1 Night in San Diego (2020) Poster

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sadiesizzles17 March 2021
This was a PG version of a raunchy comedy. It had it's laugh out loud moments but the movie felt long at 1:24. You probably have better choices to watch.
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danikarose2 April 2021
Honestly, there is no way I could create a good movie. Making a good movie is extremely difficult and takes a lot of talented minds working together.

I remember that every time I watch a really bad movie. This film made me truly appreciate the talent that goes into making a good film because it was so atrocious.

One Night in San Diego is extremely contrived and tries way too hard. It is super boring and really just a garbage film overall. Anybody watching this movie will realize that within the first 15 minutes, so I didn't feel the need to warn people.

However, considering all of the 10 STAR generic one sentence reviews that were posted from accounts that were conveniently created the month this movie was released, compelled me to leave and honest review!

The script reminds me of something teens would put together in an after school YMCA class with their friends. They think it's well written because it's a readable conversation, but that doesn't mean it's in any way entertaining.

I laughed once during the first 45 minutes, so I ultimately had to turn it off. To top it all off the acting is bad. I was convinced that the Asian lead had written a movie and her parents produced it because her acting was the absolute worst...like noticeably horrific. I was shocked to learn that she didn't write and produce this trash. She must be close with the person who did because I can't understand for the life of me how anyone would put her in a movie with those acting skills.

The only reason I kept watching is because I'm from San Diego and wanted to see the scenery. Also, I can have a good time cringing at bad movies for a little bit. If you want to watch an enjoyable film this evening, do not watch this one!
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Just don't do it.
shine678 December 2020
This movie was so bad. SOOOO bad. Bad acting, bad camera-work, bad script. I like goofy comedies, really, but this was neither goofy nor a comedy. It tried really hard, it did. The problem is it looked like it was trying really hard, and that kills it right there. Good comedy seems effortless. Forced comedy is just lame.

Want to know how bad this movie really is? As of this writing, there are 18 reviews that give the movie 10 out of 10 stars, and each review consists of a sentence or two. If that doesn't reek of someone trying to push the ratings up, then you're not paying attention. And if the filmmakers have to create bogus reviews, how can you even have faith in the what they've "created"? I can't emphasize this enough, even the people behind this movie have no confidence in it and know how bad it is.

There's not much else to say about the movie itself, because there's not really a movie here. Just know that when you see this many good reviews, especially when the reviewer can't even be bothered to write more than two sentences, there is something very fishy going on.
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Horrible Film
PixieMauve4 April 2021
Doesn't represent SD at all. Horrible acting. Lame jokes. Boring and superficial AF. Don't waste your time.
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Stay Away! Don't waste your time!
bpnfsn30 November 2020
This movie is horrendous. The writing and acting are both terrible. The movie isn't funny. The whole thing is actually really boring. The handheld shots are likely to make you nauseous. Audio levels are all over the place. If you're seeing reviews/ratings anything above a 4 they're likely written by friends of the producer & crew. The ones that are 8-10/10 definitely are. Zzzzzzzz...
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Completely Unwatchable
kbellenfant17 November 2020
Extremely poor writing and acting. I would be very, very, surprised if this ever actually played in a theater. Seems more like a community college film class project.

I see several 10s here. People who are very obviously related to the movie.
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mplattchapman5 May 2021
This is yet another waste of time, energy and money.....I can't believe real money was wasted to create (for lack of a better word) this monstrosity!!
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Don't waste your time
pmcl-229 November 2020
This movie was an insult to my intelligence. It did a terrible job trying to be funny
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Writing is hard for some people
jonathan-restivo24 April 2021
Poor San Diego, being forced to associate with this "film"
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a must watch!
alexamarie-8007217 November 2020
Funny, creative, relatable, entertaining - all of the above! 10/10 recommend for a a feel good, laugh out loud movie night!
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Very impressive for a first feature . Keep it up in the future.
florianmovieview30 November 2020
I watched this movie on the recommendation of a friend . I was very positively surprised by its technical quality , freshness of script , terrific acting and overall direction and pace . For a first feature movie it was unusually well made even though I read the Director has made quite a few shorts ( Shorts however, are just not the same as making a feature film ! ) .I also read all the other reviews .Yes some tens from insiders but that's normal as are the envious trollers who I see making their comments too ! Overall well done . Keep it up . I will watch with interest what's next from this Director in our Covid ridden production world .
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Lacking artistic integrity
arcadegaynnon1 December 2020
Admittedly, I may not be the target audience of this film. I'm not a millennial, I have never laughed at a College Humor skit, and I believe that the pinnacle of artistic expression is David Lynch telling the weather for a city that I don't live in and picking a random number out of a jar every day.

