
30 Reviews
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Bull (2019)
Excellent debut for this director
5 July 2021
This film is exceptional.. very good film.. From casting to production to editing... Anyone who is from the Houston or SE Texas area will tell you.. they absolutely NAILED this project with the actors involved and capturing life in that part of the country...

It is very hard to believe that this was the first major film for this director.. Just wow.. what a future she has..

The ONLY problem wife and I had in this one was the female lead in this one.. Understanding the pace of the movie and fact its slowed down (which i LOVE) still didnt negate the fact we were left with questions on her as a person.. She did reasonably well.. while all the others did amazing in there roles.. But we could not determine wether this actress as actually "austistic" perhaps or has some sort of real life handicaps going on or was this part of her performance.. It REALLY drove us nuts cause it was distracting at times.. whole the film kept driving it home.. Nothing against autistic people.. or mentally dabilitated... It just really left a few scenes in question for us.. and THAT was a distraction...

Perhaps she just wanted to give the character a perculiar attribute as you will... if so it did effect her overall performance with us and not in a good way.. IF in fact she does have this disorder.. It really should have been written into the role and would have made ALOT of sense and actually probably made an even more dynamic storyline...

Overall this was a brilliant film and I am NOT one for "Black cinema"... just not my thing usually... This was a story about average Americans chips on shoulders, none of that.. It was a "telling" in Americana.... and we loved it.
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Warrior (2018)
Great beginning... then it fills up with cliche's
21 June 2021
This series had LOADS of potential.. truly.. and started off really well... Then it just drops off and fills up with countless cliche's I suppose to try and attract a wider audience..

The writers really dropped the ball here.. and I think that stem's from perhaps writing material without any true basic understanding of it.. Lots of very far fetch and frankly nonsensical situations transpire after around 3rd episode that by the 5th I felt I had been insulted enough and just removed it from my library at home... and I REALLY like that lead actor.. alot... I just wish they would have had a better grasp on what they were writing about..
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Breath (I) (2017)
VERY under appreciated film..
21 June 2021
Wonderful film from down under.. I think using a different title would help its view ratios cause theres soo many films out there same name... I struggled with finding it to add to my home library cause of it...

Its got it all really.. and a pure delight.. Alot of people will be pleasently surprised when they do find it and watch it.
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Klown Forever (2015)
Very good one.. but the gradual descent has begun...
21 June 2021
Tamer.. thats all I will say.. this installment almost seems as if its trying to recruit a wider audience by putting it in the US... and that sort of makes it lose its key elements for me.. I think this one is the weakest one out of all the Klovn films but as you can see I still rate it quite good...

Casper is tamer.. a bit.. and I am just not sure thats what they need to be doing even if he is older... Some scenes are absolutely hysterical.. and saves this one alot of the times.. They still have a bag of tricks and eventually pull some of that out to save this one for sure..

Is it rewatchable? Sure it is.. numerous times.. particularly if your binging all day on Klovn films.. its a must really...

+Personal Media Library.
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None of the Klovn films are bad... but
21 June 2021
This one just seems like they have toned things down a little.. and perhaps thats due to society trying to legislate "new norms".. and if so thats a tragedy...

Films good.. its cute..but its no where near the level the prior installments have been.. It just appears as if they are taming down right when as "older" stupid guy's they should be warming up on the dumb action...

Either way , this one can probably be appreciated more by a wider audience than the past ones.. Just not sure its as good...
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Mogul Mowgli (2020)
Normally I really like this guy
21 June 2021
This movie was completely over rated in my opinion.. Guess I just wasnt feeling it and thats ok... Hope others like better than I did.
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Men & Chicken (2015)
I can not explain to you how or why I love this movie.,. But boy do I
21 June 2021
I will just say this.. this is possibly the funniest movie I have ever seen.. and immediately afterwards I went and did a search on the entire cast and ALL there other projects.. and watched a whole lot of each of theres...

This storyline is absolutely rediculous.. but it works.. it works CAUSE of this.. Great Danish humor.. making fun of basically the very project... The characters are beyond Hialrious.. Mikkelson is just out of this world funny.. I put this performance of his right up there with other projects hes done for Jensen..who I feel is the best director and writer in industry now....

Every single time I rewatch this.. and thats ALOT... I decide another character is my favorite to the point Ive given up.. LMAO..

Watch this one.. and then go and watch some of the work of each actors.. and you will quickly know these are some HILARIOUS people..who provide absolute MAGIC when they all get together and work with Jensen....

