
38 Reviews
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Boarders (2024– )
Has unrealized potential
9 March 2024
This could have been an interesting show. There are many good actors, and it had potential to develop into something fun. But I don't think the writers knew what they were doing with it.

The story just rambles from one character to another. There are five interesting characters, and they each have their own issues, but none of them get developed very deeply. We just keep jumping around to these unconnected storylines that are fairly unbelievable.

We are supposed to think these characters know each other and are good friends, but we don't have any background to explain that, and they don't really seem to have anything in common other than that they attended the same community center classes.

And then the story seems to follow some of the characters from the school for a while, but then it jumps back to the main characters. Nobody really gets the full story development. Nothing significant really happens.

Waste of talent and time.
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The Way Home (2023– )
Fun show but why not take a change of clothes?
25 February 2024
I enjoyed this modern day "Alice in Wonderland" Hallmark show. It has some of the usual elements of hallmark TV series such as love stories and plenty of family drama.

The time travel/science-fiction element is unique because they don't do it in a science fiction style but more in a magical way. Thus we can overlook the obvious time travel paradoxes and just enjoy it as a magical story.

There is one thing that really bugs me though. From the beginning of the show the girl time travels by falling into a magical pond and coming out at a different earlier time. (No spoilers). And because she comes through a pond, she is all wet and her clothes are soaked through. And this goes on for the entire 10 episodes. Not once did she think to bring a change of clothes in a sealed plastic bag. Or maybe take off your clothes and put them in a sealed plastic bag and bring a towel so that when you get to the other time period you won't be soaking wet.

It's a pretty obvious fix rather than having characters conveniently not noticing how wet she is. It's mentioned a couple of times about her hair being wet but still.

Take a change of clothes when you time travel. Basic fashion tip, not rocket science.
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Rain Shadow (2007)
Excellent performances
14 January 2024
I enjoyed this short series very much. I only wish that it had more episodes, or a few more seasons.

It seems a little dull and low-key at first, but I like the way that they didn't overact the scenes and they didn't overwrite the characters. The drama is very natural and not excessively melodramatic.

The two lead actors, do a great job keeping their characters real.

This show seems like a slice of real life in a small town area suffering from an ongoing drought.

I don't know how realistic it is since I don't live in sheep country in Australia and I'm sure there are some clichés that I missed that someone who lives there would think are silly.

I enjoyed it overall.
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Jesse Stone: Stone Cold (2005 TV Movie)
Slow and Dull
8 January 2024
One of the worst written and poorly acted TV movies I have seen recently. Part of a series that just showed up on a free streaming service. I missed these movies the first time around in the late 2000s and I was lucky that I did.

Slow pace, wooden dialogue and predictable story. It's too bad because it has Viola Davis and other great actors.

Reminds me of the Hallmark movies where the actors speak slowly and pause after each sentence.

Why would Tim Selleck sign on to such a dumb project. And why would they make more after the first one?

Even the music drones on like a funeral dirge. And the setting appears dreary and foggy throughout with dark rooms and dim lighting for the interior scenes.

I only put it on because my 84 year old mom used to like Tom Selleck. I thought she would enjoy the movie. But even she was bored with it.
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Cold Feet (1997–2020)
Well written comedy and Well acted.
19 September 2023
The writers did a good job of creating funny scenarios, with interesting dialogue. The actors do a good job creating believable if somewhat over the top characters.

Unfortunately I have problem one problem with the show and that is-I don't like any of the characters. Each of them has enough annoying traits to make them to make him/her fairly unlikable.

I do not respect any of the characters.

None of them seems to have a moral center. None of them has any integrity.

In that sense, I suppose the show is very realistic in its depiction of typical middle class people in a very materialistic world. The stories reflect realistic events in the lives of "normal" people, except for maybe a few crazy slapstick scenes that seem to keep happening, especially to Adam and Pete.
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Third Watch (1999–2005)
Great TV show for Four Seasons
4 July 2023
This show entertained me for 4 excellent seasons. I appreciate the writers and the actors and the direction. I highly recommend watching this drama but be careful because you will get attached to the characters and end up binge watching it.

The first four seasons are some of the best written episodes that I have seen on a television program about cops and firefighters and paramedics.

Unfortunately, something changed in season four and in season five they started to shift to focus mostly on the police. Some of the main characters left the show and other characters changed into something completely different. It seemed to become a completely different show by the end of season five. I really did not enjoy season five. They did some weird things with some of the long-term characters that didn't make any sense at all. I suppose the writers had run out of ideas at that point.

