
24 Reviews
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More than headlined
9 April 2024
Although it starts on the racist trail it is much much more than that. In many ways it follows the traditional documentary format with at the time contemporary media repoerts and the protagonists speaking both then and now where I guess possible. It is an excellent potrayal of how the State conspires to use the police to implement its dastardly political agenda by effectively engineering a compliant and obsequious police state in my mind no wonder heralding the currenr regime of murderous and rapist police. The racial angel is followed by a through prtrayal of the miners strike. Great work by Riz. I always liked him and am glad to be proved correct. Actually I dont know what follows the miners strike as I was so impressed by it so far that I just had to comment...
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oh! the horrors
9 November 2023
Captures the horrors of india well, fairly and accurately. Strangely its rather akin to the western democracys except of course for the open defecation, that being well hidden in the west,but neer the less for that not any cleaner.

Quite refreshing to see movies like this (another notable being Bandit Queen with its famous opening quote) rather than the Bollywood fare but then one would hardly expect Netflix to do that save as a pastiche in jest, which I would avidly watch too. Adarsh plays the obsequious driver quite well with all the expected mannerisims and particularly liked his joshings by the other drivers in the hotel basement car park, probably cooler there than in the high rise expensive rooms anyway.

Naturally being a brown man in the white west I don't buy the underlying idiom of "the future is the yellow and brown man " as the white man will not go down without a fight even if thar means taking the world with him, in fact,maybe he has already acomplished that gratis.
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Jules (I) (2023)
UFO crash lands in forrest gumps backyard
16 August 2023
It is as you would expect given the title of this review. Ofcourse there are the odd pithy saying and wry observations. Yes I enjoyed it and would reccommend it to all asundry as most will at least be slightly amused. Not brilliant but then not every film must be. As uttered in the movie "fims zre based on something..." This is clearly based on old Forrest Gump. Absurd too in that none of the neighbours rat him out to the "feds" as would be sure to happen in real life. They are also unlike eartlings in that they don't need bullets to expload heads, just an infarc will do. Go on waste your money, thats what its there for after all "can't take it wid you over in the promissed land"
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hello, welcome to the abstraction
17 March 2023
At first I was bemused by this series but continued due to its excellent opening titles and sound.

I was captivated by the simple removal of wheels that transformed old hulks into futuristic EVs. That surely I would buy if I was in receipt of the massive largesse given out by the Govt. Fraudsters to their buddies in crime.

It is about time that those that can alert the general population to the actual state of affairs.

We all live in fraudulent societies and systems of belief, slowly responsible people are alerting the people thru the very medium they were hood winked with, but the Saps are numerous and trying to multiply (hence the outlawing of abortion).

Unfortunately the populace thought the many apocalyptic stories being told were merely entertainment and not the warnings they really were, therefore it is likely that the new alerts of fraudulent existence(the ark) will be categorized similarly.
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Godfather of Harlem (2019– )
Slivver of Reality
20 February 2023
I've been watching this series since it started, it has fluctuated in my minds eye quite a bit but has never been below par exelonce.

The latest episode was the best so far(i.e. S03e05) and prompted this review. The song played thru ending credits blew me away especially the subtle vocals. Strange isn't it that I have marked up a visual form for its audio form as if an ingrate from the black lagoon.

But as you know rare are the time when talkies are beaten by the see ums.

E.g. As they (the scientist lords) a child born deaf is more debilitated than one born blind, but I don't really know as I am inflicted by both inversely.

