At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal (2019) Poster

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Kirk19147 June 2019
This is stunning to watch in this format, all together and in your face. What a true American disgrace. One of the best docs in a few years. You walk away hoping for change but knowing it will be hard to see past this one.
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"A scorned woman"? They were girls!
sanda_moroianu26 July 2020
Nassar speaking in his letter about scorned women is the essence of the phenomenon: if men can't have their way with women/girls, then the latter will act out of scorn. Men are never guilty. At the most, they are sick. There's always an excuse. But this is inexcusable. And a lot of- apparently- decent people will support this type of attitude; and will speak in favour of the abusers, either knowingly or unknowingly. And victims are gaslighted into silence. Others don't even realize the abuse.Do you know where I happened to notice a rather similar way of inappropriately touching? In gyms, where some personal trainers tend to have too much physical contact with their female clients. This film should be shown in all schools, so girls become aware of what is/isn't acceptable and where the line must be drawn, before it's too late.All those girls put up a strong smile, but how much has it cost them? Watch again, please, at 1:17:00, the expression on the face of the former president of MSU- a woman- when asked about compensations: " ... includes past expenses." with that condescending raised brow, as if to say: "Yeah, yeah, I know it's all about money..." Not all the money in the world can ever compensate the harm that predator did, with the ample complicity of his milieu. The father who committed suicide, I get it. The father who lunged at Nassar in Court, I get that too. What I don't get is how the Nassar specimen escaped any physical abuse, how no one spit him in the face- at least. I hope he'll get his due in prison, though. I also hope that all the others who stand trial will get what they deserve. In this appalling instance, the victims are the only ones whose innocence cannot be denied.
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Working Title: USA Gymnastics Abused Young Girls for 30 Years...and Larry Nassar Did Too
56E47815 November 2021
Interesting documentary. Larry Nassar is guilty, and deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail.

Unfortunately, Nassar is responsible for 99.9997% of the sexual abuse in the sport, but only about 2% of the overall abuse. The other forms - Physical, Mental, Emotional, Medical - will continue. The USOC, USAG, NCAA, Michigan State University, Academia-at-Large, NBC, ESPN / Disney, GE and a host of Fortune 500 sponsors and hangers-on, have their Fall Guy and they're sticking to it.
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The most intense and heart wrenching 95 minutes I've witnessed
mpboylanjr-540384 May 2019
First I must say I am a male , and can not imagine what these women have gone through. I will keep it short, but the women who came forward and participated in this are amazing. This guy Larry Nasser is a bully and disgrace to the human race. This film was unbelievable and raw. It did not hold back or hide any organization above the other. They were all guilty . From the USAG to MSU and the youth groups. They all hid the truth about this monster. The dominos continue to fall on this earth shattering story, and more and more people and organizations are going down, and rightfully so. Laws were passed and it seems that the entire sport is going through a total reformation. This is a must watch and god bless the victims of this monster and all his "co defendants" . They are all getting what they deserve.
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I've never written a review in my life but I needed to for this
rachelrbrown-6566619 May 2019
I've watched over thousands of movies, hundred of documentaries and this one was the most powerful profound documentary I have watched since dear Zachary A letter to a son about his father. I cried through this because I too have been there. These girls they are true heroes. They gave all the other women a voice. The voiceless became heard. Please just watch it. Please just become better.
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All the more powerful because it's true.
dolive-578-56498721 May 2019
A superb film, meticulous in explaining how a pedophile operated, and how enablers in positions of high responsibility allowed him to victimize hundreds of people for about two decades. We see from this film what a blessing it is that courtroom trials are routinely videotaped for the historic record. The structure of the film is excellent, first introducing us at proper length to the joys of athleticism and the commitment required, and then how the predator won the trust a vulnerable population, culminating in the courtroom drama, the victim impact statements especially. In contrast to a perpetrator who was entirely self-interested and self-involved, this movie puts the victims front and center - it is their story. The picture does not overly advocate for them (the facts do that), it simply gives them a voice, after decades in which they were not listened to, or were not believed, or were not protected. Finally, it's a constructive report: We come away knowing pretty much exactly what we all must do - as individuals and institutions - to prevent future life-long injury to each other, in this case to one of the many acutely vulnerable groups in our community.
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Incredibly Moving
There's impact in numbers and that's apparent here even when it shouldn't be. It was nauseating listening to the things Nassar did to these young women-but I found it incredibly moving how the voice of one gave voice to many. I do hope that the changes that have been set in motion actually pan out and real change can be made. As a documentary, this was well put together and the emotional beats are placed appropriately for the subject matter. If there's one thing I got from this that I hope others do as well, is that we need to do better when it comes to listening and offering support to people who place their trust in us and come forward.
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Very Telling Documentary!
amgee-8955122 May 2019
Great Documentary Film by HBO Very shocking and sad case. 7/10
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If this doesn't wake you up, I don't know what will.
djcarlosxx6 May 2019
This a strong, powerful, and moving documentary. It wakes you up and puts you in alert, especially if you have kids like I do. It motivated me to aggressively continue my goals in becoming a police investigator to take down people who commit such insidious crimes. This documentary will impact you in some shape or manner.
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A disturbing documentary looking at the darkness in the heart of some men, but blind to the flaws in the narrative.
yavoyavo7 May 2019
This documentary reveals just how brazen some predators are, and how blind some adults are in the pursuit of success. Also how maleable the minds of young women can be.