In fact, the ending of season five felt so ridiculously over the top dramatic and silly that I didn't have any interest in watching season six. I watched the first episode of season six just to see the conclusion of the cliffhanger from season five. What I saw was totally and completely cartoonish villains and incompetent cops chasing them. Very stupid and disappointing.

It was like a completely different show at that point. They should have ended the show at the end of season 5 because the characters had nowhere much to go and clearly there was no connection to the original feeling of the first four seasons.

But definitely watch the first four seasons for enjoyment and season five just to say goodbye to some characters. Skip season six.
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What was the point?
18 May 2023
I wanted to like this series very much. It starts out with a great episode that reminded me of the original Twilight Zone.

I also like the small town they created where futuristic or alien technology is mixed in with cars and houses that look like they are from 1975.

And there are a couple of other episodes in the series that have very interesting science fiction plots. Also there are some excellent performances by the actors.

Unfortunately, the overall story arc that takes place in this small town goes nowhere. By the last episode, I was asking myself what was the point of it all?

None of the mysteries get resolved and the characters don't seem phased at all by disappearing people, deaths, etc. If a main character disappearing or dying doesn't impact anyone in the town then what is actually at stake? Who cares?

Nothing in the stories explains why the people in this town don't seem to care about the weird things happening around them, so why as a viewer should I care?

I mean come on, kids vanish, strange events happen but no one investigates? Bizarre alien technology appears to lie broken or disassembled around town and in the woods for children to discover and hurt themselves with and still no grown up seems to care or do anything to remedy the situation.

Once again, we have show runners that confuse mystery and intrigue with storytelling. Didn't anyone in television learn from the debacle that was "Lost". Anyone can create a mysterious circumstance and weird town, but it takes a good storyteller to tie it together and provide an ending that make sense of it all.

There's no sense in this series. Just a lot of mystery and no satisfying explanations. Very disappointing.

Don't recommend it.
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Rush (2008–2011)
Entertaining and Ridiculous
18 March 2023
This show is entertaining because it has some nice action scenes, and very good actors.

But like most of these action cop shows, these are the worst cops ever.

They always break protocol, have sexual relationships with each other even though it's against the rules, get kidnapped, repeatedly drop their guns, let criminals escape, miss obvious clues. Also, they run very slowly when chasing criminals, or at least they appear to run quickly, but they never catch the criminals. They also spend a lot of time yelling, "drop your gun, or I'll shoot," but they never shoot. They just let the criminals get away. And somehow criminals are always able to sneak up behind these cops and whack them on the head. Really poor situational awareness.

I guess screenwriters in every country have to follow the same rules and write the same kinds of scenes over and over again.

Watch to enjoy the actors and the shaky steadycam chase scenes. Try to suspend your disbelief. Insomnia requires shows like this.
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Very entertaining and has a Satisfying Ending
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that seems a little bit slow while you're watching it, but after you see the ending, you realized that it needed to build to the ending that way. This film almost seems like it is ending in the middle, as the main character appears to come to a resolution about some things that have been bothering her.

But the real fun is just starting.

The lead actress Carey Mulligan does a great job of creating a believable character. Unlike a lot of revenge films, this one seems like it could happen in real life exactly as it is portrayed in the story.

I recommend you start watching this with the patience and let the story develop; you will be very satisfied with the ending.
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Blue Heelers (1994–2006)
Excellent show in the first few seasons
25 January 2023
I am really enjoying this program. It's so much better than any of the modern television cop shows. Has a bit of a light hearted feel at first with most of the crimes being minor events.

I like that there's good rapport between the characters and the actors seem to fit very well.

The show should have ended with the departure of Lisa McClune. After that it gets darker. The characters are less interesting. And more and more of the main characters, leave the show, and it just doesn't have the same field anymore.

The first couple of seasons has such a great chemistry between characters. Maggie Doyle is my favorite character played by Lisa McClune.

This show and Water Rats seem much better written than most police shows on television.
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Patriot (2015–2018)
Slow starting but gets better
23 January 2023
All of the good reviews for this show kept me watching it past the first episode. I almost gave up because I found the characters uninteresting the humor not funny, and the episode basically just boring.

But I gave it another chance and watched a couple more episodes.

It gets a little better in the next few episodes. Episode four of season one is hilarious. Mostly because of stairs. I never thought stairs could be so funny.

The humor gets a little dull sometimes, because there are long, absurd scenes that go on and on like a bad Saturday night live skit that you just wish you would end.

But there are some laugh out loud moments.

