
30 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Bloated and Ridiculously Overrated
17 February 2024
There is absolutely no reason for this movie to be three hours long. It is loud, "talky", and filled with a number of extraneous characters. We are subjected to WAY too much back story for minor characters who get screen time because they are "major Hollywood actors" making cameos.

Quite frankly, OPPENHEIMER is two separate movies: the first 90 minutes prior to dropping the bomb, followed by another 90 minutes after dropping the bomb. The second half works far better than the first, but it's still WAY too much filler and too many "jump cuts". More is rarely better.

And the soundtrack is distractingly obnoxious.

Great acting all around (especially by Cillian Murphy)...great costumes and makeup...very close to being historically accurate...and an ambitious bio-pic of an important figure in history.

But - overall - a bloated, self-indulgent work that really just panders to the Oscar committee.
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The Beach Bum (2019)
I'm So Conflicted
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a polarizing movie. And after watching it 7 times, I can see why.

After the first viewing, I was livid. I felt like I completely wasted 95 minutes of my life. I audibly said, "What the **** did I just watch?!"

But then a curious thing happened... Every time the movie is on, I find myself watching it. The film has a curiously inexplicable "something" that keeps drawing me in. Each time I watch it, I find some very subtle allegory that is easily overlooked if you are instead conditioned to being hit in the head by Marvel movies.

At this point, I'm certain the film is supposed to be a complete, random, rambling mess; It's a reflection of the main character. If you view it through that lens, the dominos fall into place.

But look beyond the silliness, such as Martin Lawrence even being in this movie, let alone any of his scenes. There is a lot of subtlety. Example: Re-watch the first 5 minutes, then watch Moondog's award acceptance speech. Or watch his reaction to his early poetry reading videos. Every time I watch this movie, I pick up something new.

Is it "good"...? I don't know. It certainly will not appeal to everybody. In fact, I'm guessing only a select group will enjoy this film. But there is "something" alluring.

But is it original? And will it alienate a huge percentage of audiences while ultimately pleasing a small group of people that love a weird, quirky, "mess of a film"...?

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Still the Boring Dead
2 October 2023
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I've seen every episode of every faction of every Walking Dead...and I have officially tapped out. I'm done. I had such high hopes for this series in particular, but - as usual - it lead me into thinking something special and original was coming, but then they fed me a plate of the usual comfort food this universe has been serving up for the last 10+ years. And I'm done with it. I'm so bored...

The first episode was admittedly meh (still shaking my head over the nonsensical acid zombies)...the second episode piqued my interest, as it successfully strayed from "the formula" and introduced some potential plot lines...

...but episode three is the typical dull, WTF, meandering mess. And I stopped watching episode 4 halfway through...because, you know, bored...

I had such high hopes for this spin-off and thought the Daryl character could carry it. But he is a shell of the lone wolf survivor he once was. And I'm trying to figure out how France was so much more successful in the apocalypse, since they constantly have electricity and an abundance of liquor. How do they have such thriving nightclubs 🤔 *insert "Loud noises attract zombies" here.*

There are also too many familiar throwbacks: the nunnery that keeps dead walkers alive is just like Herschel's farm and The Governor...the kid (who I can't stand) is just like Carl (who I equally could not stand)...but the kid is also the "person who might save everyone", which is who Eugene was supposed to be...

The Daryl character was a bada**, but this series keeps appealing to his "softer side". This is only episode 4 of the season, but I'm only watching out of obligation instead of want. I've completely lost interest and feel like I'm in an abusive relationship that I can't leave after all of these years.

They may have upped the production values, but it's still the same dull, predictable sloppy joe on a hamburger bun.... ¡Adios!
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As Someone Who Has Actually Watched the Show...
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where are these high reviews coming from?! I'm wondering if they are watching a different show than I am. I've watched every episode of The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead (...and Supernatural...and Whiskey Cavalier...). At this point, both Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lauren Cohan are just using Dead City as a steady paycheck (not that I blame them in this new economical world). While I was excited for the first episode, any optimism was gone by the end of the second episode...and it has gone downhill from there.

