
2 Reviews
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Falling Rocks (2000)
a great directors work
5 September 2002
"Falling Rocks" rocks like a David Fincher movie. I know how much courage it takes, to confess to a consequent ending like this. The calm but thrilling development of the plot shows a great knowledge about the secrets of storytelling.
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detectives and mummies and the end of the world
1 September 2002
Detective Lovelorn is every bad boy's worst nightmare. And the product of Lovelorn's split personality, the blond babe Bébé, is every bad boy's wet dream. Enter the evil pharaoh bent on trashing the world and Lovelorn's nutty Swedish uncle Svedenborg, throw in time travel while you are at it, add Bébé constantly falling for the bad guys and you've got the campiest fun of the year.
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