
16 Reviews
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Total Recall (1990)
A Precious Gem Among Classic Sci-Fi Movies
3 June 2024
I was introduced to this film, through "Wet Kuat Amortican Summer(2023)", a Rick and Morty parody of this film. Given the fact that said episode was one of my least favorites of the show, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the movie!

Total Recall (1990) is about a construction worker, living in a futuristic earth, where ( or rather when) humanity has colonized the solar system. He has terrifying dreams about mars, but his dream is to go to mars on vacation. Limited by his wife's lack of interest, he is forced to go to a company called Recall instead, where they can implement a memory of a mars vacation in his mind. Needless to say, things go wrong ;) , and the movie begins!

The story was very engaging, and it remained interesting and full of surprises until the end. As for the acting, there is only one who did amazing, and she is Sharon Stone! Special effects and costumes are also very good. Not very realistic, but realistic isn't exactly why one would watch a sci-fi, is it? :)

This is definitely going in my movie recommendations list!
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Total Recall (1990)
A Precious Gem Among Classic Sci-Fi Movies
3 June 2024
I was introduced to this film, through "Wet Kuat Amortican Summer(2023)", a Rick and Morty parody of this film. Given the fact that said episode was one of my least favorites of the show, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the movie!

Total Recall (1990) is about a construction worker, living in a futuristic earth, where ( or rather when) humanity has colonized the solar system. He has terrifying dreams about mars, but his dream is to go to mars on vacation. Limited by his wife's lack of interest, he is forced to go to a company called Recall instead, where they can implement a memory of a mars vacation in his mind. Needless to say, things go wrong ;) , and the movie begins!

The story was very engaging, and it remained interesting and full of surprises until the end. As for the acting, there is only one who did amazing, and she is Sharon Stone! Special effects and costumes are also very good. Not very realistic, but realistic isn't exactlyy why one would watch a sci-fi, is it? :)

This is definitely going in my movie recommendations list!
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A Weak Addition To A Powerful Franchise
18 April 2024
The First three movies in this franchise are beautiful action-comedy movies, with well crafted characters, and interesting stories. Which is why years after watching them as children, we still enjoy them as adults.

This movie however, is just a kids movie. It even kind of ruined the characters we loved from previous movies. Tai-Lang for example went from a powerful villain with deep and dark thoughts, to a weak and confused character who can't even fight.

The plot of the movie isn't really interesting. The introduction to the story is a little hasty, there is no real challenge, no epic battles, and the ending is kind of stupid and obvious from the beginning.

But all this being said, I had fun watching it, and I hope the franchise doesn't end here. I read a few years ago that DreamWorks was planning Kung Fu Panda as a six movie franchise from the beginning. So hopefully we'll get another two movies, with the high quality we all expect!
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Saltburn (2023)
Not At All Impressive
21 February 2024
Saltburn starts like an engaging movie, but it becomes progressively less interesting, until it ends in the most boring and predictable way, leaving you staring at the screen, wondering WTF did I just watch.

As mentioned in many reviews, the cast have done their job well, but frankly, the story is just not interesting. They tried to make it interesting with scenes of shocking disgusting sexual acts, but unfortunately it didn't work.

There is perhaps only one or two funny moments in the film, so I'm not sure if we can call it a comedy. There is also just a little bit of mystery, and only a few shocking scenes. At best, we can call it a weak drama.

I only kept watching the movie because of its well designed cinematography, likable atmosphere, and lovable actors (not characters). In the end, I was a little dissapointed.
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CODA (2021)
A Beautiful Movie
29 December 2023
I'm in love with this film!

It was a beautiful drama, with a very interesting storyline, and amazing acting. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me stare at the screen in awe. What more could I possibly want from a movie?

CODA, is the story of the teenage daughter of a deaf family, struggling to find her independent place in life, but still worrying about what might become of her family.

Emilia Jones was so brilliant! She is an amazing actress, and a perfect singer. I specially enjoyed seeing her work in the intense arguments she has with her family. Hopefully we'll see her long and very successful career in cinema.