Suffice to say that it seems to and expose a sliver of a reality for the times encoded.
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Greenland (2020)
14 November 2020
Yanks descend to their roots of babarity, dog eat dog etc. Moral of the story? Your Life Flashes Before Your Eyes however Banal, BEfore You Die.
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2 "incomplete" stories
23 October 2020
At 1st I thought this was 1 single film and thus was jarred and left somewhat confused as the 2nd story started without fanfare and especially since the 1st story was proceeding well and would have been pretty good if it had developed further beyond its truncation. Likewise with the 2nd Story. So to me I marked it as 7/10 due to me 2 incomplete stories. I enjoyed the settings as it evoked the locations quite well. Such was it that I was left to wonder on the country of location, at 1st I thought Turkey then graduated to Lebanon... even Egypt. Coming here to IMBD I learnt it was Algeria, ha! all those places look alike to me which is not really surprising is it?
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Answered a million Questions
19 February 2020
At 1point I thought it was episode 0 of a TV series but then wished it was some amalgum of the Americans and Chernobyl but unfortunately and perhaps wisely it did not update to ...NOW... I briefly scanned some of the other reviews and entirely agree their varied outlooks. Most asuredly not common fodder. The few inserted violent viginettes were effective and made me mull the upcoming cull.
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Camera Store (2017)
witty partake
24 June 2017
I didn't know what to expect given the pre-commentary. I was pleasingly surprised by its humour and wit, at least to this dull mind. I am glad I partook, although some may not find its moral particularly uplifting but it does serve to underline the nature of life. some believe that life/evolution is a race between predator and prey but it has also been convincingly studied as a race betwixt host and parasite. Granted that what is host and what is parasite will undoubtedly be in vast contention.
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War Machine (2017)
good docu-drama
3 June 2017
I don't really know if it fits the moniker of docu-drama and I realise that that might put people off. But if you are conversant with the Afgan conflict then there is little new here. However it is well done as a filmic explanation if one is wondering still why that conflict is so intractable. I think Brad Pitt done a good job portraying the general which would be even a difficult role for the general himself. the general and his staff excellently illustrate the adage "you don't have to be mad to work here but it helps" or "you don't have to be mad to work here but you will be by the time you leave". overall a good effort from netflix and a brave one as one can be easily demonized for apparent anti-military stance in the current USA (thank u for your service). It is a bit misleading in the film where it is remarked that insurgencies are rarely successfully put down by force when in fact history teaches the opposite.All empires have beaten insurgencies by force and thru complete anilation of the insurgents. the Afgan situation is not even explained by the fact that the forces to put down the insurgency are "alien". in fact e.g in India home of continual insurgencies since independence the govt. manufactures "alien" forces to put down insurgencies by recruiting troops from other regions and ethnic groups to those of the insurgents and wiping them out thru foul or fair means. This matters not as some other insurgency erupts else where by some other abused ethnic group. The British empire thru Draconian methods was in the continuous process of putting down insurgencies and the US and Canada also have considerable experience subduing the 1st Nations and quite successfully if held against current situations. hence their unstinted instinctual belief in a military solution thru violent attrition as has succeeded countless times afore. methinks the world has turned.
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nostalgia for past wars.
24 April 2017
very predictable trope laden crapazoo... Reminded me of mysterious Island only less pleasant, plus didn't get to see the giant ants. Quite frankly an old black n white Mothra and Godzilla would have been more enjoyable. Funny here and there especially bringing the old marooned vet up to spec on modern times and unintentionally risible everywhere else. Seems main purpose of this movie was to recycle, (insert old songs back into public consciousness) for their copyright holder corporations, together with some jingoism for future possible wars. One wonders at what point nostalgia for desert storm might start to rear its ugly head. And we find out that guns aren't just useful for killing other humans and napalm is still handy from its genesis from Guadalcanal flame throwers to whatever it is now but in the end you still need a hulking big gorilla to bail you out whoever that was but they hung. Ha Ha.
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Squatters (2014 Video)
Jewish allegory
21 May 2015
I found it telling that the criminals pad was more spectacular than the 1%'er fat cats, no doubt that was intentional, maybe crime does pay after all. In contrast to most other reviews the only thing I found preposterous was the ending and the police not checking out the house when they come around. definitely would not have been something cursory in the Palisades, given the taxes those people must pay. Other than these things it was quite OK, obviously not Oscar material. it was interesting to live vicariously thru the squatters enjoying the house (but annoyingly not fully) for the duration. a bit like hitting the mall in the dawn of the dead. the sons pad in Venice though not glamorous was also nothing to sneeze at, but that's fat cats for you, they make sure the next generation of fat cats are well set up.
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Interstellar (2014)
vastly overrated
11 November 2014
reading the other reviews here its hard to conceive that I watched the same movie everyone is gushing about. the central premise is hardly noble although perhaps quite the likely selfish outcome i.e. after trashing this planet lets go trash some others. the black hole visualizations were quite lame. this is not a great sci-fi film even remotely in the league of 2001 although a cursory superficial viewing might suggest so to an unthinking non-sci-fi buff. a great scifi film would naturally start by 1st adapting a great scifi story. these are yet to be made such as ringworld, dyson spheres and fleet of worlds concepts. to think that all these mind boggling stories exist yet this rather old and tired story concept is chosen to lavish money on is strange, although it is somewhat understandable as the afore-mentioned stories would be much greater challenges all around and so its best that they are ignored rather than poorly realized as this primarily propaganda piece.
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Not To be missed By yous inefficients of Bushido's
2 June 2012
Well I must say nicely executed (pun entirely intended).

