
7 Reviews
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Alien 3 (1992)
Great atmosphere, yet not Alien worthy
27 January 1999
For me a good sequel needs to have new things, and it should not be a rehash of it's prequel. That's the problem with Alien3. Alien was a great movie, the Alien is one of the coolest movie monsters ever created (together with Predator). Aliens improved on this by adding a lot of new cool things, most noticeable the Alien Queen. Alien3 doesn't add anything new. Well, there is the queen parasite, and the new alien is a "dog Alien" (makes you wonder what the Alien from the space jocks (Alien 1) looks like...), but these are so insignificantly. So we're stuck with a been-there-done-that monster-chasing-victims movie. Still the movie is fun, and it looks absolutely awesome (great atmosphere). Not the crappy movie you might expect, but not a worthy addition to the Alien series too. Go see parts 1,2 and 4 !
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A B-movie alright...dull !
21 January 1999
Nazi's doing dark experiments, puppets coming to life to kill people, yeah I thought I was gonna enjoy this horror movie. Unfortunately most horror movies are B-movies, so is this one. And it shows. The worst thing about this movie is the acting. It's so wooden, it made this movie unbearable to watch. Some of the fx weren't bad, but most wasn't. If you want to see a movie about puppets causing havoc, go see Small Soldiers or Toy Story...
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Deep Impact (1998)
A totally boring waste of money !
17 January 1999
This movie is really, really boring. Now I hated Armageddon for its total lack of story, but Deep Impact has too much of it. Watching this movie was like watching a 2 hour soap episode. Of course I like a movie that has a great story, but DI has all these little plots of uninteresting persons, which have little to do with the arrival of the killer stone. For crying out loud, it's supposed to be a disaster movie ! Speaking of disaster, only the last few minutes the movie has a neat sfx sequence, yet not great enough to make up for the pathetic rest of the film. It's a shame for Dreamworks that has some great movies (Antz, Prince of Egypt). But what could you expect from the woman who directed this debacle: Mimi Leder. Yes, that's the same director who made the even worse The Peacemaker.
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Cop Land (1997)
Great cast, good movie.
17 January 1999
Copland has an all-star cast, which includes Robert deNiro, Michael Rapaport, Robert Patrick, Harvey Keitel, Ray Liotta and of course Stallone. The movie has a good story, and all of the cast do their acting jobs good. Kuddos for Stallone who also does a great job, instead of choosing another dumb action movie to star in. Robert deNiro doesn't have much screentime which was kind of a bummer. Anyway, a great thriller/action movie that is definitely worth seeing.
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Wedlock (I) (1991)
Cliche story, poorly executed.
15 January 1999
This movie is about a prison, where the prisoners get a special collar. They are "linked" with another prisoner (but don't know which one). If they try to escape, and are too far away from each other, the collars explode. Rutger Hauer plays a guy who robs 25 million worth of diamonds, but gets double-crossed, and ends up in prison. The first part is your basic prison movie, later as Hauer escapes with his 'collar buddy' the movie turns into a fugitive movie where they are chased through the United States. Although I like the collar idea (which isn't original; it was used in The Running Man for instance), the movie is executed very poorly. The characters lack interest, and most are played very bad. The script is boring, and so are the one-liners. You've seen it all before, only better. Some might still enjoy this movie, but I seriously recommend to avoid it.
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Awesome atmosphere, weird story
10 January 1999
I loved Alien: Resurrection, so I decided to give this movie a try. The first thing that worried me when I rented it, was the fact it was French (with English subtitles). Watching the movie though, it didn't bother me at all. As you probably have heard this movie is really stunning visually. I watched the wide-screen version with surround sound, and the movie is breathtaking. The story is really weird. Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet stated he wanted to "catapult the audience into a world they don't know, but which has its own logic". I guess it worked. I watched it, and everything seemed so unreal, kinda like a...dream I guess. Yet the more times you watch it the better it gets. All in all this movie is certainly not for every ones liking, but it's great nonetheless. FX buffs have to check out this movie, as the special fx are great (especially the fleas), and the movie is VERY atmospheric.
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One of the best abduction scenes I've seen
15 December 1998
I saw this movie on television, and enjoyed it pretty much. It starts off with six lumberjackers as they go to work cutting down trees in the forest next to their town. As they drive home on the end of the day, they are confronted with something they first identify as a forest fire. In reality it's a UFO. One of them foolishly gets out of their car, and gets abducted. A lot of the movie centers around the story of what happens to te remaining five lumberjackers (the townfolks think they murdered the sixth guy). These parts are not bad, yet not great either. No, what I really liked about the movie is the scene where you get to see what happens to the abducted guy in the aliens' space ship. This long scene has awesome fx and is really chilling. No ID4 tough guy hero crap, but really scary and well executed. I thought the Grey spacesuit was great too. Check it out.
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