
6 Reviews
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Channel Zero (2016–2018)
Anybody notice a similarity?
30 October 2018
I have a special point of view on this. Some may disagree, but please try to see the point. Before American Horror Story came out there was nothing like this on TV. I went to one of those survey places and saw and critiqued a very differently cut first episode of AHS. I was blown away. Subsequent years gave me similar surprises, especially with the tangential seasonal connections. This season, Apocalypse, failed to give me the twinges of previous seasons and I realized it was because the 'big picture' is not BIG. However, with Channel Zero, it seems to be going in a similar direction. It does not copy AHS in any way. The connections between seasons are so tangential that most would not notice them. I did not comprehend everything about Season 1, so I avoided the series until Season 4. I watched The Dream Door then No-End House and now Butcher's Block. This series should be judged as a whole. I would have given it a 9 currently, but I believe it will eventually deserve a 10 so I give it. I believe that this show is the thinking person's AHS.
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22 July 2018
So, 1 in 10 attempts are successful. Some of those just play along to get publicity. Mr. Cohen loads the dice and those who enjoy it are the real "America" even if you live on another continent. I remember being a victim of this mentality--in grade school. Cohen is a mind bully with a propaganda agenda. 99% percent of the World population would fall for his bull, but you laugh anyway.
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Real as Life
18 July 2018
I've watched tens of thousands of movies and TV for 50+ years. I know when the acting is bad, the writing is bad or when the different elements don't live up to a standard. When I came into this movie, I expected an action adventure drama cookie cutter film. What I saw was an above average fictionalized documentary style movie and it seemed too real in dialog. As things progressed, I saw a predictable storyline leading to what the film's title made you expect. (mediocre) The actors seemed to be exactly playing the parts they were given and the events seemed to play out the way reality plays out. (good) As the aftermath was playing, I had to know if it was a true story because it seemed so. Some of the film seemed like actual footage and it might actually have been in some cases. Then I saw Clint's involvement and was intrigued. I then watched his "making of" and realized what was done. I was so impressed with the handling of Clint's direction of real for acting not only for the main actors but what seemed to be background players, bystanders and victims that I have no idea who is an actor in the film and who is a real person. Obviously they can't film back in time, so there were actors for that, but who knows? Because of this reality factor, even bad acting can be forgivable. When you go to a bar and order a beer and flirt with the bartender, are you a bad actor? or a bad writer because of what you say? or a bad director because of what you intend? If you don't like this movie for any of a dozen reasons, I say you are a bad reviewer because you are a cynical witness. You weren't there at the real event, so you cannot be a critic to simulated real life. I've had real life events that felt like this. And I acted badly, but had no witnesses and didn't die.
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High & Dry (2018)
Not new or compelling. Valueless. Ruined.
4 June 2018
This review is about the 2018 re-imagining, not the original 2015 idea, which was actually better than the Wrecked idea: Lost seems to be what this show is based upon just like Wrecked is. I'm also sure Survivor and all the reality shows find homes in the basis as well. After all the comparisons and tributes are quoted, this show is as annoying as the "most annoying sound in the world" from Dumb and Dumber. Just because you can throw feces on a canvas and call it art, doesn't mean everyone should reward the behavior (unless you want all art to be that). I can't find the fifth episode yet, as I was trying to give the show the benefit of the doubt or suspending my disbelief, so I'm thinking even the production company gave up before a full season was completed. There were no standout characterizations as the main character overpowered the senses, and that is not a compliment (owing to the fact that the character was a worn out stereotype of the worst sort and not endearing to anyone or humorous in any way. The only way I would have found value to it was to see him die in the third episode with a powerful plotline twist).
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Girls Next Door (2011– )
Sounds atrocious and inappropriately voice acted.
18 November 2016
Just finished this webseries to date and I am underwhelmed. The production values could be much better, but aren't. This could use a sound editor/effects manager to keep the spirit alive. Also, with all the sampled artwork/ music, I'm surprised that they're allowed to continue this. I suppose given that it is a Youtube series, expectations should be managed, but I've seen this kind of thing done much more professionally with similar budget. Rebecca Morse is genius as a cartoon artist. I'm guessing that she knows nothing about this "tribute" to her work/play. What makes me irritated, though is the presence of this on IMDb. It allows the characters (Who are only suggested by Ms Moore) and the voice actors who play them to stand in the frame with the greats who played them. Kind of like plagiarism with a side of character assassination. Good for fun, but let us not voice act Mickey Mouse in a corset onto IMDb and into the Academy Awards. (Unless it's on Family Guy or South Park)
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Being Human (2011–2014)
A Crime Against Being Human Nature
27 June 2012
I don't know what to believe. I want to like this version as there are genuinely great parts of this show, but most of it is because of direct transcription from the British version. There are bright new spots that are original and I like the location and ideas for special effects and especially the new direction for the Sally/Annie character. I went to Jeremy Carver's page thinking that he was the one responsible for ruining the American version of Toby Whithouse's impressive ongoing saga of Being Human. I read some opinions and read the writing/producing credits of both he and Anna Fricke and have come to the conclusion that Ms. Fricke is the more likely culprit to blame for this fiasco. With such writing credits as Everwood, Men In Trees and Dawson's Creek how could she not. I'm sure there are some people who like these shows, but although some have lasted many years, few have earned critical acclaim and I'm sure none are because of Ms. Fricke. I saw such potential. With the Sci Fi Channel's backing and "our" great abilities for special effects, I saw a blockbuster version with scarier and deeper character development and a whole new direction from the British version(which is great, but not exactly to American tastes). Instead I find the same episode plot-lines(not necessarily a bad thing) with a watered-down script and weak divergences from the British version with plot-holes that make no sense and a cast of characters that are more at home on 1960's Dark Shadows soap opera episodes(great for it's day, but not fit for this decade.) I hope Mr. Carver gets more influence on this show in the future, because I'd sure like to see this potential not go to waste. If I'm wrong about this, I apologize to everyone non-complicit in this crime. If I am, please correct my impression. Viewing both versions is compulsory for comparison, but if you must pick one, miss this one.
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