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A good Starting for Steve Rogers
24 June 2021
In CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, it's 1942, and World War II is raging. Despite the fact that he's frail and asthmatic, all that Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) wants is to join the Army so he can have a chance to fight Nazi bullies. That chance comes in the form of Dr. Abraham Erskine (Stanley Tucci), a scientist who's developed a special serum that turns scrawny Steve into brawny Captain America. After being sidelined by Col. Chester Phillips (Tommy Lee Jones) and turned into a one-man recruiting ad/war bond salesman, Rogers gets back into the thick of things when a rescue mission uncovers intelligence about the nefarious plans of HYDRA, a Nazi experimental science division led by evil Johann Schmidt (Hugo Weaving). With the help of a motley crew of soldiers and lovely-and-capable Agent Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell), Rogers focuses on stopping Schmidt before the villain can unleash his mysterious, extremely powerful super weapons on the world.

If you crossed Raiders of the Lost Ark with Hellboy and added a dash of Pearl Harbor and director Joe Johnston's own The Rocketeer, you'd be well on your way to creating this movie. It's well-paced, patriotic World War II adventure with an undercurrent of sci-fi/fantasy mysticism and a hero who's very easy to root for. Rogers/Captain America is such a good guy, in fact, that he's sometimes a little bland -- he's definitely a great role model, but you might find yourself wishing he had a bit of Wolverine or Tony Stark's snark. (The movie's a little short on humor overall, actually; Captain America's ragtag team of soldiers provides most of the laughs, but they don't get all that much screen time.)

Speaking of Tony Stark, those who are well-versed in their Marvel history will enjoy seeing Dominic Cooper as Tony's equally suave/tech-savvy father, Howard, in a supporting role. And there are plenty of other moments that fans of the comics will enjoy, too -- when pre-makeover Steve uses a garbage can lid as an impromptu defense, for instance, foreshadowing his iconic shield, or the way the movie ends (it would be a spoiler to say more). All in all, Captain America: The First Avenger is an entertaining adventure -- rah-rah patriotism and all (it works well within the 1940s setting) -- but it lacks that certain something that could have made it a cultural touchstone.

A good Starting for Steve Rogers.
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No Dorai (2019)
The acting skills of the actors were good
19 June 2021
The story of the movie was great. Even Sohel's character was good. The movie songs were good. Its soundtrack Jontrona sung by Mohon Sharif created hype about the film.

Cinematography was at the top! The visuals of the movie were good. Even the scenery on the beaches of Cox's Bazar was great.

The acting skills of the actors were good. Sunerah Binte Kamal was great in her first film. I think she will make better films in the future.
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The Avengers (2012)
Best Movie of Phase 1
15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In THE AVENGERS, when the powerful villain Loki (Tom Hiddleston) appears on Earth in search of the Tesseract, a mysterious artifact that holds limitless energy, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), the head of the secret organization S. H. I. E. L. D., realizes it's going to take some equally powerful heroes to save the planet. So he calls in the toughest team he can find -- Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), expert archer Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), and skilled assassin Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) -- known collectively as The Avengers. The fate of the planet hangs in the balance ... can Loki be stopped?

Quick-witted and nuanced, this movie takes the best of the genre -- iconic heroes fighting for truth and justice -- and dishes it out in a fanboy-pleasing, edge-of-your seat way. Superhero movies are a dime a dozen these days, so when you chance upon a gem like The Avengers, thank the comic book gods. There's great chemistry, especially between loose cannon Tony Stark/Iron Man (Downey, perfect as usual) and skittish Bruce Banner (Ruffalo, adding great depth) and also between Stark and the starchy, unquestioning Captain America. The banter is believable, even when it's not always easy. And Hiddleston is a fearsome delight as the insecure, approval-hungry Loki.

The Avengers starts with a long-winded set-up -- unavoidable, perhaps, given the characters' many backstories but still mildly annoying -- and the Tesseract at the heart of the conflict soon takes a backseat to the heroes themselves. But no matter: Director Joss Whedon knows his way around compelling, flawed, conflicted superheroes, and he masterfully brings these characters alive in all their complex glory.

Best Movie of Phase 1.
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
I loved this episode
14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After the release of the trailer and many scenes of Loki (TV Series). The first episode of Loki (TV Series) has finally been released. Only those who watch Avengers: Endgame, will know from where the story begins. When the Avengers went to pick up the Tesseract in 2012, Loki fled with the Tesseract. And from here the story begins.