While AMC has definitely ratcheted up the production level and the look-and-feel is much better than TWD, the inconsistent and illogical screenplays are maddeningly terrible. At this point within The Walking Dead timeline, the basic common sense factor should be considerably higher than what we are expected to endure: 1. Should I stay and fight this giant zombie horde, or 2. Should I run away.....or... 3. Should I start fighting the giant zombie horde, then suddenly discover an escape route?!

....Let's go with 3!!!

The show relies on the 'conflict' between the Negan and Maggie characters and their associated backstories, but that alone will not sustain a series. It wears off and becomes a bit of an albatross by episode 5. There needs to be a new angle on The Walking Dead universe overall, not just the same old slog but in a new city.

This series is mostly the same production staff and writers as The Walking Dead. And, as a result, it is plagued by the same rambling, formulaic storytelling, predictable "jump scares", unrealistic decision-making, and stereotypical characters that plagued the last few seasons of TWD. Every episode is: 1. Recap.

2. Survivors wandering around, inserting throwback discussions about life before the apocalypse.

3. Cut scene to current villain.

4. Monologue.

5. Obligatory zombie fight scene.

6. Monologue.

7. 'Why am I watching this?!' minutes 8. Some kind of crazy cliffhanger that makes you say, ' I have to begrudgingly watch next week to see what happens because I've invested years of my life to these characters'.

I'm sure it will be picked up for a season two because IT'S NEGAN AND MAGGIE AND TWD!!!!

...but it shouldn't. This show has officially run its course and needs a Carl or Sasha ending.

As a fan of both Jeffrey Dean Morgan (he is perfection in Watchmen) and Lauren Cohan (she is the only good thing about Whiskey Cavalier), they both need to walk away and put these roles in the ground.
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Self-Indulgent, Repetitive and Unnecessarily Long
25 June 2023
Visually, the movie is absolutely beautiful. However much they spent on the visual effects was well spent. The movie makes an excellent screen saver and/or ambient lighting if you turn off the sound.

But aside from that... The script is fairly terrible, the acting is relatively fair, and the screenplay is uneven and uninspired. The plot is essentially the same as the first 'Avatar', but you don't really care about any of the characters this time around. The requisite battle scenes are there and they are, of course, majestic. Lots of whooping and hissing.

The movie is weighed down by what amounts to about two hours of filler: it's Avatars being pretty Avatars. There are many, MANY lengthy segments that don't feel like they have anything to do with the plot; They make you feel like you are watching a nature documentary with killer special effects.

Formulaic and predictable, but definitely pretty to look at. But there is absolutely no reason this movie needed to be over 3 hours long.
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Blair Witch (2016)
Aside From Mone, There Is No Reason For This Movie to Exist
14 June 2023
I was today old when I discovered they made a "sequel" to Blair Witch Project. While I sit here watching this absolute disaster entitled 'Blair Witch', I'm reminded of the first time i watched the subtle, wonderfully-marketed original. The first time I watched THAT, I was completely enthralled and immediately bought a copy on VHS (...yes, I'm that old).

But the only reasons the original movie worked were because a) the internet was in its infancy, and b) the people behind the movie absolutely BRILLIANTLY controlled and leveraged what was released about the film. They were way ahead of their time and flooded the internet with fake stories about the Blair Witch, convincing millions that it was a real-life documentary. The film is a case study of how to leverage social media to make your s****y film a box office success.

If you watch the original knowing it is fiction, it completely loses its impact. If you watch this one.......

......I'm just sorry.
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Beef (2023– )
For Those Looking For a 100% Honest, Unbiased Review
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is not at all a 10-star masterpiece. I have absolutely no idea where those reviews are coming from. The series is good enough, but rapidly disintegrates halfway through.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first 3-4 episodes. Entertaining premise. Engaging storyline. Great acting. Palpable tension. Good soundtrack.

...but after that? Things go south. And fast.

Very fast.

Very very very fast.

