"GLOW" Up, Up, Up (TV Episode 2019) Poster

(TV Series)


Betty Gilpin: Debbie Eagan



  • [Debbie and Ruth are on TV promoting GLOW's opening night in Vegas during the Space Shuttle Challenger's launch] 

    Ruth Wilder : [as Zoya]  What about Yuri? Dog, Laika?

    Debbie Eagan : [as Liberty Belle]  Well, you keep launching your puppies. We are sending school teachers into space, because here in America, we believe in, well, dreaming big. God bless the, uh... what was it? Oh yeah. The U.S. Challenger.

    Ruth Wilder : [as Zoya]  Why you so proud of Challenger? Challenger means second place. Is terrible name.

    [Bash and Rhonda watch the interview in their penthouse suite] 

    Bash Howard : Good one, Ruth.

    Dave the Reporter : Okay, ladies, it's time. Let's go live to the Challenger.

    Bash Howard : Oooh, I love this part.

    Rhonda Richardson : I'm not even sure where they're going.

    Bash Howard : They're going to space.

    Rhonda Richardson : Yeah, but like, where in it?

    [the Space Shuttle Challenger launches] 

    Ruth Wilder : [as Zoya]  Bye-bye. Hope you don't run out of gas.

    Ruth Wilder : [as Liberty Belle]  At least we can afford it. Gosh, would you look at that glorious display of American genius? Soaring across the sky. Hey, it's like a shootin' star.

    Ruth Wilder : [as Zoya]  That puny rocket look like child toy. It's probably not even real. It's pretend, like your Ronald Reagan Star Wars. I spit on this Challenger mission. And who is this Christa? She is high school educator? What's she going to do? She going to chaperone prom on rocket ship? Maybe I Challenge-r crew to chess game, how is that? Then we see who is really superior brain.

    [Debbie stops smiling and nudges Ruth] 

    Debbie Eagan : Ruth.

    Ruth Wilder : What?

    [Ruth sees the TV and covers her mouth] 

    Ruth Wilder : Oh, my God.

    [the Challenger has exploded] 

    Debbie Eagan : Okay, can we... can we cut? We need to cut.

  • Sam Sylvia : All right, so we're at a standstill here? Because I've got 40 cues to work through.

    Bash Howard : I've never been in this position before. I don't know the right call, so I called the entertainment director to see what the other shows are doing.

    Debbie Eagan : I don't care what the other shows do. I say we push opening night by a few days.

    Sam Sylvia : Can we do that?

    Debbie Eagan : Yeah, we're the producers. We're not running things by Glen anymore. We push so we're not the show that danced on the graves of the astronauts.

    Bash Howard : Mm-hmm. Yes. But let's also run it by Sandy.

    [Sandy walks in and Bash waves at her] 

    Bash Howard : Hi!

    [Sandy gets her coffee before approaching the trio] 

    Sandy Devereaux St. Clair : Oh, what a morning. I almost crashed my car listening to it on the way in here. How are you all holding up?

    Debbie Eagan : Everyone's pretty upset.

    Sam Sylvia : Well, it is a fucking tragedy.

    Bash Howard : And on opening night. I mean, it's a tough call.

    Sandy Devereaux St. Clair : You know, I was here when the MGM fire happened. Eighty-five people killed. The entire town was devastated. Guests literally suffocated in their beds.

    Bash Howard : Mm-hmm.

    Sandy Devereaux St. Clair : But when the dust cleared, my old dance captain, Fluff LeCoque, I don't know if you know Fluff, but...

    Bash Howard : Mm-hmm...

    Sandy Devereaux St. Clair : Anyway, Fluff walks into the theater, she takes a deep breath, and she says, 'Well, it doesn't smell like smoke in here.'

    [Bash and Sam laugh] 

    Sandy Devereaux St. Clair : And you know what? They were back on the stage the next night.

    Sam Sylvia : Hmm.

    Debbie Eagan : That's terrible.

    Sandy Devereaux St. Clair : No, that's Vegas, Mrs. Howard.

    Bash Howard : Oh, no, no, no. This isn't my wife. No, my wife plays the scientist.

    Debbie Eagan : I'm Debbie Eagan. Also a producer.

    [Debbie shakes hands with Sandy] 

    Sandy Devereaux St. Clair : Oh, my God. I am so sorry. I... You know, I've been mistaken for somebody's wife so many times, you would think that I would know better.

    Bash Howard : Pfft! Yeah. No, it's me, Debbie, and Sam. We're like the, uh... the, uh, what's the thing with the, the three, the...

    Sam Sylvia : Cerberus?

    Sam Sylvia : What? No. What? What...

    Sam Sylvia : It's a three-headed dog.

    Debbie Eagan : Three Musketeers?

    Bash Howard : There we go.

    Sam Sylvia : Oh, Musketeers.