I like the first minute of the series. They start the series with the Avengers and show how TVA arrested Loki.

The TVA erase branches in the timeline to stop the creation of other realities and timelines, so if they fail to do this, the multiverse could be created as a result. They take action to eliminate any branches in the timeline, which is why they arrest Loki who is what they call a "variant." You'll find out why TVA didn't arrest the Avengers for committing the same crime as Loki in this episode. Don't miss this series to understand Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Spider-Man: No Way Home movie.

Later Loki learns that TVA is stronger than the Infinity Stone. Infinity Stone is used as the of paper weight on TVA.

I loved this episode and for the first time I saw Loki emotionally realize his mistakes.
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Black Panther (2018)
Ryan Coogler's masterful superhero drama is unlike any other.
8 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After a folktale-like prologue that recounts the history of the fictional African nation of Wakanda, BLACK PANTHER opens with a flashback to 1992, when a younger T'Chaka (Atandwa Kani) makes a surprise visit to Oakland, California, to confront a rogue Wakandan spy. Back in the present, T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) is preparing for his coronation day, which includes a potential challenge -- through ritual combat -- from any of Wakanda's five tribes, as well as a sacred ceremony in which he officially becomes the nation's Black Panther. After T'Challa takes the throne, intelligence surfaces that notorious arms dealer Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) has stolen a vibranium artifact from the British Museum. T'Challa takes his top warrior -- head of the royal guard General Okoye (Danai Gurira) -- and his former love, Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o), a Wakandan spy, to attempt to capture Klaue (one of the few outsiders who knows the truth about how much vibranium -- the most valuable metal on Earth -- is available in Wakanda). But CIA operative Everett Ross (Martin Freeman) and Klaue's mysterious young ally (Michael B. Jordan) complicate the mission. It turns out that the mystery man is a former SEAL who has a very personal score to settle with T'Challa and the Wakandans.

Ryan Coogler's masterful superhero drama is unlike any other, featuring outstanding acting, breathtaking art direction, fascinating royal intrigue, memorable action sequences, and surprising depth. It's that depth -- of character, of storyline, of relevancy -- that makes Black Panther shine, as Boseman's T'Challa takes the mantle of king with enormous uncertainty about whether to share Wakanda's resources with the world. With the exception of his second-in-command W'Kabi (Kaluuya), T'Challa surrounds himself with an inner circle of influential women: Okoye, Nakia, his mother (Bassett), and his genius younger sister, scientist/tech inventor Shuri (Letitia Wright). Each of them contributes much to the story, with Gurira's spear-wielding Okoye the movie's clear scene-stealer, Wright the clever comic relief, and Nyong'o offering a wee bit of romance. Even the central villain, as played by frequent Coogler collaborator Jordan, is well-rounded and humanized, with the actor doing great work opposite the equally nuanced Boseman.

There's so much to appreciate in Black Panther, from its pulsing score, which features a soundtrack overseen by award-winning rapper Kendrick Lamar, to the mesmerizing cinematography courtesy of DP Rachel Morrison, gorgeous tribal costumes, and vibrant production design. There's not as much laugh-aloud banter as viewers may have come to expect from Marvel movies, but the beats of humor that are here, usually thanks to plucky Shuri or mountain-tribe leader M'Baku (Winston Duke), are extra funny. Ultimately the film's success comes down to the thoughtful, compelling storytelling from director Coogler and writer Joe Robert Cole, as interpreted by a terrific cast of actors. This isn't just another highly entertaining but formulaic superhero story; it's also poignant and powerful and earns its place toward the top of Marvel's films. (Be sure to watch all the way through the credits for a couple of extra tidbits!)
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Jalaler Golpo (2014)
I wouldn't call it bad and I wouldn't call it good
8 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just as Moses was found in the river Nile, an infant is rescued from a river, and adopted by Miraj, Karim and Sajib in turns over the years, only to be abandoned at the various stages of his life. From innocence to becoming a gangster, the unpredictable currents of Jalal's journey prove that he is truly a child of the river.

