
15 Reviews
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English dubbing is NOT required
23 September 2022
I just started watching this series on Prime. A lot of people making reviews here of this show have complained about the English dubbing. Prime has this bad defect in that they seem to be the only streaming service that when living in the USA seams to automatically default to English dubbing of foreign shows. Please be aware that in most cases, you CAN turn it back to the original language and put on English subtitles.

When you use your remote, just tab down on it. You should see the actors in the scene shown. But above that are 3 icons. The middle one if you click on it allows you to select which language the movie has subtitles for. So obviously click English. The icon to the far right is the audio icon. In this show the original audio is Spanish. So select Spanish. Now the movie will show in it's original language and with English subtitles. It is Always better to watch a foreign show in the original language with English subtitles, rather than with bad English dubbing where nothing matches what the lips say they should say.
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A Big Disappointment for Me
15 January 2022
I am an Apple+ subscriber that had been waiting for this movie for a long time. I also love Denzel and Frances, but not in this. Have been a big fan of the Coen brothers for a long time. But not sure what they were thinking when they made this. I love Denzel in anything from the black soldier in Glory to the tough guy in The Equalizer. But he is so miscast here. A black king in 16th century Scotland? I don't think so. I could have accepted that if Denzel had attempted to try and do a Scottish accent. But no, what I heard is a guy attempting to speak the lines of a Shakespearean play in American English, but could hear the Denzel in the Equalizer trying his best to mimic Shakespeare. No bueno. And for those that say that color is not important any more. Just imagine a person with a German accent trying to portray Abraham Lincoln in a movie. It doesn't work. And the only reason Frances McDormand got the role is she is Coen's wife. Her American accent is lost here too. And as I am watching it, I am expecting an environment that mimics the 16th century it was written in, but alas, the building that Denzel lives in, reeks of 20th century architecture. Perfect stairs and walls, like my house today. It's sad that these days Academy Awards are given to actors and directors because of friendships and past movie reputation, as opposed to who really deserves it.
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Nice and Different Rom-com
23 December 2020
One thing I learned a very long time ago, is that everybody's sense of humor is different. Hated Bill Crosby's humor but loved Cheers. Everybody is different. I am very hard to make laugh, but this movie had me laughing quite a bit. So, for me an 8 of 10. A different kind of a Rom-Com and definitely not a Hallmark love story, if that's what you are looking for. The super intelligence's humor had me laughing quite often. Give it a try.
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On my top 25 most romantic list.
26 September 2020
I saw this movie at the East Bay Jewish Film Festival in March. The Director of the festival commented while introducing the film that a) it was one of the best movies he had ever seen (which, you always say to yourself OK, prove it) and b) that unfortunately the movie company that made it, went bankrupt, so he had gotten extremely lucky and found the movie in a European used DVD movie bin. So, don't go looking for it on your favorite streaming service or library. You won't find it. That said, when the movie finished, I just sat there. I realized, as had everyone that had seen it in my row, that we had seen one hell of a movie. Not only a great love story, but wonderful music. You can listen to some of the music on YouTube, but if you are lucky enough to find it somewhere, don't miss it. Forget what some people have said, Oh..............its not in Czech or Italian, doesn't matter. 10/10 for me
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Great mini series
20 March 2019
I am one of the people that read the book when it first came out and really liked it then. Most of what I read are historical fiction books and most of the movies I watch are historical fiction movies or mini series. This is easily one of the best I have ever seen. The acting, the scenery, the recreation of the 14th century time period are flawless. Just be aware that the 14th century was not a great time to be alive and if you were a peasant, even worse. There are a lot of unpleasant scenes, but that was in keeping with the time period and the laws of that time. Watch it, if you love historical fiction.I also plan on rereading the book again.
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Movie or Mini Series?
6 March 2019
Last night I had the pleasure of enjoying this movie at the East Bay Jewish Film Festival, in Northern California, USA. It appears that the 3 people who have previously reviewed this movie are from Denmark, so they have a different perspective than someone from my part of the world.

What is very confusing is that when you search for this movie it comes up on imdb as BOTH a mini series and also a movie. It was interesting last night, when they told us, that there was an intermission. Now I know why. I also understand and agree with the other viewers that it is too long and too slow. But if it was originally designed as a mini series, things generally get stretched out.

However, I found it to be a very interesting movie. What was not made clear was whether it was based on a true story or not? If it was, I would have wanted to know if any of his engineering ideas were ever adapted in any way for Denmark or some of the projects that the Jewish family sponsored at the end of the movie stayed in existence for a long time or not.

The cinematography was fascinating and perhaps understanding the difference between people in the big city of Copenhagen as opposed to Jutland would have been nice. Anyway, I liked it.
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Cute Israeli Rom-com
6 March 2019
Last night, I had the pleasure to see this movie at the East Bay Jewish Film Festival, here in Northern California. After weeks of rainy weather here, I felt that I needed to get out and have something to lighten me up. Rom-Coms are not designed to win any awards, but just to entertain you. So, I went in there not expecting too much. There are actually very few rom-coms that I think to recommend to my friends, as they usually have no substance. This movie had enough going on that it kept my interest the entire time and at the end, it got polite applause from our full auditorium.