Because the story is told with many flashbacks, the first episode starts to make more sense after a while, and I can see why they had to set it up that way.

Season two starts to lose some steam, and they should've wrapped it up a few episodes earlier. But overall a pretty decent show with some very good actors.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Beyond Boring, Unbelievable and Meaningless
18 January 2023
There are not enough words to explain how ridiculously stupid the plot of this movie is. We are supposed to believe that a society can build a spaceship to cross a galaxy for like 100 years with humans in it in suspended animation and yet there's no maintenance crew on hand? There's no emergency plan? No way to wake up the crew to solve a problem in transit?

It's like if a passenger woke up on an airline flight and was the only one who noticed the plane is crashing, but couldn't get tell anyone because the flight crew is all taking a nap. I just can't imagine who in Hollywood gave money to make a crappy film like this. Why do they put out this kind of garbage?

The main character is unlikable and dull. The woman who he is supposed to fall for has no personality. As a couple they have ZERO chemistry and they shouldn't have children because they would be the most boring children in the history of children

I gave this movie two stars only because of the good special effects and the robot bartender, who has more personality than both of the lead characters put together.

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Last Call (III) (2019)
Excellent performances by the actors
9 January 2023
I enjoyed the performances by the two actors. They both created believable characters. Unfortunately that was not enough to compensate for the pace of the film.

I got a little bored and lost interest after about an hour. Maybe if this was a short film, 15 minutes less than it's running time, It would have maintained my interest.

Perhaps I lost interest because the man is not a very sympathetic character, so I had a hard time really investing in the outcome. Yeah, I didn't really care what happened to him one way or another. The script didn't give me a reason to root for him to change. I suppose I don't have a lot of patience for a certain type of person with certain kids of behaviors.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Very entertaining!
6 January 2023
For me this is the perfect kind of action movie. They don't waste a long time on the set up or a character development at the beginning. They just get right down to action and we get to know the characters along the way.

The main character who they call "Snowball" is like a female version of The Punisher. She gets business done. In fact, I wish this was a marvel comics film because I would love to see this lady team up with the punisher. They are a perfect match.

There is only one long boring speech from the villain at the end that kind of breaks the rhythm of the movie, but overall very entertaining, very fast paced, and not overly produced action scenes. The action scenes happen quickly and they're not long drawn out fights like in most action films.

Highly recommend.
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
Slow starting. Slight improvement over the season.
5 January 2023
I wanted to enjoy as much as I enjoyed the original series. The first episode feels false, hollow, badly written, badly acted, poorly cast. And it seems like they are awkwardly trying to tie it to the original series.

Wasn't going to watch any more episodes, but eventually I did start watching the others just for something to have on while I completed chores around the house.

There is a slight improvement as the season goes on. The characters develop a little more depth. The actors are beginning to find core of the characters. The stories become slightly more interesting and authentic.

I hope the show continues to improve.
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Great pilot episode. Awful after that.
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled across this and watched the first episode. I enjoyed it very much and I thought "wow how did I miss this little gem?" I looked at the show up on IMDb and saw that it was canceled after one series. What a tragedy I thought.

Then I watched the second episode of this show and I realized why it was canceled. It sucked.

In the opening episode they depict this young police officer as clever, brave, and honorable. She performs brilliantly under pressure and at the end of the first episode is recruited by the secret undercover ghost squad that goes after crooked cops.

But in her first case as a super secret undercover (in the second episode) she breaks multiple rules and she performs very poorly as an undercover officer. The villains get away and lots of bad things happen because of her incompetence.

It's almost as if the writers/producers had a meeting between episode one and two and decided to change her character from a smart and resourceful police officer to an insecure, immature weakling of a person.

It doesn't get much better in the third episode. Or the fourth. The lead character comes across as insecure, unprofessional and ineffective.

Watch the first episode as a stand-alone movie and skip the rest.
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Hanukkah on Rye (2022 TV Movie)
My Favorite Hallmark Holiday Movie this year
20 December 2022
I'm not Jewish, so I don't know how accurate this movie was or how authentic the scenes of Hanukkah celebrations are.

I can say that I enjoyed the movie more than any other Hallmark Christmas movie this year.

I have enjoyed three of the Hallmark Christmas movies this year, 2022. I liked this Hanukkah movie better than the three best Christmas movies.

The script has snappy dialogue and the actors perform it well and keep the story moving quickly. The lead actors did a great job and all of the other characters are played by talented actors as well.

The story moves a lot faster than most really boring Hallmark holiday movies. And it's actually somewhat believable.

