
16 Reviews
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This is pure 80s swords and sorcery
29 April 2020
I watched this as a kid, I can't remember if on Betamax or on TV but for some reason this is one of the films I have a fond memory of. The acting is poor, the characters are totally miscast and the special effects have dated so much. The tune that keeps playing is bugging me as it appears in another film, I'm thinking Ghost, I may be wrong. Not sure how a younger audience will take this film, but for me it gets and average 5 for the nostalgia factor. It did have something going for it in the early 80s, but having seen this now a few times in almost 40 years, to me has now lost it's appeal. But for those that like 80s films and not seen this, it is worth a watch.
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Twins and Step Brothers' horrible horrible love child
28 April 2020
This film is very poorly executed and a massive missed opportunity. The film feels a bit of a rip off of Twins and Step Brothers but minus all the jokes and laughs. The "twins" in this film are totally miscast and it doesn't work well on screen. The jokes in this are none existent which didn't even raise a single smile. 2 none identical twins, 1 a bit of a loser, the other successful looking for their birth parent. Sound familiar? Despite having a stellar cast, give me the Arnie/Devito film over this lazy film every day of the week. Oh, and the relationship between the 2 brothers is horrendously dull compared to the recent Ferrell film, Step Brothers. To the writer of this film, do the world a favour, go do a space walk without a helmet.
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Bosch (2014–2021)
20 April 2020
It's ok. Bit long winded, all 6 seasons could easily be condensed into 1 hour tops. I'm not feeling it for any of the characters, I believe they have all been cut out from the same piece of cardboard. Acting is a bit dull, and it isn't really anything new. If you've seen hundreds of cop shows, you've seen all this series has to offer. I did enjoy it at the start, but just feels like this goes around the houses, and not in a good way. Quite a few of the characters have that smarmy smugness about themselves, and it soon gets tired. You could easily pick a random character and slot them into most of the scenes and give them the lines. It is one of those shows that some will love it and some couldn't care less.
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Cape Fear (1991)
One of the most gripping films I've seen for a while
19 April 2020
Only just got round to seeing this film, and what a gripping film it is. The acting is decent but feels a little dated, only a little. The casting is fantastic, and the way the story develops just keeps you gripped throughout. I can't say I enjoyed the ending and feel it could have been done better. But overall, a really decent film.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Could have been better
16 April 2020
Opening scene was brilliant, but unfortunately it was a false dawn and what followed was episodes that were boring and slow. There was the odd scene that brought you back in. So, as what is becoming the trend of late, you have the token angry strong female character that can't convey herself without using the F word when it isn't necessary or required, but overall all the characters were decent. The acting was decent and Pacino plays his part very well which he tends to struggle a bit when he is asked to do something out of the persona he normally portrays. For me, the final 3 episodes really brought this series alive and were quite gripping and saved the show. Throw in the typical twist to show that the writer is clever and you end up with a show that isn't bad. It does feel like it is missing something, it feels like it could have been done better, it does feel something is lacking. It isn't hard hitting, nor is it thought provoking and nor does it tell us something new, and it feels like something I've watched before. But a full array of quality characters, all portrayed very well, this is a show that is worth watching.
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Museum Secrets (2011– )
I have actually learned a few new things
14 April 2020
Most documentaries present their material as new and exclusive where in fact the information has been made public years in some cases couple of decades before. I don't mind hearing the same information if presented differently and with a fresh slant. Now Museum Secrets I actually find very engrossing. Each episode focuses on 1 museum and then selects a couple of exhibits or items not on public display and goes into the history of said items, even the history of the museum. I do like this series and have learned a few things from it, although some I had learned out of pure interest as a kid. What I like about this series, it isn't just American or British or Western European with a quick look at Egyptian museums, there are museums out of the normal cultures you would expect. An interesting find and a little bit different. The presentation I really like, the illustrations backing up the clear narration even though some are on a loop whilst we are told the history. More than a few articles in the series will leave you thinking "what if" and something very minor potentially having lasting effects on future events. If you have any interest in history, anthropology, archaeology, paleontology, this is a must.
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The Cave (2005)
Sound effects by a simpleton
14 April 2020
I have to ask, what on earth is it with some horror films that no matter what the creature is. be it a fish, insect, or a plant, the simple minded sound guy makes it screech. I am sure David Attenborough is with me on this, an eel in the water will not screech like some mutant mouse with a rusty nail in it's abdomen when it attacks it's prey and nor will a scoropion. Also, how on earth were the divers able to talk in the early part of the film with the breathing apparatus in their mouths? Another annoying irritation with this film re: sound, it felt like every 2 minutes there was the overused instrumentals to make you jump when someone appeared on screen instantly, the same boring sound effect that has been overused in millions of films before it. Word of advice, after a million times, you may aswell have the hand sign guy in the bottom right of the screen telling us to prepare not to be scared. The acting is ok I suppose, but personally I really hate that fake London accent that Lena Headey has, it isn't an educated accent, it is an accent for someone that can't accept themselves. If you do plan to watch this, I would advise watch it with the sound turned off, it may actually be better. The plot is very simple, so you won't miss any important dialogue.
