Underwater (2015) Poster


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The uncut version
laduqesa14 March 2023
This film I watched was ninety three minutes long and expanded greatly on the kernel of the short film originally released. That didn't make it better, in fact what was added was padding to titillate the viewer.

The erotic scenes had very little interest for me as I'm not into the type of "actors" playing the parts. These scenes were grafted on and although they did change the short film's storyline somewhat but not its conclusion they were more or less unrelentingly redundant.

I found none of the actors could act. Indeed, some of them were pretty poor in the skin on skin department too let alone conventionally saying their lines.

Watch the short version. That might be a better use of time.
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a sketch
Kirpianuscus3 July 2016
as each short film, it gives a concentrate story. the young man and his frustrations. the desire to ignore reality and become part of a group. the passion for sport. the temptation. and the games who redefine old problems. the only answer. and, maybe, a new beginning. short, a decent film. sexuality, rules of closed group, confession and the hope to have a precise purpose who impose new way to discover reality. good acting,eroticism , portrait of an age tension, air of many other films about same theme.it is not easy to criticize it or admire. because all is wheel known. because, except the emotions, for a short period one of the virtues, nothing defines its specificity. after the end, the good impression becomes fragile. the mixture of cruelty, sexuality, allusions seem be too much. and the story of leading character - only a pretext. sure, not surprising. only the old - it could be better.
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Let it drown
Horst_In_Translation29 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Underwater" or "SwimBoy" is a British 23-minute live action short film from 2015, so still relatively new and what we have here is the most recent filmmaking effort as writer and director by Alejandro Sesma. Lets start with the cast including lead actor Jaxon Radoc, who is laughably called a talent. The actors here are either entirely inexperienced or adult actors like Radoc. This should tell you enough what to expect here. But the really sad thing is that the script and story are even way worse, so bad that not even gifted actors could have made it work. It starts tolerably and I would only call it a mediocre film until the cake scene starts. That's where it gets really bad. Oh yeah, the inclusion of the mother's death by drowning and the protagonist's swimming passion could not have been any more for the sake of it. And don't even get me started on that underwater jerking-off scene or the moment when he punches the antagonist in the face and we should feel happy for him for standing up to himself? