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Not as good as the fans make it out to be
17 May 2024
Firstly, I have no problems with this movie supposedly being interpreted as 'anti-religion' or 'for atheists' (aspects that upsets many religious folks), my issues with the movie are related to the weak writing, the stiff and unbelievable acting and the poor direction.

The actual premise of the movie is intriguing but the execution is exceedingly poor.

My main issue though is of course with the writing - it's cheesy, predictable and just isn't engaging for anyone who is prepared to analyze what is being said. Good actors would have helped, as would good direction, but not enough to transform this into something great.

It's one of those movies which feels like it was originally a bad stage play, but it isn't - there IS a stage play of it though but that of course came after the movie.

By all means watch the movie, but lower your expectations.
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Interstellar (2014)
So much wasted potential
5 May 2024
Here we have a great idea, a lot of awesome spectacle and a stunning score, all let down by Nolan's key weak spot - bad dialogue.

My main impression of this movie is one of extreme disappointment - somebody needs to ensure that, besides directing, Nolan's purpose is to create the overall structure of his movies and let truly talented writers create the script and dialog, because Nolan really can't cut it in that regard.

It's a shame, this movie could have been a masterpiece but the badly written and often schmaltzy and downright cheesy dialog badly lets in down in a lot of otherwise truly momentous scenes.

Such a shame.
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Dune (2021)
A terribly tedious experience
5 May 2024
Dreadful writing, zero pacing, a truly tedious experience that is only slightly uplifted by the visuals. Even the score is poor.

Playing the 'hero' character is Timothée Chalamet, he's the current Orlando Bloom; both are incredibly bland actors who are solely hired for their 'pretty boy' good looks.

But back to the guts of the movie - the script and the very weak direction - together these make up one of the most mind-numbing movies that I've ever suffered through. I usually love slow-paced movies but they MUST have great writing and great acting, and this travesty most certainly does not.

I've not seen Dune 2 and if this first movie is anything to go by I very much doubt if I ever will.

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2 May 2024
I cannot summon up en enough suitable words to praise this beautifully written story - sadly I'm not a talented wordsmith like the writer of this masterpiece, Tony Kushner.

And what a masterpiece it is - directed by the supremely talented Mike Nichols, the story is honest, gritty when required and incredibly heartfelt - you really come to care for the characters, good and bad alike.

And the acting ........ what can I say? Every single actor puts in a sterling performance, there isn't a bad apple in the barrel. It's hard to point at one and say "he/she is the best" but if I had to name just one it would be the actor playing the main protagonist, the supremely talented Justin Kirk. This guy deserves so many awards.

This series is easily a 10/10 for me. I'd give it 100/10 if I could.
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A Good Person (2023)
A very average script that only works because of the performances
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As the title states - this movie only works on any level because of the great performances, particularly from Florence Pugh.

However, good performances can only elevate an average script and they do not make this movie some kind of masterpiece, far from it.

The writing is often tiresome and wholly predictable, as are the plot points - I mapped it all out from A to Z just a few minutes in. I've seen it all before, so incredibly tiresome.

The message is good, nothing wrong there, but to make something predictable really interesting you need a really great script (and a great director) but this has neither.

Oh yes, and then there's the intermittent music which, quite frankly, got on my nerves.

So, the main take from this movie for your average person is this: Don't look at your phone while driving ........
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Still Life (I) (2013)
Beautiful, quit, heartfelt movie
27 April 2024
Now this is how movies should be made, with love and kindness - it's beautifully written, directed and acted.

It's rare that a movie will affect me so much but this one did - it portrays a kindness in the human spirit that we are all capable of but don't often show because we are buried in our own problems and, as a result, not always thinking of others, whether they are friends, relations or even people that we have only just met. Or people that are no longer with us.

The soundtrack is also beautiful while never being overbearing.

Find a quiet time of day, turn off your smartphone and any other potential distractions and relax to this beautiful movie.
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Ripley (2024)
A show with an identity crisis but beautiful cinematography
14 April 2024
It started off well, the story grabbed my interest, helped along by the beautiful cinematography. After that though it started to lose me and by episode three I was wondering if I was really watching a goofy and very weak black comedy with a protagonist who is incredibly incompetent and barely capable of tying his own shoelaces.

I've not read the original book, I've not even seen the movie starring Matt Damon, but I'm now tempted to at least watch the movie because it has good word of mouth.

But back to this series ....... not only does it play out like a weak black comedy but the script and the acting has a stilted quality that reminds me of bad theatrical plays.

