
31 Reviews
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Not Terrible, but Not Great Either...
19 April 2024
Ok, so some of the special effects look wonky, and some of the acting could certainly be better, but they tried to make not one, but TWO sci-fi movies for $166've for to respect that.

As far as Zach Snyder films go, I'd have to rank this in the lower 50% of his body of work (which is still better than most). It's not a Watchmen, or 300, or Man of Steel but it's by no means bad. It just feels like perhaps Netflix wanted this more than he did, his heart doesn't seem to be in it.

As for other reviews, a word of advice....ignore all the 1's and 10's. I've seen more movies and television than 99% of people, and I've yet to see either a 10 or a 1. No movie is perfect, and no movie is so terrible there wasn't something good about it. Folks that rate movies like this do so to influence you, not to share their thoughts, so don't waste your time, you aren't getting an honest review anyway.

Also ask yourself this, if these people absolutely hate Zach Snyder's films....why are they watching them to leave a review on day one? It's simple, they aren't.
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DC Super Hero Girls (2019–2021)
Our daughters deserve better than this swill, bring back JLU
14 October 2023
31% of scores are "10" yet IMDB feels the need to give it an even higher score? This is exactly why no one trusts you guys anymore. There's literally no point in people rating things if you're just going to arbitrarily raise and lower scores as you see fit.

But for anyone who cares, the reason I gave this a 2 is the quality of this show is just the worst. The jokes are terrible, the animation is garbage, and for some reason (I'll let you figure it out) they've made Wonder Woman dark skinned.

DC just keeps ignoring what used to work for them that's why almost no one wants this show or buys its toys.

Thankfully DC will be sold in a year or two and hopefully someone with brains will run the show.
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Run the World (2021–2023)
This makes me so sad...
2 June 2023
My friends suggested I give this a try, and I did, but I gotta say that as a Black man I didn't find this remotely funny, just sad. The show's about these friends that spend the entire episode saying the most hateful things about men and how terrible we are, but then they turn around and behave ten times worse and somehow that's just fine? Of course it isn't. I've got 2 kids, a little boy and girl, and shows like this make me worry for their future. What kind of examples are we setting for the next generation when our people are depicted like this? Like ignorant, classes, moral-less, buffoons!
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From someone who's neither a fan or hater
22 May 2023
I knew a bit about Conor's history in the UFC so I was somewhat surprised so much of the negative is included here: from the attack on the bus that injured several people, to his community service, to his string of recent losses, and the personal moments just after those losses, there's more of the bad than you usually get in a modern documentary so it's not your typical fluff piece regardless of what some people that hate him claim.

That said, it does skip over some of his more controversial trash talk with Floyd Mayweather and Khabib Nurmagomedov. In fact the entire Doc takes place between Khabib and Portier 3 so four fights total, with a few flashbacks to his "glory days".

All in all, more informative than I expected and a better than average deep dive on the mind of a fighter at McGregor's level. It's popular these days to trash anyone on a losing streak and pretend they were never that great to begin with which is just ridiculous when it comes to McGregor. Hate his attitude, but don't kid yourself, his legacy as one of the greatest fighters that's ever lived is very secure. But I get it, I don't care much for Khabib, but there's no denying the man's skill.

Solid Doc to put in your Wok.
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Worst version of the story so far...
29 April 2023
Disney continues to struggle with its latest entry into its live-action universe. First of all, the lighting is TERRIBLE, nearly every single scene is poorly lit and its very hard to make out what's actually happening unless you turn the brightness WAY UP. It reminds me of those final Game of Thrones episodes which suffered the same problem.

Second, the acting is just dreadful. I can excuse many of the children because they're children and I've never heard of any of them before, But Jude Law is a fine actor and capable of so much more. Here he comes off wooden and honestly seems to be in a rush to get this movie over with. Can't say I blame him. Find anything better to do with your time, this one's a HUGE let down, honestly the first Peter Pan movie I know I'll never suffer through again.
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2023 CMT Music Awards (2023 TV Special)
Where are the country musicians?
4 April 2023
I haven't watch the CMT music awards in a number of years but I thought I might give it a shot. I'm sad to say that the quality continues to decline.

