"The Flash" Memorabilia (TV Episode 2019) Poster

(TV Series)


Candice Patton: Iris West-Allen



  • Sherloque Wells : Madames et monsieurs, may I present to you La machine à Mémoire, or as they say in Amérique, you know...

    Iris West-Allen : The Memory Machine.

    Sherloque Wells : Oui, Iris. Memory Machine. Many times I have enterted into people's minds using this very technology. From the unfortunate comatose victims of the Summerholt Institute to, yes, Jervis Tetch himself, the Terrible Mad Hatter Killer from Earth-221.

    Cisco Ramon : I come back from Tannhauser for one second, just borrowing a splicer for the meta cure and what do I find? This, this...

    Sherloque Wells : Machine à Mémoire.

    Cisco Ramon : Whatever. How did you even get this here from Earth-221?

    Sherloque Wells : Well, I used the Forerunner Multiversal Delivery Service. You don't use it? You don't have a gold card like me? Maybe I'll get you a discount.

  • Iris West-Allen : I'm sorry, why are you wearing a helmet? I thought you were made out of rubber.

    Ralph Dibny : Somebody's gotta set a good example for these kids.

    Caitlin Snow : Well - I thought you grew up on the ice.

    Ralph Dibny : Well, I did, basically, my mom dated a zamboni operator, so...

    Sherloque Wells : And I tell you where I'm from we don't date zamboni operators. Why is that? Because there is no zambonis.

  • Caitlin Snow : So, in most coma patients, high-traffic areas of brain activity go dormant, and the low-traffic areas spring to life. But unfortunately, Grace isn't normal. Not only has her coma lasted longer than the average, but her consciousness has isolated itself into one specific region: her long-term memory.

    Sherloque Wells : It will be so facile, easy peasy for you. All you do is you transmit your brainwaves into Grace's memories, right? And then you'll lead her consciousness out of a neural nexus portal. And Grace awakens.

    Ralph Dibny : It's sort of like when Barry woke me up when the Thinker trapped me.

    Iris West-Allen : Surpisingly, that sounds kind of easy-peasy.

    Caitlin Snow : As long as Grace's unusual brain damage doesn't cause any unforeseen risks.

    Sherloque Wells : This is why I suggest you travel in pairs when you're using this technology.

  • Iris West-Allen : So I-I can't use "Gazette"? "Chronicle"? So the only name that's cleared is "Central City Citizen". Uh, yeah. Yeah, thanks.

    Barry Allen : [entering]  Hey, who was that on the phone?

    Iris West-Allen : Um, a lawyer. She was helping answer some questions about me starting a newspaper.

    Barry Allen : That's cool. What'd she say?

    Iris West-Allen : You know, it doesn't matter. I-I'm actually not sure that the timing is right, and I really just want to focus on Team Flash and stopping Cicada.

    Barry Allen : Yeah, but...

    [his phone buzzes] 

    Barry Allen : Oh, hold on.

    [answering the call] 

    Barry Allen : Hey. Hey, slow down, slow down.

    [to Iris] 

    Barry Allen : It's Sherloque.

    [into the phone] 

    Barry Allen : Nora did what?

  • Iris West-Allen : Why would Nora go in alone?

    Barry Allen : And why isn't she out yet?

    Caitlin Snow : My working theory is that Grace's unique brain damage has caused her brain to act defensively, so when it sensed an outside presence, it moved all of its neural nexus pathways to seal the exits like a-a quarantine procedure.

    Barry Allen : Grace's brain thinks Nora's a pathogen.

    Caitlin Snow : Yes, and we can expect its synaptic defense mechanisms to try and eliminate her.

    Sherloque Wells : Remember I told you about the Mad Hatter? He was also brain damaged, so after my dispute with Watsune and my fourth wife, Watsune pursued the case on his own until the day I found him hooked up to the Machine Mémoire, brain-dead.

    Iris West-Allen : You knew this was a possibility? What happened to "easy peasy"?

    Sherloque Wells : That's why I say go in in pairs.

    Iris West-Allen : Barry, we have to go in after her.

  • Iris West-Allen : We can't warn her we're coming?

    Sherloque Wells : Well, we wanted to install an emergency beacon, but it didn't work.

    Caitlin Snow : So, once you enter, it'll create a new portal. You'll only have a few moments to find Grace and Nora before Grace's brain tries to seal it off. And remember, if you die in there...

    Barry Allen : We die out here. I remember from DeVoe.

    [he and Iris lie down] 

    Barry Allen : We're gonna save her. I promise.

  • Barry Allen : I don't think we're in Grace's memories.

    Iris West-Allen : We're in Nora's.

  • Iris West-Allen : How did we end up in Nora's childhood memories?

    Barry Allen : I have no idea. I also have no clue how we're gonna rescue Nora from here.

    Iris West-Allen : Okay. Okay, we're in a memory within a memory, right?

    Barry Allen : Yeah.

    Iris West-Allen : So if we went through a portal, then...

    Barry Allen : It should take us into Grace. Okay, yeah, we just have to wander through Nora's memories until we find where the portal went.

