms. Watson!
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What happened here
11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so why does the mother look like Mickey Rourke?? this movie missed the mark.

The story was cute and likeable, but the plastic surgery on the ladies and fake teeth on Niko are way too distracting.......everything was all over the place the directing was awful and the dialogue didn't make sense at times.

I give it a higher rating for the nostalgia and characters and Aunt Voula but something was very off.

It was sad and depressing at times and not connecting to the death of the fathers...............where was the grandmother??

And all this close family didn't go to Greece together ? The daughter is weird and awkward why is her name Paris???
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Brings me back!
11 November 2023
Growing up in a big Italian family with our traditions this was our life. We loved it then and miss it everyday. You really don't realize how special your traditions are until they get watered down with each generation and eventually disappear into a bland boring materialistic holiday.

It's so sad.

We didn't do it exactly like the movie, but have a lot of the same traditions that we try so desperately to keep alive today.

The most important theme was cooking and laughing together with family.

Family that isn't here anymore and all we have left are our traditions and amazing food.

It's not about gifts or material items.

Being together and keeping the traditions alive is all we can do.
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Desperados (2020)
So many of you take life way too serious
21 October 2023
Why so serious with the reviews?

It really seems like people are trying to kill off all comedies.

No one can be funny ...... no one can show a different perspective....or have a silly experience without it being judged by the highest court like you're all siskel and Ebert over here.

I loved this movie. It was funny made me laugh and was relatable for many single women out there in need of validation by having a relationship.

These reviews are too long but I felt the need to share mine since so many of you are taking this too serious and just really need to find the humor in things! The acting isn't exactly Oscar worthy but who is handing them out for this?

Sean was the best! And Wesley was very surprising and entertaining to watch! Lighten up!
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Trying so hard because of the bits of nostalgia that peaks through
5 September 2023
Charlotte is the best. Her children are brats. Carrie is the same and just on pause.. Miranda is the one character I could never stand and through this whole season I have hated her until this episode!.

How dare "they" Che treat her like that. The sense of entitlement is incredible. Because she chooses to be non-binary and picks letters off the gay menu when ever she wants, now anyone else that changes their letter is a joke? Because that's her job? How about a comic makes fun of her for a change and see how that goes ?

Oh the hypocrisy!

The worst part is that this show gives people like a Che a platform and she has zero consequences for the things she says. Totally overshadows what the majority who watch this show, actually watch it for!
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6 stars for Beckett and looking at Luke grimes
8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I give this a very generous 6!

Six is for the great character of hiker Beckett and the screen appeal of Luke Grimes......his acting left something to be desired which was hugely disappointing because I've loved him in so many things (Kacey for LIFE!) But he lacked chemistry and when he talked about the blind thing, I thought it was a joke or a line to get the girl. Very strangely done.

The scenery and theme were almost there and there could have been hilarious parts but it fell short and I was sad to see Hugh get hurt and leaving because he was so funny!

It could have been really good but It was really bad for me. But I'd hike with Beckett any day!
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Love love love
6 August 2023
This is sooo good.

It has everything you could ever want and I'm shocked anyone could give this movie a lower have nostalgia, friendship love and death and honestly a reality that you could imagine would be if any of this were possible!

Inhabiting other planets and life finding a way to self destruct is so true. Free Will!

You give it to us we will find a way to crime and hurt. It's humanity. But it is also God.

It has everything a marvel movie needs and honestly a bigger theme then we ever see......... Trying not to spoil it but we have to leave these ranting reviews to get published.

I loved it! My family loved it! I wouldn't change a thing!
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Sweet Magnolias (2020– )
So Corny!!
1 August 2023
Soooo much dialogue............So much in everyone's feelings and everyone always says and does the right thing in the end. It's been nice to see this fictitious unicorn land where everyone loves each other and always gets fixed with a beverage and a talk. Even the kids are more in touch with their feelings and self-reflection then most 80 year old women.

But it's not reality. And after 10 episodes it's overkill and corny!

Most of the couples have no chemistry. Especially Dana Sue and Ronnie. I'm all for the big girl getting the guy, but she's not even likable or fun at all. What's the attraction??

Bill is the antagonist now but the mistress gets a pass even though she destroyed a family!? If they're all so forgiving maybe reach out to Bill Too? Guy looks like he has a bomb strapped to his chest most of the show.
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Air (I) (2023)
A shoe is just a shoe until Michael Jordan ....
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was great! Wonderful acting and story. Critics are way too harsh about a sneaker. The movie wasn't really about Michael Jordan, It's about Nike and Michael Jordan's mother and how these people changed and revolutionized things.

If people do not understand what this movie was about and thought it was boring or inaccurate, they must not have watched it. It was all very obvious and a great story that I bet most people had no idea about.

Viola Davis was exceptional and Damon nailed it. No one could play Michael Jordan, that's why you don't see his face. Give it a chance and relax, it's a great movie!
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Outer Banks (2020– )
Middle aged and Obsessed with this show
10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I guess most of these negative reviewers love watching the same old shows that have been on lately with some narrative or soapbox to push.

Sorry but I needed a break from the politics, race, cultural division and current events infiltrating every show these days.