Told in three parts, Jalal's Story chronicles the life a child by that name, as fate literally carries him down the river from one unwelcoming home to the next. Part 1 begins with Jalal the 20 year-old-budding gangster (Arafat Rahman), adopted by Sajib (Mosharraf Karim) as an orphan boy. He's learning how to strong-arm Sajib's rivals and anyone who gets in the way of his political aspirations. Sajib kidnaps a young woman, Shila (Moushumi Hamid, who brings some much need fire to her performance early on), and keeps her as a sexual hostage (why is never quite clear) and when she inevitably gets pregnant, her value to him drops and he orders the baby disappeared. The infant is set adrift on the river, with Jalal trying his best to rescue him despite his inability to swim. Part 2 picks up when Miraj (Nur A Alam Nayon) and Marium take the baby into their home when he comes ashore near their house. A series of fortunate coincidences has the villagers convinced he's blessed by Allah - an idea Miraj exploits for profit. But a jealous neighbor stirs up trouble and the baby, named Jalal, is abandoned to the river again. The final chapter takes place in another aspiring politician and landlord's home, Karim (Tauquir Ahmed), who rescued the baby, kept the name but has little to do with him as an eight-year-old (Mohammod Emon). His latest wife, Rahima (Shormi Mala), takes a shine to Jalal, but when a skeevy shaman is summoned to solve the couple's infertility problems, Jalal is branded a demon and set on the river once again.

Are we to believe the boy abandoned in the last segment is, by some narrative temporal slip, the dispirited young gangster of the first? Or is he just one of many kids like him, left alone and destined for an unsavory existence he can't avoid? Despite it's gratuitous length (the film could easily stand to lose 20, perhaps, 30 minutes) it is oddly compelling and Emon has plenty on his mind. In addition to gender inequality and lingering traditionalism, Emon points an unsubtle finger at political corruption at the community level and the contemporary penchant for placing material wealth ahead of humanism. The cast is strong across the board, with Rahman in particular leaving an impression as the 20-year-old Jalal, effectively reduced to a cog in the wheel of his own life rather than an actor with any agency.

I wouldn't call it bad and I wouldn't call it good.
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It is one of the best movie of THOR Series
8 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Plagued by visions of Ragnarok -- that is, the death of the gods and the end of Asgard -- Thor (Chris Hemsworth) moves to avert the long-foretold disaster in THOR: RAGNAROK. After suffering a terrible personal loss, the son of Odin discovers life-changing truths about Asgard, his family, and the true threat. He finds he must escape captivity and recruit friends both new (Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie) and old (Mark Ruffalo as Hulk) for an epic confrontation against the most powerful forces he's ever faced (namely, Cate Blanchett as Hela, Goddess of Death).

The Marvel Cinematic Universe's most audacious entry so far, Thor's third stand-alone movie goes there with wild, bold choices -- and it succeeds, epically, on many levels. Thor: Ragnarok is a triumphant unification of diverse MCU elements. It's as gonzo-funny as the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, it steps up the sci-fi from those and the Avengers entries, it expands on the best mythological threads of the previous Thor films, it introduces exciting sword-and-sorcery action, and it even allows for real, believable character growth. Director Taika Waititi and the screenwriters have realized that all these things exist simultaneously in this ever-expanding storytelling cosmos, and they embrace it all. Ragnarok has dragons and demons and the Goddess of Death, spaceships and lasers and wormholes, gladiatorial combat and revolution, and even some magic in the form of a Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) crossover. Not ony does Waititi stir these ingredients together with the aplomb of a mad-but-brilliant chef, but he boldly adds his own special sauce with his quirky humor and even the use of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" as a kind of new, perfectly chosen theme for Thor.

We've seen hints of it before, but Ragnarok fully unlocks Hemsworth's Thor as a likable comic figure capable of personal growth. He's actually evolving into the great king he must become, while getting funnier with each appearance. The return of Ruffalo's Hulk is more than welcome -- so much so that the only complaint with the film's eye-popping action is there isn't enough of him in the final battle. Even Anthony Hopkins, as Odin, gets to have some fun doing his version of Odin-as-played-by-Loki. Among the newcomers, Thompson shines as the conflicted, swaggering, too-cool-for-Asgard Valkyrie (though her alcoholism-of-the-gods drinking problem isn't addressed at all by the film). The most lovable of the new characters is the gentle, blue rockpile-revolutionary warrior Korg, voiced winningly by Waititi. And as Hela, Blanchett kills it. Hela was co-created by one of the greatest comic artists of all time, Jack Kirby, and, unlike some superhero movies, Ragnarok dives deeply into Kirby's incredible designs. The two-time Oscar-winning actress achieves the full Kirby, chewing the scenery with razor-sharp fangs and eyes shining with malevolence while looking comic-panel perfect doing it. This isn't a perfect movie: The brightly lit, candy-colored cinematography and production design sometimes feel inappropriate. And major characters are killed and quickly forgotten. (Speaking of which, where's Sif?) But those are quibbles with a movie that, from its opening scene (easily the most thrilling in the MCU to date), incites a head-banging "right on!" Waititi, previously best known for small, personal comedies like What We Do in the Shadows and his work with Flight of the Conchords, passes his first big-canvas test with flying colors.

