
36 Reviews
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Scary Movie 2 (2001)
Man this movie Sucks
8 August 2001
How low can you go. I understand the need to make money but i mean this movie sucks. This movie is so bad. You wish you had not of seen it. me and my friend still claim to not have seen it. And if anyone asks us, we will say no, we haven't. And don't listen to anyone else because if they say something like, dont listen to the critics, well do. I wish I had.
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The Score (2001)
Great Film, Great Actors
28 July 2001
I never thought I would enjoy this film after sitting through the first hour of it. During this first hour, you will start to wonder, what are three very talented actors doing in the pile of dung. Then the actually score starts to unravel up and you start to not regret spending 8 or 9 bucks. This film is so tastefully done that you want more. Edward Norton sheds light on this rather dark tale. He brings a comical yet dangerous and deceiving character to the screen. Robert DeNiro plays the older thief with a little more heart and a little more common sense. And Brando plays the...fat guy. But he's still great. And the ending will bring a smile to your face.
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One Word.........Fun
28 July 2001
No, it may not have the class and brains as the first one did, but you've got to admit. It was fun. I had a blast. At times the Spinosaures looked like a puppet. But i'm not mad. I liked this one more than Lost World, but not as much as the first. i highly recommend that you see it.
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Unbreakable (2000)
Did anyone thought they were watching Sixth Sense 2
26 June 2001
Ok, I must admit, I hate this film. Its too long, to drawn out, and most of all, to stupid. This film is exactly like The Sixth Sense except they replace Haley Joel Osment with a tall fragile black man (i must admit Samuel L. Jackson is always superb.) Its so droopy and depressing that you cant have any compassion for the characters. Bruce Willis is a guy with a weird capability. Just like Mr. Osment. I didn't feel like typing his whole name. He spend s the entire movie contemplating his capability. Just like Mr. Osment. At the end he uses his capability for the better cause. Just like Mr. Osment. And at the end the director tries to deliver a twist ending, that back-fired. I hate this movie.
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The Jackal (1997)
Very under-rated film
24 June 2001
I thought that this was an intelligent thriller that lived up to the original. I thought that willis portrayed the perfect cold-blooded assassin. Richard Gere did a fine job as well. Even though you can tell his cheesey accent is a fake. This is not an action movie, so if you're expecting cars and planes blowing up, it doesn't happen. Even though one car blows up. This is a thriller and a good one at that.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Original and Creative
24 June 2001
Never have I seen a film so strange. It's good, but very strange. Brad Pitt was top notch and so was Willis. I never really have cared for Madeleine Stowe but she was in it. I just bought the DVD so I got to watch the Behind the scenes thingy. The thing that I like most about the film is that it is so original. It's not your average action film, and it is not your average science fiction film. I think they did a really good job for the budget they had. I can't believe Battlefield Earth got a 70 million dollar budget and director Terry Gilliam had to fight to get a 29 million dollar budget. This is an excellent film see it at all costs. And if you normally like strange films you should probably end up buying this one. It's a keeper.
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Coyote Ugly (2000)
Awful, terrible, shameful, detesting, I'm running out of room
19 June 2001
I hate the actors in this movie just about as much as I hate this movie. I hope they cant find work and have to reduce down to theater, then when they find out that they cant pay their bills after buying a new house after making Coyote Ugly because they thought it would break records, they are forced to live on the streets and be extras on shows like Normal, Ohio. And as for the movie, I hope it wins every Razzie award possible then after Movie Gallery, Blockbuster, and Hollywood Video wont carry it anymore, All of their copies are sold to low rent hole-in-the wall video stores where no one ever goes to. Then the movie finally airs on TNN.
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Great Mixture of different races
19 June 2001
Instead of Boyz N the Hood or Menace II Society, which were truly great films, this one focuses not only the black part of society but as well as Asians, Indians, Hispanics, and Whites. Omar Epps gives a great performance and John Singleton, as usual, gives a easy to follow gritty story. Now this isn't the best I have seen on the subject but it does deserve a worthy praise.
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Heat (1995)
Great Crime Epic
18 June 2001
This movie classifies as an epic. Not many films can do so. The reason this film is so great is that it focuses on the character lives, such as family problems, work problems, etc. Al Pacino is good, as usual as a detective who what troubles at home. Robert DeNiro gives one of his best performances to date. Michael Mann is one of the best directors out there. He knows how to make a long movie and it not get boring.
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As dumb as they come
17 June 2001
If a major studio gave me 8o million dollars to make a video game adaption of Lara Croft's Tomb Raider, I could have made a better movie than this. You see its not the directors fault or the actors. I must admit Agelina Jolie is the perfect Lara Croft. Its the writers fault. The script just fell through, a movie with such a budget just gets swept under with a lousy script. Good special effects though, but thats about it.