I had to dock a point off the documentary for not straying from the comfortable narrative. It was allowed to continue for longer because of the kangaroo court system created by Title IX when it should have been handled by the police from day one. The layers of bureaucracy and incompetence simply enabled criminality in this case when it enables injustice in countless others.

And then the #metoo inclusion when its become corrupted by the politically motivated accusers . Unfortunately for these women that hashtag has been tainted by those who have proven that politically motivated accusations aren't just common, but casually made with little cost or social consequence. When at minimum 2 of the 3 Kavanaugh accusers were proven false, the hashtag has become unfit for purpose.
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Powerful movie about the sister survivors
fitnessmedic17 May 2019
A lot of people knew about this abuse but allowed it to continue in order to support their own greedy celebrity style status inside USA gymnastics. These people deserve their day in court and should be held accountable for their dis-action. They should never be allowed to work with children again. Period.
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At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal (2019) - 7.7
Bonnell721 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal (2019) - 7.7

Act 1 - 7.6

Act 2 - 7.4

Act 3 - 8.2

About the 2016 scandal involving the national gymnastics team and the team doctor, Larry Nassar, who was abusing the athletes

Shows how impressive these athletes are

Talks about how it's a money making machines all depending on young teenage girls

Nassar was the USA team doctor for 20 years and at Michigan State college

Broke policies in place so doctors were never alone with the gymnast but that rule was not followed but some of the coaches, they were part of the problem

Mainly the national coaches Karolyis who helped this problem occur

Was admired by and a friend of the girls that weren't being assaulted

Said he was helping them while assaulting them

Assaulted them while parents were in the room and would always be talking throughout the appointments

Girls needed to be seen by Larry to get treatment so they could continue to preform at a high level, girls feared not being able compete at a high level

Coaches used demeaning tactics and Larry was nice and girls felt comfortable with him

Larry treated them everywhere from gyms to doctors offices to his own house

Nassar would misdiagnose girls to get more access to them

Went into every adult that let these girls down in and turned a blind eye to what Larry was doing

Coach Klages would not help a girl that came forward and let this girl get abused

Goes into multiple incidents and oversights

Even girls that were assaulted by him didn't believe it because they through it was medical treatment

Not the most impressive documentary but a very important one to be seen and learned about

Powerful testimonials of the girls confronting Larry in court

Girls got to take back some power and help themselves heal

Really hard and emotional to watch

The statements kept bringing more girls further and telling their stories

Nassar sentences to life and other people involved also got taken down with him

Progress is being made in the field of gymnastics but they need to completely be restarted from the ground up

Movie ends on a message of hope and that things will get better in the future because of these girls coming foward
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Now For The Rest Of The World To Step Forth
davidsask15 July 2019
Very well done documentary, seems not missed much coverage. The sad part of it all is good majority of parents knew something was wrong or were told and still sided with doctor. The parents wanted the rewards of money spent on them, any medal standings, media acclaim. I can only image the fall out of most families after this came out. I would presume do to circumstances the doc is alone status cell away from all, so not killed in jail?! 7/10