    Sandy Devereaux St. Clair : Well, sounds like you have everything under control, so, I'll see you tonight.

    Bash Howard : You a big wrestling fan?

    Sandy Devereaux St. Clair : Uh, I'm a big fan of anything that sells out and gets the people in the casino.

  • Debbie Eagan : What do you think of Sandy?

    Sam Sylvia : I think she's probably dynamite in the sack.

    Debbie Eagan : I don't like her.

    Sam Sylvia : Well, sure. Nobody likes the Ghost of Christmas Future.

    Debbie Eagan : I forgot how much I love talking to you.

    [Ruth approaches them] 

    Ruth Wilder : Hear me out. We have Britannica, a character in our show who could easily speak to this morning's events. How sometimes even the smartest people get things wrong. Like, how we thought the world was flat. Or... bloodletting.

    Debbie Eagan : Ruth, please let this go.

    Ruth Wilder : It just happened. And putting on a show is about having a shared emotional experience, so... It's Liberty Belle, Britannica, or Zoya, in an act of genuine Soviet contrition.

    Sam Sylvia : Okay. Look, Ruth, I know you made fun of national heroes as they plunged to their deaths. And... And you feel guilty. I... I get it. But unless we make this show a group therapy session and bring up the house lights, and everybody joins hands and starts talking about their feelings, you're not gonna get what you're lookin' for.

  • [Ruth practices her zip-line stunt, but is stuck halfway] 

    Ruth Wilder : Uh... oh... ugh! It's stuck! There's something on the rope.

    Cherry Bang : Can you like, scooch and get over it?

    Ruth Wilder : No. I...

    Debbie Eagan : Oh, my God. Careful.

    Ruth Wilder : Why don't you just cut me down, and I'll fall from the sky like everything else today?

    Cherry Bang : No. Not on my watch. Just stay there. I'll go get a ladder.

  • Debbie Eagan : [Ruth and Debbie walk outside to the hotel's entrance. Debbie shows Ruth the entrance's marquee]  Oh, come on. I thought seeing our name in lights would cheer you up.

    Ruth Wilder : Technically, it's Bash's name in lights.

    Debbie Eagan : Well, that would... explain why nobody knows who the fuck I am or what I do. Look, we may never open a show in Las Vegas ever again. Just take a moment and appreciate what is right in front of you, so you don't miss it.

    [Ruth looks at Debbie] 

    Debbie Eagan : Hey, this is me speaking as your producer. Everyone is up. Don't bring them down into your... sinkhole of despair.

    Chad : [Debbie takes a smoke before Chad the parking valet notices them]  Hey. That was fun last night.

    Debbie Eagan : No, Todd, I... What did we say? I'm not... I'm working.

    Chad : It's Chad.

    [Chad gets in the car and leaves] 

    Ruth Wilder : Really?

    Debbie Eagan : Yeah, really. He's 25. I'm single. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

  • Sam Sylvia : [through the intercom]  Ladies, hello. Hello, Gorgeous Ladies of GLOW. It's opening night. And... And listen, you know, I just wanna...

    [clears throat] 

    Sam Sylvia : I just wanna say that, uh, you... you've all worked very hard...

    [Debbie turns off the intercom] 

    Debbie Eagan : Well, I did wanna say something... to all of you. Um... Ooh! I wasn't sure that we could, uh, bounce back after this morning.

    Dawn Rivecca : What happened this morning?

    [everyone looks at Dawn] 

    Debbie Eagan : The Challenger.

    Reggie Walsh : Oh, my God! I forgot about it too.

    Yolanda Rivas : Oh, it's official. We're assholes.

    Debbie Eagan : No, no, no. You were professionals. You were sad, but you pulled it together and you did your jobs. And tonight, thanks to your hard work...

    Ruth Wilder : I'm... I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Can... Can we just take a moment of silence? We're so lucky to all be here together. I... I know we're not acknowledging anything in the show, but... can we have a moment? Is that okay?

    Sheila the She-Wolf : Yeah.

    Debbie Eagan : Sure.

    [the Ladies take their moment of silence in memory of the Challenger crew before Rhonda enters the dressing room with some balloons] 

    Rhonda Richardson : Sorry, I need to put these somewhere. Bash doesn't want balloons at the...

    Sheila the She-Wolf : Shh!

    Carmen Wade : We're having a moment of silence for the Challenger.

    Rhonda Richardson : Oh, shit. Sorry.

    [to the hotel staff] 

    Rhonda Richardson : Um, you can just put them in here.

    [the bellboys drop the balloons in the dressing room] 

    Carmen Wade : What's his problem with balloons?

    Rhonda Richardson : Oh, no, no, no! Just... Just leave 'em. Um, they float about, and floating reminds him of the astronauts.

    Melanie Rosen : That makes sense.

    [as the Ladies continue their moment of silence, some of them begin playing with the balloons] 

See also

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