
16 Reviews
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Turnabout (1940)
One of the first movies wshown on TV and I loved it.
2 January 2019
Going back to the forties and fifties, this was one of the first movies shown on broadcast television.Everything was black and white so no problem with this. I found it delightful and quite funny without making any judgements or bringing any bigotry into it as I see several reviewers have. I was a child and thought it was cute.I make it as point to watch it whenever it is on which is rarely but I am so happy for TCM as I get to watch this kind of gem.
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Character actors galore and what a joy they are.
18 November 2018
Love this movie forever has my favorite character, Max Corkle. The women were okay but Inspector Williams played by another favorite. Absolutely recommend this film for all who love fantasy films.
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Not a decent film even for Old Yeller
13 October 2018
The title of this review refers to the dog star who I instantly recognized. Not even he did a good job in this film. Very poorly written storyline with nothing of great interest so I gave it a five only because I like dog pictures. Also of note is the dad who went on to play the Marlboro Man.
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Very enjoyable and recommended by my grown children... the worm has turned
29 August 2018
Who knows you better than your children. I am no fan of violence or sci fi so I know this was vetted for same before my daughters recommended it. We do not always watch the same things but I figured I would take a chance. I might be the only human in the USA who has not seen Downtown Abbey but since I like movies about the British Isles and romances this was recommended. Well worth watching. Fine acting and decent story line that could have been fleshed out a bit more. Might have been a better mini series. Nothing will replace Tenko when it comes to was mini series. I would recommend that as well as this movie.
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Well done but beware
21 March 2015
Beautiful animation, decent music and put together beautifully but absolutely R rated for violence. This is a short toon of horrific violence and although initially I thought it would be nice for a child I rapidly changed my mind. Bullying is unacceptable in any form. I thought the lesson here was anti bullying but as things progressed I understood that the message was being delivered with a sledge hammer. Mayhem and murder are hardly a good way to combat bullying no matter what the size difference is. If you are interested in a cartoon for a child you might want to reconsider. Wish my parents had done that when I was a child and I was shown Animal Farm for the first time.
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Neverland (2011)
Collapsed into itself
6 December 2011
I had looked forward to this but sadly was disappointed. Absolutely no fluidity to the story. I found the tale bleak and dark. Not a single character was slightly cheerful. I always enjoy Hoskin's work but the others were new to me. The female who played Aaya was particularly distracting to watch. Aside from her obvious inability to act, she was really quite unattractive in appearance and manner. Peter would have had no reason to be her friend. The Tinker Bell role made no sense either since she appeared to be dead in one scene and instantly came roaring back to life and then lay dead again. What??? The on again off again relationship between Peter and Hook was also offbeat. Since it was on TV I didn't lose much other than some time but I would absolutely steer the children away from this odd telling.
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Not all reviews are equal
1 January 2011
I often times like to look at reviews of movies that I truly enjoy. On Borrowed Time has been a long time favorite because it has charm, a good story, excellent acting and brings out an emotion in the watcher. I found it odd that some people had serious issues with this movie so I did a little research on them. I have no idea why someone like BaronBl00d would bother with this movie since he likes the nasty chop em up, blood and gore horror flicks. Of course he brings down the rating as do other snobs of his ilk. Just double check what the nay sayers are watching and what they like. I could personally hop on every horror movie and rate it a zero.
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Childhood favorite
29 March 2009
This was my absolute favorite childhood movie which virtually disappeared from sight. Apparently the film master was in terrible shape and couldn't be restored at the time. I am talking about the Russian version which is the one I would have watched as a child so I suspect it had English dubbing as I would never have watched anything in Russian. The newer version is visually as appealing since it is made by the same folks but the character voices are jarring and all wrong. I would love to have the original but cannot locate it anywhere. The storyline and colors remain quite attractive to the average child as I managed to purchase the "American" version and showed it to some school-age children. They were quite enchanted. If you are searching for something new and different for your children, I would highly recommend this.