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The Matrix (1999)
Dont be Fooled
15 June 2001
This film is not that good. True the special effects are outstanding but is that what a movie is about? No, a movie is about good directing and good acting and good story line. A good storyline isn't the world is a computer program, creative but not good. I give this film a D+. And Carrie Ann Moss looks like a man!
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Some films are just magical in their own way
9 June 2001
This film appeals to anyone, thats why its #2 on IMDB. This film for some reason made only 28 million at the box-office. I love Forrest Gump I really do, but this is the best picture if the year. It has some sorta quality that is rare in films that instead of pulling you away, it draws you closer. The 30th time you watch this film, you will still be drawn in closer. The film is magical. Don't ever forget that.
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Scarface (1983)
A True Epic
9 June 2001
A epic doesn't have to be an adventure story with characters with goofy names in it. I love the way the film follows basically all of Al Pacino life from his rise, to his fall. It studies his thoughts, his decisions, and his temptations. He falls in love, he sells drug, and he creates an empire. Who would not want to see that?
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007 takes a walk on the dark side and it isn't pleasant
8 June 2001
After the adventerous Goldeneye came blasting on to screens they quickly rushed into the terrible overdone TND. The stunts and effects were better in Goldeneye and that only had a budget of 65 million, this over-the-top wanna be cost almost as much T2. They should have thrown the hole china thing out, they need to stick to their regions back in russia, england and the states. sorry but its just not to good, this will end up like Never Say Never Again. The forgotten one.
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Yes, it is the way serial killers think, but who wants to see that?
8 June 2001
This is without a doubt the most disturbing film ive ever seen. Ive never seen peeping tom though. The film starts out with dead people in sewage waste, a dead hooker with a bottle stuck in her head? gross. That is just plain gross. Anyone who gave this film critical praise is just as sick as the person who made it. The film is a sad excuse for shock value. Sorry, its just not good.
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Traffic (2000)
Pure Overrated Crap
31 May 2001
When you see this movie please dont say that Mr. Del Toro was great because im tired of hearing that. He was okay. The film tries to add good actors, snazzy directing and a semi-good script but it doesn't try to prove a point. Yes we have all seen the drugs are bad for you movies. Whats so different about this one. Because its got an Oscar winning script? Because the Erin Brockovich guy did it? Is that it? Because if it is then that is a pretty lame excuse. This film make people in the suburbs think that they know what is goin on with drug trafficking. When they walk out the theater and think thats what is really going on, I get sick to my stomach. This has been done before. the only thing that is different is that this one won 4 oscars. That doesn't mean anything. Requiem for a Dream was 100x's better. But it didn't 50 million + budget. It didn't have Michael Douglas. It didn't have Mr. Soderburgh. It did have quality, it did have fresh new talent, it did have a new beat to the anti-drug films. Next time you're at the video stores, instead of getting the mainstream Traffic, pick up Requiem.

If you agree or disagree with my review please e-mail me
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What Hell is like on film
31 May 2001
Never have I seen a film were drug addiction was correctly portrayed. The real star of this movie is Marlon Wayans. He shines through his comedic background and proves to be the most promising Wayans. Ellen Burstyn also shines as an old widow who becomes addicted to Tappy Tibbions infomercials and diet pills.

P.S. Jared Leto's arm was just plain gross
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The Insider (1999)
31 May 2001
One of the most dialoged films Ive ever seen. I like dialoged films that dont try to rap things up in an hour and a half. I like it when they try to explain themselves. The Insider did so with Al Pacino and Russell Crowe working wonderfully together. I do not like Russell crowe anymore because he stole the Oscar from Tom Hanks and you know it. But he was wonderful in this film as an ordinary guy with extrodinary problems.
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It's Just Not Funny
30 April 2001
When I went to go see this movie, I thought that I was going to watch a 100 minute Tom Green episode. That is just what happened. 30 minutes is enough on TV but when you have to sit down for a long time, the jokes start to run out. I'm still a Tom Green fan. Every comedian can make one mistake.
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Con Air (1997)
Fast, Fun, and Funny
30 April 2001
This is one of those movies that if your not looking for a 2 hour lecture, then this is the movie for you. Nicholas cage is the perfect redneck, even though i'm from Alabama and I hate how they always make fun of this state. He has the accent down right. The action is great. The story is great and this movie was great.
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The Rock (1996)
Action-Adventure at its best
29 April 2001
This is the ultimate adventure movie. Its not the least bit corny. IT ACTUALLY HAS A PLOT. Most movies blow stuff up and put Mel Gibson in it, or Bruce Willis. This has wit, comedy, and suspense. There is nothing to not like about this movie.
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Barb Wire (1996)
Heavy Metal + Porn + Batman= Barb Wire
29 April 2001
This movie has sex, action, corny lines, ?drama?, and Pam Lee. What's not to like. This movie is great. I do know that not everyone will like it. But any male who like pam and who likes action movies will like this movie. Don't take the kids for this one.
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Carolina Skeletons (1991 TV Movie)
Very good
24 April 2001
If they had marketed this movie right, it might have done well in the box-office. This lifetime movie, is like no other. It has character depth, an interesting plot, and vivid direction. Don't be alarmed by the corny cover, this is a owner.
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Different, in an excellent way
23 April 2001
Nice new original idea that make you think. The perfect family that lives down the street? Are they really perfect? When you watch this film on a rainy day, think to yourself why would a floating piece of paper be so beautiful. Not the way it looks, the way it is dancing around. Totally free. Kevin Spacey did deserve the oscar. His wife did not. That was one of the worse overacting jobs I have ever seen. Great.
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Umm ex-squeeze me, baking powder (May contain Spoilers)
21 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers
what a load of crap. First it goes against everything the Bible. The they throw Tim Robbins in there. he is a great actor. He didn't deserve this. I mean, Red Planet was Ten times better than this mess of crap. Brain DePalma needs to stick to crime-dramas. Not science fiction. The ending, was without a doubt the corniest thing i've ever seen. It was just plain awful. Where the heck did the aliens come from.

Aliens + Red Planet + Battlefield Earth = Mission to Mars
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