The acting is nothing special - not bad, but not great either.

In short, I'm extremely disappointed.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Benioff and Weiss catch the ball, then drop it ..... again
26 March 2024
Yes, the guys who made a real mess of the last seasons of Game of Thrones have, rather puzzlingly, been given another chance to make a mess of yet another great story.

The series is actually quite interesting at first, it does have a number of problems but at least it's mildly entertaining. Unfortunately it becomes increasingly uninteresting after episode 4 and the weak writing spends far too much time making potentially interesting characters rather dull.

What doesn't help is the casting - the only good to great actors are Liam Cunningham and Jonathan Pryce but even they can't do much with such such an ineptly written script and bad dialog. The rest of the main actors are a dull and uninspiring bunch who didn't hold my attention in any way whatsoever.

So as far I'm I'm concerned that's another failed project for Weiss and Benioff.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Weak, and nowhere near as brilliant as the 1980 miniseries
5 March 2024
Firstly, the writing is all over the place and this is affecting the overall narrative which staggers and stumbles from one scene to the next.

There is no pacing whatsoever, no flow to the story. It's as if somebody chopped semi-random parts from the book and filmed them.

Not sure why some people are rating it so highly, I naturally realise that tastes differ but what is so appealing about this mess of an adaptation? For me at least there's just nothing to like. The acting is often weak, the casting for the main characters is mostly poor and why is everything so dull and gloomy? Of course, it was filmed in Canada ......

Now compare and contrast to the 1980 miniseries - fantastic flow to the story, pretty much perfect casting and it also looks great, you can actually SEE the scenery, the buildings, the characters. AND it was all filmed in Japan.

Of course, thanks to the power of the media this new adaptation will get a lot of accolades, but it really doesn't deserve them.

I was looking forward to this but I'm extremely disappointed.
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The Creator (2023)
Absolutely terrible
23 December 2023
The movie career of Gareth Edwards got off to an excellent start with the low key but very well written 'Monsters' - here was a movie with an intriguing story and characters that you could understand and like.

Unfortunately since then his movies have been getting worse: Godzilla had its moments but was dragged down by some very dull 'drama' sequences, then there was the extremely dull Rogue One, and now we have The Creator, assuredly the dullest of his output: not only is it the epitome of dull and uninvolving but its characters are incredibly boring too. There's just nothing to like about it on a narrative level. It's dullness personified.

Where will he go from here? Will his next movie be even worse? (surely not?).

Definitely one to avoid.
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Ignore the haters, this is a good (but flawed) Indiana Jones movie
15 December 2023
Firstly, the movie has a very enjoyable opening sequence that is well paced and well executed - it doesn't outstay its welcome like most action set pieces and sets the story up nicely. As for the rest of the movie, it's a bit of a mixed bag - some scenes work well yet others seem a bit bogged down and lacking in interest. The pacing feels a bit off and the movie generally lacks Spielberg's directorial flair. Nevertheless James Mangold does a good job of making a fairly good approximation of an Indiana Jones movie. The script is the main problem area - not bad but not great either. On the plus side though it's thankfully not too silly but it also knows how to have some fun.

Indy's sidekicks are never intensely annoying (which is a blessing, unlike those in Temple of Doom and Mutt from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) but they still are no match for Raiders.

As a movie in the Indiana Jones franchise I'd rank it third:

1st - Raiders of the Lost Ark 2nd - Last Crusade 3rd - Dial of Destiny 4th - Crystal Skull 5th - Temple of Doom.

Overall it's worth watching but don't expect a masterpiece.
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The Shepherd (I) (2023)
Liked it a lot
2 December 2023
Found this while browsing Disney Plus and decided to give it a try, particularly as it's directed by Iain Softley who doesn't get nearly as much credit and recognition as he deserves (does anyone remember the excellent K-PAX for example?).

The movie draws us steadily into the story and maintains a mostly quiet and thoughtful atmosphere yet with some tension when required.

Not only did I enjoy the story but the visuals too - I am going to assume that the outside views of the aircraft when flying were CGI and not physical models with CGI 'enhancements', etc and, if so, they were very well created with a good sense of realism.

In summary: I enjoyed it a lot - despite the relatively short running time it never felt rushed.

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Vertigo (1958)
A Magnificent Masterpiece
19 July 2023
Vertigo is, for me at least, Hitchcock's greatest movie and one the very best movies in the history of filmmaking. It's one movie that I really can't fault, although as with all masterpieces it has its critics (often these are people who couldn't understand the plot, couldn't even be bothered to try to understand the plot and found plot holes where there are none).

