
22 Reviews
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Why do people like this?
2 June 2024
Bunch of vain, annoying kids trying to act in a movie that somehow caught on because it resembled a period that invoked nostalgia. But let's be honest, it's pretty terrible. Half the film is just boring, coupled with bad acting. The other half is littered with unnecessary and uncomfortable sexual remarks and the over-sexualisation of teenagers. All of which just painful to watch. There can't possibly be any reason for people to like this other than nostalgia.

Also hats off to the actor who played Mitch Kramer. I've always heard that it's notoriously hard for child actors to get any roles in Hollywood. Well that must be a myth... This guy gets essentially the role of a main character and then proceeds to give the worst performance I've possibly ever seen. He is awkward and unnatural in every scene. He pulls the exact same facial expression throughout. His dialogues are cluncky. In fact the only thing he does is stroke his hair and wipe his nose constantly throughout the movie. It's literally his signature move. Numerous times another character would say something to him, and the camera would turn to him wiping his nose like it's the key to an Oscar win. If any aspiring actor needs inspiration, truly, just watch this film and you'll believe the world's your oyster.
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Amadeus (1984)
Great film but some problems
18 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the movie was extremely strong, and it boasted some of the best filmmaking I've seen. It had everything. However the potency started to wane slightly from the midpoint. There were some unnecessary scenes and the plot was dragging a bit. My biggest problem however, was that I think they failed to show the full greatness of Mozart, especially in his later years. Instead it emphasised what a great child prodigy he was in the first half, and then the last half depicted him as a drunk who failed to impress crowds. Still a great film though and altogether I was encapsulated all the way through.
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Enjoyable, but...
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout this film I felt like I was waiting for the plot to happen but it never actually did. It's not until you're 3/4s of the way through when you realise that the whole point of the film has already been shown to you; which is the divide between the upper and working class or more broadly, the abuse of power. In the end it was clear the film was basically a full blown attack on the rich with elements of political agenda seeped into it. Personally, this left a lot to be desired.

While the film was entertaining overall, the plot really was non-existent. I also think there was a major lack of character development, as you never really care about any of them or truly understand their nature. The two main characters (Carl and Yaya) were a large part of the first 1/3 of the film, but then they gradually have little to no scenes together come the end of the film. This didn't make sense to me as time was spent building these characters up in their relationship, to then completely turning the attention away from them. Consequently, when Carl left Yaya for Abigail due to her newfound power, you didn't really feel anything or even care, because their relationship really didn't matter anymore at that point due to a lack of screen time.

All in all, I enjoyed the duration but I was left more frustrated than anything. That being said, I thought the acting was superb all round, with some great performances. RIP Charlbi Dean.
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Dunkirk (2017)
24 December 2022
Everything about this film is perfect. The cinematography is some of the best I've seen. Every frame is shot to perfection. Every line of dialogue is brilliant. The pacing is tremendous. The acting is flawless. The sound fits the tone of the film superbly. The storyline is simple, but extremely effective and captivating. Christopher Nolan simply does an amazing job on this film.

This movie is unique as it steers away from a main character. This allows you to focus on the overall objective of getting off Dunkirk beach, which makes for a better and more realistic watch. Giving one character more importance over another would completely take away from the story and the nature of war.

In my opinion this is Nolan's best film.
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Almost Famous (2000)
17 August 2022
A classic coming of age film. This had just about everything you could ask for; comedic, romantic, dramatic, and at times a tearjerker with an enthralling story and brilliant acting. A true timeless masterpiece.
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9 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, there is a lot to like about Licorice Pizza. It's funny, charming and shot incredibly well. The acting and soundtrack were a highlight of the film. However there are some flaws...

I get what PTA was going for with a kind of 'care free' story line which sort of floats between different stories in the characters lives - however I felt it didn't really work. They're so many different routes this film goes, that it just doesn't mesh and struggles to flow.

The story felt like it had no clear plot and end goal which meant I struggled to feel emotion and intrigue into the characters. Gary goes from showman, to business man, to photographer, back to business man, but you never really know why or what he's trying to achieve. While Alana sort of follows him but then gets agitated and deviates into politics for no reason other than to prove she's grown up.

I also felt some characters such as Sean Penn's, Tom Waits felt forced and pointless. Yes they may have had some funny lines but they didn't contribute to a better plot.

The actors Alana Haim and Gary Hoffman do a great job of portraying the lead characters. They are charming and are ultimately a great fit. They were the highlight of this film along with the cinematography and soundtrack.

However I also felt the characters were poorly written. After a while the relationship between Alana and Gary felt repetitive and as if it was going in cycles of breaking up, making each other jealous, then getting back together; but then just as you think they're gonna get together they don't because of the age gap. This made the film seem like the characters were never developing. This could've just avoided by closing the unnecessarily big age gap a little.

Overall I still liked the film. It was enjoyable and was a a good showcase of PTA talents. However in my opinion they're quite a few flaws that stop it from being a hit.
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Succession: Safe Room (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
1 December 2021
This episode was a masterpiece. Extremely funny yet so sad, and enthralling throughout.

Not forgetting performances from the whole cast that were truly enchanting.

This is the best show on tv right now.
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Dune (2021)
Start of something great...
13 November 2021
This is a great first movie in the Dune sequel/trilogy. Another Denis Villeneuve masterpiece.

This is also a must watch in the cinema - I've never experienced anything like it!
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23 October 2021
This film proves to be a hurdle to understand and get to grips with, but when I did I thoroughly enjoyed.

Wes Anderson proves to be on top of his game as he showcases outstanding style and direction - not to overshadow the incredible story plots and film concept.