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plumeria9317 May 2019
Incredible eye opening documentary. Really well done. Makes you so proud of the girls who stood up there and addressed him and the court. Brought me to tears.
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Equal Parts Harrowing & Inspirational
zkonedog31 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When the U.S. gymnastics scandal involving Dr. Larry Nassar over a prolonged period of time broke in the summer of 2017, I never really dug into the details of that story. I knew it was bad, but "At The Heart Of Gold" sheds light on just how horrific the proceedings were and how much enabling was occurring. Yet, what prevents this documentary from being a true downer is how it also shows the banding-together of many young women (and the nation at large via the MeToo movement) in a courageous show of solidarity and support against such treatment.

This doc is well-produced and both visually and emotionally stunning, right at the forefront of quality documentary production. Here, the focus starts on Nassar himself, chronicling his rise to prominence in the gymnastics medical community and then dissecting the apparatus that allowed him to abuse so many young women over such a long period of time (decades).

The camera then turns towards the gymnasts themselves, with 5-6 women/girls of varying ages being interviewed about their experiences with Nassar. They especially focus on what Nassar called "the treatment", which I won't speak of here due its disturbing/sensitive nature and how Nassar convinced the women it was for supposed "medical benefits". To hear them speak is a mixture of anger and hopefulness. On one hand, no one should ever have to endure such treatment, especially at such a young age. On the other hand, it is truly inspiring to see them band together and ultimately confront Nassar in court for his heinous crimes. A barrage of emotions, that is for sure.

Besides the personal stories, "At The Heart of Gold" also takes a look at the topic from a few other angles. A psychologist recognizes Nassar as a classic predator (thriving in situations where power/influence can be exerted), and the entire apparatus of USA Gymnastics (and Michigan State University) is shown to have enabled-or at very least not brought to late-the behavior all along.

This is truly one of the most affecting documentaries I have ever seen for its many emotional topics both for the better and the worse. While one would never wish this upon their worst enemy, the resolve these women show in dealing with their trauma together is remarkable. A full ten stars with absolutely no hesitation.
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Great Documentary!
ini_ynti-2245715 August 2019
It broke me to tears. It was so sad when hearing story from the first woman who wasn't athlete, also Triene. Can't imagine how the victims, the family and the family of Nassar holding up.
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You will cry
kathryngranville13 July 2019
The story is so powerful and raw. I never thought it would bring me to such emotion but the way it affected the lives of these women was so heartbreaking and shocking. What is even more shocking was the manner in which it was covered up for so many years. The Me Too movement is real and alive. We can o lot grow and learn from here as a society. These stories need to be told and this one was major shake up in our fabric of time. Well done.
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The Documentary of the year
kirstenpace-9510512 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, How can people live with themselves knowing they were covering up such heinous crimes? This documentary was so well made, and it just felt so satisfying watching all the girls give their statements and addressing this monster. Truly terrifying to know how long this went on without anyone speaking up for these girls. After being thrown into a more or less military camp, they had to endure this abuse to top it off... Shame on the doctor, but more so shame on the authorities this was reported to, who insulted these women just by not doing anything, not saying anything.

I am very happy these girls have gotten their voice in the end. It's a shame a victim of abuse needs to go to these lengths to be believed. 300 victims is no joke.. and who knows how much more are out there. True shame and the documentary encapsulates this all. Very well made.
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Gold Medal to the Victims for Having the Strength to Speak Out
Rkprncss31 May 2019
This documentary is so powerful, just like the women who suffered at the hands of an extremely wicked and evil man. It should be easier for women to speak up about trauma and have the trust that someone will not only listen, but do something to stop it. In reality, it just isn't. The adults who just ignored the problem, when the children (who could barely comprehend what was being done to them) were crying out for help infuriates me. It is hard for an adult to talk about sexual trauma, let alone children. The man who did this should never be able to pray on anyone, ever again. I applaud the women who came forward, and even the ones who didn't. You are all SURVIVORS. You are stronger than you could ever know.
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Blistering indictment of the abuser and the enablers
paul-allaer13 July 2019
"At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal" (2019 release; 88 min.) is a documentary about the sex abuse scandal in the women's gymnastics world. As the movie opens, we hear Larry Nasser, in an interview dated December 6, 2013, claim "Gymnast first, gymnast first, gymnast first". We then get a general introduction into the competitive world of women's gymnastics, with its "no pain, no gain" culture, where young girls never complain, even when dealing with injuries, and ever thankful for the sympathetic ear of their team doctor, Larry Nasser. It isn't long before Nasser starts sexually assaulting them, claiming what he does is simply part of his medical treatment to get them better...

