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Pleasant surprise!
1 June 2024
I went into this movie with pretty low expectations given how sequels/prequels/remakes (especially of classic horror) typically go. However, I really enjoyed this movie! Some great cinematography, and I really enjoyed the score, which reminded me a lot of the vvitch. It's more of a slow burn/psychological/body horror with some moments of gore. I really enjoyed the pregnancy/loss of bodily autonomy messages. Relatable in this day and age unfortunately. Good horror tends to hold a mirror up to current social issues, and I feel this movie did that as well. Curious to see if they keep going with this storyline based on the ending, but I absolutely want more!
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22 January 2024
I was looking forward to seeing this but it really has no redeemable qualities. The writing and acting are so over the top, it's impossible to truly take it seriously. There are legitimately good actors in this film and they can't even come close to saving it.

There's no likable characters, making it difficult to feel invested in them. Some of the production design is nice, but it's not enough to overcome all the other issues the movie has. The whole thing is a slog, the same scene repeated over and over again with slight variations. Very strange pacing.

I'm truly upset that I spent $20 and a couple hours of my life to watch this dumpster fire.
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Bama Rush (2023)
Bad Marketing
30 May 2023
Went into this doc hoping (and expecting) a deep dive into sorority culture and the rush process. Not necessarily a hit piece, but something that goes beyond surface level. What I got instead was a compilation of things I could have found with a brief Google search and interviews with a director about her alopecia, desperately stretching to make it relevant to the rest of the documentary. I want to be clear that I found the director's statements about growing up with alopecia to be heartbreaking and I feel a lot of sympathy for what she dealt with, but if I wanted to watch a doc about alopecia, I would have done that. This felt like a real missed opportunity to dive into the complexities of sorority culture in terms of sexism, classism, racism, and ritual, but it barely scratched the surface.
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The Sandman (2022– )
First half 9/10, second half 6/10
7 September 2022
Unfortunately, it loses steam towards the end. The first and second half of the series feel like two completely different shows. The first half is dark fantasy with rich worlds, incredible cinematography, and new ideas. The second half is more lighthearted fantasy. Still some darkness but mostly silly and slow, with some regrettable acting and lots of overplayed tropes. The later episodes felt like a children's show, except it doesn't even work as that because there's certain parts (for example, the "cereal" convention) that are too adult for kids.

I did not read the graphic novel so I didn't speak to that, but as a show I felt it was worth watching if you're into fantasy, but definitely not worth a second watch. I fell asleep during the finale which is never a good sign.
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Loved it
25 June 2022
Surprised to see so many low reviews on this one. I loved it. It definitely has Sam Raimi written all over it. A lot of drag me to hell vibes. It's much darker and violent than other marvel movies, so maybe it's not for everyone. I found it to be fun and so creative, a real visual treat. Like all Sam Raimi movies, it's not meant to be taken seriously all the time. There were so many unique visuals and fun scenes. I can't wait to watch it again!
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From (2022– )
Loses steam towards the end of the season
10 April 2022
6.5/10. I reallyyyy wanted to like this show. It has so many elements of things I love, and I'm a massive Lost fan. I have been willing to look past some frankly, really terrible acting (looking at you Jade, Julie, and Ethan) because I enjoyed the horror and mystery aspects of the show, but the pacing is just so hard to get past. This would have been better as a 8 episode season, or maybe just make the episodes shorter. There's so much unnecessary dialogue that adds nothing to the plot or character development, made even worse by bad actors.

And while I did finish the season, I found myself scrolling on my phone during the last few episodes (I'm writing this while the finale is playing in the background). The last two episodes felt nothing like a penultimate episode and finale. They might have been even slower than the rest of the season. We've had little progress from where we started. No questions answered, just more added. Ultimately, this show is fine if you have nothing else to watch but it's hardly bingeable.
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Rough cinematography brings it down a notch
27 March 2022
Ill start off by admitting that I'll pretty much watch anything that involves dancing. This show is fun, but the cinematography really detracts from the overall quality of the show. I can't even see the actual dancing because the camera is all over the place. Why would I want to watch a group number with the camera zoomed in on someone's waist or feet? I can't tell what's going on. Other that that, it's entertaining. There's a lot of haters in the comments but that doesn't really have anything to do with the quality of the show or the dancing.
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Sad attempt to turn a con woman into a girl boss
26 February 2022
Did they seriously try to paint this woman in a positive light? By the end we're really supposed to root for her. Come on.

The show is barely mediocre (at best) in every way. I normally love Julia Garner but this role was a miss. Anna Chlumsky's acting is about as subtle as jackhammer. She is overacting personified. Her character, literally willing to sacrifice her unborn baby to advance her own career, is exhausting. The writing is unbelievable and repetitive. The characters are more like caricatures. The soundtrack plays like someone who is completely out of touch chose songs they thought were "bops". They literally match up songs with lyrics that describe whatever scene the song is paired with to really bash the viewer over the head with what's going on, just in case watching wasn't enough.

