All My Friends Hate Me (2021) Poster

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Social Anxiety as Horror
GreenGableViews27 July 2022
I think if you've experienced social anxiety (which does not mean simply getting nervous in groups, it means debilitating and disabling fear of being embarrassed/humiliated and doing the wrong thing) you'll get the spirit behind this.

Social anxiety as a disorder is something that, at its core, twists your perceptions until you can't tell what's real or not. Everyone's watching you. Everyone's laughing at you. Everything you do is stupid. Everyone is talking behind your back about how stupid you are. You can no longer trust anyone else - or yourself.

You even gaslight yourself. It's a sort of unintended self-abuse really. I think this movie took all that and escalated it into a darkly comedic psychological thriller. The film didn't work for me, hence my so-so rating, but I love the concept. Mental illness IS a horror movie. This film can put you in the shoes of someone with mental illness, and for that alone it's worth a watch.
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danthepoetman20 June 2022
This is an all-around well-made movie. It's very catchy, and you stay hooked to the narrative till the end. But I just don't get it. What's the point of it all? I can't figure it out.

It certainly isn't horror. If you're looking for a horror flick, that's not it at all, despite being categorized as such here.

It seems like a morality play of some kind. But even then, I don't understand, not only what the director is trying to convey, but why this entire plot was produced at all! It's not scary, not funny, not really mysterious despite an attempt, maybe, at being a bit mysterious, it's not a thriller, as there is no real thrill, it is possibly dramatic, but to a very limited extent, it certainly isn't comical, it's not sweet, it's not hard or tough or shocking or romantic... It's not either one of these amusing plots by their absurdity. I just don't get it! I don't understand why I just spent the last 93 minutes watching this.

Ironically, I don't have anything negative to say about the production itself, once again. But the film is like the ancestral cod liver oil older generations were taking: so disgusting, so tough to take, but "good for you", yes! Take one every morning as you get up! "What is that good for, exactly?" were you asking. Aw! Well, they didn't know precisely. They just knew it was, indeed, "good for you".

After watching this film, I feel exactly as if I had taken a full table spoon of the stuff. And I'm sure I won't know what, exactly, it was "good" for.
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Done fairly well
jtindahouse30 March 2022
'All My Friends Hate Me' is mislabeled on IMDb as a horror. There's not even really a case you could make for it being one. Nonetheless it is a remarkably intriguing little film. It's a "what is going on?" mystery film done quite well.

I'm not sure if you'd call the characters in the film likeable (the fact that they're not is kind of the point), however you can't deny that they're very interesting if nothing else. It's a wacky collection of people, all of whom are unique, and yet all are equally contributing to this common goal.

The tone of the film is kind of strange. There are funny moments for sure, but more than anything it's just quite an uncomfortable feeling you will get watching it, but in the best way. It also gets pretty dark, particularly towards the end. This film was a pleasant surprise that I quite enjoyed. 7/10.
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Missing something
HorrorEnjoyer5 June 2022
While movie is somewhat entertaining, at the same time, it seems missing some depth or exposition.

It is supposed to portray the feeling of paranoia and awkward unrest and overthinking of the anxious person, however, from what is shown to us, the friends of the main character are actually being really mean to him and his paranoia in this care is actually justified. Now it might be the case that we're dealing with an unreliable narrator and what we're seeing is main characters over-exaggerated point of view, however, the movie doesn't really give much indication of such thing, which while makes the main character more relatable, because anyone would be paranoid in his shoes, one the other hand, makes the movie fundamentally fail as a psychological piece about paranoia and anxiety.
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A very merry un-birthday
mgalercail25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Welp this was disappointing.

So a group of friends gather for Pete's birthday and ofc a comedy of errors ensues.

I like British humor/dark comedies, but I wish there was more to this. It has kind of an April Fools Day atmosphere, but it's done in such an unkind way.

