
9 Reviews
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Impressive, Creepy, Engrossing
9 November 1999
I was really impressed with this movie. It is filmed in a way the draws you in and makes you feel the fear that Cole must feel. After really terrible performances in Armegeddon and the Siege, Bruce Willis finally gives a very serious and effective performance. Osment is absolutely fantastic as Cole. He really steals the show. There are some really great and creepy scenes regarding his special "gift" and like everyone says, the plot twists and ending are really impressive. It certainly deserves all the money it's made.
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Say Anything (1989)
Does it get any better than this?
9 November 1999
Geez, could this movie have been any better? John Cusak is just completely endearing as Lloyd Dobler, John Maloney makes a perfect over-achiever's father, Ione Skye is equally attractive and infuriating as she agonizes over loyalties to Lloyd and her father... There are achingly realistic moments, (such as the break-up scene in the Malibu and the losers talking about women at the Gas n' Sip)and scenes from drunken teenage fantasy (the whole graduation party). Not to mention this movie has some of the funniest and most memorable dialog of any movie I've ever seen. And finally, an early performance by Lily Taylor that is just priceless! (I love her "That'll never be me!" song.) Demands repeat viewing, and if you or the person you're dating hasn't seen it, rent it right now!
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My God!
8 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Big-ass spoilers follow. I had heard incredibly good things about this movie before I saw it, and I was prepared for a big let-down. Luckily I was not disappointed. I rarely enjoy a movie as much as I enjoyed this one. I kept telling my girlfriend throughout the film--- "I just absolutely love this movie." "That was so cool!" "That guy is my idol." The characters connected with me in such a personal way I could not believe it. The disgust that Lester shows for his pathetic suburban life, and Spacey's fantastic performance, excited me to no end. The arty drug-dealing teenager was my favorite, though. His calm and confidence were inspiring. A friend of mine had a hard time believing that anyone would find things like dead birds beautiful. Well, I went to art school for five years, I have artist friends, I make art myself, and I have known and even momentarily been this character many times during my life. I've never known anyone with a supply of genetically engineered super-weed, though. Anyway, when the shot of the teenagers watching the plastic bag on the screen came up, I nearly wept. I loved these characters because for all the qualities I admired in them, there was something about each one that I totally despised. They were like my friends and family--- I loved and hated them. The dinner scenes were some of the best work I have ever seen in any film. If only more hit movies had this kind of depth and this kind of humor. American Beauty gives me hope for the future.
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At least it's better than Return of the Jedi.
8 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
POSSIBLE SPOILERS. Well, we all know the special effects are fantastic. I mean I've never seen CGI blend so well with live action. The sound effects were cool, as they were in the original trilogy. Jar-Jar was a cool character design and not always annoying. I think his voice was what bugged me the most. If it had been lower and less babyish, I would have had almost no problem with him. I thought the other Gungans were cool. Darth Maul was an awesome villain, I only wish there was more of him. Still, the final duel, and it's death scenes were really great. As for those who say that the Trade Federation was a weak adversary for the good guys, I think you missed the point of the title--- THE PHANTOM MENACE! This refers to Anakin's dark side tendencies, to the Sith Lord directing the viceroy's actions, and to Palpatine, who gains control of the Senate and will soon become the Emperor! Those who say the plot is weak must not be paying attention. There is more going on here than in any of the first three movies. The real magic of the movie is the little details, though. All the cool alien designs, the sounds of the pod racer engines, the more athletic lightsaber scenes, the accents of the aliens... these all made the worlds more believable. Not the greatest work of art or anything, but a film worthy of the Star Wars name. Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back are still better, but thank God there were no Ewoks.
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Star Wars at it's best.
8 November 1999
This movie takes all the great elements of Star Wars and elevates them to something deeper and more emotionally resonant. Sure, there are cool aliens, action sequences, and all, but here the heroes have to deal with things us normal people also deal with. Along with helmeted villains, snow monsters and the like, they face sexual tension, identity crisis, spiritual yearning, betrayal, parental issues, separation from loved ones, etc... The pacing is just perfect, although there seems to be a screwed-up sense of time. (Luke seems to be with Yoda for at least weeks, but the pursuit of the Falcon seems to take only a few days.) The film is full of dreamy visuals--- a city in the clouds, a murky swamp planet, Kenobi's ghostly appearances, Luke's confrontation in the cave on Dagobah. And the best part is the uncertain ending. The bad guys seem to have won, and the heroes' fates are up in the air. Definitely the best of the series. Watch it again and again, it's worth it!
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Monument Ave. (1998)
Worth seeing
20 August 1999
Dennis Leary is really great in this movie. I was surprised to see him do such a convincing job. The movie seems kind of unfinished, and a slightly bigger budget probably would have helped. A little too much of the f-word in some seems. Still it was entertaining and touching. And Greg Dulli of the Afghan Whigs was really cool as coke-dealer/hitman Shang.
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Great film with an absolutely perfect ending.
20 August 1999
I was blown away by this movie. I saw it first on video a couple of months ago, and it is still with me. The psychological and moral issues are presented wonderfully. It's great to see how far the different characters are willing to go with their scheme. Sure, you wonder why no one discovers the goings-on at their house, but then you remind yourself it is a movie, not reality. Ron Perlman is fantastic as usual. The whole film was great, but the ending is what made it one of the best movies I've ever seen.
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Wonderful, all-around
20 August 1999
I just caught this film again on cable the other day and was reminded how all-around great it is. The mushy parts are well-balanced with humor and action. It is great to see the modern, satirical sense of humor blended so well with timeless, mythological elements. Some of the greatest lines in movie history--- "Hello. My name is Iniguo Montoya (sp?)..." "Have fun storming the castle!" Wesley's whole "To the pain" speech. A movie that everyone must see.
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Creepy, funny, and different.
19 August 1999
I don't know what the people who hated this movie were expecting. I realize that it was over-hyped and all, but I just relaxed and went into an extremely crowded theater and enjoyed the movie. I was absolutely drawn to the characters. They reminded me of situations where I had been in close proximity with friends or acquaintances and we had gotten on each other's nerves. It was totally believable and really hilarious the way though fought with each other. I'll admit that sometimes, in the parts that were supposed to be scary, I started to giggle because the things they were saying were so funny. But I thought that the filmmakers and actors did a fantastic job of creating a building sense of dread throughout the movie. There wasn't much of a plot, but there didn't need to be. As a person who makes art and does a lot of writing, I know sometimes you want to tell a story and sometimes you just want to create a feeling. The point of this movie was to get you acquainted with the characters and make you feel their emotions. It wasn't the scariest thing in the world, but for what it accomplished, I can't fault it at all. If you want gore or spooky special effects, there are plenty of options. This movie offers something different. I am so glad to see younger people do something so good and be financially rewarded for it. And the last shot absolutely creeped me out.
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