
7 Reviews
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Music (I) (2021)
This is NOT how autistic people act!!!
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Right at the beginning she's dreaming of being some kind of singer and the expressions on her face then and throughout the movie are just terrible! It's like this person thinks of autistic people as being mentally retarded. I have never met an autistic person that acts anything like her, moaning with her mentally retarded arm movements and consistent underbite looking like she's moaning and drooling everywhere. This is hilarious in a way, coming from a high functioning autistic, and tragic in a way as well because it's so bad. The same thing with that TV show "Good Dr.". People with autism don't act like this. They need to stop making crud like this, or cast someone that actually has autism, not some supermodel who looks like she takes good care of herself and then suddenly breaks out into a drooling moaning mess.
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Dunkirk (2017)
The "featured review" is wrong
21 March 2024
OK so hear me out. Yes, the first time I watched it I was a bit bored. I went online and learned all about what happened at Dunkirk, and watched it again. It was much better after knowing what happened. How people were trying to get out of France and the panic it created.

The same thing happened to me with Zodiac. At first I thought it was a bit boring until I re-watched it after learning a lot about it. I live in Norcal and was not alive when it was happening, but never the less my parents were and they had stories to tell me. My grandfather worked in the DOJ with fingerprinting, so he had worked the case too. I am sad that he died before I could talk to him about the case.

Anyhow, that's the same thing with Dunkirk. If you learn about what happened then re-watched or watched for the first time it will all make sense, and won't seem so boring.
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Ted: Loud Night (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
I had to turn this episode off...
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible episode and by far the weakest of this season. The truck sounded the way that democrats think republicans sound like and how republicans think. Don't know if it was meant to be funny, but it was pretty cringe. Giorgia Whigham made a case for the republicans by sounding like a crazy democrat who just blurts out catch phrases without any substance behind it. They "tackled" immigration, and affirmative action with Giorgia Whigham being pro to both these subjects even though we all know NOW what works and what does not seen to work. So basically Danny was right, it was Giorgia Whigham being the racist in the episode as funny as it sounds!
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Ahsoka: Part Six: Far, Far Away (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
I really did try to like this. Six episodes in...
22 September 2023
I LOVE Star Wars, but the actors that play almost every single one of the characters in this show are completely wrong. Almost like they know nothing about the characters they are playing, and you can see this in the poor performances in pretty much all of the actors. Rosario Dawson is BORING, and knows nothing about the character she plays. Snips is NOTHING like how Dawson is acting. I know she's older and everything, but it's just all wrong. Watched the clone wars, and read almost every book, and she's just terrible at this part.. This will be the last episode I watch. This show moves entirely too slow and the actors are too generic.
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Clerks (1994)
Every GenX should watch, and love this movie.
9 September 2023
This movie is one of those movies that define GenX creativity. Like Clerks, or Reservoir Dogs, and Pulp Fiction? I happened to be right smack in the middle of being GenX, born in 1974. So all these movies hit when I was between 18-21. While not much is said about our generation, we sure did make a lot of good music and movies. Heck, we made an entirely new classification of music i.e. Grunge.

Back to this movie. What can you really say about it? GenX'ers will identify with it along with a few older millennials but I have talked to the kids born after 2000 and they just don't get it. This will always be on my list of top 10 movies though ever. Clerks II and III are also decent movies, but nothing will top this one.
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Why did the girls from central Nevada have TX or southern accents?
27 May 2023
So I am from Carson City, and live pretty close to Silver Springs and nobody has that accent. That always confused me about this movie. Nobody spoke like Paltrow did in Silver Springs. I did like the movie though because I like these coming of age type movies, but I couldn't ever give this a 10 because nobody even did any research on how people who live about an hour from California talk like they are in Texas. And a bad Texas accent to boot.

Other than that the movie was fine, and actually funny in spots. I like Mike Myers character in this movie. It was almost a SNL type character, which took me back. Overall it was a decent movie..
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Breaking Bad: Live Free or Die (2012)
Season 5, Episode 1
Inside film stock used outside in this episode
5 March 2023
That's why it has the yellow tint to the outside scenes. I assume this was done on purpose. You see the same thing in low budget movies like Samurai Cop where they had no idea what type of film they were using which created some weird scenes with yellow tint to it.

I have worked in Hollywood behind the scenes mostly setting up editing stations on shoots that were in the middle of nowhere. I have been in a movie which did the same thing to make the outside shots look gritty. 20 Funerals, I was the bartender.

As far as this episode by the point of season 5 I hated Walt with a passion and wished someone would kill him. He's a BAD person and needed to be taken out ASAP.
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