I have to say his friends were not nice to him. There's joking and then there is being a jerk. I would've interpreted it the same way. Everyone's tone was far from sarcastic. And the jokes were mean spirited and traumatizing. If someone I knew pointed a gun at me, they wouldn't be in my life. Same with someone coming into the bathroom and destroying any sense of boundaries.

The hell is wrong with these folks?

The plot continues because Pete refuses to speak up right there and then.

Not to mention their off handed comments about how he is and ignoring what he says. Yes, he's def in his own head and not listening. But the lazy script has them say something pretty harsh and then just walk away and then act like they love him??

Pete is in full neurosis mode and you don't like him or anyone else at the end.

If there was better misdirection or even something along the lines of, he was hallucinating how they were speaking to him, something to believe his paranoia; I think the ending would've landed better. I mean a dude starts chasing you with An axe and then says, just kidding mate..uh I'm outta there.

Here we can already guess everyone is messing with him.

Pete reveals to have caused someone's sister to kill themselves and misinterpreted the usurper Harry's motivation.

To be perfectly clear, everyone was acting one way.

There's no chance anyone would think it was all a big joke. Especially with the roast they do at the end. It's not even classy, they just have the guy straight up says what they feel in once again an insensitive way. And they all get free passes mind you, Only Pete is the bad guy.

Sure he's selfish, but his friends act like he's not even a person, complete gaslighting the whole time.

There's one scene that put such a sour taste in my mouth. One of the lousy friends guilt trips about how one of the girls he used to date attempted suicide and the timing of him getting a new girlfriend may have had something to do with it; really messed up.

There's a way to do dark humor combined with unlikable people. You need to make them somewhat endearing. Use their flaws as a strength to make the story flow. Here it's just surface level.

It's like the Anti-Big chill. Needed a better script and structure. It all just kind of ends and we don't know if he still has friends or not; Probably not.

I find the cliche of friends turn out to be not friends worn out.

Fiancé still marries him after he throws a vase at Harry's head and inadvertently caused someone with disabilities to off themselves; real nice.

Wouldn't recommend.
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7.4/10. A very good dark -farcical- comedy. Recommended
athanasiosze8 April 2022
This is a dark comedy. One of the best dark comedies i have watched the last years. Other reviewers mentioned some flaws and they are right, there are some things here that don't make much sense. However, i didn't care for these details because i found this movie very enjoyable.

For sure, this is not a very realistic movie, but it's a dark comedy, this is the "nature" of dark comedies, everything is a bit exaggerated.

I liked the actors and the twists, i felt the tension, i laughed. The ending was maybe strange and polarizing, but i liked it too. I had a lot of fun watching this. Some of you will not. Remember this has nothing to do with horror, and it's even more farcical than thriller.
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Worst birthday ever
drunk_please_disregard28 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like a 2 hour long Monty Python skit if it was set in 202x and designed to give you a bad acid trip. Making fun of the English by the English for being English is a time honored tradition but in this movie it's kind of the same gag over and over. The roast bit is funny though. Lots and lots of "thunk-thunk-thunk" eurotrash music in the background if that's your thing. In the end it winds up being remarkably relatable imo. Even though the guy cast as us is a total wanker.
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taylamell26 March 2022
I'm really not sure how I feel about this movie. The film's message is pretty easy to pick up on not too far in, but the execution of everything, all the way to the end is just... perplexing, honestly. It's really the last 15 or so minutes that fumble the film, as things get flipped around in what feels like an attempt to subvert expectations. However, based upon everything presented in the movie this twist makes no sense whatsoever.
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Confused by critical response
rtcpndxw29 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this movie played in fun ways with genre-mixing -- horror, comedy, social commentary, etc -- and I guess it's fine to take issue with that. But I don't believe it ended with a "twist" at all, and I find it more than a little unsettling to see it interpreted as primarily a depiction of social anxiety and the inability to take a joke rather than as a dramatic exposure of the intensely corrosive and toxic nature of covert, disavowed aggression and hostility that so often predominates among purported friends.

