She Was So Pretty (2016) Poster

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Hard to sit through but for wrong reasons...
bloodandco-eds4 September 2016
I watched this movie last night at Days of the Dead in Louisville after seeing it heavily hyped throughout the day. I appreciate the effort that went into the movie but I left unsure of what the movie was trying to accomplish. It tried really hard to establish itself in too many sub-genres along the way to really gain a foothold in any of them. The main character was a creepy guy, there's no doubt about that. He has this Jeffrey Dahmer vibe about him from a physical standpoint. The music was decent, and the way it was shot made me hopeful... But it was all downhill from there. For a movie that promises to be so gritty that you'll need to take a shower after watching it, I left feeling more like I needed to drink a Jagerbomb to recoup my motivation.
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Good music ... terrible everything else
greenlantern-3574313 July 2016
In the opening moments of the movie we are treated to 33 seconds of a close up on the main villain's tongue, clumsy, awkward and unnecessary, it sets the tone for the entire movie. What follows is a strange sequence of terribly acted and poorly written dialogue in scenes that do little to build tension. The actors, if you can even call them that, don't seem to understand how to deliver any part of their awkward dialogue. The music while i feel is good is set much louder than the rest of the movie further highlighting the poor sound quality of of every other aspect of the movie. The camera work varies in quality wildly from the poorly framed an shaky shots outside to the excellently framed indoor shots in the later half of the movie. Overall ... terrible movie.
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Not so pretty
timlin-49 July 2016
Poorly made: bad camera-work, bad sound, bad pacing, and acting that certainly could be better. The villain does come across as pretty creepy, especially since he keeps his mouth shut, but the movie drags on too much in home movie fashion for there to be any tension. Viewers also aren't rewarded with the violence and gore that they expect for investing their time watching low quality horror. Though the characters of the victims aren't developed in the slightest, the movie does sort of make the supporting role of the cop interesting. His confrontation with villain provides a resolution to the movie that is not very climactic, or intelligent, but that could be described as droll. Not a terrible movie, but it doesn't make up for its shortcomings enough to be worth it for the viewer.
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If College Teens made a movie on their iPhone. Without Trying.
cjs65475 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so maybe everything is not strictly unprofessional. Would have been more entertaining otherwise. But the occasional tunes aside, its pretty bad. You could not imagine a more monotonous movie with sporadic scenes of gore. It's worse than watching your friends' vacation videos. Really.

Who is giving it all these raving reviews and why? Throwback to 70's horror? How? You mean like Halloween, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Last house on the left? Absolutely not, they had an actual plot, an effort put into sound, lighting, cinematography. One could SIT THROUGH those films without getting impatient. If you mean those direct-to-DVD slasher flicks, well they still make 'em with plenty of blood and guts and sex so no body has any reason to watch THIS.

The movie before I dozed off was this: there's this socially awkward weird guy, only he doesn't look socially awkward, just looks like a geek who was told to stay quiet and stare at everything. We get extreme closeups of his sickly face. He likes to watch pretty girls, smell their clothes, put their bubble gum in his mouth, stalk them, chase them, stab them, cut them up, brush his teeth with (their blood?). Oh, sounds like a treat, I know. But it's not a treat to watch.

He sets his sights on this bitchy-faced skinny teen who was doing her laundry and now has gone to the country somewhere with guys who look like they don't belong anywhere near her social circle. He follows them and more awkward shots and random gore ensues (I think?)

I was tricked by the decent rating on IMDb, as I am sure others will be. The only solace is that it's not that well known (at least around here).
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mjazzguitar-800-189702 January 2022
When I want to take my girl away from it all, I take her out to a quarry where everyone dumps their trash and me and the other guy I'm with throw stones in it.

When she gets kidnapped, you think things might get a little more interesting. But she doesn't scream, or even try to talk to her abductor. He doesn't say anything, either.
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I don't know what movie everyone else is watching. This isn't good
buckeyefreak4 October 2016
Starting out it is very evident the length of this film is to be considered a home movie. That is the mediocre vibe I got from the whole thing. The audio is an easy 1/10. Its very clear no mic is present other than what is on the end of the camera in use. Don't even try to make out what most of these actors say on screen.

I didn't find the films villain to be much creepy at all. More like a weird guy making gestures his actor isn't very comfortable doing. Which is laughably all it is - gestures. He hardly has any lines. You'll find many dull closeups of him and his few wardrobe changes throughout the film.

