
16 Reviews
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Crisis (I) (2021)
My thoughts
10 February 2023
I appreciate that the film aspired to tackle many aspects related to prescription drugs. It's hard to juggle separate stories (even when their thematic points are ultimately the same) and this film did a decent job with its pacing to stay organized. However, I was left wondering if the overall story got so big that its parts diminished in the process.

The three main characters were given tid bits of backstory, but these facts were merely mentioned. The facts also felt disconnected from the overall story, especially Jake's sister's addiction.

Lilly's performance stood out to me the most as she was given more to work with. Her character was annoying though, especially at the beginning when she's throwing temper tantrums. In fact all of the three main characters have these tantrums that are a constant aspect in their dialogue with another person.

Everything in the film was middle of the road: the script, the cinematography and the acting stood out in their mediocrity. It wasn't bad and deserves a watch, but I'll probably forget most of it in the next couple of weeks.
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You: Joe Takes a Holiday (2023)
Season 4, Episode 1
10 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The same plot points from previous seasons continue to be used: Joe sees Kate masturbating and saves her from a robbery. Joe gets to a state of unconsciousness by drinking too much and wakes up to a dead person.

However, I wasn't expecting or requiring major changes to the series. The creators have discovered a formula that interests viewers and makes them want to come back.

The inspiration from HBO was evident in this episode. It was more gory and graphic when Joe was shown dismembering Malcolm and some of the character's makeup in the party was Euphoriaesque.

Usually introducing this many characters at once confuses the viewer too much. In this whodunit plot, however, it works. At least for now. I want to see how we delve into each individual in the next episodes. I'm also a bit concerned how similar all of the rich kids are. Hopefully their individual personalities are shown.
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Last Seen Alive
9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film is centered around Will whose wife Lisa goes missing while they stop at a gas station. Will needs to go on his own quest of finding her because he can't just stay still (shown time and time again by Butler's constant pacing and touching of his face).

When it comes to sound design, this film has one of the most horrific scenes that I have witnessed: Will is having a heated argument with Lisa's parents with all of them speaking on top of one another. At the same time the background noises consist of a dog barking and a clock ticking with a finale of a kettle starting to whistle. These sounds were used to add tension but it only made me irritated and confused (why is this clock so damn loud?! Who's dog is this?!)

I chuckled lightly every time Gerard Butler yelled "Lisa!!" and straight out laughed when he called for her in Lisa's parents house after her mother had already established she wasn't there.

Why did the parents need to suspect Will? In the next scene they are together, all of the accusations are forgotten. The interrogation scene also felt unnecessary. The husband is always the suspect but none of the scenes related to suspicions regarding Will's involvement had anything to add to the plot.

Russell Hornsby's character was necessary but his demeanor was off. In one scene he was a happy-go-lucky cop and in the next a serious detective.

The lighting was a bit off. It was either hospital white in the current time or weirdly yellow in the flashbacks.

The writing leaned towards too-convenient-to-be-true. It wasn't full on unbelievable but I wasn't fully onboard.

That CGI explosion... Low-budget at its best!

The film is listed as action but it doesn't have that many action scenes. We get one hands-on fight, a one-on-one shooting scene and an explosion. This makes sense though. The main character isn't a secret agent or ex-military guy, just a regular degular real estate guy. I would still much rather put it under the thriller category.

I was trying to figure out the thematic points of the film but couldn't come up with any. Its action was also lackluster and after you've seen it once, you're good. I could maybe put this on as background noise while doing something else.
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The Last of Us: Please Hold to My Hand (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
7 February 2023
DISCLAIMER I have never played the game so I can't comment on the show's accuracy towards it.

This episode's core is Joel and Ellie's relationship and it's development. We see a more relaxed companionship (and a smiling Joel!). Joel and Ellie's individual character arcs are also developed. They both reveal bits about their past. Ellie's multitude of reactions to shooting at a person are interesting. Joel shows sides of himself that were hidden in previous episodes.

In the midst of developing the relationship and main characters we also get introduced to new people. Kathleen is introduced as a reluctantly ruthless leader of a group who is desperately searching for Henry and Sam. We only see a glimpse of this pair at the end of the episode. However, based on the ending, they will be an integral part of the next episode. Perry is part of Kathleen's group but comes off much more humane than her.

The overall quality is once again high. Best TV ever high. Set design and action sequences stood out.
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Slow start
27 October 2022
The classic horror tropes "don't listen to advice" and "I'm so indifferent it drives me to my doom" further the plot in this episode. These tropes can be done well but they made the story unbelievable and too convenient. I agree with the other reviews on the ending coming too soon.

My stars come from the visuals, CGI and atmosphere. Tim Blake Nelson was also convincing as a racist and unlikable army vet. His character is a bit of a caricature though and the script felt rigid at times.

