Aura (2018) Poster


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Did they not research the title?
Otkon8 February 2020
Because maybe she was possessed or sued by the spirit of Anastasia Beaverhausen.

Don't bother watching this unoriginal hot mess of a movie.
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Waste of time ...
ZeroCoolRO9 April 2019
The movie starts bad from the first scene. That talk with his mother via telephone is bad. Those scenes change and you hear the other one really bad, in other movie youll hear him clean no matter if the scene turns to the listener When he is with his wife, and run to the basement to grab something to show her ... in 15 seconds she is already asleep. I mean you need to be amazingly tired to fall asleep that fast. Next scene when he looks at those photos ... after that changes to morning scene, and he goes outside to the car, and he keep holding and viewing that photo. The acting is bad ... lines are the worst, When I first watched the movie had 5 / 10 score here. Nothing horror in this movie, and HUSH movie was made with 1 million USD and is 10000 better than this garbage. Probably actors played on this movie for food ... it was very bad.
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Acting and script awful
trbarnes-3716618 April 2020
Good(ish) premise.. Effects are ok and musical score was on the nose, however the acting and script are just terrible.. most lineS feel unnatural and forced and every scene and behaviours of the characters are not plausible in the slightest. The protagonists disregard for his wife's safety and his willingness to pull someone out of a psychiatric hospital... his whole performance is bad and not believable. Supporting actors are awful as well, mother and wife, just shocking. Build up is poor and before you know it it's just another exorcism movie.. just a bad one. Don't waste your time. Actress who played Karen was good and only thing that kept me engaged
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Wow, Terrible, and this was made in 2018??
deetrueman16 August 2018
Really poor acting, the wife is sooo bad, the husband is a wetfish, the mother reminds me of a mother from one of those old films where she controls her kids with religion and shouting at nothing, just crazy, and the other 2 main characters, well one played out to be what she is advertised as but at some old silly fair/circus in a little caravan who managed to pull something off that a so called expert failed to do years ago with her and help from other experts. Yet she manages to get something to work with just herself and the wetfish, and the only one who played an ok part was the sister, and thats because she doesn't really say or do anything, her makeup is quite good too, but as soon as it gets near the end and she has to do a little acting, its just as bad as the rest. You don't have to worry about spoilers, you know exactly what is going to happen and it does so there you don't need to watch it now lol. I wouldn't bother.
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Aura or Karen Walker no not the good one
gurumaggie6 September 2021
The wife looks like a team America puppet but with less acting skills, the husband is a sock puppet, the script must have been written on a fag packet during some sort of crisis. Another crap horror from Netflix.
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mrshannahhaines18 August 2018
Could have been a pretty cool film but the acting left a lot to be desired. The acting and crappy "american" accents were too distracting. Why have an English main character and an American main actor then have other English cast and make them do American accents when they clearly can't . It didn't even make sense where this was supposed to be filmed. American people, American car but an English house. The plot could have made a great film. All in all very disappointing.
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jackasper19 September 2018
Low budget, easily predictable film. Nothing special. You pretty much know from the beginning how it's going to end, and it does. Worth watching once, but not twice.
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Even a child can write a movie like this one
bacaladito12 August 2018
From minute one you know exactly what is gonna happen.
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My shortest ever review
patherwill29 October 2021
One of the worst films I've seen in 60 years. They can't act. I sincerely hope Rula Lenska retired after THIS! You see the next plotline 10 minutes befor it arrives. Everything is AMATEUR. It doesn't deserve even 1 star.
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Horrifically bad acting
scarlettimogen9 September 2021
The acting is so bad especially the wife, that it's actually off putting.
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For the small budget is a pretty good movie
lruella6 September 2021
First this movie deserves actually a 6/10 or 7/10, I gave it 10 just cause the general score is too low.

This said, the production is super cheap, looks like a movie school project.