Nothing against many of the presenters, but you can easily tell that this line-up was chosen by someone who doesn't listen to or like country music. They picked these actors and non-country music celebrities by what they thought would give them the ratings.

And the singular worst moment had to be Shania Twain, who's always been more of a pop-star, accepting some award for women in country music. Apparently there's some kind of movement to force stations to play more female artists? I dunno, it's weird. I can name you a dozen legendary female artists right off the top of my head so I was unaware that radio stations are refusing to play female artists. Whatever.

The point is CBS has no clue what the fans want, or worse, they do and they just refuse to listen to their customers.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Mixed bag, visuals good, acting weak
16 January 2023
I had hopes this would live up to the very excellent first game, but this falls a bit shy of slightly disappointing second game so far.

Normally I would withhold judgement till later as things can improve over time, but unfortunately the flaws of this show are rather baked in as actors are either good or poor, they don't tend to improve overnight.

Pedro Pascal is normally serviceable but this just isn't the role for him. At no point does he ever feel like Joel who had a quiet masculine and paternal nature. Pedro just feels scruffy. Bella is actually doing a fairly good job with her role, but simply looks nothing like her. I haven't seen casting this bad since Tom Cruise was cast as Jack Reacher.

No one else left a positive or negative impression on me but one thing has to be said.

If you haven't played the games you'll likely enjoy this more than someone who has as the "swapping" of actors for those of different backgrounds is a bit jarring and heavy handed. Normally I don't give a flip, but it's hard to ignore that the "bad guys" belong to the majority demo and the "good guys" are everyone else (Bella being the only exception but of course she's female).

It really takes you out of the fantasy when you can tell who's going to be bad just by their skin tone. The real world isn't like this and I wish Hollywood would get with the times.
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Be prepared for many falsehoods...
26 November 2022
I had hoped for a truthful telling of history and how it relates to being queer, unfortunately the creators take extreme liberties with the facts and assume that any individual that had a same sex close friendship, was gay. They also assume that anyone who had no notable relationship of any kind was secretly gay and hiding it.

While I'm not so naive to think this didn't happen, to assume that every single case must be so is akin to assume everyone who dies of lung cancer was killed by cigarettes (obviously people can still get cancer without cigarettes).

I myself am bi-sexual, but I absolutely DETEST agenda driven narratives. Give me the facts, not your worldview.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Don't Watch This Darling
24 October 2022
Ok, the first sign of trouble was that people kept referencing Midsommar as if it's a good (or watchable) movie. If you thought that was a good movie I can't help you, but on to this dude.

Olivia Wilde, much as I can't stand her personally, does a passable job directing. I do think she took the project (or was offered it) thanks to #metoo cause she's certainly not talented enough to get the job on merit, but that's always been Hollywood, who ya know. Of course she's vain enough to insert herself into the movie now that her looks have faded, but she does a passable job directing.

The writing for this movie, on the other hand, is pure mystery box garbage straight from the backside of JJ and bad Reboot. The trailer looks cool because there's a ton of things happening that make you wonder what's going on... well keep wondering cause they never explain, it's all a MYSTERY BOX!