So I think you can understand the rating I give this film, but that doesn't excuse the lazy writing, poor post-production, and a film that all around lacks thematic direction and a soul. I think the director intended to make a low-brow buddy comedy but Female(tm), and I can't help from asking myself: why would you want any more of those? The world of film definitely needs more female voices in female centric narratives, but Lawson's evidently hollow Girl Boss mentality makes a film that's devoid of a well-rounded personality. Not to mention jokes that fall flat, scenes that go on for far too long, a generic yet oddly on the nose soundtrack, and a climax so groundbreaking it can only rival watching paint dry.

The fact that anyone that has the money to buy the newest DSLR and hire C-list actors can make a movie is the greatest tragedy of our time. That's what watching this film makes me want to believe at least, but I know that's not true. Sofia Coppola has proven that priveledged white girls can make good films too, and I hope Lawson can take some notes from her.
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If I could rate it ZERO stars I would
PixieMauve4 April 2021
Does not represent San Diego at ALL. If you've never been to SD and watch this film you're definitely getting the wrong picture. Acting was horrible, story was horrible. Not funny at all. All these people saying it was funny, like how?? It was honestly boring and superficial AF.
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It is really bad but good enough to pass the time
kristenwells1219 May 2021
I watched the whole thing and was entertained - I like the genre of fun girls trip so that kept my attention - but it is really bad. The acting is bad. The writing is bad. I feel kind of bad for the actors in this because they are so bad at acting and that's their job... I did keep it on rather than abandoning it so 3 stars.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
ryzrvbj11 July 2021
This type of movie is right up my alley AND I live in SD. I was surprised none of my friends had mentioned it, and now I know why. It's so terrible. The writing is so, so bad...which explains the acting. I took intro improv (as a hobby, like intramural sports or something) and one of the things taught was to not over explain character traits. The first fifteen minutes is explaining the main characters - like, is the target viewer expected to be that dense - that we can't figure out one is "irresponsible" without it being said? And so many montages. Also. For a movie with San Diego with in the title, IT'S NOTHING LIKE SAN DIEGO. I did see they parked and ran around downtown - so, they were in the city at some point. It was my love for San Diego that motivated me to sign up for an account to write a review. Don't do us dirty!
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The 10/10 are lies
amyrosebanas1 June 2021
Run run as fast as you can! Don't watch this. Save yourself. Not funny, terrible acting, maybe they made it as a joke? Who knows.
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Ugh so painful
robinehatfield-004327 August 2022
Literally the worst acting I've ever seen - makes Hallmark movie cast members look like Oscar winners in comparison. Excruciating to watch. Stay far far away.
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The 10/10 reviews have to be fake.
embryml24 July 2022
There's no way anyone in their right-mind would rate this movie 10/10. Just watch the first 5 or 10 minutes of it so you can laugh at how terrible the acting is. Trust me, this movie deserves 0/10.
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So annoying!?
missraze27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had to turn this movie off when I was annoyed SO badly at the annoying blonde who desperately drove "3 hours from LA to San Diego to become an actor's girlfriend and get tickets to ComicCon from him" (as she always whines every 5 minutes like some sort of plot driver) and made an oath with her best friend to party the night away just to redeem themselves and make their journey and expenses worthwhile, but as soon as she finally gets let into a club after "walking around all night in heels" and skipping the line and coming up with a story to get invited in though the bouncer called her "ma'am", she doesn't budge an inch and engages in a silly, agonizing argument with him that he shouldn't call her a "ma'am". I was literally yelling at the screen while she was arguing "stfu before he changes his mind! Who cares?! Shut up and go in!?" and then the divine intervention of a relatively known local celebrity claims the girls are with him to the bouncer, and STILL the blonde is whining and complaining to the bouncer about being called "ma'am" and ruining her chances to go inside the club even with the miracle of a VIP member inviting her in, like really? You complain all night that you wasted your time and money and can't get into a club but as soon as the bouncer concedes to let you in you argue with him, twice? There is no logic.