However, if hollywood remade this same exact script, it would be a pretty catchy horror movie with a cool ending. Considering the low budget, I wasnt disappointed one bit after watching it. I have seen faaaaaaaar worse movies which were much better rated so give it a chance.
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The end tho..
chinara_lucas21 August 2019
At first I almost didn't want to watch this because it seemed low budget. Then I became REALLY engrossed in the story. But the ending killed it for me; WAY too predictable. Just felt like the writer got lazy and took the easy way out smh
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ONE thing could have made this so much better
davejessop-122 August 2018
Why, when you have a British directer and totally UK cast do you make everyone speak in very bad American accents? - the house and brief glimpses of scenery are also British - did the budget come from Americans? Did they hope for big sales in the US? The whole thing turned out to be annoying with all the shouting in fake accents and I couldn't wait for it to end - if it had been set in Britain with the actors using their normal accents then it could have been a solid 7/10 but this gets a 4 from me - we make pretty good horror over here if we are allowed to be ourselves and this is the 2nd Brit film I've seen today with awful forced American accents - the other being the very average Patient Zero so I'm probably a bit tired of it all - Rule Britannia!
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This Movie Has A Lot of Nerve...
Fox_Prime17 January 2020
So... usually, if there is a trailer available to watch for a B movie, then I watch it to see where on the B movie scale it's gonna land. Because honestly, there's some really awesome B movies out there, and there's some real stinkers. This one, falls on the latter.

Before I go into that let me explain my title. While I was watching the trailer they were putting little review snippets from critics about how amazing this movie is. The first one says, and I quote, "Gives Blumhouse A Run For Their Money" Alan Bryce, Darkside. Now for those of you who aren't familiar with Blumhouse, they are currently by far the number one best horror/thriller movie makers right now. Example, they made the new Halloween movie, they also made "Get Out" and "Ma" and many, many other well known and money making horror movies as of late.

That being said, Allan Bryce must have no soul and will say whatever you want him to say in a review for the right $$$, or...the guy has not one functioning brain cell left. Next, I will never trust ANYTHING Darkside says about a movie from here on out, you shouldn't either. This movie isn't even in the same arena as Blumhouse movies, hell not even the same sport!

So if you've read this far, by now you must've figured out what I think of this movie, if the 1 star wasn't a giveaway to begin with lol. Bad acting, bad effects, bad story, bad delivery, if it's bad, it's in this movie. Skip it and go find yourself an awesome Blumhouse movie to watch.

Till next time, cheers
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Aura : Bad Feeling over Horror Movie
adamafrixal28 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The world of supernatural is always an interesting concept to be brought in form of movies. Movies like exorcism, the ring, ju-on, and paranormal activity is a proof of how successful a horror film about ghost can be. In other hands, there are films like Aura (2018) which have shown me that horror can be boring. I cannot concentrate throughout the screening of the film and halfway there I wanted to watch something else because it is not so engaging. The film tells the stories of a family and a photography apparatus in their house. The stories starts when they capture photos of people in the house, there is a specific aura that will be included in the result. Somehow, the aura actually points out that there is a greater evil. The main stories actually simple, if you want spoilers then go ahead. The brother, his wife, his mother, tried to exorcise a presence from the house that is actually disturbing the sister. They do that by enlisting the help of a séance. *By the end of the film, the séance died but managed to free the sister only to have the presence moved to the wife.* The story actually have a good concept to utilize photography in capturing paranormal presence, but I see games like "fatal frame" can did it a lot better and have more mysteries to be invested. Moreover, what I think is lacking from this film is the characters and act. I really cannot sympathize with the family at all and how they act throughout the film. One of the most disappointing character is the paranormal expert and the demon. First of all, I wanted to say, that a good paranormal expert can carry the movies through their success. Insidous movies even got so invested on their own that they decided to make a special film about the paranormal expert. But in this film, I almost wanted to scream that you will be scammed by that paranormal expert. She was very unconvincing somehow and not so interesting. *I even felt nothing by the time she died at the end of the film*. The demon that appear as antagonist doesn't feel very threatening and dangerous as well. It failed to bring sense of danger and suspense to the film. In the end, I do not think it is a good movie. I will not recommend other people to watch it. However, if you wanted to try it, please do so. Personally, I will watch other film if I wanted to get scared and thrill. I just hope that Aura will not be a sign of what horror movie in 2018 will look like. I already have high expectation since I watched Hereditary.
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Slow and dull
kevincraigmagic1 April 2020
The premise is quite good but the execution is poor.