In short, it's just terrible, you'll leave frustrated and with fewer brain cells. Don't waste your time...
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Patton Oswalt: We All Scream (2022 TV Special)
Just not funny
22 September 2022
I've enjoyed Patton Oswalt in exactly one thing, his minor role in Justified. In it he plays a sheriff of a very small town if I recall correct. He didn't write his own material and the role, while it has some comedic elements, isn't strictly comedic. I don't know if he possibly got his start in stand up but I don't possibly see how, he's just not funny at all. That's quite an accomplishment cause the only people I know of that are this terrible at comedy are Amy Shumer and maybe Melissa McCarthey. Its kind of amazing how terrible some content is, and all just to appease the streaming gods. Our options quadrupled but its like there's less quality television than ever.
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Djinns were not African, they are part of Arabic culture
13 September 2022
As an Arabic man I had a hard time enjoying this movie due to the miscasting of Idris Elba as the Djinn. I love Idris Elba but I wish they had cast someone more appropriate for the role. Hollywood has a habit of treating all brown people like they're interchangeable, we are not.

The rest of the movie is very well made, I just know people are going to see this and think that Djinn's are African. Why, just last week a man argued and screamed at me that the pyramids were built by sub-Saharan black men, not Egyptians who are Arabic. He completely believed that Egypt's pharaohs were black men even though everything from Egyptian history, to genetically testing mummies contradicts that fiction. I'm just afraid that Hollywood's laziness is eroding my culture. Oh, and even Aladdin's Djinn in the remake is played by Will Smith, another man of African decent. Where does it stop?
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Four Democrats complain about living conditions in Democrat strongholds...
10 September 2022
The whole narrative, that these are "strong, independent women fighting for change!" kind of falls apart once you realize that they are all Democrats running in regions that Democrats have had sole control of, for DECADES. And yet they're blaming a party completely without power (Republicans) simply because they can't blame themselves.

Take a hard pass on this one. I'm independent and I know Republicans would LOVE to do this (if only Netflix would greenlight anything for them), but this is NOT a real documentary and only very dishonest people are giving it a 10/10 and pretending it is.

There's good production value here, and like all modern political "documentaries" it does a fine job of making its case for why you should keep voting Democrat (even though it hasn't helped the last 50 years). It's propaganda folks, mush for the brain.
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Here's a suggestion...
9 August 2022
If you're going to create an erotic thriller perhaps cast an attractive lead? This woman would get to attention from me on my drunkest of days. Which is odd cause she looks perfectly normal in other images so perhaps the director is just terrible?
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Even wonder what the true brain dead enjoy?
21 July 2022
There's nothing to see here literally. Usually I can turn my brain off and find something about everything to enjoy. All I can think of it this must air in nursing homes, airports, bars and other places people have difficulty changing the channel...
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Birdgirl (2021–2022)
It's terrible, not funny at all
11 July 2022
I wasn't the biggest fan of the original show, but this took what charm that had and stomped it into the ground. Didn't make me laugh, not even once. Jeez how long does this need to be to post?
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Day Zero (II) (2021)
Good lord...
27 June 2022
Yet another "documentary" for weak minds. The world has been "running out" of oil, food, room, energy. (insert resource here) for the past century. These films are made for that portion of the population that hates their own humanity. These simpletons want population control and a return to pre-industrial times.

Here's a term you've probably never heard from the Western DNC controlled media..."saltwater greenhouses". It's exactly what it sounds like, salty ocean water is pumped into greenhouses to grow fruits and vegetables AND produce fresh water. It happens to work best in places like Africa where you have ocean and desert side by side. Research it, you'll be amazed what you're not being told...
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Clear Chernobyl copycat
23 June 2022
America's "worst nuclear accident" was nothing like Chernobyl. Nuclear energy keeps our homes powered with zero carbon emissions, but the anti-nuclear crowd has not only crippled American progress (our tech is DECADES behind) but our space program as well. It breaks my heart that we're STILL struggling to return to the Moon and decades from reaching Mars, all because we're trying to accomplish the impossible without nuclear.
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Wanda 1, Not Dr Strange 2
21 June 2022
Once again Disney plays the old switcheroo on us. We thought we were getting a Dr Strange movie but its WandaVision 2 (but minus Vision, he gets zero mentions). Make no mistake, she's the star here, followed by America Chavez (lol I'm not kidding) and then Wong, then Dr Strange.