To me, this was a story about a genuinely likable guy, trying to do some good in the world, who was subjected to a scary (horror-level) degree of gaslighting and cruelty by a bunch of sickos living in an an exaggerated, primitive, posh, adolescent time warp. Whatever confusion and distorted perception he showed at the end of the film -- and the act of violence he commits -- were entirely induced by a campaign (coordinated intentionally or not) to drive him mad.

To say, as star and writer Tom Stourton has in interviews, that he finds Archie a more sympathetic figure than Pete because Archie "owns" his upper-class heritage rather than trying, in however flawed a way, to reckon with it meaningfully like Pete... seems bizarre to me. Sure, Pete is struggling to figure out the implications of his privilege and the onus it puts on him to live responsibly in this unjust world. Sure, this is awkward and difficult. But his response is also the ONLY humane and decent reaction to being born into such privilege, even if it puts you in awkward situations in which it isn't obvious how to abide by an actual moral code while also knowing how to 'be yourself.' Authenticity and virtue are not synonymous in a world of injustice. Pete is flawed, but he is trying. Archie is an "authentic" POS. I'll take Pete, any day.

For all those reasons, I never stopped liking him or identifying with Pete and don't think he was 'revealed' by the last part of the movie to be a different person from the one we had been led to believe he was -- and certainly not that he turned out to be paranoid, deluded, selfish, or a narcissistic jerk. I was genuinely surprised and disappointed to see the two 'Toms' who wrote it -- including Stourton, the star -- semi-endorse this anti-Pete reading of the film, as if he was caught in some kind of self-imposed hell-hole of his own making, rather than as an imperfect but sincere and well-meaning guy doing his best to navigate an environment in which, for whatever mysterious reasons, his companions were behaving monstrously and making him the scapegoat and target of their sustained, covert attack.

Sure, Pete did something really awful as a teenage boy, but he had clearly been living with an appropriate and painful level of remorse for his actions for all the intervening years. My sense was that his humanitarian work, in fact, was probably motivated in some way (probably unconsciously) by a sincere effort to atone for the harm he had done. I am really baffled by the majority of reactions to and judgments of him as a character, and by people's apparent willingness to accept the "it was all in good fun" insistence of his malevolent "friends."

To me, Pete is someone who simply needs some work with a good therapist to learn that let go of his need to be accepted by people who don't deserve to have such a fundamentally decent human being in their lives. His story is a cleverly over-the-top version of the ordinary, garden variety sadistic gaslighting to which a great many decent people are subjected to every day. I hope those who can most identify with him don't read critical responses to this movie in which they are further gaslighted by the suggestion that all of the toxic provocation to which Pete was very clearly subjected were in fact just figments of his own (and by implication, their own) head. If that's the ultimately message and impact of the movie, then, as comedy or horror or social commentary, it will have done more harm than good and deserves to disappear into the realm of the forgotten.
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All My Comments Love Me Warning: Spoilers
Wow, after reading other comments, I feel as if I saw an entirely different film. Some reviews for instance mention comedy elements, yet there is nothing humorous here, in fact, the opposite. Horror genre references are also common, yet while the film seems to heading into full-blown horror territory, it's not that either.

All My Friends Hate Me is more accurately an effective psychological torture story. Its greatest strength being the well-executed line it treads between normal friendship behavior and the inference of very terrible things to come. Some examples of this include:

  • The title itself. Friends don't hate you, or do they?

  • The disconcerting sound from the dog in the opening
  • The attack by the vagrant
  • Getting lost in the country heading towards a very isolated manor
  • The off-putting encounter with the funeral-parlor-faced local
  • The sudden shifts from normal conversation to spiteful blame by nearly everyone
  • The many situations of mental harassment (it's not merely cringey
moments as many have described)
  • The oft mentioned birthday surprise that had me thinking something like a human sacrifice was in store
  • The cutting mockery of the protagonist by an impersonator
  • The mock violence of the gun and axe attacks (with these friends, who needs serial killers?)