This could have been an extremely solid 120-minute feature film. But stretching it over 10+ episodes - culminating in a preposterous, facepalm-worthy, non-sensical season finale, complete with excessive vomiting, talking crows, and out-of-character performances that will leave you asking, "What the heck did I just watch?!" - completely ruins everything.

I cannot empathize enough just how bad the last episode is. It is pointless if it was written by a completely different team of writers who never watched the previous 9 episodes. There is truly no reason to subject yourself to these ~37 minutes. It is absolutely terrible.

Seriously........ It. Is. Just. So. Unbelievably. Bad. Run far, far away. You can do so many more productive things with this amount of time in your life. Enjoy them. Embrace them. Make the most of them.

This series does not need nor deserve a second season.

The story was told.

The End.
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Heist (III) (2015)
John Q Meets Speed in the Casino
7 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen SPEED, JOHN Q, and pretty much any Robert De Niro film, you've already seen this movie. All logic and standard police procedures go out the window early on, and you're left with a mindless, meandering, and ultimately emotionless action movie.

Every single character is a cliche you've seen before. (Gina Carano in particular is a wooden, monotone object.) The script is pedestrian. The humor is completely flat. The "plot twist" is the producers said, "Ok, now what?! How do we tie all of this together and still give it a happy ending with a redemption arc for the broken heroes?"

This movie is where the most basic common sense went to die.

The only thing heisted was 93 minutes of my life that I will never get back.
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A Christmas Story Christmas Turkey
19 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The original A CHRISTMAS STORY is an all-time classic. A CHRISTMAS STORY CHRISTMAS is the exact opposite. The entire movie relies on flashbacks and nostalgic throwbacks to the original as forms of entertainment. The problem is, had the original not existed, absolutely no part of this movie works. And I get it: this unnecessary sequel would never have been made without the first, but it also pales in comparison to the original.

Some of the charm is there. It's a harmless piece of holiday fluff with no cursing and plenty of vaudevillian, John Hughes-type humor. It offers plenty of holiday cheer and a trademark happy ending. But it also has none of the teeth nor memorable one-liners of the original.

Decades after watching the original A CHRISTMAS STORY, I can still recite most every line. Minutes after watching A CHRISTMAS STORY CHRISTMAS, I've essentially forgotten all of it.
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The Rocker (2008)
Surprisingly Enjoyable
2 November 2022
I watched this with zero expectations. I'm not even a Rainn Wilson fan, nor a fan of the Americanized THE OFFICE.

After the first 10 minutes, I thought it was going to be a silly, slapstick comedy. But it quickly finds its footing and settles into a fairly solid - if not predictable - popcorn film. And bonus points for the effort Wilson and Stone put into actually learning how to play their respective instruments, not to mention Geiger doing the songwriting. I'm not sure there is even a single expletive in the entire 1 hour 45 minutes.

You won't find any new, trailblazing storylines here...but it also doesn't try to be that type of film. If you're looking to unplug with some harmless, formulaic fluff with unexpectedly good music that will get stuck in your head, then you can do a lot worse. It's a rope-a-dope.
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Read This if You Want to Save 90 Minutes of Boredom
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The opening montage is very good.

Overall, the first 10-15 minutes are decent.

...but then the film disintegrates into more of a cliche, formulaic psychological study than a horror film. I actually texted one of my friends at the 55-minute mark that "So far, nothing has really happened." You very quickly stop caring about any of the vapid characters and only look up when you hear someone scream. There is very little relevance nor continuity to 90% of the film. It feels like they shot 30 different 3-minute scenes, then tried to find a way to stitch them together.

Michael Myers is only in the film for maybe 15 minutes. The "epic" final confrontation between Laurie and Michael is a complete disappointment. After terrorizing humanity for over 40 years, the demise of an iconic horror character only takes minutes.

This will not be "the end". Expect Hollywood to reboot the franchise and/or have someone else pick up the mask. This is just the last we will see of Jamie Lee Curtis and the original Michael Myers. And these characters deserved much better endings.