The script starts out strong with the mechanical men, obsequious to their lords.

It is hard to perceive men so rigid in their view of existence, though no doubt they exist even now.

The story does descend to the weepy melodrama, but is that not the fate of all living creatures? do they not seek to procreate? thank the lord the plants obey.

The trimester of the movie becomes improbable.

One wishes that he had armed himself with Damascus steel rather than bamboo. Then surely the world would not have occurred.

But I glory that there are such people that live amongst trees, rather than slewing Dem Deutsch folk. Forgive me for I spake'easy in riddles if not rhymes.

Anyway back to the evaluation: A film not to be missed if you can forgive the middling melodrama and the fantasy resolution. But it works, it works, I still remember it 2 days hence.

Maybe tomorrow I forget the Bushido code. @#$%^&*(()
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Glory to the High Hallelujahs!
23 April 2012
This is a gritty super realistic film, where reality occurs as one wolfs down spare noodles as a ravenous dog.

It is paradoxically a fantasy in which one man survives insurmountable odds.

It is that which shows the rational madness of the human condition.

I am afraid it is a Love Story.

Although those who are young might think it glory of violence even though the end is null. However depending on your cut there are alternative Kaputs.

I highly recommend this film to gain brotherhood amongst the races, we are are pink slime oozed from the mold.
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Pretty good if your young and uncritical
10 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The usual fair, vastly evil people attacking peace lovers. The Chinese Manchurians are the baddies and Koreans the goodies.

Although it doesn't have the balletic excesses of some Chinese movies it is equally implausible but without the moves and strangely just like in the old cowboy movies where they never run out of bullets here they never run out of arrows.

The best things about this movie was the haircuts of the baddies and the hats of the goodies.

All in all pretty boring with endless running just in front of the pursuers and then suddenly miles from them then back again. All in all something that could be forgone.
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Redundant Exposition
30 November 2011
This series has oscillated in my esteem but now as it nears its cusp I must affer my commendation for this this series.

The world is a complex place and this series does not assure us it is not.

Therefore I love it all. There is no doubt for the aficionado's of reality this is a treat, we leRN THAT REALITY is but a web of lies, conveniences and subterfuge of the those mighty lords who rule us by deception and our own unquestioning loyalty to things we do not even read let alone understand.

As a required addendum I must state that that I understand nothing, I know not much, I don't pray to god but I worship the leaf, the crawling ant the slithering lizard, the calculator of profit is not in my ken.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
relatively Objective
28 November 2011
We live in trying times.

It is hard to be objective at the best of times; in these times it may be nigh on impossible.

However this series has made a valiant attempt at it although it has failed quite miserably but in betwixt I have quite enjoyed it in the context of its presentation.

i.e. liberal Jewish CIA operative covering for an upright although questionably insane stabilized only thru illegal pharmaceuticals, sub- operative whose main moniker appears to be "I will not grass you up".

Further senior personnel appear to be a variety of rednecks, jumped up negroes and various social climbers... i.e. pretty real.

Well worth watching albeit keep thumb up rectum.
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
extremely ethical people acting unethically
7 November 2011
I must admit that the 1st thing that attracted me to this series was the theme music. A splendid rendering of magnificence and descending glory.

Then it comes as no surprise that the theme of the whole show is thusly.

Of course the writer is merely transcribing the descent of the English upper classes. However my personal "gut" feeling is that these kinds of events occurred even in their (upper classes) ascent.