I recommend this movie.
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Predictable and Dull
17 December 2022
I wanted to like this movie because of the actors, but there is nothing to like. Just recycled scenes from similar romantic comedy movies. The shtick fails to entertain and unfortunately the slapstick gags come across as forced and desperate.

The clever banter (which takes the place of any real character development) between Clooney and Roberts gets old very fast. The main characters lack depth.

The sound editing makes it hard to hear the dialogue and some of the actors mumble their lines.

I give 3 stars for the beautiful setting. Was any of it authentic? I don't know. I hope they didn't offend the Balinese people with this movie.

Watch something else.
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Chesapeake Shores (2016–2022)
Entertaining for a couple of seasons...not sure about season three.
7 December 2022
I enjoyed the first season of Chesapeake Shores and I liked most of the characters. They had more depth than the typical Hallmark movie characters. I only found a couple of the characters irritating, while the others felt like real people with normal life dramas.

Season two provided some new twists and kept the story interesting. Season three seemed a little like a rehash of season one, most of the characters repeating the same type of dramas over again. And all of the characters began to feel annoying toward the end of the season.

Don't feel like watching the show anymore so I can't comment on the rest of the series.
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Nope (2022)
Nothing to see hear...move on
6 December 2022
This movie begins very very slowly. And then it slows down. And then it gets really slow.

If there were some characters I was interested in I might tolerate this deliberately slow movie. However the characters just annoy me in the first half hour so much that I get particularly irritated at the glacially slow pace of the movie.

To withstand the torpor I had to engage my mind with other tasks and also watch educational YouTube videos because otherwise my brain would've exploded from boredom. What was the point of this movie? Was there a point? Who green lights a movie like this? Who has money to waste on a movie like this?

I feel sad for the actors because they probably could've done something with a decent script. There is no script. There is nothing. Nothing here to see. Move on.

P. S. I gave 2 stars for the horse actors who were literally roped into doing this movie.
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Last Light (2022)
They wasted good actors and good money on this. Skip it.
15 November 2022
This series started slow and it got even slower, despite there being a lot of explosions and car chases and gun fights. The story is recycled from 100 other shows about terrorist attacks on the world, and it has the one man, the hero petroleum engineer who is the only one who can save the world. It gets super ridiculous by the middle of the second episode and then worse.

Save yourself from this by not watching it. Watch the Blechly Four, it's a great show.

I feel bad for the actors who got roped into this dog of a show. There are many great performers and there was a lot of money spent on the production. Just all wasted...wasted.
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The Calling (2022)
I am enjoying the show.
12 November 2022
I am enjoying this show much better than most police procedural detective shows. I see a few bad reviews here and the complaining of overacting or reducing religion to a cliché. But compared to "law and order" or some of the other mainstream shows, this holds my interest much more.

The woman who plays the partner of Avi does seem a little one-dimensional sometimes. They don't develop her character very much in the first four episodes other than making her and the other cop comedy relief characters to Avi's straight man.

And unfortunately the captain of their division is forced to say the same lines over and over every episode. I don't blame the actress who plays the captain, but why do cop shows always have to have the lieutenant or captain yell at the detectives constantly that they're doing a terrible job whole time they are actually solving a crime effectively.

Even with flaws I am entertained.
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Single-Handed (2007–2010)
Very entertaining show with great characters
3 October 2022
I enjoyed watching this series very much. The characters felt real and the stories were interesting.

I wish there were more episodes but I guess the main storyline came to a very logical conclusion. Any future stories would probably be just the weekly police procedural type of plots.

I was annoyed by the mother character, as she was the one that didn't seem to grow or change during the series. She was kind of a stereotypical mother in denial character. The villain in the second season was a little too obviously villainous. Almost like a cartoon character villain. I guess he could've had a little more depth.

But overall the characters were very well developed. I especially liked Finnbar the lazy overworked tired dad with kids at home Deputy. He actually seemed like a real person that I might've met in the past.
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Good start, bad finish
19 August 2022
The first episode sets up what looks like an interesting thriller spy story.

Then the show devolves into some strange family drama, with so many disconnected elements that it looses all focus. Several love stories are thrown in for more confusion.

None of the characters seem real and none of their behaviors seem realistic.

Very disappointing in the end.
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Silent Witness: Ghosts: Part 1 (2005)
Season 9, Episode 1
Too Sad
5 July 2022
This episode is very dark and depressing. This whole show has been depressing from the start. Can't we have one normal well adjusted happy character arch?
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