Watching CODA was a wonderful experience. This will be one of the few movies I've rated 10/10.
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Tenet (2020)
Too Confusing.
27 October 2023
I like Cristopher Nolan's movies. Usually, they're hard to understand, but interesting. Tenet(2020), however, is not. I was very confused from the beginning, and it did not get better as it went on. I was actually bored, and paused it so many times, and then I realized I was forcing my self to watch it, so I didn't.

I've never been a fan of Robert Pattinson, although his work is OK. John David Washington is also not bad, but he is not amazing, which I wish he was. And Elizabeth Debicki is yet another very beautiful but not so great actress from Australia.

The visual effects and time-reverse accuracy is nice to watch, and it might be the only very good thing about this movie. Unlike previous Nolan movies, even the music isn't that interesting.

I watched Inception(2010) four times before I understood the story. But I will probably not do the same with Tenet.

I expected much more from Nolan.
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Whiplash (2014)
Truly Deserving of All 98 Wins
20 October 2023
Whiplash is simply, a work of art.

Damien Chazelle probably loves jazz, and this could be his attempt to make everyone else fall in love with it too. If that is the case, he has succeeded!

There is no complicated storyline here. Its a simple drama, but a VERY good one. Not for one moment was I able to not look at the screen. The camera work and the music are like magic, enchanting you for almost two entire hours.

J. K. Simmons' performance is brilliant! I read in IMDb's trivia that he won 47 awards for this movie. He deserves every last on of them. And Miles Teller, did an absolutely amazing job. The Simmons-Teller duo is what makes this movie stand out, what makes it an all time masterpiece!

I will re-watch this movie many times.
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It's OK, Not Good.
20 October 2023
"Ocean's Twelve" is a mediocre movie. The story is not as interesting as it should be. The cinematography and camera work is normal, but becomes ridiculous at some points. And the background music, well, is just awful! Frankly, the only thing saving the movie is Brad, George, and Julia, doing a well enough performance.

I did like the idea of Julia Roberts trying to play Julia Roberts, which was maybe the only thing in this film that can be considered "creative". And Bruce Willis' short part was also enjoyable to watch. But everything else is just boring.

There is way too many plot twists, it honestly reminded me of Rick and Morty's S4E3(One Crew over the Crewcoo's Morty). I now think maybe that episode was directly ridiculing this movie.

But overall, it was fun to watch. If you liked Ocean's Eleven, and you're looking to kill some time, this is the pick for you.
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Fun To Watch
18 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this movie in instagram reels. I saw a short clip of the scene where Madeline shoots Helen, and immediately decided I want to see it.

When I started watching it, I was a little disappointed at first, because it has kind of a boring beginning. But after the first thirty minutes have passed, it starts to get interesting.

I was really amazed by how good they had managed the visual effects of this film. Considering CGI technology was very limited at that time. The effects in the fight scene are truly amazing.

I also loved Meryl Streep and Bruce Willis' work. They both have done very well with their characters and their acting.

I will definitely watch this movie many more times.
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So Sad , Yet So Satisfying.
15 October 2023
The most beautiful love story you'll ever see I liked the idea of a sci-fi romantic movie, where the sci-fi was actually part of the romantic drama of the film. Every one has some memories they (think) they want to forget, and this movie shows what would happen if they could make this wish come true.

I admit, it is a little weird to see Jim Carry in a non-comedy movie. But let me tell you, he is every bit as charming and brilliant as one would expect of such a "nice" actor. Together with Kate Winslet, they make one of the most lovable couples of cinema history.

I also enjoyed watching the Mark Raffalo - Kristen Dunst Duo. They both did a "nice" job.

This is one of the "nicest" romantic movies I've seen, and now, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind is one of my favorite movies of all time.
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"The Things We Do For Love"
6 October 2023
I don't know why I delayed watching this series this long, probably because I didn't know exactly what I was missing.

Mare of Easttown, is the result of putting together the most brilliant, most professional show-biz team, on top of which in the fantastic Ms. Kate Winslet. Seriously, I was blown away after watching the short commentary video after the first episode, and hearing Kate Winslet's original accent and comparing it to how she changed it for her role. It is now my fantasy that I knew her personally, so I could just spend hours talking to her about how amazing she was, or just watch her closely at work, while she was creating this masterpiece.