It's amazing to see "teens" not on a phone, doing a tik tok or trying to influence other teens to buy things or do stupid activities.

Here we have young people that know how to fix things, drive boats, fish and survive on a deserted island. Although not very realistic, we can dream can't we? Maybe there is hope and a trend if like to see....

Yes the actors are pushing 30 but you can't have real 16 year olds doing these things on camera.

I think more young people should be watching shows like this. Reminds us gen-xers of the Goonies and Indiana Jones.

I love it!!
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Criminal Minds: Dead End (2023)
Season 16, Episode 10
It was better without the personal lives and issues
17 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best things about Criminal Minds was how the agents personal lives were always kept separate for the most part and the focus was on the job and unsub. Now we have all the personal lives and relationship boxes checked down the line.

It's distracting and sometimes annoying. Frankly some of the time it just stressed me out thinking they were foreshadowing about killing JJ's kids or husband and I forgot who they were hunting.

I don't need that on top of the serial killer story.

If it ain't broke!? Stick with the cases and the job!

The only personal story I felt was needed was Rossi's wife and the grief because that played into his survival.

Otherwise , keep the focus on the unsub's personal lives and why they do what they do. It was glossed over so much because we're focusing on the wrong people. I thought the concept was good and I am happy to see Garcia back but, again, I don't need to see her getting it on now......
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House in a Hurry (2020– )
People today can find issues with everything
29 January 2023
This was so good ! Realistic and showed a lot of Different family styles. People are never satisfied.

Please bring it back. It's way more realistic then house hunters. What's the big deal? Why all the hate? You see these families literally going through the housing market as it applies today and people are still unhappy.

I liked it and it was definitely a better show the the same old faux renovation shows you put in from some IG worth influencer that has zero background in construction but can style a house the same way an HGTV Fan can on Sunday nights and they just studied Pinterest a little too hard.....switch it up!!!
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WeThought it was pretty entertaining
28 January 2023
So I really liked this movie.

It seem kind of more realistic than most Movies out there. Weird to say, I know.

It was funny and entertaining and take it for what it is.

Nice people to look at, nice landscape, a little corny at times, but we'll worth the watch.

I think we all need a break from the same old movie put out there these days and this was a nice break. Movies lately have to be either straight serious or straight comedy (if that exists anymore). If nothing else, it's a break from the mundane: yes it's predictable and redundant at times, but is that really a bad thing?

If it ain't broke, right?
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All these great actors and it was just horrible
24 January 2023
What did I just watch? This was not funny at all. It was depressing, spoiled and pretentious.

You have an angry gay guy who wouldn't be happy no matter what his mother says because he is clearly a self-loathing baby.

Then there is the worst Kristen Bell character I've seen yet. A resentful miserable person who is worse then anything she accuses her older sister of being.

What is this even about? Why do these reviews require such a long explanation as to why a movie sucks now? Is anybody really reading these super long reviews, I know I don't.

Do yourself a favor and skip this one. If you're thinking that you will find something cute and meaningful about this movie, you won't.
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29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That old feeling anyone??? Bette middler and Dennis Farina did it better! Even the daughter was a better actress and that's saying a lot!

This movie Missed the mark this time. It Would have been a little better to have Richard Gere play dad in this great to follow yp After runaway bride and Pretty woman; but even that would not save this.

Julia Roberts is my favorite actress of all time and this just disappointed me . It all felt forced from the party and drinking to missed opportunities with Billie Lourde having small parts.

You have all this talent together and I only laughed when the French pilot with great eyes was involved.....
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How are there bad ratings??
27 December 2022
I seriously do not understand how people can rate this movie bad?? People have no sense of humor.

This movie is hilarious and likely to be the last of its kind. You can not make movies like this anymore without offending people. Have you noticed that? I watch it every year and still laugh! Lighten up and do what Clay would do!

Here is some more to add since there is a character requirement for my review... Jennifer Anniston is hilarious, Bateman is always the best, and the actor who plays Jeremy, I never know his name, is a dark horse in comedy and needs more recognition! So stop looking for realism in comedy and just take things for what they're worth.
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Purple Hearts (2022)
Pleasantly surprised
2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved Sofia Carson in Descendants, her voice isn't the best but the song..."Come Back Home" is beautiful and feels so original. She puts a lot of passion in her singing, at times a little too much, I mean she isn't Freddy of the soundtrack is actually really good!

I loved the showing of two different worlds in todays terms, because politics is how we are divided these days!

The movie was sad and funny and happy ending.

The only issue I had with the story was why would the military just take the word of a known civilian scumbag drug dealer and go after a decorated marine like that? Totally stupid They're still married, and physically together and isn't like it's an immigration situation. Who cares what that guy says?
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
4 July 2022
So we have all the rip-offs from every 80's classic.

Not the first ones to do it, not the last.

And that's not the problem I have.

We all yearn for the nostalgia. A better day and time when life seemed more simple and less political and media driven.

My issues are with the pace and story line. It's the same repetitive theme over and over with no new explanation.

Things are dragging this season, like never before. You tend to lose interest and fear that things will wrap up for the series end with a lot of loose ends. Pick up the pace and don't sell out for a deadline of ending "on you're own terms." Eleven is still queen!
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