If you thought Halloween Kills was bad, you will absolutely hate Halloween Ends.
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3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The end.....finally....two movies too late. Any fun and nostalgia you feel during the first 30-40 minutes when all the characters get back together quickly disintegrates into a bloated, rambling, non-sensical, thinly-plotted, horribly-scripted, predictable finale to the saga.

The acting is stale. The villain is a caricature. There are new, random dinosaurs every 15 minutes. What we are supposed to accept as a plot is a wandering, mindless mess and relies on impossible coincidence. The action sequences are there, but we've seen them all before (...well, maybe not actual flaming locusts.) The underlying message about our environment and conservationism is sufficiently hammered home, albeit in sporadic doses. Everyone can suddenly do the Chris Pratt "hand thing" with the velociraptors.

As a Jurassic Park fan, I couldn't wait to see this movie. Now, I'm just glad it's over so they can't do any more damage.
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A Meta Tale of Two Cages
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The way this movie started, I was all in: Nicolas Cage at his hammy, over-acting, semi non-sensical babbling best. I laughed audibly at the clever nods to his previous characters and films, as well as Nicolas Cage acting as an overblown caricature of Nicolas Cage. After all, you don't watch a Nicolas Cage movie without knowing what you are in for...

The problem is, the novelty wears off within the first hour, and things quickly disintegrate into an uninspiring action/comedy/kidnap film that seemingly bounces all over the place...for no other reason than "just because". Even the Nicolas Cage at the end of the film is a boring shell of the hyper-babble, energetic Nic Cage at the beginning.

I fully understand "meta". And, as a fan of Nicolas Cage, I recognize and appreciate the numerous references to his previous roles. But if you strip away the "OMG! Nicolas Cage is in a movie about Nicolas Cage starring Nicolas Cage!" rhetoric, you are left with a predictable, campy, tongue-in-cheek, action film chock-full of overacting that only holds your attention in short bursts.

......aka "A Stereotypical Nicolas Cage Film".
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Somehow, I "Watched" the Entire Thing
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I knew what to expect from this movie: simple, low-brow, locker room humor, with solid music and a smattering of celebrity cameos. It mostly delivered.

This entire movie is like that last 1990s Saturday Night Live skit before the final commercial break: creative, but bizarre and confusing, while being marginally humorous and leaving the audience wondering what the heck they just watched. Even as a fan of Tenacious D, my attention frequently waned, as some of the humor is intentionally absurd.

A few audibly laughable scenes, but mostly just a 90-minute showcase for the music (...which is not a bad thing). I'm admittedly confused by all of the 10/10 ratings, however. I'm obviously missing something...
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The Sandman (2022– )
Mixed Bag
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a die-hard fan of the comic, I couldn't wait for this adaptation. I followed every step, from Joseph Gordon-Levitt at the helm to his departure. Didn't even bat an eyelash at the gender and race-swapping of the characters. With Neil involved and giving his stamp of approval, it should still be good.....right?.....


...well...the answer is "sort of"...

Tom Sturridge is perfect.

Boyd Holbrook is perfect.

Patton Just no.

Visually stunning, but ultimately boring. Half of every episode lost my interest due to a meandering pace and needless secondary/tertiary character development. Feels like they could have made a solid, 6-episode arc, but they instead drug things out to meet a 10-episode quota.

With every fiber of my being, I wanted to love this adaptation.....but I just can't. It's not *bad*, but it could have been so much more.

Guess I'll just keep dreaming....
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Caddyshack II (1988)
Inexplicably Terrible
16 July 2022
Still can't believe someone produced this atrocity, yet thought, "Yes! This is it! This is exactly my vision! People are going to laugh at this!"

Hands down, one of the worst movies ever made.
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Danny Collins (2015)
In a Word: "Charming"
11 July 2022
Once upon a time, I had no idea this movie even existed. Since then, I've watched it at least a dozen times. It has become my go-to when I want to watch *something*, but can't decide on anything. And until recently, I had no idea it was loosely based on a true story.

Pacino is excellent in a role way outside of his usual genres.

Bobby Cannavale is in top form.

Jennifer Garner is quite good in a subtle, yet strong supporting role.

Christopher Plummer is absolutely fabulous.

