Chelsea (TV Series 2016–2017) Poster


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Used to be better
muchado198430 September 2017
The first season I actually liked - a little politics mixed with celebrity but now in the second season it's almost all about bashing Trump to an ad nauseam. I think we get the point, but there isn't really much else to the show. Also, getting children dressed up and behaving like adults to go on about Trump in my opinion is tasteless - like a gong-show circus event. Once a joke has been told, or a point has been made, you can only tell it so many more ways before it becomes irritating. Ironically, bashing Trump in the way she has been doing lately, doesn't necessarily make her any better than Trump. The behaviour and style is just as brash and vulgar - it's just the other side of the coin.
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Love it
sarahcavalier13 May 2016
I joined IMDb specifically because I wanted to praise CHELSEA.

I love how Chelsea is doing something completely different. No talk show is 3 days a week, no talk show can is made for Netflix to watch at your own leisure. It's so incredibly modern.

Chelsea Handler gets a bad wrap sometimes. I was reading some reviews on the show and the New York Times and the first review on IMDb I read seemed to hate on her. I had to stop and let everyone know that they couldn't be more wrong. Besides if you are everyone's cup of tea you are NO ONE'S CUP OF TEA! She is killing it and doing something so incredibly fun.
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Love it !
kolczyk-zielony18 November 2016
Love Chelsea, love her sense of humor, love the way she makes fun of herself as much as of her guests. The show is not for everyone of course , for me the first 2-3 episodes I wasn't sure if I love it or hate it :D I like that the dog is on the show, I like that there is no censure on the show and people mostly talk like normal people - which means they swear sometimes :D Oh and i like the dinner party's on the show, love the way they are having a conversation. And children's corner. Well I like everything on this show. As long as you have some distance to yourself and understand that she is a comedian after all I think you will enjoy it :)
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Too much hatred and whine
aminohelix1 November 2017
I watched a few episode of the show.

It has too much whine, hatred, and negativity.

Chelsea probably better be a Canadian than a comedian.

Just saying.

Good luck with the show.
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Honestly the Best Show ever Love love love
agataedinburgh23 April 2017
This is one of the greatest pieces of TV! This is by far one of the best shows. Chelsea Hander is a perfect combination of smart, funny and sexy and so is her show. I am happy to see that we finally have a female lead on TV! This show could easily compete with Real Time with BM. To me, Chelsea it's even better. The only negative comment is that I did prefer the three times a week format - only because it was more air time!
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Two Thumbs Down
sinatrafangold11 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit, I don't really know who Chelsea Handler is. I saw bits of her here and there on the E channel, I tried to watch her Netflix 4 episode show. Now she has a talk show and I just can't relate to her. She brags about how she never went to college, and every time she opens her mouth it shows. She sounds like an older airhead Valley Girl. She even has that airhead catch in her voice.

She couldn't name all the continents. She guessed that there are 365 days in the year might have something to do with the sun, but she wasn't sure. She brags that she never had kids, like it's a badge of honor. She mentioned that she's wealthy a couple times, like those are her credentials instead of having a college degree.

There's a very unfeminine edge to her that I find very off putting. That when she opens her mouth, her brain isn't involved with the words that come out. How she got a talk show is beyond me. If you look at every talk show host, they all have one thing in common. Way above average intelligence. Chelsea isn't stupid, but she's certainly out of her league here. She needs the airhead audience she had on E, and she's bitten off more than she can chew on Netflix.

Added later: I watched the episode with Gwyneth Paltrow, who I really like. So what does Chelsea do? Inserts a 7 min video of herself in some extremely boring Spanish acting class. It felt 20 min long and took away from Gwybeth's time on the show. Chelsea is a piece of work, I don't get it. Do people relate to her airheadedness, is that it? Cause I'm just bored.
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Great Leap for Talk Shows
hassansharifi-8134419 October 2017
Hello Chelsea,

When I think of great US talk show hosts, you think; Letterman, Leno, Ferguson, Colbert, Conan, Steward, Oliver, Noah, Fallon, Kimmel and many others. Chelsea is the first female talk show host I've come across and

I lost the energy and the will to continue writing a long paragraph of how awesome this show is and how good Chelsea is (edibles). To put it simply, I never thought of a woman when I thought of talk show hosts, Chelsea has broken through my previously limited imagination and I truly hope as time goes by the entertainment industry will start giving more opportunities to such talented women like Chelsea Handler. As a male viewer, I enjoy the hell out of this show, she's funny, intelligent, and has her own kinda Craig Ferguson sexual jokes thing. Sometimes it's not done right by women, just ending up being an unentertaining female version of a frat boy, and no one likes a loud vulgar frat boy. And her politics, genuinely think she's up there with Colbert. She has her own DNA to everything like everyone just spends time on the dumb stuff Trump is up to (your US Executive is now a reality show for people overseas now btw), but she engages the audience in matters of cybersecurity, wages, and I just realised this ended up being a long paragraph. ANYWAY, thanks for being an awesome woman that can talk politics and joke about without secretly wanting to punish men by sticking an ice-pick in our pee-pee holes. Also, one last thing, love how you're moderate or that's how I see you at least. Ironically, Americans are extreme on everything. One more thing, usually topless women are seen as 'vulnerable' or whatever, but with you damn, you make a topless woman intimidating. Also, I'm 19 and DAMN I wouldn't mind looking like you when I'm 40, and yes I'm a guy, but dayum, call me?
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An intolerant person masquerading as a comedian
djg3251425 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I kept hearing about her and I have had Netflix for years so I decided to check it out. I saw the rave reviews here. Not what I expected. Not funny. Just another know-it-all who thinks the world revolves around her. Happy for her but not my cup of tea at all. My impression was of a bully hiding behind her calling herself a comedian. Very narrow minded, bigoted and ignorant individual. I watched an episode during which she proclaimed she would move to Spain. Poor Spain. Then I watched an episode during which a crying Handler felt she had a responsibility to stay and fight on. I am a vet. Maybe she should enlist in the military. Just what the world needs, another ignorant person pretending to be smarter than her viewers.
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Chelsea if your not better than this, then move on.
nickelcharlie22 September 2017
Dear Chelsea,