It is one of the best movie of THOR Series.
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It is the worst movie of MCU.
2 June 2021
THOR: THE DARK WORLD begins on the eve of the Convergence, when the Nine Realms are about to align, enemies from the past return to haunt and imperil the citizens of Asgard and everyone else. Thor (Chris Hemsworth), who has been away from astrophysicist Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) for two years, dealing with instability across the Nine Realms, returns to Asgard. Then Jane chances upon an anomaly that brings back the Aether, a mysterious force that once threatened Asgard and has awakened its long-time enemies, the Dark Elves, who are out for blood. Meanwhile, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), is languishing in prison, awaiting his next chance at glory.

"Thor: The Dark World" is MCU's worst movie ever. The character of the movie is not defined. Looks like you know this character but don't understand character traits. The movie was not strong enough like THOR's first movie. CGI and VFX were good. They did not even describe the characteristics of the villain character Malekith. I think the new character should have been further defined but they didn't.

It is the worst movie of MCU.
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They showed a lot in just four minutes and 20 seconds
30 May 2021
The animation of this short film was very good. I think this is one of the best animations in Bangladesh. "Tomorrow" is the best animated film in Bangladesh. They showed a lot in each scene. This animated short film like "Tomorrow" showed many important points in each scene. However, the sound effect was not good. But they showed a lot in just four minutes and 20 seconds.
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Ant-Man (2015)
Different from other Marvel movies
29 May 2021
In ANT-MAN, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is a Robin Hood-like burglar who's just been released from San Quentin prison. With few legitimate prospects and a young daughter and ex-wife to pay child support to, Scott agrees to go in on a heist with his former cell-mate, Luis (Michael Peña), and two other pals to rob a rich old man's safe. The target turns out to be Dr. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), who set up the robbery opportunity to recruit Scott as the new Ant-Man -- a suit-wearing superhero who can shrink down to the size of an ant and also communicate with insects to make them do his bidding. Hank and his skeptical daughter, Hope (Evangeline Lilly), want Scott to help them keep megalomaniacal Dr. Darren Cross (Corey Stoll) from perfecting his own Ant-Man-like suit -- which he wants to sell as a military weapon to the highest bidder.

Paul Rudd was great for Scott Lang's character. He's a likeable addition to MCU and I like his portrayal of this character. Michael Douglas was great in this movie. Her voice was great for Hank Pym. He is very talented and it feels good to see him in a good movie. Evangeline Lilly has added a lot of depth to the story and it has really taken it in a good direction. Michael Peña is always in the movies whenever humor is needed. He was perfect for his role.

It would be nice if we could talk about action sequences. VFX and CGI were great. There was a scene where Ant-Man was fighting Falcon. I think it was one of the best scenes in this movie. For CGI, some of the scenes were looking real. It was terribly good.

I think the idea of the movie was good. Looked good. And it's very different from other Marvel movies. I thought it was quite similar to Spider-Man but it wasn't.
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Aspirants (2021– )
Lot of things to learn in this series
29 May 2021
The story is about three aspirant who wanted to be IAS officers. So that they can work for the country and society.

Thanks to TVF. They always create a web series that deals with real life. They have created a masterpiece of this series. The actors, dialogue, screenplay and story are great. There are some old dialogues. But it retains its originality. The combination between past and present was great. You know what will happen at the end but still you will keep an eye out to see the end.