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21 January 2008
No clue what the purpose of this disaster was supposed to be. At the least, I found it annoying. I cannot imagine anyone paying to see this, to buy this or even rent it. If you hate the old Andy Hardy movies, Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland you might find something entertaining in it. I think it is back to the drawing board for whoever wasted their time making this film. Perhaps they can find some other icons to mutilate? In order to fulfill the required minimum I must continue to write here although the other comments seem much shorter. Not much left to say except please don't encourage this type of experimental film making. The soundtrack alone will make you queasy.
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Fido (2006)
Help... I've lost my sense of humor
15 June 2007
I suppose I have seen worse movies, although I can't really think of any at the moment, but I am having a hard time imagining anyone actually wasting money on making this movie. It must truly have been a labor of love. The story such as it is reminds me of the old TV Lassie show. That's the only positive thing I can say. The actors were okay considering what they had to work with but the storyline was so dumb that I lost interest almost immediately. I suppose if you are in love with stupid movies and here I can reel off a list, you will enjoy this. I loved old Zombie movies and this one is an insult to their memory. Where is Mantan Moreland when you want to combine humor and zombies?
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Georgia Rule (2007)
Not my cup of tea
25 May 2007
I really had no expectations when I started watching this movie. I had heard very little although the TV campaign should have warned me off. I think when something is pushed as hard as this was there is a reason. Aside from the fact that the acting was mediocre with the exception of Lindsay Lohan, who was dreadful, the story was pretty ho hum. I have no particular in Lohan's private life since she is a child to someone of my age, but to misquote an oldie but goldie, "her acting ran the gamut from A to B". I felt no connection to any of the women in the film. They seemed completely detached from any real emotion. The men fared just as poorly. I would certainly not recommend this to anyone even as a rental when it becomes available. Basically the film lacked heart and depth.
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The Fountain (2006)
10 December 2006
Although I appreciated the visual aspects of the film, I had absolutely no clue what it was about. I understood the story in the present but could not relate it to the Isabel or space traveler one. Basically I would not recommend it but then again, I was and remain no fan of Kubrick's Space 2001. Interestingly enough, I liked the soundtracks to both movies. Acting was fine for such storyline as there was. I suppose I am old fashioned but I actually want a semblance of a story. I realize that the film was supposed to create a thread between the three existences but the thread was way too fine to see. I simply was not drawn in. Pity because there was a film in there.
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An exceptional little film
25 December 2005
I seem to be on a Judi Dench role this week, first having seen Ladies in Lavender and now Mrs. Henderson Presents. Such a lovely actress. Bob Hoskins is another favorite having played a wonderful part in the Dunera Boys, a lesser known but excellent movie. They were so well matched in this movie and all the other parts were played with equal professionalism. I really cannot fine any flaws in the film. I am a big fan of musicals so that might have helped and might put some people off, but the numbers were well staged. Enough wry wit, drama and storyline for most people. This is what I would term, a small film. No blood and guts, no massive video effects but rather old war footage, no massive attack scenes. Just a story about life during WW2 on the West End of London.
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A great old fashioned musical
23 December 2004
I have waited a long, long time for this musical to be produced. Strangely, although I was first put off by the casting, it grew on me. I thought the singing was more than adequate, the visuals outstanding and all in all, a very elaborate production. I have seen several negative reviews and cannot understand the bashing of the music or the lyrics. People who are not fans of musicals simply will not enjoy the lavishness of this movie.I remember the good old days of musicals and would be delighted to see them come back if they can equal the quality of this one. How pleasant to not see blood, gore, bombs, drug addicts etc. This is one excellent way to spend an evening and I hope many people will be open minded enough to give a musical a chance.
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Only the animation is original
15 August 2004
I first saw this movie as a young child when TV was fairly new. The movie was in black and white and the voice track and music were completely different. I am going back at least 50 years so I know this is not the original since Erin Moran, one of the voices was not even born at the time.

I have always found this movie enchanting in spite of the new voices but it is not quite as good as the original. I have searched for an original copy but apparently it is no longer available. If you have young children, this is a must for your library of tapes. The animation is exceptional, the story line is a classic and children still seem to enjoy it very much as do adults.
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Cop Rock (1990)
Before it's time.. great music
17 July 1999
Very unusual and under appreciated. Some excellent music written especially for the show and one of the funniest finales ever filmed. Show never achieved the audience it should have. Wish it were being shown today.
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