I watched the episode when you were in India, because I was curious and thought I could relate to you for may reasons. But then you turned out to be a racist. What's up with that? You can't go to India (even if the idea is that India will change you) and participate in a show that almost seems to exploit you. Or perhaps you're exploiting yourself? When you visit a country outside of the U.S. then you should represent our country as an ambassador, a person who respects or at least is open to other cultures. Your lack of understanding just makes you look stupid rather than funny. I hope you are an intelligent woman who was misdirected. There are so many young minds watching you. (Do you care?) The episode I watched was the unhappy story of a part time alcoholic who was out of her place, and utterly lost. For some that could be funny in sort of a pathetic way. But I think you could do better, for yourself and for the people you represent.
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Okay concept... Terrible host.
rattenkonigin23 September 2017
I have to say that I don't hate that show. I like the concept, I liked most of the guests and some of the topics. It is a show you watch if you want to waste some time. However, what really distracts from the show is the terrible host. I know some people like her and everyone has a different taste but in my opinion she is disrespectful, unfunny and unlikable. She thinks that her opinion is the only one that matters and that anyone that disagrees with her is stupid. This makes her come across as very arrogant. This would be " okay" if she was funny! Her jokes are old and her delivery is poor. I started the show not knowing who she was and had to google her because I wanted to find out, why Netflix would hire such a unlikeable person?

I think get rid of her, get a new fresh face and reboot this show with a different host. There are a lot of talented female comedians out there that can do a better job.
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a good reminder
pmarlin14 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Chelsea handler is like that annoying drunk chick who hung around your group in high school. She wasn't really friends with anyone in particular, but she always had weed and her parents were always out of town, so you put up with her obnoxious behaviour. Unfortunately, high school ended and the rest of us grew up. Somehow, Chelsea managed to retain that irritating inflection in her voice coupled with the lispy slur of of a Santa Barbara realtor at happy hour. Her apparent struggle with the English language destroys any potential the writers gave her. She stumbles through lines with the comedic timing of a 2nd grader reading Catcher in the Rye to the class. Ironically, she brags about her lack of education as her writers have her insulting "stupid people". Without all the help shes getting, her show would be nothing more than herself and Courtney love slumped in a chair snorting crushed up Fentanyl and drinking pink wine from a sippy cup. On the upside, Netflix has clearly given her their blessing and pressured other Netflix actors into appearing as guests. If you're able to stand listening to handler for an entire episode, there's a good chance you'll see 2 or 3 relevant and surprisingly impressive guests. If she was able to shut her annoying mouth for long enough that the guest could speak without interruption, I might even watch another episode (spoiler alert: I tried, and she wasn't). As it is now, she's either too confused or too self-absorbed to carry on a conversation about anything more complicated than her love for women, drugs, and alcohol. As someone who also appreciates those things, you'd think she'd be a hit. She isn't. We get it Chelsea. You're a woman and you're a vile addict. Hilarious. Almost as funny as 60-year old Dice Clay who's been trying to revive that same routine for 30 years. Stop interrupting with unintelligible nonsense and let your guests salvage this disaster of a show. There's so much potential for a show like this. The format, writing, guests, and platform are all spot on. Unfortunately, they chose a toxic host who destroys anything good that might have come from it.
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Bad enough to consider cancelling Netflix
manyland-5630015 February 2018
How in the world can anybody give this complete whack job a platform for her own show??

Seriously Netflix?

Crap like this seriously makes me wonder if I should be spending money on Netflix.
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Almost liked it
seraichyk24 December 2022
I liked Chelsea Handler. She's very liberal. I'm very liberal. I like her swearing, and we seem to hate the same people. Just watched a bit of the episode where she is playing with a dead pig body. Sorry...too far. No reverence for life...and just really vile. Won't be watching or recommending anything she's involved with. Wonder how she'd like someone slaughtering her dog, then laughing as they cut him up and play with the body? She's just gross and unkind.

I need 600 characters: Speciesism is wrong.

Watch Dominion.

Pigs are smarter than dogs.

Chelsea is rude.

Choose something else to watch....
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Wow.... just wow
I assume this has been canceled. Cause this is truly one of the most interminable and awful shows I've seen. Just a terrible terrible show that you should actively avoid if you have any brain cells. 😂
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Chelsea is a rude arrogant POOR interviewer!
admbland24 July 2021
This is good for the guests .. her on the other hand!! OMG Abrupt! Rude! Blunt! Ignorant!
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Don't waste your time.
calog2519 August 2021
If I could give this show a -10 rating I would. And that is MINUS TEN! Such complete and utter drivel/RUBBISH! Not your best work Chelsea.
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