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Left wanting
23 August 2001

Ian Holm's presence can usually hold a movie together. But, for me, in this instance it wasn't enough. Joe Gould at first was intriguing. What did he write down? What snatches of conversation caught his interest? Why did he give up academia? How could he live like that? But after a while, I began to realize I no longer cared much. Lasted through the movie but was left with a "so what?" feeling. A reason is given after about 2/3's of the picture...uh, hello, was THAT the reason?

It portrayed a bag person very well; or, rather, it portrayed THIS particular bag person very well. It also portrayed a dysfunctional lost soul very aptly.

But the bottom line was -- wait, there was no bottom line. I was left unsatisfied, as if some kernel of truth had slipped past me unnoticed. Perhaps it had.

I'd give it a 5 on a scale of 10.
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Clerks (1994)
A Day in the Life of Dante & Randal
3 June 2001
Although cheap as you can get, this movie was fascinating. I'm at least 40 years older than these guys, yet related to them easily -- they spoke my language (like it or not). They didn't bull**** (as I HAVE to here). Their feelings may not have been mature -- but whose are at that age? (I know mine weren't.) I liked these guys.

The script was bright & constantly fluctuating. To be frank, doubt that many would have the patience to stay with a mainly-dialogue picture. It was very much like a cinema verite film except it's so tongue-in-cheek that one can't help but smirk throughout the whole thing. Loved the bit about the guy who wanted first, to use the rest room; second, to borrow something to read, naturally one of the better porn mags; third, asking for 'soft' toilet tissue.

This movie, though really poorly made, was a stitch. If you don't mind bluntness & honesty, & have a good time getting your leg pulled, you might enjoy this.
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Matt Damon could use another semester at acting school
27 February 2001
From the few reviews, assumed this would have been more like "The Great Imposter".

Found it slow, Matt Damon's emotional range akin to an amoeba, held little suspense, could barely identify with anyone on the screen, save Jude Law who was very good, displaying emotional depth Ripley could never fathom. For all his seemingly painful demons of the past, Ripley failed to move me. Paltrow fair, at the end finally exhibiting a bit more than a mannequin-like demeanor. Jack Davenport was exceptionally empathetic as a soul more in search of himself than Ripley.

Not a good movie; not even a time-killer.
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Oxygen (1999)
This is a 'B' movie: better than average.
24 February 2001
I expected so little from this small movie with its no-name cast that I gave it my usual 20-minute test. (If a movie doesn't grab me in 20 minutes, can it.)

Was I surprised! Although a low-budget film, the acting was quite good & Richard Shepard (who wrote & directed) did an excellent job, grabbing interest quickly & sustaining it.

The bad guy, Harry, at first seemed a simple-minded villain. However, although he was distinctly good at being an obnoxious sociopath (the terms do not always go in tandem, the seemingly affable Ted Bundy is a one example), he DID become far more interesting than I imagined -- much smarter than one would have suspected. We're talking gut smart, instinct smart, perhaps even intuitively keen. His ability to 'read' Madeline, to ferret out her true persona, to observe him honing in on her psychological dysfunction was fascinating.

From the get-go, Madeline has your attention. Is she simply a cop driven to serve society & keep the ordinary citizen safe? Partially. Then we discover Madeline's secret side, a side her husband doesn't see but Harry latches onto almost immediately.

I do remember stories of people being buried alive, especially since I'm old enough to have seen the original Vincent Price movies when first released & am familiar with the Poe fears and stories. As the victim, Frances (played very well by Laila Robins) is sealed in a wooden coffin covered with dirt somewhere apparently so isolated nobody near can hear her dog's insistent barking. Her fear is palpable & comes across with brutal reality. You hope she will survive -- but the outcome is questionable as time ticks agonizingly slow for her but too quickly for those trying to ensure her rescue. It's Einstein's relativity theory embodied in this very tense situation.

On the debit side, more could have been done with her husband. His character was shunted aside too much for my taste: what kind of relationship did they have & why was he so unaware of her darker side? An alcoholic problem is addressed fleetingly, but as any member of a 12-step group would know, one has to reach a base understanding of motivation to move ahead. Maybe they hadn't attended enough meetings.

