
9 Reviews
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Oh come on people ! Open your minds !!!
26 August 1999
Oh come on people ! Open your minds !!! The movie the great !!! People are saying "It doesn't follow the games." or "It doesn't have a plot." Umm... HELLO ?!!! First of all, it DID have a plot. What were they trying to do ? They were trying to get the Princess back, and Koopa wanted that rock. Well, if I'm not mistaken... THAT'S A PLOT !!! DUH !!! And as far as the games go, I thought it followed them nicely. Bowser took the Princess, and Mario & Luigi had to go save her. I mean, sure, they could have gone through several different castles and worlds, but that would've made the movie a repeat of the games. In this movie, instead of giving us all that, they gave us something new. Something we hadn't seen before. And I respected that. Plus, I thought all the actors played their roles perfectly. I give this movie a 10 !!! --Ross Edward Rogers
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American Pie (1999)
This is real life, my friend.
11 July 1999
Most movies that I see have the typical "Guy meets girl, they fall in love, and they 'do it'. Perfect as can be." But this movie ?... This is real life, my friend. One of the funniest scenes is when one of the guys attempts to make out with a woman but... fails. This movie is hilarious. It also shows that there are some guys out there who just... don't have the guts for it yet. Anyway, I loved this movie not because of the huge amount of comedy, but because it shows a story of four guys striving to get laid, which actually happens in everyday life. I give this movie a 10 !!! --Ross Edward Rogers
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Instinct (1999)
Very heart warming movie
11 July 1999
This is a Very heart warming movie. Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Gooding Jr. do an excellent job. You have Anthony Hopkins as a "Screwed up in the head murderer as a result of living with and as a gorilla" and Cuba Gooding Jr. as a councellor trying to set him straight again. They get into each other's mind as you start to get deep into each character. If you often cry during movies, you'll never hold yourself up during this movie. After you see it, you are a new person for a while. You want to help others and set a good example. Please, see this movie. The acting is very deep and the story will get to you. I give this movie a 10 !!!
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Silence Of The Hams
11 July 1999
Silence Of The Hams was brilliant. You know, I hate it when people try to analyze the movie, and try to pick out all the politically incorrect phrases and actions. SHUT... UP !!! And some people are saying "Uhh, it's not as good as Loaded Weapon 1". SO... WHAT !!! Does that mean that I have to like it less now ? Umm... No. This movie had so many clever and stupid jokes in it. It parodied several hit movies and I think this movie deserves more credit than it's getting. I mean, come on, how many movies do you know have a migit with an extendable arm, and Pavaroti ? Hmm ? Rent this movie now. I give this movie a 10 !!!
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A Classic !!!
26 May 1999
You'll laugh, cry, hurl, and then laugh some more. This movie is up there in my Top Five Comedies. Now I know what you're thinking... "It's just another dumb comedy". Well, no. That's not quite accurate. This movie contains, Tragedy, a lot of Action, and some Romance too. This movie is a MUST see. This movie is "Wall to Wall" comedy. BUT... Don't just rent this movie because you want a long night of laughter. Rent this movie because it has a decent storyline, great actors, and some twists and turns. Now I read some of the previous reviews, and I can't believe what I saw !!! "It's a misfire... Not Funny". Are you nuts ?!!! To say that about this movie would mean that you have no sense of humor. My Point... Some people can take movies like this too seriously. My advice... DON'T ! DUH !!! This Movie will go down as A Classic !!! I give this movie a 10 !!! --Ross
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Brain Donors (1992)
I cried... I really did.
26 May 1999
This movie's title, "Brain Donors", had really nothing to do with the movie... BUT WHO CARES !!! Man, during that ballet scene at the end... I cried... I really did. Although this movie was incredibly goofy and had an unbelievable amount of comedy, there were other things as well... Such as Action, Romance (Sort of), Tragedy, and Suspense too. My Point... Please ! Go rent this movie right away. Oh, and by the way... "Call me back in five minutes, and tell me what the hell I'm talking about." I give this movie a 10 !!! --Ross
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Airplane! (1980)
#1 On My List !!!
26 May 1999
Ok... In my previous reviews, I have advised people not to rent these kind of movies for the single purpose of laughing, but to rent them for other reasons too, such as... Action, Romance, and Great Acting. BUT... This Movie is a totally different story. I have to go against my own advice here, and say that you MUST rent this movie because it is the funniest movie ever made. I am not exaggerating at all. I'm serious when I say that there is different hilarious joke every 5-10 seconds. It is brilliant, and VERY clever. I Highly recommend seeing this movie as soon as possible. My Point... If you are trying to gain weight... then I say "Surely, don't rent this, 'cause you'll burn off MANY calories due to laughter... Oh, and don't call me surely." This Movie is definitely #1 On My List !!! I give this movie a 10 !!! --Ross
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Why Put This Segment Down ?
25 May 1999
I'm going to make this quick and easy. Cause I know how much people hate long reviews... George Lucas wrote a story back in the 70's. He thought it was pretty good and wanted to make a Motion Picture out of it. But as he was writing the script, he noticed that it was WAY too long. So he divided it into three segments that we now know as... The STAR WARS Trilogy !!! Now, we all realized that it started with the 4th Segment and continued all the way through the 6th and Final Segment. Well, now the 1st Segment has been written and released and so many people have been trashing it !!! Why ? It is just another Segment of a HUGE Story. Why Put This Segment Down ? People are saying "It wasn't as good as the other 3" or "The Storyline sucked" or EVEN "George Lucas did not have the Force when he wrote this". Well, all the dumb asses who said that crap are obviously not big fans, because if they were, they'd realize that the storyline was indeed RIGHT ON ! We finally get to see how it all began. My Point... You can't look at this movie as a single movie. But as the first segment of a story that we have all come to love. I give this movie a 10 !!! --Ross
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Another SNL Hit !!!
25 May 1999
I've been a fan of these guys ever since the FIRST sketch with them aired. I always Prayed that they would come out with their very own movie, and then one day... THEY DID !!! I was so overjoyed, and got tickets for opening night. Well, let me say, I think they did a GREAT job in turning all those 3-4 minutes sketches into an 80 minute movie. I was reading some of the previous reviews, and I couldn't believe it when I read, "It wasn't funny". Well, maybe it wasn't in that person's point of view, but let me ask this person... Is that the only reason why you went to see it ? Because you thought it was funny ? Well, in my opinion, that was a mistake. I know it wasn't entirely his fault. I mean, the previews made it look funnier than it actually was. My advice, don't just rent this movie because you heard it was funny. It wasn't just a comical movie. It had action, tragedy, and romance too. My Point... Some people saw this movie as a "Tasteless, Not-Funny Movie". But me ? I saw it as a story about two guys who had a dream, and pursued to make that dream come true. I give this movie as a 10 !!!
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