Couple of comments: this is another top notch documentary from Erin Lee Carr, who in just a few years has become one of this country's leading documentarians. Her other work includes 2017's "Mommy Dead and Dearest" and the just released "I Love You, Now Die", equally worth checking out. In this documentary, the film maker looks back at how it was possible for Nasser to get away with sexually assaulting gymnasts for as long as he did. We all know the big picture, but when it is laid out in detail and with clarity as Carr does here, it is devastating to watch. Let's be clear, this isn't just about the abuser. It's also a blistering indictment of all those enablers (looking at you, Michigan State University officials) who knew yet did nothing. When we get to the last half hour of this documentary, the focus is mostly on the victims and survivors, and rightfully so. I will admit to welling up as I was watching and listening to the multiple Victim Impact Statements. The presiding judge hits the nail on the head after Rachel Denhollander finishes her statement: "You have raised an army of women, and you are the 5 star general".

This documentary premiered at this year's Tribeca film festival to immediate and universal acclaim before going wide on HBO (I caught it on HBO On Demand the other day). It is not a coincidence that this movie is rated 100% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Even if you think that you know what happened in this sexual abuse scandal, I'd readily suggest you seek this out, so as to give further exposure to these powerful young ladies who came out and spoke the truth. Thank you ladies, we are eternally grateful.
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So important
amylynn-meow29 December 2019
I don't ever write reviews but this documentary was so incredibly powerful and it's so important. So many people don't believe children, blame victims, perpetuate culture and this shows what happens when people sit idly by and look the other way. The documentary went into how much many people and institutions in power didn't do anything / wanted this to remain a secret. Of course everyone liked this guy, he was a master manipulator and he groomed those around him and his victims to trust him so that he could continue to get away with abusing these girls and women for years. The women who came forward to make the investigation happen and spoke out in court are so incredibly strong and brave.
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Empowering Documentary
turczyn20 October 2019
This Documentary shows how the system failed in protecting these victims from a monster predator and in fact enabled him to continue his abuse. My heart goes out to these survivors and there scarred psyche. This film had me openly sobbing for these brave girls/women. This should have never happened and I hope that all parties involved in the cover up be punished.
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Addressing the review below
swch_9117 September 2021
More than hundred of accusation and many detailing the sexual abuses endured by hundred of different children from all levels of competition (not only gymnastics). Furthermore there were footages showing the abuse at his disposal and yet you are still asking for fact? What facts do you need still? Due to your 'concern' for future physician or maybe it is because you are a physician yourself? The girls speak out after a long time because they did not fully grasp that they were being assaulted back when they were still prepubescent, those that did were brushed aside by the authorities. So stop being an ignorant fool yourself.
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vibhus-177807 February 2023
A powerful documentary and at same time distressing too .

Documentary about a sports medicine physician , Larry Nassar who was the team doctor of US Women's National Gymnastics team for several years , how he took advantage of those trainees in name of treatment by sexually abusing them and atlast how his victims spotlighted his sexual crime & punished him by the law before the World . It's not only the crime of one man , but also negligence of the whole system lead to this situation . As a man I can't even imagine the trauma and struggles of those girls went through . Finally , Victim impact statements at court were heart wrenching and at same time hard hitting .

Overall a must watch documentary and awareness to the parents to ensure their children's safety .
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A tribute to the women who came forward
zxsing-1222027 February 2021
This is a memento of various women's Olympic dreams which were marred by indifference, callousness & bureaucracy; all of which happened in many organisations around the world, not least USAG, which was run like a company. The entire 85 mins was built on accounts provided by various victims with the last 25 mins devoted to victim testaments in the courtroom & the final verdict. You could feel the pain of some of the women, except one, a recent Olympian, behaved rather robotically and hair done and dressed like she was going to the Prom.
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