This film wouldn't be so boring if it did not try to create a 70's horror vibe so much. The quality ruins it all. As everyone is saying, its true, the soundtrack is the only worthwhile thing here that saves this and gives it a one star worthiness.
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robotsmakebadpeople13 July 2016
I wish I could say that this was a good horror film, however it is not. The acting is no good. The scenes aren't put together well. In one scene the antagonist has a beard, and then in the next scene he is clean shaven, and then the scene after that he has a beard again. I couldn't connect with any of the characters. The story line felt stagnant, and the overall pacing of the movie felt off. This movie lacks any appeal that I get from horror movies. This movie lacks what even some under budget B movies provide. I honestly couldn't even finish the movie. The main character may have been "So Pretty" but she is definitely not cut out to be an actress. 1/10 I would not watch this twice, or once completely.
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Technical issues overshadow anything good.
HorrorFilmHellion8 July 2022
Applaud the effort, but unfortunately the drastic audio problems with the dialogue make this unwatchable. The jittery cam didn't help the situation. Otherwise, this would be a watchable PG (or maybe even G) rated zero budget entry. Nothing clever or spooky.. and nothing really jumped out at me at all, save for some occasional good synth rifts and having a VHS collection of Casper the Friendly Ghost as a prop. It kind of drags for the second half, with nothing noteworthy or daring going on, with what must be the most boring kidnapper in cinematic horror history. Overall, the technical issues overshadow anything good here.
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Drive-In 70s Horror Done Right.
darlingtonhorrorshow13 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
She Was So Pretty starts off fast paced, with a killer soundtrack. It feels gritty, and dirty. It is reminiscent of those 70s torture horror flicks like Last House On the Left without the over the top sexual torture. The pacing in the film makes you feel the dread, and places you on creep-filled adventure with a serial killer.

I love how the movie is shot. The cinematography alternates between a nervous stalker cam that showcases the uneasiness of a voyeur, and a smooth professionalism, once the killer is in his comfort zone. Knowing this film had little to no budget, shows how creative the filmmaker is. There are moments in this movie that feature shots, and lighting, I have never seen in other films.

Jerry Larew is perfect as serial killer, Alfie. His mannerisms, and the look in his eyes, says it all. Whitlee Flinn, as Valerie, does a beautiful job showing fear, and emotion. With little dialogue she still manages to give us more than most victims. Chris Parsons, as the local cop, shines too. His ability to make us like him, and hate him, in the same sentence is a real gift.

If you enjoy indie drive-in horror, serial killer flicks, or a soundtrack-driven pace, then She Was So Pretty is a must watch. It's gritty. It skips that polished Hollywood slickness, and gives horror fans that dirty feeling we have been searching for.
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Highly creative and entertaining
godsgllc10 July 2016
This film took all the elements of great horror and left the viewer wanting more. Suspenseful and thought provoking Alfie takes one on quite a horror filled journey in his search for "the perfect companion " I found She Was So Pretty to be many things, among those were:imaginative, creative, creepy,thrilling, realistically frightening, uncomfortable, and humorous. A marriage of great horror all wrapped in a succinct and talent filled piece. The story line and characters were well thought out and believable.The Photography was colorful and unique. If you're looking for a retro style highly creative piece with an unusual edge She Was So Pretty has it all. I loved it!
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Serial Killer Creepiness
Stranger66613 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie expecting nothing, but what I got in return is a brilliant, directorial, first effort from Brooke Ewing.

If you go into this expecting a polished shiny CGI-filled movie, you won't be happy. If you understand that this is indie horror, made by a first-time filmmaker, on a shoe-string budget, you can begin to appreciate it, and fall in love with it.

The serial killer, Alfie, played by Jerry Larew, stands out as the future star in this movie for me. Every second he was on screen I was so excited to watch, and so creeped out, I could barely watch, all at the same time.

This movie feels vintage without it being forced. Yes it takes place in the now, but the hand held camera, the angles, and cinematography make it feel like horror felt in the late 1970s, or 1980s. There is not a lot of dialogue, and the soundtrack seems to move the plot all on its' own. I must own the soundtrack!

The blood and gore is not excessive. It suits the mood, and story. It's all practical FX, and looks really great. I think the use of lighting tricks really worked to their advantage. The lighting is really well done.

When the middle of the movie shifts gears it is a nice pacing change, and gives us a new character to decide to love, or hate. I think the acting seems natural, and I loved the cop character's delivery.

There are a few sound issues, but I think it suits the voyeuristic nature of the movie, and I can definitely overlook it.

If you like throwback horror, and you understand what making a movie with a small budget looks like, then She Was So Pretty will fit nicely into your collection. If your a big budget horror fan, you may be too blind to see the talent that this movie has to offer. I cannot wait to see what this filmmaker does next.
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New Movies, New Excitements!
kirawolf13 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this movie! I really felt as though I could feel what was going on. There is not a lot of talking through this film but that adds to the aesthetics so much more. I never thought I would like a movie that did not have a lot of dialog in it, but this movie showed me how great they can be. The way the main character portrays her fear through her expressions made me feel as though I needed to help her. I enjoyed the location of the film and the way it gave you an older style of movie quality. The lighting really added to the mood of the film and brought out that constant creepiness of it. This made me feel as if this could happen to anyone.
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Hell Yes.
blooddinerforever13 July 2016
Female Director. Out-of-the-box soundtrack. Filthy tones. Creepy lead.

I admit, I streamed this movie. When it was over, I ordered a physical copy. It is not every day you find a serial killer movie that makes you want to see a sequel immediately following the credits.

The lighting is innovative. The cinematography has a life of its own. There are some super negative reviews on here, but other than the sound issues when the characters are outdoors, it just feels creepy and, sometimes, fun.