There are a lot of things to learn in this series:

1. You have to fight to be successful but after success, don't forget the struggle.

2. Achieving success is a big deal, if you don't have someone to share your success with, success is futile.

3. Do not be afraid of failure. Failure are not losers. Failure have experience but newcomers have no experience.

4. Don't give up. Loss and victory are everywhere. If one road is closed, look for another.

You don't need a big actor for this masterpiece. You will not find any mistake in all these actors.
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Thor (2011)
Story needs to be better
28 May 2021
After his son THOR (Chris Hemsworth) storms Yodenheim -- the realm that the Norse gods' native Asgard has been in an uncertain peace with for eons -- because of an unexpected attack from the Frost Giants, Odin (Anthony Hopkins) banishes him and his hammer to Earth. There, Thor literally runs into an astrophysicist (Natalie Portman) who impresses him; he also learns humility and grace. Meanwhile, Thor's brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has risen to power as Odin lies in a restless sleep. The Frost Giants are out for revenge, and everywhere, including Earth, is in peril.

On Earth, Thor is rescued by a team of scientists (led by Natalie Portman and Stellan Skarsgård), and he is almost childlike in his ability to cause trouble without trying. He speaks in incongruously formal King's English ("I need sustenance!"). Yet the movie, though it's often a very funny god-out-of-water origin comedy, has a stirring emotional core as well. It keeps returning to Asgard, where Branagh stages the political-familial infighting - centered on Thor's treacherous brother, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) - like an intergalactic Gladiator. The director also proves an unexpected maestro of digital effects (a crystal bridge, a race of scaly blue gargoyles who can turn anyone they touch into ice). On our planet, the film doesn't have much of a plot: Thor must retrieve his weighty hammer (the focus of a government security crackdown), and he does battle with a grand, fire-shooting metal monster. Yet Thor turns its hero's confusion - about who he is, where he belongs, and why he has these..feelings for Portman's feisty Jane Foster - into touchingly overscaled coming-of-age kicks. It's not art, but it's mighty fun.

I think the story needs to be better.
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Iron Man (2008)
Robert Downey Jr. was perfect for this movie
28 May 2021
Bringing another Marvel Comics hero to the big screen, IRON MAN begins as brilliant billionaire industrialist/inventor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is abducted during a weapons demonstration tour in Afghanistan. Grievously wounded by the very weapons his company manufactures, Stark is forced by his terrorist captors to build a missile; instead, he designs a high-tech suit of armor to make his escape. Returning to America, he wonders how the bad guys got hold of his company's products and vows to set things right with the help of a rebuilt, stylish new iteration of the powered exoskeleton that made his escape possible.

Robert Downey Jr. Was perfect for this movie. He has shaped the character in a very good way. You will love his acting skills and his character Tony Stark. The transition from Tony Stark to superhero is great. He first found a friend after being captured by a group of terrorists. He made iron suits to fight the bad guys. The romance between Tony and Virginia "Pepper" Potts was fascinating. There was an Arc Reactor that was Tony's artificial heart in the movie. This is one of the most important symbols of MCU. Marvel tried to give the audience suspense which was one of the best things about the movie about the villain character.
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One of the best series of Marvel
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first three episodes were very watchable. It was super easy to understand. There were few great action scenes and some funny moment.

Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie was wonderful in the show. The development of bringing Zemo is interesting. I think Marvel was trying to make him comical especially with the club scene which was meme later.

The episode four got interesting for me when John Walker murdered a flag-smasher at the end with the shield of Captain America. Episode five was my favorite episode of this show. It started with amazing fight sequence where Sam and Bucky was fighting against John Walker using all of their strenght to get the sheild off of his Super Serum body. But the action takes a back seat whether Sam will be the Captain America or not at a world look at him differently because he is black. And meeting Issah Bradly and learning his tragic history. This is my favorite episode of this show.

The journey was fine but once we get in the last episode everything became very rushed and they tried to wrap things up very quickly. And Flag - Smasher as group became a way of excusing John Walker's actions allowing him to team up with Captain America (Sam) and Bucky against them and they forgot everything about John Walker, what he did. John Walker got demoted in a way to US Agent. It was a strange rush.

It was the same thing happen with WandaVision. WandaVision also had a intriguing setup and then everything rushed to a conclusion as quick as possible with a bunch of fight sequences. Both heros of the both of the shows get a new name and a new costume.

Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie were perfect for this. We've seen it in their other movies(MCU). The Falcon and Winter Soldier were very good in this series. But I think they're more focused on the Falcon than the Winter Soldier because he's the new Captain America.

