
69 Reviews
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Smile (V) (2022)
Smiling at my pillow
22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The idea was a good one but the story and execution was terrible. The plot doesn't dig deep enough into what or how this is happening. It just goes from one person to another without any real feelings of a threat happening. Other movies in this type of genre were better and more scary. As far as scary goes it is a 2 out of 10. Jumpscares do not equal scary. Movies need to stop using them for easy jumps.

The trailer for this much did a much better job of the actual movie itself and dragged on with nothing really being solved. Main character didn't do much but suffer and get paranoid without acuallu trying to figure out how to deal with the whole thing.
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Black Adam (2022)
The Rock smelled someone cooking..
22 November 2022
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As DC movies go, I give this one the best score so far. It was a lot of fun and action the whole way through. The cgi and sound were much better as fights go. The rock was bad ass in the movie and actually gives no F*s which is a smell of fresh air. Tired of the superheros genre rinsing and repeating the same things over and over.

Most of the movie was different but unfortunately the ending goes back to the recipe forthe genre. I was wishing the rock stayed an anti-hero but no. He turns into a loving hero that saves all yay.

Story and caring for these characters does not happen so if your looking for an Oscar performance or a good thinker than you should pass.
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Finally it ends.
25 October 2022
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This movie was already made. It's called Scream.

Almost the same plot. 45 mins into the movie and we finally get to see what we want. Way too much of nothing going on waiting for MM to do his thing.

Didn't have a very good Halloween vibe or atmosphere to get you in the right mood or the scary vibe to put you on the edge of your seat. It wasn't even Michael doing anything but Corey who pretty much was a copycat. The ending was terrible to end a long running franchise of horror. No big fight or a I gotcha moment. Needed a different fresh take but we get the same rinse and repeat storyline and ending like any other one.
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The movie don't fly.
30 December 2020
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Such wasted talent. The movie knows what is it and goes along with it but in the wrong direction. It could have had fun with this cast and story but it didn't. Lazy slug of scenes. It moved way too slow for a end of the world zombie apocalypse.
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Zombieland: No more Ideas...
15 February 2020
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This had no story and a complete waste of adding some more lore to the universe. How do you introduce a new bread of zombie: T-800, show it and explain it for 2 minutes, then never talk about it or bring it back for the rest of the movie. It should have more focused on and at least the final scenes fighting it like a boss. Totally wasted. Nothing was adding to the story.
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Zombieland (2009)
Better zombie movie
13 February 2020
One of the better zombie movies out. A lot of new idea's on the zombie apocalypse and fresh. A fun ride and a few laughs.
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Needs more story less repeat action.
30 September 2019
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Adding more to the world was a good way of expanding the world they have buiIt but lacks a lot of story. It was pretty good until the Halle Berry scenes and the end of the movie. Her choreography was a little bad and you could tell she was waiting on moves. It wasn't as fluent.

The end when he was joking around while fighting was a bit cringe and it went on for way too long. Overall wasn't better as the first.
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Spidey none sense
15 September 2019
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This movie pushed too much on replacing Tony too soon. Spidey is too young and doesn't have good judge of people to be a leader of the Avengers. And he gave away the only thing Tony gave to him come on now.

They hinted at the multi verse but didn't use it as we find out that Mysterio was from this Earth all along. They story didn't move much and advance the overall story and to me was a step down from the previous spider man movie. It had better comic relief moments in it which was a plus and not over the top as other movies had.

And in the end your only available Avenger who is around and Nick doesn't even meet him in person nice one.
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The Boys (2019– )
Best Superhero Show ever!
9 August 2019
If you want a superhero show that's for adults look no further! Unexpected turn of events in the first episodes sucks you in for the whole ride. Binge worthy. Even the special effects look better than the movies. Raw and real and not too comicy or cartoonish.
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Mehwomen in Black
22 July 2019
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The moment Liam said the line I knew he was the bad guy lol. Can't judge a movie by reviews as I thought it was going to be bad but was actually quite entertaining. Chris wasn't that much of a bumbling dummy like most of the movies have made him which was relief for once. Tessa was a good character but as Hollywood does with female leads is they tend too be to perfect with no flaws or weaknesses. I know I know but come on. Anyway besides that the story was a little weak and was also sad that they didn't acknowledge the past MIB agents or anything related to them.
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Long Shot (2019)
Long shot of a good score
22 July 2019
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Seth Rogen is funny in about 10 mins of the entire movie. Some scenes go on for way too long and Seth keeps going a little longer afterward. The underdog story was predictable and the arcs of the characters are just copy paste with every other movie. Good good, bad bad, everyone hates you, comes back, everyone loves you, the end.
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Not so awesome
1 July 2019
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What happened between the first Lego Movie and this one? This movie was so boring and that was a surprise. They tried to find another "awesome" song to become popular but failed and just reused the song again... Emmet became a master builder in the last movie and used none of those skills in this one. He got demoted and thus the movie was as well.
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The Nun (2018)
Nun of this movie is good.
1 July 2019
There wasn't a Nun for almost the whole movie. Only thing that was good was the ending where it ties in to the conjuring. She was more scary in those movies then in her own. It was boring and not scary at all with dull jump scares that are running their course..
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No humans!
26 June 2019
I didn't care for any humans in this movie. Should have been Pikacku on his own doing detective work. He did all the work anyway. Good action and an ok storyline. The "twist" was cool. Ryan Reynolds carried the movie on his back!