I would recommend this to horror fans who like the pre-Paranormal Activity years.
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Throwback Serial Killer Horror At Its Finest
sleepwaveacademy18 July 2016
Big budget horror is taking over. Movies like Insidious, The Conjuring, and all the other Blumhouse franchises are filling up theaters.

Shiny perfect horror isn't for me. I prefer my horror a little on the gritty and trashy side. She Was So Pretty delivers the goods. A literal "No Budget" horror release from Dirt Candy Productions. When I say no budget, I mean, these folks spent like a couple years with their Nikon family cam, shooting vigilante footage, getting donated props and costumes, and casting everyone they knew. They didn't spend a dime.

Some people may see that as a flaw. I'm not that guy. I see it as dedication, passion and horror love. Are there editing flaws, sound issues, and dialogue problems? Yes. Do I care? Nope. Why you ask? Well, because they made it all work. They took all their strengths and used them. They knew that they had a heck of a light person on board, so they used those skills to make it look like a higher budget film. They knew they had some talented actors, so they allowed them to do some improv to feel more natural. They found amazing locations, and created realistic sets.

Most people can't touch what they made with $100,000, or more, let alone, $0. There is some out of this world talent involved in this movie. I am jumping on the Brooke Ewing fan train TODAY. Why? This woman has so many talents. I am so blown away by her ability to market this movie to larger crowds, and have it accepted. People were pirating this movie instantly. Not only that, when I found out she directed, was the cinematographer, the editor, and wrote the base for the script, I was IN SHOCK. Someone give this woman all the money and let her CREATE!

If you love horror with mood. If you prefer things like Suspiria, and It Follows to the high dollar movies in theaters, then this is for you. Is it slow paced? Yes. Does it make you feel dread? Yes. It's an emotional, sad movie. Give it a chance. Horror lovers, it doesn't disappoint.
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Feel like someone is watching you? They probably are.
nursemiller24 July 2016
I was so excited to see this film, and it did not disappoint. It incorporated so many of the things I love about the horror movies from the 70's and 80's- the films that you probably weren't old enough to be watching yet, and as a result, made a huge impression on you for years to come. The unusual camera angles, the pairing of the music with the visual scenes, the anticipation of the next gruesome act and the fact that just enough was left to the imagination- all came together to make an awesome and extremely creepy movie experience. Alfie is the ultimate serial killer- silent, disturbed, and deadly. I can't wait to see what Ms. Ewing brings to the screen in the future, and where Alfie's hunting leads him next. Don't devalue the creativity and heart put into this film by comparing it to the cheap scare, CGI-laden films we're inundated with constantly by the industry. Rather, it reaches the viewer by bringing back the currently underused and little-appreciated phenomenon of allowing them to use their imagination to put together the story as they see it. Wonderful work by the director, cast, and crew.
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Very Creepy Low Budget Film
zombies-388-3146473 November 2016
I saw She Was So Pretty with absolutely no idea what I was going to see. Honestly, as it started, I wasn't quite sure what I was watching, but I felt a distinctly unhealthy creepy vibe and decided to give it a chance. I ended up hooked.

Is it low-budget? Yes! Does it have issues? Yes! But it achieves what I think it was trying to achieve. It makes you uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. In a peeping tom sort of way.

The film reminds me very much of the vibe you get watching Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.

It draws an emotional response as all good horror should.

Nine out of ten stars.
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Great film!
BruceLeMaster5 May 2017
A great low budget horror film. I'm glad to see local people in WV following their dreams and doing something good. This movie brings in the 70s horror vibe, which is awesome. You don't want to miss out on watching it. I can't wait to see the sequel to it and see what Alfie is up too.
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So you like exploitation?
brandonrichards-6918216 February 2017
I will get right done to it. If you enjoy the look and feel of early 80s horror with a synth score, you will probably enjoy this film . It's creepy, atmospheric, and interesting enough to keep you glued. I don't want to just tell you what the film is about, just watch it for yourself. You won't regret it. I hope to see more from these folks.
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Indie horror at its best
marcelladelancret1 January 2020
I love a good serial killer movie This movie really had a lot of creative scenes. We really enjoyed this movie
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Slow Burn with a Must Have Soundtrack
thetoothfairyiswatching5 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I checked out the Days of the Dead Horror convention this past weekend in Louisville, KY. During the show I saw posters, and flyers, everywhere for She Was So Pretty. After attending the Indie Filmmaker's Panel, and hearing Brooklyn Ewing talk about making it, I decided to go to the screening that night. It was a packed screening room for sure. I had zero expectations.

Brooklyn Ewing has an eye. The cinematography was really creative. The light and color tones were rich and felt very late 70s/early 80s. The soundtrack was filled with lots of synth, folk, and even some rock music, and it was really refreshing.

After the movie I was kind of blown away. I found out they made the movie with no budget. Literally, $0. Ewing is real. Listening to her and lead actor, Jerry Larew, talk about spending a year making the movie made me love the finished product even more.

If you love indie horror, slow burn emotional horror, and great characters, don't miss this movie. I cannot wait to see what they do next. I am going to be one of the people to say, I told you so, when I see their names in lights.
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