There was a new Captain America (Later U. S Agent) known as John Walker played by Wyatt Russell was good. In the first 5 episodes you will have a lot of hatred about this character but in the last episode you will love him for one of his decisions. At first I thought he would be the villain at the beginning of this series but I was wrong then. Wyatt Russell, the actor of this character, was a great actor. He has done the character so well with his acting. You will love him after watching this series.

The character's name was Sharon Carter, whom you saw in "Captain America: Civil War." The character in the series was interesting. In the last episode you will see a huge glimpse of his identity. The actress in this character was Emily VanCamp, that character was good. And I didn't expect so much from him but still he did his best for this character.

There was a Wakandan soldier, Ayo, you may have seen him in Black Panther, Avengers Endgame etc. The Actress Florence Kasumba was good in the series.

Karli Morgenthau, the villain of the series, was hated in the series for his work. He died at the end of the series. Actress Erin Kellyman was great for this character.

In a country like America there was a tragic story character for being black. He is Isaiah Bradley. His story is extremely tragic and sensitive. His sacrifice for the nation was incredible but the nation could not remember him because he was black. And he said that Sam would not be Captain America because he was black. In this series, the actor of this character, Carl Lumbley, made the character more emotional.

Finally my favorite character is Zemo. He was the best character in the series. He was great, funny and comical in the series. He was having fun getting the whiskey out of the house when John Walker and Wakandan soldiers were fighting for him at the time. Zemo's actor was very good. Daniel Brühl, Zemo's actor of this series was also quite good. He was impressive in this character.

Overall, this series is very good for casting, screenplay, cinematography, color grading, visuals and storytelling. This is the one of the best series of Marvel.
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Tomorrow (III) (2019)
Best Animated Short Film In Bangladesh
22 May 2021
A young boy named Ratul in Bangladesh, is magically shown two very different visions of the future. In the first scenario, Bangladesh has been inundated by rising sea levels, causing great suffering. In the second scenario, fossil fuels have been replaced by renewable energy and Bangladesh is prosperous.

This film given a strong message about adverse effects of fossil fuels and climate change.

The animation quality was very good. Each scene has a message for us. They showed the power of social media and how it can help the world which is one of the best themes in the story of this film.

It is available in Bengali and English. An original Bengali language and later English was dubbed for international audiences. If you are an international audience, you will prefer English dubbing. This is one of the best English dubbing in Bangladesh.

This is one of the best animated short film in Bangladesh

I will give 10 out of 10 to support this masterpiece.
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A Wonderful Ending
12 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It is the last episode of this series. After watching this episode, you will start to like John Walker. In the last episode we saw that the US government removed John Walker from the post of "Captain America". And in anger he makes duplicate shield. It broke after a kick from the flag-smasher. You will start to like him when he tries to save the people in bus who are falling. And in one position he can understand who he is. Sam came up with his new suit. He is now Black Captain America. For the first time in the history of MCU. If Sam is "Captain America" then who will be Falcon. In pervious episode, we saw Sam gave the suit of Falcon to Joaquin Torres and takes the shield of Captain America. According to me, Torres is going to be "Falcon". We may see him as the "Falcon" in the upcoming movie. You will hear Sam speak about people, politics and racism. After that, the US government called Sam directly as Captain. At the end of the episode, you will know the Power Broker. You will be shock after knowing it.

A Wonderful Ending

There is Post-Credit scene at the end. Don't miss it.

This was one of the best series of Marvel I have ever seen. I would suggest you people to watch this series.
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Strong Episode
12 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At the last episode, we saw Wankandian. And she wants to take Zemo to Wankanda. We still don't know if Zemo is a Villain or not. I started to like Zemo , he is a cool man who does things that cannot be done in anger. In one scene we saw a fight between John Walker and the soldier of Wakanda. Zemo was drinking whiskey and enjoying the fight scene. If we talk about the John Walker, the new Captain America, can't fight against any super hero without the super soldier serum. We know that John Walker will get the serum. In the last fight scene, you might think John Walker took the serum. Super soldier serum is a medicine which gives more physical power but it also brings out the characteristics of that person. We know Steve Rogers is a good person for that serum he is even better. What will happen if John Walker takes serum? You will get the answer at the end of the episode.