In this age of Marvel/DC movies dominated by special-effects, 'Danny Collins' is a simple, well-made, emotionally-driven 1 hour and 47 minutes of storytelling. It is now a staple in my DVR.
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F9: Fast Ignoring Basic Physics
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, I know...these movies are supposed to be somewhat mindless entertainment. We are supposed to suspend disbelief. We are supposed to lose ourselves in the mayhem of amazing stunts and eye-dazzling vehicles and pretty people. Problem is, this movie is just under 2.5 hours long. All of the spectacular chaos (and surprise reunions with characters from previous movies in the series) cannot prop up the mind-numbingly uninspired acting, complete lack of anything resembling a logical plot, and eye-rolling action sequences that would even be a stretch in comic books. After a certain point, you just have to give up and say, "Well, ok. That's not how the Laws of Physics work...but that's a really nice car." Clever use of the title and "9 flashbacks", but that is the only positive in this meandering, predictable, utterly ridiculous slop.

I expected very little from F9 and still came away feeling like I wasted my afternoon watching it. I'm hoping this is the "last ride" and they stop driving this franchise into the wall.
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A Footnote or Asterisk to The Sopranos
21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The question: "If this movie was not an origins story of one of the most iconic gangsters in film history, would anybody care?" The answer: would any self-respecting Italian eat the last of his wife's leftover homemade lasagna a day after her passing?

To be fair, 'The Sopranos' spent 86 episodes developing characters and their associated storylines. That is impossible to accomplish within a 2-hour running time. It's like watching an All Star game in professional sports: you get excited to see someone enter the game, but they don't do anything extraordinary. The film is chock-full of so many characters that you lose track and don't really get vested in any of them. The exception, of course, being Michael Gandolfini, who admirably and successfully steps into the oversized Gucci shoes of his father. I don't know of anyone else who could have pulled it off so perfectly.

On its own, the film is mostly ok'ish. It's a period piece and does a good enough job depicting the gang fare amongst the tumultuous backdrop of the 1960s and 1970s. Fans of 'The Sopranos' will enjoy watching younger versions of the shows iconic characters, though most will likely be disappointed by their overall lack of development. There are a number of inside jokes and references that only fans of 'The Sopranos' will catch...especially the allegories between young Tony and his eventual children. But if you've not seen the series, you will most likely be a bit bored. If you go into this expecting something like 'Goodfellas', then fuggetaboutit.

Personally, I enjoyed getting to spend another two hours with Pussy Bonpensiero, Paulie Walnuts, Junior, and enough Italian cuisine to make me crave some homemade marinara.
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Visually Beautiful
21 February 2022
As usual, Guillermo del Toro delivers with a stunningly aesthetic film. The period design and production is absolutely stellar. I could watch this movie over and over with the sound muted just to lose myself in the visuals.

This is not to say anything is wrong with the dialogue. It tells a great story, albeit at a very slow pace at times. But stick with it. There are some fantastic characters and - of course - the indelible Bradley Cooper and Cate Blanchett, the latter of which looks like the poster child for the 1930s.

The film is 150 minutes. The first 120 minutes move at a MUCH slower pace than the final 30. It's a slow build, but worth it.
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Reacher (2022– )
Finally...A Good Adaptation
13 February 2022
I've read every Lee Child book. The Jack Reacher books are easily-digestible entertainment with the right mix of detective work and "cop banter". Unlike the Tom Cruise movies, which were - on their own merit - mostly ok'ish, REACHER is truly like watching the book. The series stays very true to the novel, albeit with some necessary updates for today's audiences (the novel on which this movie is based was published in 1997). Alan Ritchson nails the nuances and quirks of Jack Reacher. Willa Fitzgerald is Roscoe come to life. Maria Sten Is perfect as Neagley.

While the series does lag a bit in parts, so do the books. Not every page can be non-stop action. The novel is 522 pages. The series is 8 episodes, with each being at least 40 minutes. There is going to be some "downtime". The script isn't Shakespeare, nor does it aspire to be.