  • Barry Allen : [seeing a memory of Nora's]  Iris, that wasn't you.

    Iris West-Allen : Yeah, but it will be, Barry. Nora's gonna grow up hating her mother.

    Barry Allen : No, she won't. You're gonna make different choices. If you don't wanna be that person that we just saw, don't be that person.

    Iris West-Allen : I know. I know you keep saying that, Barry, and that's what I'm trying to do. I had a moment today and I thought that maybe if I could change the timeline now, that even in the smallest way that... I don't know. That everything in the future would be somehow different.

    Barry Allen : This is why you changed your mind about the newspaper.

  • Iris West-Allen : [seeing Nora as a child]  Hey, I found her. You think we can talk to her?

    Barry Allen : No. I wish. This might be the only time I get to see her at this age. Nora's consciousness isn't here, though. It's in Grace. This is a fixed memory. We can't interfere.

    Iris West-Allen : When I was ten, I wasn't running away from home.

    Barry Allen : That's 'cause you were a good kid. I ran away all the time.

    Iris West-Allen : Yeah, only 'cause you were trying to see your dad. Not 'cause you were running from someone.

  • Dexter Myles : Who is Cicada? Officials believe...

    Iris West-Allen : Barry, maybe we should keep looking for the portal.

    Barry Allen : Yeah.

    Dexter Myles : But when Cicada resurfaced in 2024 after the Flash vanished, some were left to speculate that Cicada is not a man at all, but an immortal monster. All we know for sure is his body count, 152 victims and rising.

    Barry Allen : Wait, what? I knew we never caught Cicada, but he never stops killing?

    Captain David Singh : Flash did everything he could, but Cicada killed more people than Zoom or even the Red Death. And the way the city saw the Flash, his legacy... it was never the same.

  • Iris West-Allen : Did you think that you could run away and I wouldn't figure out where you went? It's my job to find out the truth. I'm a reporter.

    Young Nora : You're always a reporter. Why not be my mom for once?

    Iris West-Allen : Oh, yeah? How's this for being your mom? You are never coming back to this place again. Let's go.

    [feeling something as she grabs Nora's arm] 

    Iris West-Allen : Excuse me, what is in your pocket?

    [Nora takes out a Flash action figure] 

    Iris West-Allen : Hand that over right now.

    Young Nora : It's not yours.

    Iris West-Allen : Well, it is now. There are consequences to your actions.

    [as they struggle, it falls and breaks] 

    Iris West-Allen : Hand it over.

    Young Nora : I hate you!

    Iris West-Allen : Leave it. Let's go.

  • Iris West-Allen : When I talked to the lawyer, I asked her to check a dozen potential names, and guess which one was the only one that cleared. The Central City Citizen.

    Barry Allen : I know it's got baggage, but it's just a name.

    Iris West-Allen : Is it? I mean, we've been looking at that front page for four years. "Flash Missing, Vanishes in Crisis." And I'm the one that writes that article, Barry. I just thought that, I don't know, maybe if I don't start the paper, that...

    Barry Allen : Iris, this is your dream, and the city needs somebody like you.

    Iris West-Allen : Yeah, but, Barry, look where it gets us. These are Nora's memories right now in this timeline after she interfered. Let's keep looking for the portal, okay? Nora needs our help.

  • Barry Allen : I can't find the portal anywhere. I can't even get out of Nora's memories of this one day.

    Iris West-Allen : [seeing someone approach]  Barry, get down!

    [they disappear from sight right as the Reverse-Flash suit appears] 

  • Sherloque Wells : We made an important discovery.

    Caitlin Snow : To get you out of there.

    Sherloque Wells : The portals are hidden in perception gaps.

    Caitlin Snow : Things that you remember the way you want them to be, not the way they actually were.

    Sherloque Wells : 'Cause you're in denial or your perception was colored by anger or what have you.

    Caitlin Snow : So these defense mechanisms, they're composed of synapses. If you can break down the synapses in the false memory, that will reveal the real memory, and the synaptic jolt will expose the portal.

    Iris West-Allen : Okay, so... okay, well, how do we do that?

    Sherloque Wells : Well, uh... we'll have to call you back.

  • Iris West-Allen : How do we know which memories weren't real?

    Barry Allen : [thinking]  Of course. Iris, it's the Hall of Villains. You and Nora.

    Iris West-Allen : Barry, I still dampen Nora's power. She still grows up hating me. This is my future.

    Barry Allen : No, no, it's not. It's just a memory, one warped from the perspective of a sad, angry, little kid that ran away from home. Don't you get it? That person that we saw in there, the bad mom that Nora told us about, she doesn't even exist in any timeline. I told you you had to be different in the future, but I was wrong. You... you don't have to change who you are. You don't even have to change the name of your newspaper. I know any future with you in it is gonna be a good one. You just gotta believe that, too.

  • Iris West-Allen : I don't see the portal anywhere.

    [with his speed, Barry engages the Reverse-Flash suit in a fight, which slowly wears away the false memory] 

    Iris West-Allen : Barry, it's working!

