
2 Reviews
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Last Legion is not that bad!
23 April 2007
Well, i just read the previous comment and i can't say I'm quite happy with it :( I mean, the movie was not that bad at all!! Everything was in the right place: the music, actors, the plot and all... No, really... I just don't get why he said (I mean that guy) the actors were bad. They were just brilliant! Well, maybe to watch this movie u gotta have a sense of humor because many scenes in it were quite funny. Ben Kingsley, Colin Firth and Thomas Sangster were really good it seemed to me. Well Aishwarya Rai could of acted better probably... But anyways I reckon there are so many really bad movies and I don't think this one is just watch-it-once-and-then-forget-it film! Besides, the whole thing was real: I mean the castle, all the decorations, they shot it on location, and if you see throngs of people running on the battlefield you know this is all real! I guess u gotta appreciate it because they could of made in on computers... I mean, it's such a rare thing nowadays... Speaking about the plot... Yeah, maybe it's a bit naive and even silly (remember this when you watch the final scene) but overall it was quite dynamic and everything. Finally it was Dino De Laurentis production, they've been writing the script for 6(!) years so do you really think they didn't notice it was crap or something? Well maybe it's not that great compared to '300' but it's good enough anyway My conclusion is: you gotta watch the movie especially if you like Colin Firth, Ben Kingsley or Thomas Sangster or if you like adventures. And it seemed to me it's a kind of a teen movie rather than a serous one (i suppose it's for people of 12-25). And one more thing to say: though it's a historic movie (and i really hated history at school!!!) somehow i liked it and I've seen enough movies to tell a good one. Enjoy!
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The Omen (2006)
its OK if...
15 June 2006
Actually the movie is not that bad (esp. if you haven't seen the original 'Omen'). A young couple with hope for the future, a tragedy that happens to their son, the boy adopted as their own child that turns out to be Devil's son etc. We all know this story. So the main intrigue of the film was in the atmosphere, in subtle details, suspense... The first thing that draws your attention is the absence of that magnificent music (chorals in Latin) that makes the picture more Gothic. The new music was OK, but... On the whole the new Omen is more 'picturesque' (cannot find the word) (remember the episode with the reporter when he falls on the stairs without his head). The sp.effects are really good. The kid was OK too (he actually has nothing to play, i believe he didn't know he was Devil's son) BTW u no they had the kid from the original Omen there as one of the reporters probably used him as some kind of a talisman. Well on the whole it's good if u didn't see the original as i said. And the problem is not in the movie, it's about the atmosphere of the first Omen. It just cannot be reproduced! U c The Omen 666 had to be more modern 4 us to believe, it has smth from modern thrillers but the original movie was shot at older times and that makes it much better, over time it was mytholized (if such a word exists). Yeah, its just about the time: 1970s were great for such movies (The Exorcist for ex) and if we shoot the movie at this time it just has to be different. P.S. Sorry if i had any mistakes i'm Russian
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