
16 Reviews
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The Holdovers (2023)
Overhyped and too long
3 March 2024
Enjoyed Sideways and Descendants, so was looking forward to the Holdovers. The cast was largely excellent, but the story was overly familiar and was about 30 minutes too long.

I also had trouble accepting that Angus and Mary would talk to Hunham as if they were equals. I know it was meant to be 1970, but given how hierarchical boarding schools still are, i did find it a stretch that a teenager and the school cook (and a black woman) would be so condescending to Hunham, a much older (white) man and someone who was meant to be in charge.

A fine move to pass the time, but hardly an Oscar nominee.
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Entertaining 2 hours
4 January 2023
I dont understand the hate-on for this film from some reviewers. Yes, it has a low budget compared to a big studio production, but the cast is top notch and provide solid performances. Yes, it is derivative but show me a Western film being made today that does not borrow from other sources. The story moves briskly with little or no filler scenes or drop off. Every scene and dialogue moves the story along towards its inevitable conclusion, but left me guessing how it would ultimately unfold. I had low expectations at the beginning, but this movie proved to be surprisingly entertaining. Waltz and Defoe also have a surprising chemistry and are fun to watch.
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Poor film
12 July 2022
Have liked some of PTA previous films, but this was a big mis-fire. Thin plot, meandering storyline, and boring meaningless cameos from superstars like Sean Penn. Feels like PTA mailed this one in based on his reputation. Kept looking at the clock throughout the film, and it really dragged in the second half. Ignore the hype and take a pass on this clunker.
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Good start, but soon goes off the rails
17 April 2022
This movie had a alot going for it. Interesting premise, great sets, and excellent cast. Sadly after a good 30 minutes, the film went off the rails with a confusing narrative, repetitive meetings with CGI zombies, and needless gore, leading to a predictable ending. Much of this could have been trimmed, or focused more on character development with the older cast and the other students.
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Belfast (2021)
Self indulgent, bleak film
19 March 2022
I dont understand the hype for this picture. The use of b/w is interesting, but the story was thin and unrealistic. Pacing was slow and my interest never engaged with the story or the characters. There are much more better films that explore the Troubles then this one. Like so many of his movies, another self-indulgent vanity project for Branagh.
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Mass (2021)
Tedious arguing
18 February 2022
Rented this movie after reading all the great reviews, and i found i just could not get into this film. Two couples argue over a tragic, but unseen incident involving their kids. Watched the first hour, and then turned it off as the angry bickering just irritated me. A tedious, contrived gabby movie that left me cold. Unless you really enjoy watching angry people yelling at each other for two hours, I recommend taking a pass on this movie.
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Ammonite (2020)
Weak story and romantic lead
16 July 2021
Poor story and undeveloped characters doomed Ammonite. Why no comments on this forum about the implausible 20 year age difference between the leads. If this was a hetrosexual couple, many would have been nominating this film for a Razzie. 4 stars for beautiful location shooting only.
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Hope Gap (2019)
poor casting hurts this film
17 February 2021
I dont know where these positive reviews have come from, but I disliked this film, especially the overacting and poor British accent from Bening. Why anyone would want see a movie about a woman bullying a man out of a 30 year marriage is beyond me. Bening and Nighy also had no was difficult to imagine them as a married couple, particularly one married so long. A grueling watch. Some stars though for the drone footage of the south coast!
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Good portrait of the downsides of hookup culture
9 February 2021
I enjoyed this film, and its honest look at the downsides of hook up culture. Perhaps Mr. Doremus's best film since the excellent "Like Crazy". Good acting among the three leads. Excellent soundtrack. More young people should see this film. Makes for a cautionary tale for those navigating the dating scene today, flitting from partner to partner.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Very bad Star Trek
26 December 2020
Loved ST:TNG and was cautiously optimistic about this look at Picard set many years in future. What a huge disappointment! The logic, optimism, teamwork, and problem solving that was a trademark of the TNG crew in their many adventures is completely absent here. Replaced with ridiculous action sequences, a corrupt Star Fleet, and f-bombs!! The story line also made no sense, had many clunky scenes and wooden acting. Sir Patrick does himself no favours signing on for this series, and should have taken a pass. Barely made it thru two episodes and had to bail on this dumpster fire of a series. They just dont make "Star Trek" like they used too.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Overlong and incoherent plot. Ridiculous tacked on ending.
5 December 2020
Despite good premise, the film falls apart quickly. Somehow the invisible suit makes someone seem like a superhero, giving them lightning speed and fighting skills. This is never explained as are many of the plot holes documented by other reviewers. Already overlong, the ending seems tacked on and makes no sense. I feel i lost a few brain cells watching this clunky set piece. Take a pass on this one if you want avoid bad films.
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Great cast let down by poor script, incomprehensible story
4 November 2020
Lack of plot, inexplicable changes of scene, boring monologues and chatter that go on endlessly. I feel bad for the excellent cast to be stuck with this lemon in their filmography. 2 stars for them, but highly suggest that audiences skip this film. So NOT worth the 2+ hrs of your time.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
A disappointing mess
10 April 2020
I came into this film with high expectations based on the director's previous work, and that Defoe is it in. What a disappointment! While the cinematography was excellent, the story was a complete shambles...the film basically revolves around two characters arguing and fighting between themselves in a drunken stupor, and this is stretched out over 2 hours! How this film got such excellent buzz is beyond me. Give this one a pass if you value your time.
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In the Aisles (2018)
very slow film
13 January 2020
Interesting premise of a film, undone by low energy of lead actor. Difficult to imagine what the older female lead would see in the new employee who barely speaks throughout the movie. Rest of supporting cast was good. Overall, i recommend viewers take a pass on this one.
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Midsommar (2019)
2+ hours of tedium
4 January 2020
Dont understand the hype over this film. Slow and meandering story where nothing much happens, especially in the first hour. Predictable final outcomes await the American characters in the second half, and there is little suspense or surprise in this film. Incomprehensible story, and poorly sketched characters. Amazed the studio paid out for this dreck. Wish i could have the 150 minutes of my life back. 2 stars for the location only.
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Jackie (V) (2016)
A new and refreshing look at
30 July 2017
Don't let the negative user comments on here put you off. This is a superior biopic that offers a fresh look at the Kennedy assassination from the eyes of the first lady. Hollywood has done so many TV shows, movies and documentaries on the Kennedys over the decades i didn't think there was anything much new to say. Its all been done. Well this film offers a fresh interpretation. The acting and direction are all well done, as are capturing the look of the early 1960s. Only grumble is small...anachronisms in choice of terms used by characters such as "spooked" and "asset" seem more post 9/11 then November 1963.

Nevertheless highly recommend to anyone interested in the Kennedys, or American historical drama.
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