  • Iris West-Allen : Nobody breaks up my family, you son of a bitch.

  • Iris West-Allen : Oh, no. You dropped your toy.

    Young Nora : I just wanted to see the museum.

    Iris West-Allen : I know, honey, but you ran away. I didn't know where you went. I was afraid you could have gotten hurt.

    Young Nora : You said that the museum reminded you of dad, 'cause dad was the Flash's number one fan. So I wanted to see it, 'cause I love the Flash, too.

    [wiping tears from her eyes] 

    Young Nora : It's not fair.

    Iris West-Allen : I know, honey. I know it's not fair. I love you, Nora. Your dad loved you, too. So, so much.

    [hugging her] 

    Iris West-Allen : Come here, girl.

    Barry Allen : [leading his Iris away]  Come on, we gotta go. Let's go get Nora.

  • Barry Allen : Happy first day in your new office.

    Iris West-Allen : You're so sweet.

    Nora West-Allen : So, have you decided what you're gonna name the paper?

    Iris West-Allen : I don't know. "Central City Citizen" has a certain ring to it.

    Barry Allen : You sure?

    Iris West-Allen : Yeah, you were right. Future isn't always what it seems. We decide what it gets to be.

  • Nora West-Allen : Dad told me about the memory that you saw.

    Iris West-Allen : I know it wasn't real, Nora, but it must have come from a very real place. You must have been so angry with me to see me that way.

    Nora West-Allen : I... I was angry all the time. Angry for not getting to have a dad, angry 'cause nobody seemed to understand what I was feeling. And it didn't matter what you did or said, mom. I was always gonna be angry at you, because you were there.

    Iris West-Allen : You're going through a lot, Nora.

    Nora West-Allen : But so were you. I mean, I thought you were trying to stop me from being me, but you were trying to stop me from being dad. I-I mean, ending up like him. You guys had a whole life together and a child, and he vanished. I-I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you. And from that day, you... you were protecting me. I-I get that now. So sorry for the way that I treated you, both back then and now, when I first got here. I... you didn't deserve that.

    Iris West-Allen : Thank you. You're an amazing woman, Nora West-Allen. I will always love you, past, present, and future.

    Nora West-Allen : I love you, too, mom.

  • Iris West-Allen : Larry Blumenthal is dead?

    Ralph Dibny : Yeah.

    Iris West-Allen : The patent registrar across the hall from you with the 400 square footage...

    Iris West-Allen , Ralph Dibny : And the courtyard views?

    Ralph Dibny : Yeah, dead as a doornail. You can have that place if you want it. Yours to rent.

    Iris West-Allen : What? Oh, my god. This is perfect. I mean, my ad revenue has been up this quarter, so...

    Barry Allen : Yeah, with the extra space, you'd be able to hire editors, photographers.

    Iris West-Allen : I could turn my blog into a real newspaper.

  • Barry Allen : Whoa. What happened here?

    Iris West-Allen : I guess in Nora's future, I guess S.T.A.R. Labs is...

    Barry Allen : The Flash Museum.

    Iris West-Allen : The Flash Museum.

    Barry Allen : No way. Look at this. Flash toys and Flash phones. Flash rings. Are you kidding? Wow.

    Iris West-Allen : This is all gonna go to your head, isn't it?

    Barry Allen : [picks up a Flash bobblehead]  Oh, you know what? It looks like it might.

    Iris West-Allen : Oh, that is very cute.

  • Barry Allen : You ready for this?

    Nora West-Allen : Dad, I'm just... I'm not fast enough yet.

    Iris West-Allen : No backing out now. This is the biggest race of your life.

    [it's revealed they're ice skating] 

    Nora West-Allen : Not really.

    Barry Allen : Get ready, set, go!

    Nora West-Allen : Dad, dad...

    [he takes off] 

    Nora West-Allen : [following him, wobbly]  Wait, wait! Oh, god.

    Iris West-Allen : [catching her for stability]  Whoa, whoa, whoa. Gotcha.

  • Nora West-Allen : This is so embarrassing. I'm really good at the ice skating game on my Pocket Pal!

    Iris West-Allen : Okay, you're just gonna bend your knees.

    Nora West-Allen : [doing so]  'Kay.

    Iris West-Allen : And lean forward a little. Just, yeah.

    [letting Nora go] 

    Iris West-Allen : Yeah.

    Nora West-Allen : I'm doing it.

    Iris West-Allen : You're doing it.

    Nora West-Allen : I'm skating.


    Nora West-Allen : This is like schway city, mom.

  • Barry Allen : Look at you guys. Such a mom.

    Iris West-Allen : What? What about you? You're the one who sprang for ice skating and game night.

    Barry Allen : Yeah, well, I know when Nora got hurt, I got a little frustrated. And now, I mean, we have an actual plan to stop Cicada.

    Iris West-Allen : Waking up his niece to appeal to his heart.

    Barry Allen : I know Dwyer's a killer, but he's still a person, and he loves Grace just like we love Nora. So I don't know. I just feel like everything's heading in the right direction.

See also

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