Very dark comedy but I plan on watching this again today.. and next week and the week after... it gets funnier every time.
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Bloom (2019–2020)
Didnt care for it.. nothing truly striked me as interesting
21 June 2021
We gave this several trys to draw us in.. and just couldnt.. and thats rare for both me and my wife who do enjoy different things often in films and TV.. What was shocking is it took wife far less time than me to say "naw thats enough"....

Very very cliche driven storyline... I look forward to finding MORE great content from down under.. but this just doesnt work for us..

  • Personal Library.
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Quaker Oaths (2016)
Lower budget brilliance
21 June 2021
Just a REALLY nice film without all the fluff.. and not commercialized as it shares a bit about a community I had very little understanding of..

This is great content that we need more of in America... no guns, no sex, no drugs... decency and common appreciation for each other..

This is a wonderful wonderful film that should be shared by all.
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Ice Mother (2017)
Brilliant project based on normal people
21 June 2021
Loved this movie.. deals with real people adrift in there set of issues and dilema's..

You wont be sorry you watched this one.. or kept it for yourself to share with others.. Great actors in this one.. Very well written .. Stand alone work for the director who didnt cave to cliche's..
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Very decent film.
21 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed the introspective on this one..


I couldnt help but keep returning to thoughts in my head of "So what are you doing to make things better ?" ... Shes not "providing" anything in this one.. everyone else is.. Not alot of working going on nor appears to be looking for work.. That spoiled it for me.. I can appreciate anyones situation and sympathize.. but doing NOTHING begets you nothing...
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Brilliant film.... thats all I can say
21 June 2021
From the acting to the writing to the directing..this is quite possibly one of my favorite films of all time.. I just LOVE the story, and the actors in it.. and the script...

There is everything in this one.. sure it gradually gets a slight bit cheesy towards the end but there is enough on the plate in this one to feed you for a week.. The comedy alone stands out.. is absolutely brilliant.. I love when the Koreans take a look at themselves and have a laugh... Its just hilarious...

This is one you HAVE to SEE!!... +Added to Personal Library.
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Failed to make the mark
21 June 2021
Maybe I had a bit higher expectations.. and that is my fault.. but this isnt one Im going to think about rewatching again for quite some time..

It just didnt hit the mark for me.. and I absolutely LOVE films from Denmark... particularly the dark comedys but none the case... This film was "eh"
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Mother (2020)
This film is excellent ..possibly because it makes us so angry
21 June 2021
This film touches on so many emotions.. but its VERY good.. some of the very best work coming out of Japan recently and thats saying alot cause theres been a few past few years like Shoplifter thats just been excellent pieces of art...

Speaking of Shoplifter, it very much walks along those lines and dabbles in a bit of taboo of what we vision as typical Japanese society.. They TOO have there problems.. particularly in society when you take away the Manga and Tokyo Idols and all the rest ... This story could be happening on ANY street anywhere.. but the directors and writers chose to tell it from a Japanese angle...

Quite good... +Personal Library.
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Beautifully of it cliche'
21 June 2021
Very beautiful backdrops.. that is NO doubt.. But right away you have this one pretty much figured out as the director relys on old cliches to build this film..

I am not saying its not worthy of watching.. it is..just dont expect to be blown away with originality... Its a decent film but I chose not to add this to my home library.
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Northwest (2013)
Came in with very little expectations, walked away satisfied
21 June 2021
Very under appreciated film.. sure it follows typical film making narratives "to a point".. that is undeniable..

But I guess due to NOT being from that area it was a really interesting peek into this genre from their angle..

If they are going to make "street view" projects than I hope ones in future are shot in a way as this one was where it gives a raw feeling.. of peaking in.. Writers and directors of today still rely on ol faithful "go to's to tell there storys , thats just something we all have to deal with... until they dont..

But the project is quite good.. added to my library.
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Extremely under rated and under marketed film
21 June 2021
This is a REALLY good story and the actors move within it so well... Its slow for sure.. but that almost excentuates the whole being of the film...

Its got a GREAT storyline without all the cheesy "dependable" undertones associated with alot of films these days..

This film stands on its own and makes no excuses as none are needed.

DEFINITLY one for personal library.
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Toc Toc (2017)
Crazy, Zany, like only the Spanish can deliver
21 June 2021
Once your used to how fast the people from that region speak it almost adds an element to content like this..