I don't know what I was expecting from a Shonda Rhimes show, but I was hoping for something at least watchable considering the interesting source material. Good enough to have playing in the background but that's about as much investment as I would suggest.
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Pig (I) (2021)
22 December 2021
Don't go into this expecting John Wick with a pig. It's not that. It's a nuanced story of loss and grief and what we'll do to avoid it. A lot of reviewers mention slow pacing. I didn't find it to be slow, but I suppose if you go into it expecting revenge and fight scenes it could be perceived that way. Go into this movie with the right expectations and you'll enjoy it much more.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Not your typical post-apocalyptic story
21 December 2021
At first I wasn't sure about it, but three episodes in I'm really enjoying the show. The acting and writing are notch. I was particularly impressed by the girl that plays young Kiersten. Station Eleven tells the tale of a devastating flu through a series of interwoven tales. It's not a typical pandemic/post-apocalyptic story, so if you're looking for something like Contagion, this won't be for you. But if you're interested in a more thoughtful, subtle look at the human experience through a global crisis, this might be your speed.
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30 mins too long, loses steam with repetitiveness
20 December 2021
The first half of the movie starts strong. The cinematography and score are great. But in the second half the movie it starts to lose steam. The scare gimmicks get so incredibly repetitive. Unfortunately, Thomasin McKenzie's wide eyed screaming becomes tiresome and one note. I don't doubt her acting abilities because she was amazing in Jojo Rabbit. I blame the directing and script. By the end we've gone full camp and it's nearly impossible to take seriously. Maybe that was an intentional nod to 60s cinema? Either way it doesn't work. Generally, this movie suffers from inability to choose a lane and being overly long. It's unfortunate because the plot is unique in some ways (totally generic in others) but it had a lot of promise. Plot 5/10, plus one extra point for great cinematography, so 6/10 total. Wouldn't watch again.
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People giving this 1 star didn't watch the whole show
17 December 2021
Marathoned this while I was home sick and it was such a pleasant surprise. Sure, it's about average dudes learning how to give lap dances and grind on the floor, but it's also about self discovery and acceptance. I dare you to watch more than one episode and not be rooting for these guys. Also, as a dancer and aerialist, I don't think people realize how impressive it is to learn that much choreography (especially aerial) in such a short period of time. No small feat.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Moments of tension but the in between makes it unbearably boring
11 October 2021
I tried very hard to like this show. It's unfortunate because it has some moments of true tension, but everything in between is so unbearably boring and unnecessary that it's impossible to get through. The score is terrible. Droning religious chorus songs that will (if you're anything like me) literally put you to sleep. If the score doesn't get you, the unending monologues will. You're repeatedly forced to sit through 10-15 minutes of a character rambling about something that has zero relevance to the plot. This is basically the entire show, with a few sprinklings of horror. Just enough to keep you watching in the hopes it will get better, but it never does. The characters are cliches and the old age make ups are distracting. Skip this one.
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Lisey's Story (2021)
It's just not good.
16 July 2021
I am a huge Stephen King fan, but I have not read Lisey's story. After forcing myself to finish this show, I don't think I ever will.

The first couple episodes started off strong, but it literally goes nowhere after that. No character development, no plot, no answers. It's unfortunate because there's some really interesting concepts and some stunning visuals, but it never comes together. There's no chemistry between any of the characters. I'm supposed to believe these two people are in love? They don't even seem like they know each other. There's moments that are supposed to be revelatory, but because there's no development you don't care about any of the characters or any of these moments.

For 8 hours the audience is forced to watch the same scenes over and over again through flashbacks, but somehow the plot never becomes clear. The whole series probably could have just been a mediocre 90 minute movie. There's seriously so little content here. The plot is just so disjointed. There's also just some very clunky and heavy handed metaphors used throughout the series that veer into the absurd towards the end. Some of the scenes are so over the top they're just laughable.

Once again another Stephen King adaptation that's a total letdown. Don't waste your time.
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The Beach House (II) (2019)
Enjoyable with moments of genuine tension
22 April 2021
Wasn't sure what to expect with this one because the reviews are all over the place. Overall, I enjoyed it. It may not be the most stand out movie but I would still probably watch it again. It is a slow burn, but it's not boring. I wish people would learn the difference before writing reviews. If you're looking for fast paced action, this isn't it. But if you like slow burn sci fi or body horror like alien, chances are you'll like this movie.

The acting is pretty good. The practical effects were well done and conceptual. Some of them genuinely made me feel squeamish and that very rarely happens to me. Sure, it has some plot holes, but pretty much all movies do, so I don't get hung up on those kinds of things. I didn't love the ending but it's not like it ruined the rest of the movie for me. I'm confused by the people saying that what the characters were experiencing was never explained. It was pretty clear to me.