And then some groupies said "tbh" instead of "to be honest" and the annoying blonde had the nerve to say, "did she just say tbh like it's an actual word?" and I'm like, you live in LA and you kind of talk like that too so how is conversing with social media slang a shock...? Why did the writers forget that their main characters are not the pinnacles of logic and wit but wrote them sarcastically criticizing other groupie dimwits. This movie is literally about them being groupie dimwits themselves! If you drive across the state to impress a guy and use him to party at exclusive events, and then he ends up rejecting you on the spot, and now you have no other plans so you traipse the town on foot all night trying to get into clubs and you don't (unless you beg, or lie, which they did)...yea, I don't wanna hear judgements from you, sweetie.

And the way that they wrote the blonde's best friend's character is also unbearable, she comes up with outlandish things about the blonde, forcing character and plot development with nonexistent preceding events due to lazy vision and writing. For instance, while they're BOTH scorning the groupies who talk drunken nonsense like an extreme caricature of the protagonist duo, the best friend suddenly defends them to the blonde and asks, "are you jealous that they're giving me attention?"


WHAT?! First of all, where did that even come from? And second of all, no she's calling them dumb because they are. What kind of rationale is in the vapid mind of the writer(s)? Like viewers would agree with the direction the script just went in and wait with bated breath for what's gonna happen next. "Will the besties fall out after this ridiculous argument? And if they fall out, how will they get home? What will happen along the way?" This isn't The Odyssey! Who gives a deuce at this point!?

I never talk to the screen because I think it's crazy but I was yelling at the screen, and I honestly like bad indie comedies because I admire living your life as a creator and taking chances as such, but this was so annoying and I had only seen 5 minutes of the movie (this scene that I just reviewed) because I skipped through the movie to see if I want to watch it, if anything interesting happens, if I like the cinematography, fashion, vibe, plot direction, cast, etc. And the only 5 minutes I saw were unbearable. NOT going to bother.
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Cute movie
rachael_figlar27 November 2020
Thanks Penelope for creating a great entertaining movie the girls could get together to watch.
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Way better than IMDb rating says
chilibeanie20 March 2021
Super low budget but all the actors in this movie were hilarious as was the dialogue. I wanted to give it a 10 just to bring up the ridiculously low overall rating, but it is a solid 7 for me. I watched this movie because I'm a San Diego girl and was curious to see what their night here would entail. Those girls blew it every step of the way but it was a fun adventure to watch. I'll definitely watch again one day.
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Funny comedy
jaimiejam1118 November 2020
I loved the two leads in this film! It was light and really fun.
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starla44718 November 2020
Honestly wasn't expecting much but this movie was hilarious. I'm a native San Diegan so maybe I am biased but I laughed over and over while watching this. The 2 main actresses were great. I would definitely recommend this!
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Really surprised me
Kelleysinclair20 November 2020
I had low expectations but really ended up walking away loving it!! I haven't laughed that hard in a minute. Was only familiar with a couple people in the cast but everyone was great. It was a pleasant surprise
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Must watch, especially now!
jbryantsev18 November 2020
Absolutely hilarious! Well-written, relatable, and so many quotable moments. Definitely the feel good and outrageous movie I've been waiting for.
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