
15 Reviews
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King Kong (2005)
Oscar for King Kong
12 December 2005
King Kong is the best actor of the whole movie. And that sums it up for acting. I mean, Naomi Watts is incredible, put character depth is even after three hours not very much developed. Like Gollum in LOTR, the CGI character steals the show: believable and original. The rest of the movie is a bit too exhaustive in it's narrative. Another downside is that we all know the story too well and it's just another of those movies without original content. The movie seems to be made out of three films: intro: the escape, middle: meet KK and ending: downfall of KK. Well made, exciting sometimes and beautiful to watch. But still, it lacks a certain magic, so I give it 7.5 out of 10.
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Valentin (I) (2002)
17 July 2003
What a relief. What a movie. What a simple and beautiful message. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Why is it so hard to find a movie like this? Never too sentimental, never cheesy, but full of fantasy and realism at the same time. How does he do it? I can only say... go see it!
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French delight
1 November 2002
This is not the best movie you might ever see, but it still is very refreshing. Of course, it has it's flaws, it has it's humbling moments and yet at the same time it's different from all the sh*t you're used to and is funny in a way only the french can give you this. You might recognize a little from the masterpiece Amelie, when you see the opening. I give it 7 out of 10, but still reccomend it to you if you're tired of the usual bore you can rent in the videostore.
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Very middle of the road
28 October 2002
Well, what can I say? As any Carpenter related movie, this flick has some feeble moments. The weather and countryside is always nice in Mexico, the actors are better than average (how did they lure them into this movie?) and it contains a joke or two. But the story really sucks and all the elements from the first movie are translated into this one, but badly. I could watch it without falling asleep, but that's as much as I can say.
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Femme Fatale (2002)
de Palma = Holy
2 September 2002
Believers and non-believers... if movies were a religion, than dePalma would be a holy man. This movie is another highly original product of the master, using his visual talent to tell a story. No it's not literature, highbrow drama or intellectual stuff. No antonio banderas isn't a good actor. etc etc I know all this too. But...It's very simple (and remember this if you see the movie:) this movie MOVES! (and doesn't stick to boring talk all the time). A visual delight I can't get enough of. 9/10
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Rose Red (2002)
What more can you expect?
5 August 2002
I love Stephen King. As a writer that is. Ok he wrote some horrible stuff, but he can still deliver gripping tales. And of course the only movie-adaptation wich really was worth seeing was The Shining. A movie wich Stephen hated, so years later he made the horrible mini-series version of it. And now here is another haunted house. This is as good as miniseries can come: beautiful sets, fairly good actors, a story that keeps you intrested for 4.5 hours. Even the music was better than expected. So this is the dvd to rent if you have nothing else to do on a rainy sunday. 7/10
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A very funny movie about a bad director
12 October 2000
This movie is dutch film at its best. Its simple, funny throughout, entertaining and very well acted (especially sweet honeybee Nadja Hupscher). Believe me, it's hard to find dutch movies that come close to this (except for 'zusje'). Thank you Eddy.
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Not nearly as good as Shawshank
14 March 2000
This story doesn't carry the same genius as the shawshank story did. The tagline says it all: miracles do happen and the director has to push that through the viewers throat. Way too obvious in every sense. Still it has a beautiful atmosphere, that's why I give it 7 out of 10.
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Horror at it's worst
27 September 1999
Hello, can anybody hear me? I don't know why you came to this page, but if you're a fellow viewer of this movie: join the fanclub! This movie was so unbelievably bad I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. I think it's a must see, it's bad in a nice way. Every cliche ever invented for a horror movie can be seen here. I'm afraid it's very hard to get a copy of this movie, but it should be in the top 10 of worst movies ever made.
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Out of Sight (1998)
Really boring movie
15 July 1999
When everybody is excited about a movie and I'm not I'm beginning to think there's something wrong. But this movie is plain boring. Yes, pretty people on a big screen, but no story, no humour, no nothing. I give it 5 out of 10.
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Best drug movie ever
30 June 1999
If you've never used drugs: go see this movie and you know a bit what it feels like. If you've used drugs: go see this movie and recognize how it feels like.

No, it's not colours and fuzzy images, it's a perfect combination of sound and vision, put together in a whirlwind of moods, not once repeating itself.

No, there is no story, but there never is when you're on drugs.

In short, this movie is about drugs and nothing else. Even if you don't like drugs, you'll like the movie 'cause it will strengthen you in your views. (I guess, I couldn't tell)
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Hot, hot, hot.
24 June 1999
Great movie. I sometimes couldn't stop laughing. And it's erotic too. It's almost dripping from the screen. The lead actors are doing their work fabulous, every actor is doing great work. Simple, hot and entertaining '90s film. (With a somewhat moralistic part I totally didn't like)
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Get real
21 June 1999
I think this is a very average movie. It got my attention throughout the whole movie, which is an accomplishment, but the story is too unbelievable. I got nothing against unbelievable, except the movie tries to be realistic, showing real incidents and people. That doesn't mix, as far as I'm concerned. Rating: 6.
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Pure atmosphere
19 May 1999
As the audience of this movie you will drown into the atmosphere of boredom from three non-characters who are heading straight for the ending you all expect from the beginning. I still liked it though.
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Twilight (1990)
Literally a movie
20 April 1999
If you like to see what movies are really about (i.e. moving)you should see szurkulet. This highly original and intense film is an exercise in style 'pur sang'. The story is loosely based on 'es geschah am hellichten Tag' by Friedrich Durrenmatt. But how the story is told is the most important part here. In a shadowish black and white twilight we see the story unfold in very (and I mean very) slow moving breathtaking camera movements over different scenes. This means that the whole movie exists out of less then 50 shots, without making unnessecary cuts. Orson Wells eat your heart out. Every scene tells the viewer another part of the puzzle and so the story gets you more and more in its gripping way of telling the story. For movie fans this is a must-see because this movie is the only movie I've seen which has stripped a picture to its bare essentials.
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