This episode is the strongest episode of this series.
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Different from other MCU Movie
9 May 2021
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Stephen Strange, a wealthy, acclaimed, and arrogant neurosurgeon, severely injures his hands in a car crash, leaving him unable to operate. Fellow surgeon Christine Palmer tries to help him move on, but Strange vainly pursues experimental surgeries to heal his hands. Strange learns about Jonathan Pangborn, a paraplegic who mysteriously regained use of his legs. Pangborn directs Strange to Kamar-Taj, where he is taken in by Mordo, a sorcerer under the Ancient One. The Ancient One demonstrates her power to Strange, revealing the astral plane and other dimensions such as the Mirror Dimension. She reluctantly agrees to train Strange, whose arrogance and ambition remind her of Kaecilius.

Strange studies under the Ancient One and Mordo, and from ancient books in the library that is now guarded by Master Wong. Strange learns that Earth is protected from threats from other dimensions by a shield generated from three buildings called Sanctums, in New York City, London, and Hong Kong, which are all directly accessible from Kamar-Taj. The sorcerers' task is to protect the Sanctums, though Pangborn instead chose to channel mystical energy only into walking again. Strange progresses quickly, and secretly reads the text from which Kaecilius stole pages, learning to bend time with the mystical Eye of Agamotto. Mordo and Wong warn Strange against breaking the laws of nature, drawing a comparison to Kaecilius' desire for eternal life.

The character of Dr Strange was played by Benedict Cumberbatch in this movie. This character is different from other Marvel Superheroes. There was character name Karl Mordo played by Chiwetel Ejiofor. The character was good but the ending wasn't good at all. I thought he will appear in Avengers: Endgame but I was wrong. Wong's character was good and the actor Benedict Wong was the best person to play this role. Yao (The Ancient One) was the best female character in this movie. It was played by Tilda Swinton.

If you are a new Marvel fan, you can watch this movie. There are no connection in this movie with the other movies of Marvel.

This movie is different from other MCU movies.
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Poramon 2 (2018)
Good Cinematography, Screenplay and Editing. Thanks to give tribute to Salman Shah
9 May 2021
The only daughter of day laborer Kafil Mia, Jasmine, committed suicide by hanging herself on the darkness of the night, because her lover Kabir betrayed her. Since self-murder is not accepted in Islam, there is no place for the funeral and grave of Jasmine's dead body in the Islam inhabited Shwapnopuri village. A mosque imam and an influential rich man of the village with the help of Badrul Talukder did not let the funeral and grave take place in the village. Kafil Mia digs his daughter's grave in the Khas land (government owned land) on the bank of the river and performs her funeral. No one from the village took part in the funeral but, a small ten-year-old boy Sujon did. Kafil Mia could not accept his daughters death, but he begins to search for hope and strength in the midst of this tragedy. After 10 years, Pori and Sujon fell in love with each other but Pori's family did not accept it. So, Sujon and Pori decided to escape from their village. The film ended with a tragic event.

The acting of Siam Ahmed, Pori and Fazlur Rahman Babu was impressive.

This movie gives a tribute to the legendary actor Salman Shah.

The screenplay was good. Especially the drone shot. The cinematography and editing was good.
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Swapnajaal (2018)
Best Romantic Movie in Bangladesh
9 May 2021
A film from the highly acclaimed director of Monpura, where starring most popular actress Pori Moni. The story of the film about the love of a young couple.

Kamrul Hasan Khasru's cinematography is all but flawless, and the art direction (by Anworul Haque and Samar Halder) is also commendable, especially in the latter part of the film.

Set in the riverside Chandpur suburbs of the '90s, "Swapnajaal" at its core is the story of Opu (Yash Rohan) and Shuvra (Pori Moni), two teenagers in 'young love'. Their blooming romance take a dramatic turn south when conniving influential businessman Aynal Gazi (Fazlur Rahman Babu), with the help of his trusted aide Thandu (Iresh Zaker) tactfully oust Shuvra and her family from their home. Opu fights back to bring justice to Shuvra's family and to get back his love, but even after justice is served, there are bigger obstacles on the way to their reunion.

It is the Best Romantic Movie in Bangladesh.
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The Unnamed (2016)
The truth of the society
9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Kifayet Uddin's son went abroad six month earlier but has no communication since last month. OC of the nearest police station has the news of a death of expatriate worker. He goes to the house to inform his guardian but found that person alive in another country. He finds Ramjan Ali responsible for this. He is connected human trafficking with fake passport who sent Kifayet's son in place of Wahab. Ramjan clears everything about this hustle and takes the responsibility of the corpse. Ramjan, Kifayet and Rahman bring the corpse to home but find a different corpse in the coffin.