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Patriots Day (2016)
Horrible topic, but fantastic cinema
12 April 2020
I really do hate to watch films like this because they make me so angry. I really need to get myself in the mood to watch something with such a horrible subject matter, but as I am a big fan of Wahlberg (in serious films not comedy), I finally selected it and clicked play. Let me try and review this as a "film", it's a bit easier for me because I wasn't there and thankfully noone I know was, but I don't want to sound cold in anyway. The action scene in the Watertown shooting was brilliantly flimed, one of the best scenes I've seen in this type of film. The acting as you would expect from Wahlberg, Goodman, Simmons and Bacon is excellent, the film is gripping, and the "story" keeps you engrossed throughout. Now the reality. I couldn't but help remembering some of the news clips, some parts I had totally forgotten about, and it shows the horror of what can happen in our own neighbourhoods giving you a feeling of hatred and anger. I felt all kinds of things watching this film, and makes you wonder where the time has flown considering how long ago it was. It also shows how disgusting the media can be just because they want the scoop, and you have to ask the question, was FOX responsible for the Watertown shooting? Would it have happened if things played out how the investigators wanted it to? This film was powerful in parts, but gripping throughout. It is amazing how only 3 people died, things could have turned out a lot worse, especially if they weren't caught.
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I Love Dick (2016–2017)
Immature, studenty, insecure and niche
12 April 2020
The problem with the success of many female writers, they target a niche market, and that's where the problem lies with this. I didn't find it funny, shock nudity in the day of the internet is pointless and immature and I really couldn't care for any of the characters as I couldn't relate to them or accept their insecurities. This will not appeal to everyone, but I can see why it will appeal to some, but just not me even though I watched if very open minded. This is 1 show I've not heard anyone talk about, not even female colleagues, and after watching it, I can see why. There are obvious insecurity issues from the writer, but if she wrote for a wider audience, maybe she would receive more recognition and success. This is niche, very very niche and not for the masses.
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The Office (2005–2013)
That's what she said
12 April 2020
I can't stand Ricky Gervais so I gave the British version very little time, plus I hated all the characters. Now the US version is hilarious from the 1 upmanship between Dwight and Jim, the will they or won't they relationship between Jim and Pam. Then there is some deadpan coming in the form of Stan and just some craziness from Meredith, add to this the cringe added nonsense of Michael Scott and that is a recipe of laugh a minute. The series started off brilliantly, but from about season 5 seemed to lose it a bit. Biggest downer was the inability to replace Michael Scott and they did try. It's like losing Sam in Cheers or Joey in Friends or Niles from Frasier, it just isn't good. A couple of characters I didn't like such as Nellie and a few characters I couldn't relate to or didn't have a lot of depth to them like Angela, Oscar and Phyllis. Ryan and Kelly I just wanted them to get together and leave the show entirely. But Jim, Dwight, Pam, Stanley, Michael, Kevin and Meredith provide enough to keep you laughing and keep you watching from the off.
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Preacher (2016–2019)
how do you rate a show like this?
12 April 2020
Preacher season 1 was fantastic, some great characters throughout the series in particular Cassidy and Herr Starr, and with Tulip you were left thinking in the earlier episodes does she have superpowers or not? The show was different, it was funny and some of the humour is typical Seth Rogen. Then it all goes downhill. Season 2 wasn't bad, but not as good as the first season, the 3rd season was a little bit poor, possibly ok at best and season 4 was just a blithering mess hence why I am rating it at a middling to good 6 overall. If a 5th season was created, I would watch it out of loyalty to the series, but I do like Seth Rogen's work and would give any follow up season the chance to recapture what season 1 had. A clear example of what was good turning poor.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
A good watch to take with you to Valhalla
12 April 2020
Being a Yorkshireman, I've always been fascinated by what is one of my ancestral peoples. This series is gripping, violent, thought provoking and gives us an insight into how things used to be. Men and women equal fighting side by side from a society of farmers and seafaring folk, the politics governing kings/queens and settlements. Characters like Ragnar, Lagertha, Floki,watching them all develop over the years and the passage they all take. A show which isn't scared of killing off main characters which, at times can be take from a series, but it does help other characters come into the fray. After a couple of seasons, the series was getting a little bit slow, but when the Vikings took towards Paris, it was like a massive slap in the face giving a 2nd wind to the show and kept going since. Vikings appeals at so many levels and is worthy of anyone's time and commitment.