Its ironic cause Kenobi is doing the exact same thing, it's a series for their character Reeva, not Obi-wan or Anakin. But thankfully people are starting to see thru this corporate greed.

Oh, and its a terrible movie with a terrible story and terrible CGI. Pass.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Jurnee Smollett can't act to save her life...
18 June 2022
I get that Hollywood is trying to make the Smollett family a thing in order to fill their quotas but don't waste Miles Teller and Chris Hemsworth in a movie to prop up someone like Jurnee Smollett who's whole family can't act, but they were born into money so good enough for Hollywood.

I love Chris, but he really doesn't have the range to be playing a scientist lol.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
17 June 2022
Well, Apple got me again... After looking forward to this and being told how amazing it is by several people I finally started watching this and boy was I let down... First, while having some pretty cool visuals, it feels very cheap at times, like they don't have the budget to do better than a soap opera.

Second, the show begs the question, what if the space race never ended, but it's exactly the people at Apple that have killed NASA's manned program. It;s no secret that liberals for the most part despise manned missions and using NASA for anything besides climate science. Democrats in Congress have a TERRIBLE record of supporting NASA, look it up. Now I often vote Democrat so don't get me wrong, byt every Democrat I know thinks NASA is a huge waste "why waste that money when we could fix the Earth" I've been hearing it for decades.

So yes, it's heartbreaking. The very people asking "what if" are the same ones that ensured this is fiction. Science doesn't give a hoot about your message and social justice.
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W. (I) (2008)
Terrible casting
10 June 2022
It's easy to see why this bombed, there's so much talent in this movie but nothing works and the casting is abysmal: Jeffery Wright as Colin Powell? Richard Dreyfuss as Dick Cheney? Thaldie Newton as Condolezza Rice?

Let me be clear, I can't stand GW Bush or any of the neo-cons, but this movie fails on every level. There's plenty of material to poke fun at, but Oliver Stone is just terrible here. The one movie of his I do actually really like (Natural Born Killers) he stole from Quinton Tarentino.
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Hate the Amazon, not the artists
8 June 2022
I've grown up listening to many of these artists, but Amazon would have you believe that black country stars are a new phenomenon or that black musicians are making different music cause of their skin color. There's some good stories here if you can see past all the racial spin Amazon puts on everything. Even the title mocks the true phrase "For Love OF Country" which is about patriotism, a quality all these artists, but not Amazon, share.
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Classless cashgrab, has nothing to do with BCS
25 May 2022
Don't waste you time, you've been warned. Remember those terrible cartoons on Nick or Disney in the 90s? Kinda pointless, never going anywhere? That's this.
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Injustice (2021)
Even DC animation is disappointing these days...
14 May 2022
I used to be so excited about new DC animation releases, but the quality keeps getting worse and worse. Injustice is an elseworld storyline that's run through the comics for years and would have guaranteed DC animation at least 3, maybe 4 or 5 quality movies that they could have repackaged into a minicollection once finished, but WB is stupid so they told an unrelated story and wrapped it up in a single, painful to watch movie.

Don't waste your time, find the real story on youtube and enjoy that, WB should be ashamed of this garbage.
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It's a mess...
11 May 2022
The only reasons I can come up with for this movie's ridiculously high scores are 1) James Gunn fanboys 2) It's being compared to the first one which we all know was butchered by WB management.

Be warned, this movie is shockingly bad, especially considering I liked both his GOTG movies. There's violence for the sake of violence and its not stylized like Tarentino, it's gratuitous. Harley Quinn gets her own movie inside this movie and literally put me to sleep, but I confess I hate her character without Joker (not the actress). Returning characters feel nothing like the first one. And Amanda Waller is treated like she's a lunatic before someone literally knocks her out with a club or baseball bat and its played off for laughs.

Gunn obviously does NOT get these characters and he needs to keep his hands off them. I won't be watching anything he makes except GOTG cause this movie really showed how one dimensional a director he is.
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