None of the actors can actually act. This may be due to the script with is poorly written and even more poorly dramatised.

I found nothing redeeming in this film at all.
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It Hurts
nogodnomasters22 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Mitch (Shane Taylor) and Diane (Janine Nerissa ) move into his deceased uncle's home. His uncle was into Kirkian photography and photographed people's auras. His sister Karen (Denise Moreno ) was photographed as a child and has a very black aura and has been locked up since that time. Mitch takes it upon himself to investigate the family secrets.

The film had a plot that is familiar in any exorcism film and a very predictable ending. The execution of the film could have been better and I hate the demonic voice distorter. Give me some clever dialogue.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. No subtitles.
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It's boring
missveramuil7 October 2021
So I watched the first 20 min. It's not only a cliche, it's a terrible rip-off from every other serious exorcisme movie. The difference comparing to those, bad actors, bad scenery and lower then low budget. It's not even funny.
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Convoluted Mess
wandernn1-81-68327420 January 2021
I guess low budgets do have their downfall. This movie was bad. Predictable, boring. A real waste of time. 2/10
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Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen
davidduartemodesto21 October 2021
I registered on purpose just to be able to write that I have never seen ANYTHING worse than this.

If anything, the directors, writers and actors have to be possessed themselves because nobody can create something this bad when mentally sane.

Worst acting I have ever seen. And the script? Wow. I can't even choose what is worse because everything literally sucks.
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szabopatrik-1965925 October 2021
A couple discover Kirlian Photography apparatus in their new house. Intrigued by the concept of photographing peoples' Auras they unwittingly release an ancient evil. Only the local psychic can help and she knows far more than she reveals.
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Worst reviews ever!
zoragoth-112 March 2023
"Worst movie ever!. Bad acting!" The majority of the reviewers need some lessons in how to review movies! Just because one doesn't care for a film doesn't require one to sh** all over it. Saying a film is bad or the acting is bad without specifics is the same as saying nothing at all.

Actually, several of the performances in this film were quite good. I thought Rula Lenska made for a compelling presence while Denise Moreno as the possessed Karen effectively created some moments (especially in the car with her brother - if you've seen it you know what I mean) that were among the creepiest I've seen in recent memory. Music and photography were quite good too.

My main complaint with the film was the ending which, though logical, was entirely predictable (and Shane, the brother, should have foreseen it himself).

All told, though, this low budget film made clever use of its resources and, if not entirely successful, had enough elements to make it well worth seeing. It had few special effects and did not need to rely on them. It's certainly not slow or boring (especially at 80 minutes!). Those sharing that opinion need to develop an attention span.
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Horrible Horror
onesweetday15 February 2022
Horrible acting, especially Janine Nerissa.

Predictable, poorly filmed, missing storylines, no scares, bad special effects, and much more...a waste of time.
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Aura all the review here
jeffreyc-325672 September 2019
Guess all the reviewers who watched this movie got it right. I gave it 3 stars low rating. Too many films on that genre as it is. Just a time filler really. Peace out from jacey.
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Nearly speechless
rmkdec4 April 2022
I was fascinated with this because I was thinking to myself at times it was reall y ok and then at other times I was wondering why did they get some things so hysterically wrong.

The really bad American accents of a British cast who are all in suburban England and even speak about dollars. Whose insane idea was that.

I just had to watch it because it had some weird hold over me making it mildly enjoyable. Bless Rula Lenska haha.
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