I was skeptical when first hearing this series was being made. I'm thrilled to be pleasantly surprised. Details matter...and this series paid attention.
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Bloated, But In a Good Way
12 February 2022
Too long? Yes. But you don't have to watch it all at once. Better than the "other" release? Yes. This tells a different narrative...and one that is darker and much richer. Special effects? Excellent. I actually caught myself several times thinking; "Wow. That is really quite beautiful." Does Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman have the emotional range of a 2x4? That's being generous. Is the "coda" the best part of the movie...and what should be the storyline going forward? Emphatically yes.

In a nutshell: An excellent, albeit bloated film. Easily could have been 2.5 to 3 hours vs 4. Visually stunning and emotionally engaging.

Sadly, we will never get to see this particular vision taken any further.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Missed Opportunity Cashing in on Nostalgia
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for a character study in how to ruin one of the most iconic characters in Star Wars canon, look no further. What little plot there is gets disguised by special effects, an overdose of "creatures", slapstick humor (..oh look! A creature eats another creature and then belches...), and an ensemble of characters with zero development that we are supposed to care about...but don't. The pace is maddeningly slow. The first few episodes are a rambling, aimless, boring mess. What passes as a script is truly awful. The only parts with teeth are the Rancor and Cad Bane, with the latter being the brightest spot in this pedantic slog. The nostalgia of seeing a mid-30s Luke Skywalker "in his prime" is quickly ruined by horribly slow dialogue that completely drains any excitement. What passes as the final showdown disintegrates into an overt homage to King Kong, complete with plenty of screaming, destruction, mayhem, and the utterly predictable, clichéd outcome.

Boba Fett is supposed to be one of the baddest baddies that ever lived. Instead, we are treated to an old, slow, philosophical version of a Bounty Hunter that was once one of the most feared villains in the galaxy. They should have entitled this "The Boredom of Boba Fett".

As always, the special effects team is on point. Sadly, the rest of this series was pointless.
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A Great First 105 Minutes
27 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most of this movie is quite good. The final 20-25 minutes, however, is just a comical travesty. If there hadn't been a 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan', the movie may have stood on its own...but still would be a jumbled mess at the end. It very much feels like J. J. Abrams made it most of the way through, then went, "Oh...umm... hmm... how am I going to end this? I only have about 20 minutes to tie together a bunch of storylines and set up the next movie.."

I get it: reversing the roles from the pivotal scenes in Star Trek II was cute...I guess. Sadly, in this instance, doing so lacks any of the emotional punch of the original. It just comes across as "hammy" and induces eye rolls.

Trying to be objective and remembering this is the second in a reboot of the films, you can certainly appreciate the film on its own merit. The story is mostly ok'ish. The effects are solid. You can appreciate the film as an entry into the Star Trek legacy.

.....but those the final scenes...I don't know what else to say, aside from calling them rushed, borderline incoherent, campy, and superficial.

'The Wrath of Khan' is an excellent film and a pivotal chapter in the legacy/cannon of Star Trek. If that film did not exist, perhaps 'Into Darkness' would rate higher...but, alas, neither is true.

...and the last 20 minutes or so of 'Into Darkness' would still be a aggravating mess.
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Another Serviceable Sequel
16 October 2021
Formulaic? Yes. Predictable? Yes. Over-acted with a script seemingly written by someone in Middle School? Of course. But what were you expecting? We don't watch these movies for Oscar-worthy entertainment. These movies have been wearing thin for awhile, yet they keep making sequels that are true to the original and still manage to elicit the occasional shock value.

In this entry, they raise the bar on the violence and gore from years past. The suspense comes and goes. The acting is exactly what you have come to expect.

I honestly cannot say whether or not it's "good"; That is completely subjective. It's another movie in the Halloween franchise. You know the drill. If this is your brand of Halloween candy, you will enjoy yourself for the duration. If not, there are plenty of opportunities for snack and bathroom breaks.

My own humble opinion that nobody asked for? As much as I have enjoyed the Michael Myers character over many, many's approaching time for his retirement into the Hall of Gore. But if the last few decades have proven nothing, he is immortal.
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