Up until the ending this all creates an effective undercurrent of anxiety, nervous anticipation. But no worries, according to the final moments, everything we just saw is false. Yet it's not. The friends really didn't hate... but they did. The engagement is off... but it's not. The uncomfortable situations were all jokes... but they were not. Then comes a final lame joke about the inability to take jokes. Yet despite this confused and out-of-step ending, it doesn't ruin the good work prior to it.
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'Friends' organise birthday bash so they can be cruel - hilarious, not
OrchardLeaves8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
None of the friends seemed likable with the possible exception of Claire, he should have just turned around and left. It was supposed to be a birthday party for him FFS.

The surprise at end was just more cruel cringe, and tragic. No sense of camaraderie had been established which might make the japes acceptable.

Reduce a guy to having a breakdown, joke about him making someone suicidal. Pointing a loaded gun at someone as a laugh? Swapping out his medicine? Shooting a gun in a car without giving him ear protection?

The only way that the ending could have saved this mess that dragged on and on was if there was some sort of comeuppance for his friends', but there wasn't.

Acting seemed ok, cinematography ok but the plot?

I found some of the cringe jokes a bit funny at the start, but it just went on and on...

Should have killed off all the friends and just made the film about Norman.
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A Flawed Movie That I Can't Stop Thinking About.
ryanpersaud-5941519 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Good: All of My Friends Hate Me is worth watching for the experience. It's labelled as a "comedy horror," but frankly, it's neither of those. It's closer to Uncut Gems, a film that popularized the "anxiety thriller" but unlike that film, anxiety is a major element of the plot. In that sense, even The Father (with Anthony Hopkins) is another apt comparison; this is a film that brings the internal outside (maybe, possibly) and lets us experience what social anxiety feels like.

I can't express the profound dread and discomfort watching this movie and how emotionally powerful it was at times. All My Friends Hate Me follows a 30 year old man, Pete, who comes back from working abroad to a surprise invite by his university pals for a friend's weekend at his buddy George's family estate. What transpires is a strange weekend where everyone seems oddly cruel, rude, and dismissive of Pete, where he has no idea where his relationships with any of these people stands, and where a stranger (Harry, played to great effect by Dustin Demri Burns) intrudes in on the party. Pete is made to feel like an outsider in what has to be one of the most realistically uncomfortable birthdays I have ever seen put to film.

The performances and dialog are so finely tuned and never cross into incredulity or farce. I could legitimately believe that these people would or could say these things about Pete, but behind his back. The film demonstrates how if everything we said about other people was brought to the forefront, it would be essentially impossible to have any relationships at all.

I also liked how class plays a surprisingly strong role in the narrative. The United Kingdom is known as a country where social class is extremely important, yet no one wants to talk about it or bring it up around other people. That this appears to be a scenario where class is at the forefront of things is really funny and nicely satirical on traditional upper middle class British manners and decorum. The Britishisms in generally are pretty fun for English speaking viewers who are generally more inclined to take an interest in that sort of thing.

At a brisk 94 minutes, AMFHM feels longer because it's so damn uncomfortable. Everything works to make you feel off kilter and uneasy. It's just remarkable how well the tone is mastered here; the cinematography, editing, music, and most of all, performances, are just so good at conveying a singular mood and emotion. It's such a fun, unique, and innovative little film that I'd highly recommend to anyone.

The Bad: Where this movie does fall short is clarity as to what is actually happening. I don't mind when films are ambiguous and leave the viewer interpreting what they've just seen; honestly, those are some of my favourite movies. But, AMFHM misses the mark in giving us at least an IDEA as to the true nature of the narrative.

It's very possible that Pete is an unreliable narrator and what we are seeing is from his perspective and not what's literally happening. However, the film doesn't give us enough clues to actually connect the dots or really have that interpretation (I'll admit I've seen this once and plan to watch it again, so if there is more there, I will happily revisit this review).