Psyduck and Pikachu should get their own movie. Psyduck hands down the best character besides Pika!
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Bonding (2018–2021)
More Bonding!
1 June 2019
Only downside of the show is that the episodes are way too short. Great cast and a good story. The show needs some more seasons!

Just when you start getting into it the season is over and you are wanting more. People have a lot of dirty little secrets and it's awesome to explore the world of bondage!
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Us (II) (2019)
Plot armour is best armour
23 May 2019
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Everyone dies easy but no the main cast cannot. Even with the dad limping the entire movie he is still terminator. Come on now. At the end the mom is doing matrix moves but dies to the fire poker...

The first half was good up into the point when they watch the news. Then it's all downhill from that point on.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Easy Raider
13 May 2019
This movie needed better, better puzzles and puzzles to solve and better mysteries be discovered. Cliche easy and very plain plot that had a straight path and not very much deviation. Tomb Raider needs to focus more on what the games provide story wise. An adventure with rich character development and feelings.

Movies need to also get away from immortal heroes than can never get hurt or struggle with anything their way. Stop being a terminator that can't be stopped.

But I do like Alicia.
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The Meg (2018)
Drink a keg to watch The Meg
12 May 2019
JS fighting a shark. If you can't wrap your head around the plot then you shouldn't watch the movie. It's as dumb as it sounds. But getting through the terrible storyline and plot devices it's around the top of the terrible movie list at least.
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Shazam! (2019)
11 May 2019
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So you mean to tell me the magic that suppose to find the one can't even do that! They had hundreds of people get "choosen" to be Shazam and the only reason Billy got to was because he was the last choice apparently bc the wizard was tired of searching. Geezus. And no one out of the lot was bad enough to take the orb. Then you just give the whole family powers.......... Might as well give the other hundred you rejected powers too. Everyone can be Shazam yippie. Onto the rest..

A fun ride that didn't land many jokes. 1st 2 acts were good and was enjoying but the 3rd got boring and that's when you suppose to be excited. A lot of scenes were predictable and cliche. Can't movies go for a different direction then the same copy paste superhero. If you are green lit for a sequel before the movie comes out you shouldn't have the same boring ending of hero saves the day.

The villain is another weak villain and the problem is the superman powers where the two antagonists beat each other up without leaving a scratch on each other. Throwing and punching with no effect or effort. Show a little struggle. Then DC can't even get a cameo with Henry. WTH it takes 5 minutes to shoot that scene.
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Glass (2019)
Title: Mcavoy
9 May 2019
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James McAvoy carries this film on his back. Purely Oscar performance. The end of the film was a huge letdown the way the characters went. Other than that the story was a bit slow and not enough of action with the main characters. Bruce and Sam were good when they were on screen but didn't have enough screen time to stand out.

The way the story goes they tried to expand on the universe but nothing will come of that the way they hope when ending the characters like what happened.
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Pure Bliss
30 April 2019
Everything I have been waiting for for the past 10 years and then some! Everything paid off in the final act of the movie. The greatest hour in superhero movies that will probably never happen on the big screen ever!
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Came out first shhh
21 April 2019
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If this movie came out before the others it would be praised. But it was too late to the party so every one thinks it copied a quiet place which the book came out in 1995. So guess who stole the idea.....

The ending was rushed for some reason and the characters weren't actually dumb for one which was a nice refreshment. Also it didn't need the weird cult in the movie like all others have in them. Also the family was not weak and fought back for once rather than run and hide in a corner. A bit slow with no real threat if you talk really low.
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
A good time.
11 April 2019
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Although the beginning of the movie kind of ruins the whole thing with showing you the end first, it held my interest throughout. A good thriller and good puzzles. Not the best but certainly not the worst.
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Winchester (2018)
2 April 2019
When making a horror movie with the most haunted house ever you make a dull boring not scary at all movie.... Add more thrills and chills instead of what this movie is.
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Black Panther (2018)
Copy pasta
2 April 2019
This was a generic marvel movie. Terrible cgi. Characters could have been developed better. The plot and conclusion could be seen from the start. But overall a decent movie. Nothing to go crazy over. A fun time.
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