Guillermo Navarro has been a part of the Night at the Museum-saga and I got the same vibe from this episode: narrow storage spaces filled with old stuff.
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A Separation (2011)
My thoughts
2 June 2020
I have mixed feelings about this movie. I think that the story was complex in a beautiful way but on the other hand some parts were even too complicated for me.

There were a lot of serious topics (islam, justice system, divorce, lying vs. telling the truth, alzheimer's disease etc.) handled at the same time which left me overwhelmed at the end. With this many themes none of them were handled thoroughly and there were a couple of holes and questions left unanswered in the story. When the movie ended I was surprised because I still had many questions left.

The pacing was quite fast and there's a lot happening. This fact goes in hand with the amount of topics this movie was trying to tackle. Again this left me overwhelmed at times.

I liked how there were these little hints throughout the movie. Some things were never explained directly but rather showed discreetly. When a director succeeds in this it's always a good sign.

Another amazing aspect was the acting. I thought that every actor managed to pass all the emotions the characters were feeling to the viewers.

I loved how the story made me feel. Even at the end I can't say with certainty whose side I was on. Every one had a good reason to defend themselves and I wanted everybody to get out of the situation in the best possible way. I enjoy stories like this: they force the viewer to think about their life and actions the most.

I can't say what my final thoughts about this movie are. I loved how it made me feel: it compelled me to think and it made me feel many emotions at the same time. I also hate how it made me feel: overwhelmed, confused and torn between two rights. I don't even know if the good things I felt can be seen as bad things and vice versa.

These were just my initial thoughts. I need to rewatch this movie at some point.
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Tigertail (2020)
My thoughts
1 June 2020
This is a beautiful and effortless movie. Every aspect complimented one another. The soundtrack, the simple but effective shots, the scenery. The details seemed well thought out.

The story was simple but not in a bad way by any means. It managed to tell the fundamentals of how the main character became the person he is. However some details were left hanging in the air without explanation. The mixing of past and present worked. I thought this movie succeeded in showing and not telling. I adored all the scenes from Taiwan! They were absolutely beautiful.

I felt the emotions of the characters and wanted the best for them. I especially loved Pin-Jui's mom. She had this ambiance around her that I couldn't help but feel warmth every time she was on screen.

The dialogue was the weak link of this movie. It fell on the monotonous side in my opinion. I especially thought about this during the scenes with Pin-Jui and his daughter. They fell flat for me. Some of the actors were good and others average.

I enjoyed watching this movie. It very beautiful shots, heartfelt and slow atmosphere and emotionality. It wasn't a perfect movie by any means: the dialogue between some characters just honestly wasn't good and some details were left unexplained. Despite it's flaws this movie is worth watching.
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My thoughts
31 May 2020
I have to start by saying that I have never to this day enjoyed a cop comedy. So it's no wonder that I didn't like this movie: the genre just isn't for me. My ratings are always based on whether I enjoyed the movie or not.

There was a lot of yelling, swearing, shooting and running around. The story was folding out nicely and I thought that the length of the movie was fitting.

The director and writer didn't invent the wheel here and the storyline has been done multiple times. This movie didn't bring anything new to the table. Most of the stuff happening was so unrealistic that no one could possibly believe that this movie was meant to be realistic.

I don't know if I just missed something important but I didn't understand why the characters ended up in the situation they eventually were in. I saw how it came to be but I don't know why the situation had to continue for so long.

The teachings and deep moments were too forced. I felt like they were put in between all the violence just because it had to be done not because the makers of the movie wanted to.

The acting was good given the context of the movie and genre.

This movie just wasn't good and I don't want to spend more time thinking about it. Sorry not sorry.
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Vampires (2020)
My thoughts
29 May 2020
I'm a sucker for all things supernatural but I just couldn't enjoy this series because of its flaws.

Let's start with the positives. The world in which the characters lived was interesting. The centre points of the story were also intriguing. Vampires have been used in series for a long time but this series provided some new aspects to the used trope. These facts made the series watchable for me.

I watched this with subtitles as I don't speak French. I noticed that sometimes when there were subtitles no one was speaking and it was weirdly quiet for a long time. This happened quite a few times. I don't know if the problem is only on my Netflix account but if not it's a huge mistake that could've easily been fixed.

The characters were very angry most of time. Sometimes for an unknown reason to me. That was actually a carrying theme throughout the series: people doing and reacting to things without any context. I found it quite funny how someone would start screaming over nothing but it doesn't make the series any better. I can't say that the acting was good either. There were a lot of empty stares...

The actions and decisions the characters made were surprising but not in a good way. Most of them were sudden and/or not in line with the characters previous decisions. The characters were overall build in a way that left them distant to me. I didn't find myself caring for them.

The bright colorful lights and the twisting and turning of the camera at some of the scenes was weird. Not "artistic" or "new". Weird. I also HATE when the camera is very close in front of a moving person but it doesn't move with the person and just stays still. It just doesn't look good and it was used in this series.