Therefore this rose tinted exposition of the fancifully illustrated decline of the upper classes masqueraded as inevitable result of a more cognizant society tries ones patience to the point of breakage...

but apparently box office success for this pap is assured.
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Melancholia (2011)
A thinking mans film if I may be so bold?
9 October 2011
After reading the other superficial reviews I felt compelled to write.

This movie only makes sense in its context. That context being the imminent end-of-the-earth (as we know it (my sub-context)). This is so widely known that I do not cast this as a spoiler.

If there is any fault this is it, that the context is pre-set up. Rather it should dawn on the audience as it does literally indeed, on the protagonists. This would require a 2nd viewing, but given the vagaries of commerce I am sure the "bean" counters insisted on the opening sequences, which weren't bad anyhoo.

Many write about the acting, the photography and direction et. al. but these are mere baubles adorning the concept. In many ways I was struck by this film being the anti-thesis of the Tree Of Life, a film I would have rated negatively if possible.

Back to the concept ... the concept of a cataclysmic event ... the concept of an important event ... the concept of a significant event ...

How would the powers that be not extend their existence for 1 iota more? by lying and cheating? wasn't the Vietnam war always in imminent threat of success? isn't the war in Afganistan always being won? hasn't Iraq been a victory? Likewise, no that world is not going to hit this world. Lying is supposed to be the 1st sign of intelligence.

So dutifully the Amercan torturer falls on his sword (Sorry I like to be cryptic, as no spoilers what?).

I could go on and on about the thoughts stimulated by this movie in my brain but I'll spare you that. Clearly Lars is a thinking man: I thank him for his sacrifice.
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Empty (I) (2011)
Surprisingly Liked it
18 August 2011
Surprisingly I liked this movie, despite all the contrived situations and somewhat amateurish production values (obviously if done on 10K quite remarkable).

But nearly all movies are contrived to some extent more or less. Perhaps it was the simple guitar soundtrack that kept me watching. I don't quite know, obviously the premise had some resonance.

However the thing that irked me most was the antagonism that developed between the the two lead protagonists? but I guess its central to the theme of the movie.

Of course the other great hole in it was the essential collapse of the USA within 6 days. Quite impossible under almost any scenario, but if you can ignore that, if you just want to watch a simple movie then its O.K.

I especially liked the ending.
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A Post War Story
31 March 2011
You may find it bewildering that I refer to it as a war story or to put it perhaps more accurately a post war story. I think this is as accurate a genre as any other as given here by member critics (I hardly ever indulge the professional critics).

It is clear that the protagonist is not suffering from PTSD or whatever the current nomenclature is, he makes that very clear from the start.

The film is divided into two but either half depends upon the other. It is a relatively deep movie but only if the viewers are capable of deep pondering themselves. There is much that is implied and much that is not said.

All in all a worthwhile movie at an almost prescient time as CIA operatives enter Libya.
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The Clinic (II) (2010)
Worthless Even If You Have Time To Waste
26 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Started out well enough but rapidly descended into unbelievability and a ridiculous storyline. I don't suppose that's too unusual for films of this genre but there was nothing to redeem it.

Incidentally the male protagonist of this movie is the lead from Spartacus Blood and Sand, who essentially disappears about a 1/3 of the way in after a car accident and remains unexplained or revisited subsequently. I don't know if that was also due to his reported illness which apparently also effected that series. In any case it seemed as if he was going to be the big hero busting away from the cops but in the end it was all left to girl power somewhat ironically against girl power. Coincidental or what?

Also appears to have been done by the same crew i.e. blood flowing images and use of Roman numerals.
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Hitman (I) (2007)
puzzling forsooth?
22 January 2008
This comment is on the primary comment by jon.h.ochiai ( from Los Angeles, CA

The review put forth appeared quite analytical... until I spied this: '"Hitman" is puzzling in that the movie trailers appear more polished than the actual movie.' By Jove surely only the reverse would be puzzling, or even so unlikely as to approach the probability of zero!

Please forgive these extra superfluous lines. As I am trying to fulfill my quota of 10 lines per comment the minimum apparently accepted by IMDb.

Let me try to save again.
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