The last reviewer seems to be an Israeli, who knows more about Israeli society than I do. There is this connection to Israeli football (soccer to us) that is part of the story and one also needs to know that Israel has many kind of Jews and Jews from all over the world. This is central to the story, as the waitress he has interest in, is not from the higher parts of Israeli society, as the girl who he has been dating for many years has. In the US, it would be equivalent to the girl from the other side of the tracks. But there is enough going on with the romance and the career path of Dan to keep it interesting and funny enough. For me an 8 out of 10.
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The Road to Calgary
15 November 2018
I am a person who watches a lot of foreign films and series and I found a very good Russian one on Netflix. It's a story that most Americans will not understand, because very few people here know anything about Russian history or would want to take the time to know it. And to appreciate this 12 part mini series, you would have to know that after the Czar was overthrown there was a civil war between, the Reds, the Whites, and many other factions all thinking that they could save mother Russia.

This is the story of 2 sisters who start in high society, get caught up in WW1 and the aftermath of just trying to survive. It's also a love story and done very well. Highly recommended to those who like a well done historical drama.
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Just a tiny glimse of what really happened
16 December 2017
This is a story of the final days of British rule in India. The movie is pleasant with nice cinematography, but for me it is a 5 out of 10. It's not as though it doesn't try to tell the story, but falls so far short. Think of this movie when you see reviews of movies that try to tell a story in less than 2 hours that need at least 8 hours to tell. Like doing a 1 and a half hour telling of Gone With The Wind (it was cut down from over 7 hours of film footage) or a 1 and a half hour telling of the history of WWII. To make it worse they try to throw an unnecessary love story in there.

At the end of the movie as the credits roll, there is a reference, to the fact that the movie is based on Freedom at Midnight, the classic book by Collins and LaPierre. If you can find this book, it is one of the best non fiction books I have ever read and in detail tells the story of Mountbattan and his wife and daughter's love for India and their people and what they went through with their impossible task. He was one of the most incredible men in the 20th century and you should also read about his entire life.
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Marina (2013)
14 October 2017
Just saw this movie at the International film Showcase in Orinda, California with a group of 18. Everyone really liked it and clapped at the end. Other reviewers have told you what the movie was about. I will just say that if you get the opportunity to see it, do it. We enjoyed talking about it at coffee after the movie, and we even had somebody from Belgium to ask if it was accurate, so a big thumbs up.
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Fanny's Journey
8 March 2017
I just watched this movie at the East Bay Jewish Film Festival in Pleasant Hill. It is a WWII movie that takes place in France in 1943 in what at that time was a part of France that was controlled by Italy, and when Mussolini, gets overthrown, sets in motion these events.

This movie kept me on the edge of my seat, as you watch a reluctant Fanny, aged about 13 finding herself in charge of a bunch of little Jewish kids being forced to flee from France to Switzerland as the Nazis take over in this area of France from Italy. Like all little kids, they all want their mommies and daddies and don't quite understand what is happening to them. This movie is based on a true story and was quite exciting.
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Excellent Movie
4 February 2012
Just saw this movie at the Lamorinda Film Festival in Orinda. This was one of the very few movies I have ever seen from French Canada. It is a fairly complex movie about some very unsuccessful petty criminals who sacrifice themselves to 4 years in prison, so that they can get their hands on $2 million dollars that one partner is holding for them who got away. But that guy has a task for them to do before they get the money and that is to walk the Route of Santiago in Spain. And a lot can go wrong. And a lot does, but that is the fun. Go see this movie if you have the opportunity. All the characters in this film are well thought out and the ending will be not exactly what you would have expected.
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Gloomy Sunday (1999)
I can't stop humming the music
14 March 2004
I just saw this movie after it was recommended to me by a friend. It was playing at a local film festival here in Northern California. Many people here have given you the synopsis of this movie. I don't need to repeat the plot. All I can say, is that it left me staring at the screen after the showing and people were standing up and clapping. If you are lucky enough to see it playing in your area. go see it. I give it an 8 of 10 only because as one reviewer stated, it should have been shot in Hungarian and German, not only German.The music is haunting, and a major part of the movie. Expect to have it play in your mind for a couple of days. I wonder if it is available for purchase on the internet?
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Japan (2002)
Disturbing and Boring
18 June 2003
It's hard to understand how this movie can be recommended to 97% of the ticket buying public. The people who gave this movie a favorable review saw a different movie than I did. As some users say, there are very disturbing scenes which for me held little to do with the direction of the movie. Yes, he is going to this canyon to die, but do we need to see a scene where he rips off a birds head and you spend about 30 seconds watching the poor thing twitch and die? Or to see a dead horse laying there with his insides showing? And even though the title character had sex on his mind even as he is planning his own death, do we need to see a very graphic scene of 2 horses having sex? This is also one of the slowest movies around and also one of the most unrealistic love or should I say sex stories ever made
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8 Women (2002)
Confusing with poor acting
15 November 2002
I had just come out of seeing the French movie Merci Pour Le Chocolat and decided to see 8 Women. The movie itself had an interesting premise of a group of related women who find their male relative dead and the phone lines cut, their car inoperative and a snow storm outside and realizing that one of them did it. What will ruin the movie for most people is the song and dance. You expect to see a murder mystery and instead get Singing in the Rain. None of the people can sing or dance and the acting appeared to be at the level of a B movie. This movie will not be for most people.
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