If You're Gone (2019) Poster

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flickaustralia17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, I wanted to like this. But the plot and ending was really disappointing. I didn't feel like I got a lot out of it.

The reason he was gone was not really good enough, and trying to show the process of grief was just messy in the way the plot was. If he was actually dead, or gone back to his old life, that would have made more sense. But the ending.... what? The whole plot could have gone so many different directions and it would have been better, I feel like it just fell flat.

The acting didn't really bother me actually. I just wanted more out of it. Especially being a faith based movie.
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Not totally clear
minunimion24 October 2022
My score is because some reviewers, who really don't know what to do, except trying to ruin movies, gave a stupid score from 1 to 3.

I'm not saying it's a great movie, but worth of 6 stars at least.

Many, not really intelligent reviewers never think the efforts that someone put to try to realize a movie. Many people involved, long time to plan, to shoot, even if it was just few days of shooting, behind that there was a lot of work and not easy at all. Those reviewers don't understand anything of what there is behind a movie. They just criticize, judge and they feel proud of giving 1 or 2 stars, many times without any good explanation. Sometimes they write only... the worst movie ever... this is the proof that they are brainless. No intelligent person would say something stupid like that.

Anyway this movie is not completely clear, it let you with many questions, even though the movies not always have to explain everything, sometimes you have to think with your brain and even you have to give your answers.

However the acting and also directing was good. Maybe something could have been changed, but in the end it wasn't bad at all and there were some question marks about what it really happened. The end probably won't be accept easily and I can understand that, because I found myself wondering why the movie ended in that way, it was possible to end it in another and maybe better way.

So many people don't believe in God and for them God is uncomfortable and this is interesting, because they are so worried that they are ready to condemn a film just because they hear talking about God. It's so funny, because even if they don't believe, they will be judge and as it's not a joke, it won't be just getting 1 or 2 stars as they are used to, it will be something completely different, I'm sorry for them.
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A Tough One To Review
mineralessentials11 May 2024
It seems that many viewers struggled to review this film, as I did myself, simply based on the unexpected ending. I started to skip this one, until I decided to research the individual for whom the film was dedicated. I was glad to have made the effort as it sort of 'humanized' the overall investment and sacrifice of many just to make the film, thus shifting my perspective from deflated emotions to a more balanced objective. That being said, I give the movie a solid '7' overall for the creative and talent componants, and the forging ahead to complete and bring it to market, as I can imagine the challenge for some in moving forward following the tragedy of a beloved member. As far as recommending, I would probably only do so if by prefacing that the viewer research facts revealed afterwards as I did. I would also highly suggest that they not attempt to do so prior to watching the film. Lastly, I came to final conclusion through writing this, that sometimes, life just doesn't make sense, and we're left to adjust to the truth that "it is what it is" and that's all it is.
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Terrible Ending--SPOILER ALERT
rge851230 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When Brad is finally found, his former girlfriend, who is supposedly the hero, gives him a completely impossible choice. He must immediately leave his dying biological mother, risking her death while he is gone, or she will just break up with him forever, although "forgiving him." At least she gave the ring back.

Instead of a true reunion between his two families, perfectly plausible under the circumstances, it apparently never occurs to either of them that a compromise could be reached in any case. His bio mom was clean now, and needed him. His adopted family clearly would have understood, and might have even been willing to help the biological mother in her last days. .

She also completely forgives his brother for totally deceiving her repeatedly, but not Brad, who she said she would have loved forever if he had only been honest. Yet both had good intentions in their lies. Do I detect a bit of hypocrisy here?

I can only hope the book was better. But the movie was a hideous example of Christianity. Oh, and I forgot her best friend since childhood abandoned her totally for awhile because she was in such grief that she could not function for awhile. She was to either get it together or forget the friendship. Great friend.