If you're into movies like alien, the endless, sea fever, and invasion of the body snatchers, you'll probably enjoy the beach house.
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Fingers crossed for a second season!
25 March 2021
Ok so this show may actually be more like an 8 rather than a 10, but I really want it to get renewed for a second season!

A bit of a true detective season 1 vibe. Murder in the bayou. Very bingeable. Definetely confused by reviews saying it's hard to follow. It does have flash backs but it's really easy to tell because the main character looks completely different. The last couple eps do feel a little rushed since so much happens, but the show is so good at keeping you engaged. All the acting is great. Good show for anyone that enjoys murder mysteries and thrillers.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
It doesn't have to be EXACTLY like the book.
2 January 2021
I want to start by saying I've read the book and I love it.

Based on these reviews you would think that this series is so disjointed and hard to follow due to time jumps that it's basically like a season of Westworld. That is not the case. It follows a pretty familiar format (focus on one or two characters per episode, alternate between scenes of their present and past), kind of similar to Lost. It is not hard to follow. My husband has not read the book, he doesn't have a hard time following the plot.

People that have read the book and are saying it's confusing are only confused because they're used to the linear timeline of the book. It's really not that complicated. The reality is, the show follows the book very closely, or as close as you can when converting a thousand page book to a 10 ep mini series. Most of the scenes are exact reenactments from the book. It just doesn't follow the same linear timeline.

I've really enjoyed the series so far (as of ep 3). The acting and production are good. With remakes of beloved books, you can never please everyone. Do yourself a favor and go into it with an open mind and enjoy the show.
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Didn't make it past 15 minutes. Big oof energy
26 December 2020
I'm gonna be honest, I didn't finish the movie so I guess I can't really give it a true rating. But from the small part I was able to sit through, the CGI, acting, writing are all terrible. It's so over the top, and I get what they were going for, but they didn't even get close to pulling it off. I was getting second hand embarrassment watching it. Too bad, because like so many people, I was really looking forward to it. When Gal Gadot's beauty isn't enough to save it, it's beyond saving!
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Industry (2020– )
A chore to watch
24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I tried, but halfway through the third episode I gave up. There's really no discernible plot or character development. You feel like you're watching the same handful of scenes over, and over, and over again. The characters, writing, cinematography, and score all fall flat and feel uninspired. Good god if I have to listen to that title song one more time. They use it in EVERY scene.

Someone DIES in the first episode and somehow they managed to make even that boring because they completely gloss over it. I still can't figure out who the audience for this show is? Interns? People who work in finance? Party bros? Maybe if you fall in the middle of a ven diagram of all those things you'll like this show.
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mama this is garbage
11 November 2020
Yeah it's just terrible. Love the original but this...this is taking trash to a whole new level. Some pretty bad acting, some truly awful visual effects, and just a general lack of plot. Also, where the magic at???? I'm pretty woke myself but good lordt do they bash you over the head with it. Big oof energy.
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Fascinating and horrifying
9 November 2020
I'm sure this series will inevitably be compared to The Vow. Personally, I enjoyed Seduced more. The pace was faster (partially because the season is about half the length as the vow) and somehow still included more information. I felt like this series was much more in depth, both on the inner workings of DOS and Keith Raniere, and was just generally more compelling. The interviews with India and her family are raw and honest, and tell a full picture of the events that transpired during India's time in NXIVM.
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Extremely disjointed narrative
9 November 2020
Tried watching and couldn't make it through the first episode. I'm not Australian, and maybe that's part of the issue. This series presumed their audience knew of the case and the details. I knew nothing about it before watching (and still don't after) and the first episode felt like it should have been in the middle of a season. I couldn't follow the timeline or keep track of who was who.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Did I watch the same show as everyone else??
6 September 2020
I can only assume that the wave of 10 star reviews were bought...because this show is average at best. Terrible acting and so predictable. I really don't understand the hype.
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The L Word: Generation Q (2019–2023)
Watchable but mediocre.
15 January 2020
I watched the original series and I did enjoy it, but I always felt it was a little bit overrated. I do feel Gen Q is generally more surface level than the original. The plots are predictable and the show in general is a little underwhelming. I hate to say this, but I find the actress that plays Finley to be borderline unwatchable. Her acting has the subtlety of a hammer. That being said, I think most the acting in the series is heavy handed, so fault could lie with the director.

Overall it's watchable, although sometimes it doesn't really hold my attention. But it's fine if you've run out of stuff to watch.
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Spinning Out (2020)
Am I watching the same show as everybody else?!
12 January 2020
The acting and writing is insane. It's like if Black Swan was made into a terrible Lifetime movie. Baffled by the high praise and 10 star reviews. Too bad because I think Kaya Scodelario is a better actor than this.
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