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Patriots Day (2016)
I really hate these type of films, but I end up loving them
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This came on Amazon a couple of weeks ago, I've been avoiding it because such films make me so angry and I feel hatred build up inside at what I see as scum. I have to get into the mood. But when I do sit down to this type of film, I do enjoy them, if that is the right word to use, maybe engrossed sounds better. A quality cast of Bacon, Whalberg, Goodman and Simmons was the reason I just clicked on play for this film. First off, the film is done in good taste and some of the news clips I remember vividly, but it showed some of the stuff I totally forgot. The shootout was one of the best if not best action scene in a film based on a terrorist act, the older brother got what he deserved and was it bad of me when I cheered at the screen when his younger brother drove over him dragging him a short distance? What I did feel respectful, giving some of the victims a chance to speak of their views whilst looking back at the end of the film. Whalberg's acting is his typical and the character is what you would expect from him. A stellar cast, great acting, and an intriguing look into behind the scenes from a horrible event, this film definitely commands 2 hours from your film night.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Should be renamed Picard the coward
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this series as I loved TNG a little over 30 years ago. Picard is basically Saving Private Ryan but in space. Data replaces the mother, and the 2 the surviving daughter replaced Ryan. The problem for me is that Picard is nothing but a washed up coward running for cover in a couple of scenes whimpering and getting his backside saved, why do i want to watch a series about a whimpering old man?. The characters are bland and if they all died in the first episode I wouldn't miss them. 2 main faults especially for a Star Trek series, and what is it with having "powerful" female characters now in a series needing to use the F word at everyone, are they incapable of conveying themselves intellectually now??? This for me has no place in any Star Trek franchise, there's no need for it. There have been many strong female characters throughout the franchise that have shown intelligence over profanity. This series didn't feel like Star Trek at all, until for the penultimate episode and the 1 prior, some may know what I mean. Star Trek has always had characters, always had a bit of humour, Original had all the main crew, TNG had about half a dozen characters, DS9 had Odo and in particular Quark, Voyager at least had the Dr, but this, noone. The best part for me was cameo appearances by Data, if it wasn't for him, my rating would have been lower. Riker wasn't bad and wasn't too fussed about Troi but good to them 2 still together for this series. How do I rate it compared to other series? Obvious Original is the best, followed by TNG, DS9 comes in 3rd and I would place Picard inbetween the poor to ok Voyager and the terrible Enterprise.

Data was the best this series has to offer, especially the final episode which without spoiling it too much, poignant.
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I Love Dick (2016–2017)
Definitely not for me
12 April 2020
I watched this purely because it stars Kevin Bacon, nothing more, so I expected it to be of a certain standard. After reading the gist of this series and seeing the trailer, I thought I would give it a go. First off, it felt very studenty especially at first, and I got a little bored of the message the series was giving out. My rating for this isn't to say this series is poor, but it just isn't for me at all. The problem lies with some (not all) women writers is that their works are aimed for a niche market and look for an excuse why they've not written the next blockbuster and that is why some writers may not be as successful as they like to be, not because they are a woman or from another group they like to label themselves as. I liked Enid Blyton as a child, not because she was a woman, but because her books appealed to everyone. Same with JK Rowling or Agatha Christie. I Love Dick tries to shock, tries to be controversial and in your face at times, not everyone wants this so the writer is alienating a good portion of the public straight away. I did like Roberta Colindrez's character and the acting overall isn't bad. I would say, give this series a try, but don't expect to like it. I will never say this series is poor, I won't say it's terrible, but it is a polar opposite of what I class as entertaining or engrossing. As a comedy, I didn't find anything funny in it at all, just not my sense of humour or by that stage I had little interest in any of the characters or the story.
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Stan Against Evil (2016–2018)
Tongue in cheek, not to be taken seriously
12 April 2020
After seeing the trailer, maybe I expected a bit more from this series. I find it cheesy, corny, and at times feels cheap with some of the special effects, in particular the costumes, but I understand this is very tongue in cheek and it does have a few funny moments. As the episodes are only half hour long, it is a bit of light entertainment during the day or an evening to kill a short while, but please don't expect too much. At time of writing I've just started the last episode of season 3 and if honest, I feel I've had more than my fill and think another season would have been too much. If you want something a little silly, some chewing gum for the mind, then this might just fit the bill.
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