
2 Reviews
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I had more fun reading the reviews!
14 May 2021
The characters that were so loveably flawed and interesting in the first film fell so flat in this one that I found myself not caring wtf happened to them. "Oh, WW was thrown through a wall?... Wow, what'd I do with my keys when I got in?...", "Damn, some dude's roughing up Kristen Wiig in the park?... I really should put some Reynolds Wrap over that casserole before it gets too dry...". They were terribly blandly written. The writers must've been doin' some serious coke because the story has all the contrivances of a straight-to-dvd B-roller. My 9 year-old daughter was watching Tiktoks 25 minutes into it and she loves WW, smh.

Meaning: Don't waste your time eating this massive pile and if you do-mix it with liberal amounts of booze.
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Not Another Spoof Movie
7 March 2019
Let me just start by saying don't expect it to be more than what it is. It is, after all, a spoof movie. It's based on other movies of the turn of age variety. With that being said, it is exceptional in comparison to other movies in it's collective genre. It's well-directed (with the exception of a couple scenes), well shot, it's script isn't too over the top (exception of bathroom scene, which was a little too much but not enough to ruin the movie) and the story moved well throughout. Production quality was pretty standard for that time but was good considering the 15 mil budget. The real gem in this movie though is the casting...the casting for this movie was absolutely fantastic. This movie actually helped launch a few careers. Most notably Chris Evans. I gotta hand to my boy Chris, he killed it. He had great screen presence, for being a rookie in the screen acting gig, nailed like, 99% of his lines and made all the scenes with his costars better than they were without him. It should be said, without Chris Evans, this movie would have been an absolute flop. He seriously stole the movie. Also, notable mention, Mia Kirshner did extremely well also, considering the f-ed up scene material she had to work with (lol). She stole her scenes as well. Eric Christian Olson and others did well but lacked depth and came off a little one-dimensional. It's no surprise that, with the exception for the two I mentioned above, they could only find steady work on television. Though she did well in her scenes and was so unbelievably hot, I don't really see why Jaime Pressley's character was even in the story. She was absolutely inconsequential to the overall story. To give you an example, she was supposed to be the main's girlfriend but you never actually see them dating as they break up as soon as you first see them on the screen together. There's a few scenes that exist solely to spoof other movies but for the most part they tie in well with the rest. It's as entertaining as the first Scary Movie, which was the best spoof movie I've seen since Mel Brooks' Robin Hood Men in Tights and Airplane, my top two all time. Worth a watch and has good rewatch quality but not an Oscar Winner by any means. Chris Evans, Mia Kirshner and Randy Quaid, who was hilarious, make it very watchable if you're looking for a spoofer that isn't too corny. Solid 6.8ish not quite a full seven so I just rounded up. Enjoy!
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