These people are absolutely funny, and crazy.. I do wish the writers and directors would have spent MORE time detailing and adding even more depth to each characters lives rather than go for the typical more cheesy moments..

The overall comedy is very sound.. just wish they would have capitolized on what they obviously had more.. Would love to see more seasons made..
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Grenseland (2017)
Loads and Loads of Potential here
21 June 2021
This started off slow but it comes around fairly soon enough... Typical twists and turns in crime sagas from Norway... Actings great in this problem there...

Sometimes I think projects like this suffer cause they tinker too much .. This might be the case here... Overall its good ..the ending is very rushed to complete.. It either needed a 2nd season or less twists/turns to bring it home for us...

Definitly worth seeing and one for your personal library.
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Ondine (2009)
Loads and loads of potential in this one
21 June 2021
This one at its core is quite good.. so many possibilitys to turn this into a GREAT film.. but I am afraid they missed the mark on this one..

Very much worth watching.. kids and all really... Its an "enjoyable" film .. one time.. I would be hypocritical if I said it wasnt good enough for a personal library as its mine.. WHo knows might come over and this would be worth keeping us all occupied..

The female lead is stunning.. was also dating Colin at the time.. but she definitly was worthy of the part...
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Santoalla (2016)
One of the best documentary's in awhile
21 June 2021
I couldnt believe how good this was... and I watch ALOT of documentarys but this one was just fascinating from the start..

Has ALL the working parts that can draw a person in and it does it soo well.
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This film had ZERO understanding of its environment... Terrible. Clarke was horrible
10 June 2021
It was the most proposterous attempt at portraying american culture I think I have ever seen.. I will never be able to get her performance out of my head now.. It was THAT rediculous.. Even more it draws the question... Lets face it.. British actors are carrying Hollywood these days again.. There is almost zero serious talent coming from our own brood... Literally anything thats worth salt... is carried by British talent.. But THIS was just a REAL bad idea.,..

She doesnt even come close to pulling it off.. Its like she was reading from "Fried Green Tomato's" blended with Color Purple with absolutely zero understanding of how people in these regions remotely speak.

I will never be able to get rid of the performance dancing around my head by Clarke... and that I know will effect way I see her in future...

They literally cast these actress's from a pool of actors not even from the US and then try and pass them off as "Southern" ... with zero co0ncept of how the people in these parts of the South actually even speak.. This film had ZERO understanding of its environment... Terrible.
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Enforcement (2020)
Strike while the irons HOT I suppose
22 May 2021
This seemed little more than a project attempting to "strike while the iron is hot" tbh... Extremely "underwhelming" for the most part.. Denmark should fight a bit harder to fend off the exterior pressure to start makiing "Netflix quality" films and keep hold of its superior reign on making QUALITY films.. without selling viewers or the public out ...

I was really let down with this one knowing what I was looking at seemed more of a "tribute to Netflix" than serious film making of any kind... Theres just not a great deal "right" with this one.. many "technical mistakes" ... the entire time I had but one thought in my mind... "Pandering to whom exactly"? Seems we can not make films now days (ones intended for these streaming platforms nearly straight away) without making authority and defenders of our societys somehow the bad guys... With every turn in resembles more of a knife digging deeper into your gut rather than revealing anything of real quality...

This is quite possibly the lowest score Ive ever given to a Danish film.. as usually they are brilliant.. This one is not.. its "pandering to a leftist mob " without remotely attempting to be honest with the viewer....
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Hatred (2016)
MUST see... incredibly realistic graffics... Great storyline tho
14 May 2021
This film was excellent.. Even wife made herself set through all the really graphic scenes involved..(possibly some of the most realistic graphics Ive seen on film) because the story is just SOOOO fascinating...I admit.. without knowing the actual history behind it.. I got easily lost on who was who and which were the guys to root for... But it works it way out ... really enjoyable film just be careful about WHEN you chose to watch this..its not for ALL eyes.... not the young kids anyways.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
This films terrible
1 May 2021
From poorly sculpted, tired ol storylines, very limited casting... its a Black persons version of Jason Bourneish style action movie... Not very good even in its stronger scenes... I thought this film was a waste of time... I also felt "pandered to" by the whole project... If this is the future of Hollywood towards action films..they need to stop right now and go make about 100 more sci fi films or anarchist films..or even one of them popular in Hollywood zombie films ...cause between Action films and Westerns.. Hollywood is LOST now.
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