Everything about it just oozes quality, from the script to the performances and, of course, Hitchcock's masterful direction. And let's not forget the beautiful cinematography either.

A fantastic movie which is even better on multiple rewatches.
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Dial M for Mundane
18 July 2023
Hitchcock has directed some truly magnificent movies - Vertigo, Rear Window, The Birds, North by Northwest and others. Sadly Dial M for Murder isn't one that I would consider to be magnificent, quite the opposite.

The script is dull and predictable and the acting from the main actors is monotone. I didn't feel involved in the character's shenanigans and as a result didn't care about them or their fates. I found the whole movie to be tiresome and, for me at least, unworthy of its 'classic' status.

I was particularly surprised at Grace Kelly's performance - she positively sparkles in Rear Window yet in this production her character is as unbelievable as her awful British accent.

The plotting, the dialog, even the direction was almost lifeless. Did the usually masterful Hitchcock really direct this?

The movie a great disappointment I'm afraid. I certainly won't be watching it again.
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Incredibly harrowing
21 October 2015
It's rare that I'll see a film which compels me to write a review about it, let alone a highly positive one, but Kajaki had such an impact on me that I felt that I had to type a few words.

Such a compelling and harrowing movie which is brilliantly written, directed and acted. Why has this not gained more recognition and acclaim? Is it because many people aren't comfortable with seeing genuine suffering? Are they too used to being told what to think by the politicians and the media? This is one of those films which I would encourage everyone to see, however uncomfortable it may make you feel.

It's also now on Netflix (UK at least at the time of writing).

Absolutely superb. 10/10
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Triangle (2009)
Best brain-teaser I've seen for a long time
19 March 2010
I viewed this movie with no expectations whatsoever (except that it was a slasher movie with a difference) and found it to be excellent and most certainly NOT 'just' a slasher movie, it's a heck of a lot more than that such as suspense thriller, mystery and other elements which I won't mention to avoid spoiling any surprises.

And to those who say there are plot-holes - there aren't but it can appear that way if you've missed one of the plot points. The story is extremely well constructed and the writer/director Christopher Smith deserves some recognition for his efforts here. Major kudos to the cinematographer too as it looks great and is very atmospheric.

The movie really draws you in and rewards those who pay attention throughout (not hard to do as it's very intriguing) - just don't expect any easy answers, but DO expect to have something to think on and chat about once it's over. You'll then want to watch it again to pick up on anything that you missed and to enjoy the brilliant story-telling.

A first class film that deserves far more attention from the movie-going, DVD-buying masses.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Forever (2001)
Season 5, Episode 17
Average at best
25 October 2009
A fairly poor episode after the excellent 'The Body', some pretty mediocre writing and direction by Marti Noxon.

Also obviously influenced by the short fictional story "The Monkey's Paw" by W. W. Jacobs (and that was a far better story too).

A pity that such brilliance and sensitive writing and direction (by Joss Whedon) as exhibited in 'The Body' is then decimated by this episode's nonsense.

I guess Noxon simply doesn't have Whedon's personal experiences to call upon when dealing with grief, or perhaps she is just a poor writer of such things.

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Doctor Who: Silence in the Library (2008)
Season 4, Episode 8
Steven Moffat does it again!
24 June 2008
Yes, another excellent story from the ever-inventive brain of Steven Moffat - Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead proves that you can have intelligent science fiction that appeals to the whole family AND which makes you think. No dumbing down required, just a great story, great script and some characters who you really care about. What more could you ask for? My only slight disappointment was with the direction - Euros Lyn is a very fine director but I don't feel that his style suited this kind of story - I would have chosen someone like Hettie MacDonald (director of the excellent 'Blink'), Alice Troughton or perhaps Charles Palmer as they all have the ability to direct 'dark and creepy' stories. Okay, so Euros directed the successful 'The Unquiet Dead' series 1 story, but he was helped a lot by it being set in the rather dark and moody Victorian times.

Anyhow, an excellent two parter nonetheless. Here's hoping that we see more like this in series 5 when Steven Moffat takes over as the show runner.
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Doctor Who: Turn Left (2008)
Season 4, Episode 11
Dire, truly dire
24 June 2008
This easily goes down as one of the very worst episodes of 'New' Doctor Who - never before have so many been bored by such unmitigated dross. After his successful episode 'Midnight', Russell T. Davies proves that he simply cannot write 'complex' science fiction - he's great on the smaller, self-contained episodes but with anything 'large scale' he fails dismally. His 'larger' ideas are fine, but he lacks the skill to put them across successfully. A terrible shame as he's otherwise a great writer and ideas man.