This movie is pretty great, but could have used just a little more to make it more ambiguous and thought provoking and less confusing.

The Ugly: Okay, my theory is that what we're seeing is not what's ACTUALLY happened on screen and that Pete suffers from social anxiety, largely undiagnosed, and he self medicates with herbal "calm mints." To him, everything feels like an attack or he's literally reading into what he thinks people think about him.

But then the movie has moments where it can't possibly be the case that this is all in his head. What about when Archie drives the van off and leaves Pete at the house? What about when Charlotte leaves? What about the final scene? Or when his girlfriend comes to visit? These are things that literally happened. Unless, Pete is also a narcissist and thinks everything revolves around him. I just wish the movie gave a bit more, but overall, it's a pretty effective and really interesting film.
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Don't understand the hate
pedrocorreia-282-5549118 April 2022
This movie is like a horror movie except there is no masked killer, evil spirit or unstoppable monster. The horror comes from the social interactions. In this movie this character navigates through multiple social interactions with some unlikeable characters, that never work out in his favour, which some may find relateable. I understand this movie will not be for everyone but it is not deserving of the 1 stars.
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imzukich27 August 2022
I really do enjoy British humour, but I hated every second of this film. It wasn't funny or scary or mysterious or quite frankly anything except hard to watch. There's a huge difference between poking fun at someone and straight out gaslighting them; being able to laugh at yourself with the group or being made fun of in a cruel way by the said group. Main character's friends were just incredibly inappropriate from the start. Guilt tripping and bullying the guy to his face and that's supposed to be "a joke" he can't take? Also not sure where this film was going with all of that, no major message behind it. The plot is very superficial and lacking. Seems like the sole goal of the film is to make you feel uncomfortable. If you have social anxiety - skip this one, it's excruciating to watch. Also what was the deal with the duck? Nobody knows.
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Lil' master piece
michaelhaus-7814631 March 2022
Great suprise, good acting, tense, hilarious, lasered smart script Really had a good time, make sure to be fully present from beginning to end to enjoy the experience, quality genre movie.
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Will keep you guessing
Graffitiwidow25 March 2022
This is one of those movies that you really need to watch if you know nothing about it. I had no knowledge or preconceptions of the film and I thought it was amazing. All the characters feel completely authentic and you are taken on a roller coaster ride of emotions. If you are looking for a blockbuster or a gore fest this isn't for you. Really well written, great cast, acting was faultless, a proper hidden gem loved it!
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Talk about immersion
kuarinofu14 June 2022
What a strange movie. Despite being overburdened with anxiety and experiencing a recurrence of the same problems, things are only getting worse.

The film's entire premise is to immerse you in Pete's (the protagonist) experience. Rather than your "friends," it's the movie that's making you feel what he's feeling.

The experiment was interesting, and the prank on the viewer lasted quite a while. The production values are high, the acting is top-notch, and the casting couldn't be better.

Putting the viewer in the same situation as the protagonist and having him feel just as befuddled as he does - well done.

As far as I can tell, there isn't much else to say or other purpose pursued by the creators. And it's not a horror, yeah.

An experiment that is clearly not for everyone's liking.
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It's not a horror movie or a comedy.
Otkon25 March 2022
It's mostly about a party with annoying people and that one guy who doesn't want to be there. So the audience can totally relate.

But it goes on and on. And then there is kinda a double twist. I guess.

I still don't get what happened to the duck though.

Go watch April Fool's Day if you haven't. If you have, go watch it again.
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Wow, a 1? For real!?
ron_iamamo1 April 2022
Some people should just stay away from ratings. That movie was brilliant abd took me to an emotional rollercoaster!

You sometimes sympathise with Pete, you sometimes hate him. But you're always thinking about what is going on!