Summing up, 'Oxygen' was a surprising treat. It pulls you in quickly, deals quite well with complex situations. Although I shun violence, found myself wanted to applaud a violent act which I personally consider not to be an exception in real life.
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9 February 2001
There's not much impact here. Portman was very good; Sarandon, as usual, energetic.

Unless a film impacts me on one of several levels (psychological, emotional or 'brain food'), I wouldn't recommend this movie to a friend. It was one way to pass an evening. Did I get a benefit from this film? No. Did it impact me? No. Did I learn anything? No. Was it another teenage vs single mother conflict? Yes.

There are a dozen other movies more worth the time. Although I really like Susan Sarandon, she (and her character) filled no void and did nothing to surprise me. Portman evoked memories of my teenage rebel feelings but not deeply enough. Sorry, girls.
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Remarkable. Realistic yet uplifting. A keeper.
4 February 2001
Spellbinding! Be forewarned: it is occasionally harsh but the compassion and empathy displayed are undeniable.

Although I eschew network presentations, this captured me totally from beginning to end. As a matter of fact, I wished it were longer, almost endless. Network is apt to pander to those less informed, perhaps somewhat shallow, to people who go "Whoo" upon seeing a kiss or suggestive situation. Well, you can rise above that level here.

We are treated to family life among those who cannot vocalize in our tongue(s) but whose actions speak volumes. The caring, compassion, dedication and love evidenced by creatures we sometimes categorize as beneath us is overwhelming. Mothers grieve for stillborn infants or, surprisingly, patiently wait for a healing process rather than choosing abandonment. Their senses are keen, untarnished by cynicism or ennui. They recognize and act upon instincts we have lost. They are playful, sincerely enjoying spontaneous fun. They grieve, they laugh, they pout, they appreciate joy when given a special consideration, they enjoy whatever good life gives without question or judgment. Meercats (delightfully quick, thin creatures I've never seen) endure harsh lives in arid surroundings. but care enough for an ill member to sacrifice vital necessities when what that member needs most is companionship. They protect us, sometimes sacrificing their own lives to protect us, simply because that is what love is about.

The scientific community may dismiss these 'human' attributes -- I cannot. If you've had a pet with whom you've established a valid bond, you will relish this film. If you consider the 'lower' life forms as selfish, concerned solely with survival, somewhat apart from us, I hope you would be open-minded enough to give this inspiring film a look, an opportunity to weave its spell on you. My soul was touched deeply; I hope you allow it to impact your life.
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Pleasantville (1998)
A wanna-be "The Truman Show"
15 January 2001
"Pleasantville" left a lot to be desired. Doubt it was unfortunate timing (after "The Truman Show") as it lacked more than it gave and seemed to rely on the 'color' gimmick to put forth its message. Time would have been better spent on a sense of wholeness and, in general, more energy. The characters didn't seem to be really growing, simply 'acting' as if they were. I'll pass for a more genuine article.
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A real treat!
13 January 2001
Had a bad day? Dog bit the mailman? Car wouldn't start? People got on your nerves? Then refresh yourself with a delightful experience.

Two women decide to pool their resources in answer to an ad for a month's rental of a villa in Italy. Due to financial circumstances, two other women join them. Two have humdrum marital lives; one is an elderly woman who prefers to live in the past; the fourth is a wealthy and beautiful woman wholly jaded by life.

As the spell of the villa permeates their spirits, each grows in her own way and is uplifted in her outlook. This also changes the people in their lives who have visited them. As they leave you know the magic of the villa will remain with them...and you will find your outlook altered, for the better. A delightfully uplifting movie!
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The Legend of Lizzie Borden (1975 TV Movie)
Not an Academy Award winner but interesting.
30 December 2000
The atmosphere of "The Legend of Lizzie Borden" was enjoyable. If you're looking for an absolute, this is not it. But if you're seeking a little more thorough knowledge and feel of a particular incident & the possibilities involved or the makeup of that family and household, it's a nice way to spend an evening.
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