And wtf was up with that blood drinking?! So loud and forceful :D
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Uncorked (I) (2020)
My thoughts
23 May 2020
The storyline is familiar to all (protagonist wants a different style of life than his/her parents and faces hardship because of it) but the sommelier and wine aspect brought a tiny little twist to it.

I thought the scenes were filmed in a nice way. I especially liked the short shots that showed the neighborhood and the heartwarming scenes with family interactions.

The script had a lot of issues however. In my opinion everything was happening too fast. That left no time for explaining or building up the actions and decisions. The characters felt unfamiliar to me throughout the whole movie. I constantly questioned why this and that was happening or how it came to be. Most of the twists didn't excite me and I have to say that I felt bored at times.

The acting was okay but I think that the bad script took a edge off from it. At times the dialogue felt a tad dry and other times it was good. The relationships and interactions between the characters were quite good.

I did find it enjoyable and funny at times but most of the time the movie felt average and even below it.
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Feel Good (2020–2021)
My thoughts
22 May 2020
Wow. I really don't know what to say. Well let's start with the fact that this was the worst series I have watched this year.

Apparently it's a comedy as the main character is a stand-up comedian and CONSTANTLY joking. Most of the times it was okay. But it started to get annoying when even the more serious scenes had a lot of joking around. Overall I didn't like at all how the serious topics were handled. Maybe I'm just too serious but I want to see at least a bit of hard emotions when the subject matter requires them.

The acting felt forced and the cutting of the scenes didn't give much help as it was very quick and pointy if you know what I mean. Everything was happening way too fast. The reveals and hints were obvious and dropped on your face as heavily as an elephant. The interactions between the characters lacked chemistry and felt awkward most of the time.

I felt very frustrated with the characters and their decisions and actions. Some of them were so absurd that I found myself thinking that people in real life wouldn't act that way.

One thing I found good was the representation this series gives to minorities. I learned more about what everyday life feels like when you're transgender. And I have to say it started to get better towards the end of the season. It still wasn't good though...
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The Occupant (2020)
16 May 2020
A disturbing, manipulative and unfair story which made it stand out for me.

I can't say much about the script or dialogue as I don't speak Spanish. I'm also always iffy to comment on the acting when the actors speak a foreign language but to me it was average to above average. There wasn't any character development but we learned new aspects of the protagonist along the way.

Some of the scenes were filmed in an interesting and different way. That made me more engaged with the story and the moment at hand. I wasn't a fan of how the longer dialogues were filmed. A lot of long stares towards something or someone as well...

I have a love-hate relationship with the ending. I thought it had more meaning than some other reviewers. I was left with some why's and that can't be possible's at the end (both good and bad) but overall I thought the story was pieced together well. It managed to surprise me again and again when the main character took his psychopathic ideas to new heights. However I was put off by how everything fell in place perfectly and went exactly as planned. I loved how the decline of his mental state and plan was gradual. This made it seem more believable.

I liked it!
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Bloodride: The Elephant in the Room (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
My opinion
15 May 2020
I decided to write separate reviews for each episode because they were so different from one another!

This episode played around with the thought that you shouldn't trust your first instinct at first no matter how well the circumstances match your belief. In the worst case it can lead to harming others. I was surprised by the ending! The "big reveal" fell a little flat as it was heavily hinted on before the fact. Again I felt like the story was too vague buy considering the length of the episode it is understandable. However I thought that the character of William was build in a way that made the reveal as surprising as it was.
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Bloodride: The Old School (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
14 May 2020
I decided to write separate reviews for each episode because they were so different from one another!

The first episode with supernatural scenes which resulted in me feeling a bit uneasy for the first time during this series. I enjoy psychological horror but ghost stories make me pee my pants! Anyway there were too many horror tropes and cliches in one sitting. Though they weren't portrayed in an obtrusive way so it wasn't as annoying as it could have been. I have to mention (although I think that it's not fair to wait a short episode to provide this) that the lack of world building and character development makes some of the dialogue and actions feel rushed. This really eats away from the flow that an excellent TV-series should have.
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Bloodride: Lab Rats (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
13 May 2020
I decided to write separate reviews for each episode because they were so different from one another!

A bit boring and overused storyline compared to the previous episodes. The end result was predictable. On the other hand I thought that this storyline worked the best in a short form. The pacing in the middle of the episode was quite slow. Good acting by Stig Amdam.
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Bloodride: Bad Writer (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Twisty turny
11 May 2020
I decided to write separate reviews for each episode because they were so different from one another!

So many twists and turns. Some more unrealistic than others... This episode kept surprising me after every reveal. I can't give this episode a high rating because of the shortness of it. To many details are plastered on your face which makes the whole atmosphere feel too rushed.
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