Worst movie ever on UPTV, which usually has better religiously themed movies than Hallmark. This one was more like something on "Frightful family and friends" night on Lifetime.
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Nothing but a bunch of whiny teenyboppers
whazzupskippy2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This "movie" should have been 30 minutes long. Horrible parade of crybaby girls and law breaking boys. The boy was a jerk, and we're supposed to care about his dying drug addict alcoholic mother who threw him away when he was 10 years old? If she had died alone she would have gotten exactly what she deserved. And the idiotic teenybopper girl didn't care about his past? Your past is a part of you whether you like it or not. And his past caused him to do what he did. Other than that it doesn't make any sense why he refused to tell anyone where he was or what he was doing. His friends and adoptive parents suffered for close to a year while he tended to his pathetic mother. And oh, by the way, why couldn't his brother have taken care of her? Movie had so many twists and turns that made no sense at all.
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oh boy
rianecorcoran19 April 2020
This movie was a terrible waste of 1hr and 54 mins of my life. The acting was terrible, so very hard to watch, although the movie did have a great plot, i wish it didn't seem like a grade12 film project. I've never made a movie review before but i felt the need for this one to warn anyone even considering taking the 2hrs out of their day. We are all currently in quarantine and I would rather watch paint dry than ever watch this movie again.
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Very Good Heartfelt Movie
LJEANH15 June 2020
A very good movie. Not sure why some are so against it. There is some Christian themes, prayers and church scenes. But it not an overly, in-your-face 'Christian' movie. The turning to God when faced with tragedy was very believable and not exaggerated. It's a movie for the entire family...nothing objectionable. Sure, some of the acting wasn't that great. But, overall I really enjoyed it and recommend it. And, I was very happy with the ending...no spoiler...just think it was a great way to wrap everything up.
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What did we just watch..!
bilzandchris24 April 2020
Wish I read the comments below earlier. The movie dragged on and on and the twist was just stupid. Do not waste 2 hours of your life. Just not worth it.
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Profoundly disquieting movie
michele_hixon20 May 2021
This movie deals with some rough themes. I was so ticked and confused at everyone for reprimanding Lil for not moving on. Then feeling at a loss at the end of the movie. God, please help people that cannot find loved ones, especially in their feelings of isolation, confusion and lack of closure.
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3 stars is generous
Terrible movie, slow paced, bad unbelievable script, and it plays like the typical low budget christian film. I can't fathom how this film has a 6.8 star status unless church groups have asked their congregations to come on here and give it high stars. There is no other explanation
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Goodie 2 shoes + sappy + religious
fasst-813124 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really long and drawn out has very little interesting action. Just some girl who apparently fell in love with some dirt bag and he skipped town...
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Worst movie I have ever seen
kathyvivas19 February 2021
Terrible movie do not waste your time watching this.
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jagriffen24 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a major plot hole, that overshadows and spoils the rest of the plot. His adopted family knew he had another family. And they didn't bother to tell the police. And the police investigators didn't bother to call his actual family. And then went through this whole overstated drama of declaring him missing. For heavens sake he left a note and went to see his dying mother. The kid did nothing wrong. Law enforcement and his adoptive family created that problem through their own lack of depth of research. Then his girlfriend dumps him for not wanting to leave his dying mother. Don't watch this movie. It's ridiculous.
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Touching movie
metresa19 March 2021
I loved this movie!! It definitely touched on reality of a real life event. There's so many teenagers in the world who never know Jesus due to never being brought up in church. Well worth watching!
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What was the point?
herrcarter-9216114 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Christian movie was a big disappointment. I'm a Christian, so I do appreciate clean, faith-based movies. I also realize that Christian movies are mostly low-budget, so I give them the benefit of the doubt. But I was struggling during the whole movie to figure out what the point was. Why was I even spending nearly 2 hours of my time on this film?

I did like Masey McClain's performance as Lillian. You really felt her pain, fear and anguish as she tried to find her missing boyfriend, hoping, against hope, that he was still alive. The other performances in the movie were mostly duds. Oscar Mansky as vanished boyfriend Brad was particularly bad. I also think he was horribly miscast. He was supposed to be this former bad boy who had reformed. He needed to be a lot more edgy, but he mostly came across as a boy scout. There also wasn't a lot of chemistry between Brad and Lillian. I really wasn't feeling the love, even when he made the big confession that he loved her.

But my biggest problem with this movie was that, as a Christian movie, it lacked a really compelling Christian message. It talked about how Lillian had saved Brad from continuing down a bad path, and how her Christian friend group had accepted him. But you didn't ever see the effects of new-found Christian faith on his life. And his horrible past life didn't even seem that bad. So, he and his friends broke into people's houses and ate some of their food. Not very earth-shattering. The detective hinted at a serious rap sheet in his past, but gave no specifics. The story needed him to be a kid who had been into drugs, done some serious crimes and spent time in juvenile hall. If this was supposed to be a tale about his redemption, it was pretty weak.

Was this story mainly about Lillian dealing with loss? If that was the point, they should have found Brad's dead body, or they should have found him back with druggie friends, stoned out or something. But, no. They come up with this stupid, unbelievable ending, where he goes back to live with and support his dying bio mom. And so, he was never in any real danger. He was just a jerk, who never even thought to contact Lillian, his adoptive family or anyone, letting them at least know he was okay. Even worse was Brad's brother Chris. He participated in searches for Brad and even sought out and befriended Lillian, when the whole time, he knew exactly where Brad was and could have told them anytime. Why was he even in the story? You got the impression that he might eventually step in as Lillian's new boyfriend when Brad ended up dead or whatever. But no. And at the end, she didn't end up with Chris, or with Brad. And, after so much anguish and searching, and now finding Brad alive and still in love with her, she just rejected him! Sure, he should've told her where he was. But he was helping his dying mom. That's at least a somewhat noble excuse. How could she not get back together with the guy? If she had said, "Sorry, I don't love you any more", or "Sorry, I've moved on", that would be one thing. But she just left without explanation, mouthing a weak "I forgive you" out of his earshot. If forgiveness was the message here, that was handled extraordinarily badly as well.

So, this movie was a big miss for me. Weak production values. Weak acting. Weak screenplay. Those are a given with most Christian movies. But a faith-based movie not even delivering a coherent, impactful Christian message, heavy-handed or otherwise? That's pretty unforgiveable. Have the movie be about redemption. Have it be about grace. Have it be about forgiveness. Have it be about something, anything meaningful, for crying out loud! That's all we Christians expect from your movie.
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Better than expected
jkriashijr-928-13466126 June 2022
They could have cut about 30 minutes and it would have been better. However, the story was excellent and kept my attention. The main star, Macey McLane, who played the main character Lilian, was the primary reason it kept my attention. She was outstanding! She was the best actor by far. There was something about her. Very convincing and real. A beautiful young actress with a lot going for her. I'd like to see her in more movies. Breath of fresh air.
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owlsheart26 April 2020
This is an amazing movie. It is a must see, more than once. A very special movie. Watch it as soon as you can.
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Teen movie
irenemlz-1768329 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love how it deals with mental health. My teen and I saw this movie and it helped open up conversation about depression , grieve etc .Especially the part where Chris and Liliane discuss about depression and losing yourself. My son and I spoke about how to cope . We had a teen missing for a few days last year and our community was worry. So we related to the movie.i know most people think this movie was a waist of time but when you go through a scare of thinking you're losing someone you know. .. your perspective and views changes you. I hope people give this movie a chance and watch it. Thank.
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