I was constantly amazed by how great everyone did their work, and repeatedly shocked by the story, gasping with surprising secret reveals and feeling so much remorse and anger in empathy with the characters.

Forget Titanic(1997), this is how I'll remember Kate Winslet.
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Melancholia (2011)
Never Before Has A Movie Freaked Me Out Like This
29 September 2023

Every other apocalypse movie is about trying to survive; This one is about admitting and accepting defeat.

"Melancholia" is a beautiful portrayal of depression. Justin (Kristen Dunst), who is a deeply depressed young woman, lives with her sister Claire (Charlotte Gainsbourg)'s family, after a weird failed wedding.

The movie is in two parts, which could be two different stories with the same characters; Both of which are about depression and how it affects a person's feelings and behaviour. As a person diagnosed with mild depression, I can completely relate to the way Justine acts in a happy and then dangerous situation.

It does however get boring at times, and I guess Kristen Dunst wasn't as "fantastic' as I was hoping. But I really enjoyed everyone's work. And despite what some reviews say, I really thought the cinematography was amazing. Kristen Dunst, however limited her acting skills may be, has such beauty that belongs in a movie like this.

You should at least see this movie once.
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Gone Girl (2014)
So Thrilling My Face Was Burning!
21 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Gone Girl is the story of a woman, who is "skilled in the art of vengeance". Amy, played by the fabulous Rosamund Pike, discovers that her husband is cheating, which after all the fights they've had, is the last straw. She plans the perfect plan, and frames Nick (Ben Affleck) for her murder.

The entire movie has such a fantastic cold vibe. The background music, the cold color pallet of every scene, and the many mysteries of Amy's plan revealing one by one, have made Gone Girl a crime thriller masterpiece!

The leading actors, Ms. Pike and Mr. Affleck have both done amazingly. Rosanund Pike is definitely on the "best portrayals of psychopaths" list. I got chills watching her get covered in blood, and stop herself from crying.

David Fincher did one hell of a job in this one; both in picking the cast and directing.

What a Masterpiece!
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Still Magical After 35 years
14 September 2023
Kiki's Delivery service is a colorful portal to the amazing magical world.

Kiki is a cheerful teenage witch, who has to travel and find a town, so she can live independently. She sets off with her pet cat, Jiji, and soon arrives in a big city where no one seems friendly. She has to make new friends, and start a business of her own, and face the new challenges of life.

I like to watch non-english movies in their original language with subtitles. So I can say everything, from the animation, to the original voice acting, and the original sound tracks are absolutely perfect. And every scene of the movie is like a cheerful painting.

Much like every other Hayao Miyazaki movie, I enjoyed watching this movie very much.
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"I think this just might be my masterpiece."
29 August 2023
If I was to make a list of absolutely perfect movies throughout the history of cinema, Inglourious Basterds(2009) would definitely be one of my first choices.

I loved every minute of this film. Every actor did such a fantastic job, from Christoph Waltz as the maniac Hans Landa, to Diane Kruger as the sweet and deceptive Bridget Von Hammersmark. Even Samuel L. Jackson's narrating is amazing and well placed.

In the Final scene, in the final shot, Brad Pitt is seen saying his last line, which I like to imagine contains a secret message. I imagine Tarantino used his signature trunk shot to tell us, through Brad Pitt's lips, that he thinks this movie is his masterpiece. And if that is the case, he is god damned right!
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The Breaking Bad Reunion
25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing that caught my eye when watching this movie, was that Jesse's beard had grown a full 5 centimeters since he was last seen in Felina(2013). I guess they didn't really put much effort to making everyone look like themselves six years (or a few seconds) before.

The story was also kind of boring at times, and in some parts didn't really make sense to me. For example, why didn't Jesse kill Todd in the desert? He obviously wanted to kill him, he had a gun, and he knew where he kept his money. It seems to me that this part was added merely to create some excitement, not that it was a successful attempt.

But overall, I enjoyed watching the movie. Jesse finally got the happy ending he deserved, and for that, I am grateful.
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