The story tells about the society in Bangladesh.

Farhad's (Mosharraf Karim) character was a funny character. Kifayet Uddin's (Fazlur Rahman Babu) character was emotional throughout the movie. Ramjan Ali's (Shahiduzzaman Selim) character was negative. But sometime you will feel like that it is not negative.

The performance of Mosharraf Karim, Fazlur Rahman Babu and Shahiduzzaman Selim was impressive.

The cinematography, screenplay and editing was good.

This movie has 9 rating in IMDB. I would give 9 out of 10.
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Television (2012)
Watch This Movie
9 May 2021
Even before we have met the main characters of the story: Amin, his son Solaiman (Chanchal Chowdhury), his girlfriend Kohinoor (Nusrat Imrose Tisha), and Mojnu (Mosharraf Karim), who works under Solaiman as a help and is also in love with Kohinoor, director Mostofa Sarwar Farooki has established the main theme of his film, which won the Jury Grand Prize at the Asia Pacific Screen Award, closed the Busan International Film Festival and was Bangladesh's Oscar entry in 2013. It is now streaming on Bengali digital platform Hoichoi with subtitles.

This movie shows a strange village where no one can watch television and young people cannot use mobile phones.

I like the writing of the movie. Mostafa Sarwar Farooqi always makes such good movies. The cinematography and the screenplay was good.

Mojnu was interesting as a character and the actor made it even better. The story of Solaiman and Kohinoor's relationship was amazing. You will love it,

The acting of Chanchal Chowdhury and Mosharraf Karim was fantastic. Nusrat Imroz Tisha was a good actress in the movie.

I would suggest you to watch this movie.
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Fun to Watch
29 April 2021
The story starts with a person name Peter Quill, who was abducted from Earth as a child in 1988 after his mother died. Fast forward 26 years into the future: In a galaxy far, far away, Peter is a rogue outlaw who steals a powerful orb he plans to sell. After getting arrested, he teams up with some people, he's briefly imprisoned with -- Rocket, a genetically modified raccoon, Gamora, the adopted daughter of Thanos, tree-like Groot and Drax the destroyer, who is on a private mission to avenge his family.

The fate of the universe lies in the hands of these misfit not-quite-friends when it's clear that the villainous Ronan plans to use the orb to destroy an entire planet.

The movie is truly fun to watch. This movie is different from Iron Man, Thor, etc. There are lots of jokes in this movie. What's so charming about Guardians of the Galaxy is that none of the group starts off as a hero: They become superheroes by virtue of working together. The cast was good. The entire group is beautifully cast, and there's surprising chemistry between Pratt and Saldana, who once again shines as a monochrome-colored alien.

The movie ends on an obviously open note to make room for a possible sequel, and there's really no way you could sit through it without being hopeful there will be a follow up, just to have that much fun in a theater again.
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Dhaka Attack (2017)
Best Action Movie of Bangladesh
24 April 2021
It debuted as Dipankar Dipon as a film director. This movie made the action films of Bangladesh on another level. "Dhaka Attack" delivers what Bangladesh's film audience have been craving for far too long.

At first, there was a attack on a chemical factory and they steal some chemical. After that some dead body were found with some alphabets written on the body. It tells what is going to happen in the city.

If we talk about actors, Arifin Shuvu and ABM Sumon have done a great job in the movie. And the rest of the actors were good. Especially Taskeen Rahman. In my opinion, he is the next generation villain role of Bangladesh.
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Best Indian Movie in 2021
23 April 2021
The story is about a man named Balaram, who turned into Ashok Sharma. They showed the difference between rich and poor in the movie. Rich people think how can I be easy and poor people think how can I be rich. Balram's teacher used to say that Balram would be the "White Tiger".

Adarsh Gourav's performance was great. The story was good. The first 30 minutes were the best in my opinion. The cinematography, screenplay and editing were good. The performances of Rajkummar Rao and Priyanka Chopra were good according to their character.

I think they should develop the character of Rajkummar Rao and Mahesh Manjekar.

It is the best Indian Movie in 2021.
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