Graeme Harper's awful direction didn't help either - this guy should stick to directing episodes of Casualty where his 'style' (such as it is) seems best suited (ie shallow, no substance, just a bit of thin surface gloss).

Overall: terrible.
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Shadowlands (1986 TV Movie)
Beautiful, magical, intelligent, thought-provoking
14 April 2008
Easily one of my favourite dramatic TV films, in many ways beautiful yet sad, heart-warming and thought-provoking, this is a superb dramatisation of a few years in the life of C.S. Lewis and his relationship with Joy Davidman. I found it to be incredibly absorbing with excellent and 'realistic' dialogue and situations. It all seemed very 'real', yet there were also 'magical' moments that almost leave you breathless with delight. Ackland and Bloom as the central characters were excellent, as were the supporting cast. It's one of those dramas that I find hard to criticise, simply because, for me, there is NOTHING to be criticised, it just works so well on so many levels.

Very highly recommended.
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Murphy's Law (2003–2007)
Absolutely superb
16 January 2008
I've only recently watched all five series of Murphy's Law - series 1 started off well but soon became mediocre. Series 2 was better but still not brilliant. All that was to change with series 3 when it all became much darker, grittier and with far superior story lines and scripts. Don't get me wrong, series 1 and 2 are still worth watching, but they are very inferior to series 3, 4 and 5.

James Nesbitt is utterly superb in the role of Murphy - he's totally believable and never lets the viewer down.

Fantastic. If I was only marking series 3 to 5 then I'd give this a 10/10, but it's only fair to judge all five series so far, in which case I reluctantly knock off one mark, so it's 9/10 overall.

Very highly recommended.

And if you want to see James Nesbitt in another excellent series, do give 'Jekyll' a go. It too is fantastic.
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The Snow Spider (1988– )
Excellent adaptation of the book
22 October 2007
What a great series this was (and still is) - I still vividly recall seeing it when it was first shown and it still holds up extremely well today.

Whenever magic is portrayed on TV it often comes across rather poorly, no doubt at least down to lack of budget, poor production values, weak story, etc. However, in the case of The Snow Spider the magic was put across very well and was as believable as it could be.

Pennant Roberts not only directed this but also produced and he did a very fine job. The acting, on the whole, was very good and the dialogue and real-life situations perfectly believable within the context of the story.

Overall it was a beautiful and magical series, complemented superbly by the hauntingly beautiful music.

Highly recommended (if you can find it).
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Kingdom (2007–2009)
Very enjoyable
6 October 2007
I surprised myself by enjoying this - it's not usually the kind of programme that I'll sit down and avidly watch, but the producers have successfully managed to put all the ingredients into the pot and so turn out a very enjoyable meal.

All of the main characters are well written and well portrayed, especially Stephen Fry who really excels in the title role.

The stories are always interesting as are the underlying plot strands and there's a nice bit of comedy thrown in for good measure.

Even if this isn't usually your 'cup of tea' I'd highly recommend giving it a go. I really hope there is a second series.
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The Lost Prince (2003 TV Movie)
Perfect ..... if you need a snooze
2 October 2007
What a crying shame - Poliakoff's work is, for me, a real mixed bag - he can soar to dizzying heights with such gems as 'Shooting the Past' and 'Perfect Strangers', but can also sink to writing some real yawn-fests such as 'Caught on a Train' and 'The Lost Prince'.

Of course it's unfair to expect one writer to churn out a perfect script every time, but the extremes in quality are a source of bafflement to me.

Naturally it's all down to personal taste - I see that many people love 'The Lost Prince', but to me it was just a costume drama - all the right ingredients were there, except for a good script and story.

Five out of ten from me I'm afraid - could (and should) have done far, far better.
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BBC2 Playhouse: Caught on a Train (1980)
Season 7, Episode 1
Good in parts
25 September 2007
I'm of the same line of thinking as Ian Harris - basically this is good in parts with some very fine performances and some mesmerising exchanges, but the story as a whole left me somewhat cold.

Poliakoff I think is a rather acquired taste and it most definitely not a writer who you can come into cold. He seems to get rather stuck into the events but you end up finding that there is little or no story.

Generally speaking this train doesn't really go anywhere and is firmly stuck in the station - it's a rather dull experience in between the interesting exchanges between Ashcroft's and Kitchen's characters.

A pity as I had hoped that I would enjoy this.
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