The actors did their part well and I was engaged during the whole time! Don't listen to the 1ers... i'd lime to see THEM make a good movie...
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An interesting journey to nowhere.
Victor_Fallon17 June 2022
80% of the movie I really enjoyed. Our main lad catches up with old chums in a country estate, but they seem to be behaving oddly towards him, or maybe he's reading too much into it. It's all perfectly innocent until it isn't. The script is excellent at ramping up this kind of social anxiety and building mystery.

The payoff didn't work for me at all, but some people might dig it. I wanted something much more complex. At least it made sense, so I can't declare it a waste of time.

The side characters are well acted but thinly drawn, orbiting around our hapless hero without much to say about themselves, so it never really impresses as an ensemble piece. However, this is the price of 'mystery', so again, it's not a massive problem.

It's not a horror or thriller. It's an amusing study of paranoia and anxiety. Worth a watch if that sounds interesting to you.
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Xstal14 September 2022
A curious tale that begins well then flails, was there a point, or a meaning, any wind in its sails, mental health, ignorance, belittling or cold shoulder, whatever it was left an empty beholder.

A group of mostly dislikeable people who consider themselves friends reunite to celebrate Pete's birthday, but poor old Pete struggles to gel with these friends of old and instead of getting kaylied as most people in his position would he develops a sense of paranoia and extreme misinterpretation that accelerates as fast as a cheese wheel rolling down a hill and, in the end, crumbles and disintegrates into an unrewarding platter, full of holes, with an odious and dissatisfying pong.
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So very good.
JJWinks8 May 2022
I watched this because it was listed as horror. I could make an argument for it, but that's not the point. First off, the cast is incredible. Consistent across the board, these are all incredibly talented people. Every single one of them.

The cinematography is simple, and so incredibly effective. The small plot feels so much bigger with the well-crafted visuals.

Writing is superb, and the direction just hammers it home, playing up the subtext and subtlety throughout.

I was on the edge of my seat throughout, and just dazzled by the world building and the performances. This is such a special little piece. You can just feel the love of the project from everyone involved.

It's a near perfect film for me. The only problem that I had was with the ending. It actually was effective, but there was so much build that it had me expecting to be blown off my feet, and it didn't quite do that for me.

Thanks to everyone involved for such a well-crafted piece of art. Just fantastic.
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Interesting watch. - so do they hate him?
LennyReviewz27 January 2023
What a nice gem.

This is the story of a guy who feels outcasted by his friends on the weekend of his birthday.

It's so weird that all his friends treated him like that or did they? The narrative of the story would lead you to believe that they were total pricks and were being mean. The final scenes of the film explain it all, but I'm not sure if this is another false narrative. It's so confusing to know what's real or not. Was he being overly sensitive? Did his friends just suck?

It was a fascinating journey and one that can only be understood if you actually watch the film yourself. I'm coming up short in trying to review it.

All I can say it's a fun watch, entertaining, and well worth the time invested.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 7/10.
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This movie is terrible
brena-4699419 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They gaslit this man the entire weekend and was completely mean to him until he snapped. This movie made me feel horrible. And I love dark movies. This wasn't a good watch at all. Especially if you have mental illness. This was a horrible movie and I do not like this at all. It made me feel bad inside. It's different between joking and being able to laugh at yourself and somebody picking at you. They keep talking about Old Pete but to me old Pete sounds like a guy who had no backbone that his friends made fun of all the time. It was watchable yes, but I just really do not like how the whole movie played on his anxiety. That's not something to make fun of. This movie should come with a warning tbh.
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Well made film
alanhowden-8636716 June 2022
I was pretty captivated by this film throughout it's entire length. Partly because I wanted to see what was happening in the story next and partly because the cast was so good. Critically I think it was a very good film. However I can't really say I necessarily enjoyed watching it as a lot of it made me quite uncomfortable in a second hand embarrassment kind of way (I get that that is the intention but it's not really my kind of thing).
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