I thought the first and last third of the film were by far the strongest. However I thought the middle was slightly weak compared to the rest of the film due to a rather tedious story sequence and questionable casting of Timothée Chalamet; which seamed to be more style over substance.

Mostly, the acting was faultless, with special mentions to Adrien Brody and Jeffery Wright who were particularly great. With help of great writing combined with a lot superb acting, the characters became effortlessly intriguing.

On the whole I believe this film is incredible. There's a point in the film where you sit back and realise your watching something great. It may not be to everyone's liking, but if it is you will be able to appreciate a masterfully crafted film.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Very good
20 October 2021
This was extremely well made. I thought it was a risk to have 3 different perspectives of the same situation, however I was very wrong. There was never a dull moment.

The subtle differences were very clever and gave the story twists, which made for an increasingly intriguing end. I also thought the acting was superb.

Overall a great film.
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Oh no...
16 October 2021
The first 25-30 minutes before the opening credits was very good. It was everything you would expect from a bond film and was looking promising for the rest of the duration. Then however, the film fell of a cliff...

The film became slow and very talkative. Talkative in a way that becomes disinteresting due to the lack of importance in the dialogue. A should-be 30 second dialogue scene would be prolonged to a 5 minute scene. This was a common theme throughout.

Making bond into a more human person for this film may have been a good idea but didn't work. The film didn't feel realistic. Daniel Craig is in his element when he is a cold-blooded agent, who shows little emotion and has few words to say. This however was the complete opposite. They over-humanised the character and It didn't feel right.

There were some good bits here and there, but for the massive budget, along with the 6 year wait since the last film, it was quite a let down. Ultimately this was a poor send of for Daniel Craig and I did not feel satisfied leaving the cinema.
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The Matrix (1999)
Oh ok, now I understand...
12 October 2021
Was slightly confused and second guessing throughout first viewing which was not enjoyable; resulting in a a score of 7/10.

However on second viewing, you quickly become aware of why this is regarded as such a classic. Great fun to watch and it's captivating throughout. Loved it.

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Average romance film
7 August 2021
I wasn't expecting much from this film and indeed, I didn't get much. It's your typical romance film with the typical plot, that you have most likely seem a number of times.

I struggled to feel any emotion towards the characters, so when particular scenes arose with a meaning to captivate the audience, I was left feeling numb. The acting was ok in parts, although no one really stood out.

Overall - this is just an ok romance film which isn't bad, but certainly isn't great.
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The Chaser (2008)
Great thriller
16 July 2021
The first half of the film had scenes which felt unnecessarily prolonged, while the story took its time create a real rhythm.

However the second half of the film completely took off. It became extremely disturbing and suspenseful for the rest of the film without any pointless scenes, which is exactly what you want from a crime thriller.

The acting and directing were also superb.
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Trainspotting (1996)
9 July 2021
This film is a masterpiece and possibly the greatest ever British film.

The soundtrack goes amazingly well with the dark and gritty nature of the film, which at times adds suspense and even more of a distasteful feel and others a more comical feel to lighten the mood.

I found myself indulged in the film - on the edge of my seat, anxious for what was coming next - for the full duration.

Lastly, the writing for this film is excellent and I love the fact that this is completely anti drugs.
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9 July 2021
The first couple of songs - I quite enjoyed, and thought the songs intertwined good with the plot.

However as the film went on, it quickly became messy and dragged out. There was countless unnecessary scenes and songs, all the while confusing the viewer more by jumping from one character to another, to which you never quite knew the plot or who the main character actually was.

Towards the end, the film massively dragged out for no significant reason, and found itself just dancing around a situation (no pun intended) and not getting to the point.

I also felt they were overdoing the Latino lingo, to the point where it became cringe and hard to follow simple conversations.

With all the ads and hype, this was a big disappointment.
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9 July 2021
Compared to the first film, this is very disappointing. There was little tension and the plot was very messy. There was no clear idea of what the characters were trying to achieve and it just overall felt forced and pointless.

I think Krasinski has got great potential as a director. However I feel like a third film is a over doing it and is ultimately stopping him from making fresh material, where he can really showcase what he can do.
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Cherry (I) (2021)
Beautiful and Gripping!
25 March 2021
This film analyses ptsd in a way that has not been seen before. It was fast paced and gripping in elements only to be balanced out with tense and gritty, prolonged scenes.

The way the Russo brothers made this film may invite snobbery amongst the critics, however I do believe it can be seen as wonderful and effective when watched with an open mind.

All performances deserve immense credit but especially Tom Holland who was enchanting throughout. This was definitely a positive step in his career, branching out from marvel. His performance was complimented by Ciara Bravo who was also immense in her supporting role. Great film!
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Onward (I) (2020)
Fun & enjoyable
20 January 2021
A fun and enjoyable animation for any ages which can also be heartwarming and emotional. This film more than exceeded expectations!
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Another Round (2020)
A great film
6 January 2021
This films radiates emotions from the character to the viewer in a way that has been rare this year. The pacing of the film left me gripped throughout, with great performances throughout the cast.

Mads Mikkelson was great as usual in this film
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Soul (2020)
Good film
2 January 2021
A great lesson and a fun film to watch. A film that is relevant to any age.
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Fight Club (1999)
2 January 2021
Soundtrack, visuals, acting, pacing, tension, emotion, intelligent, plot twist, with an important message of anti capitalism. this is the perfect movie.

This thriller will have you on the edge of your seat throughout and is all the more thrilling and relevant in today's society, 22 years on!
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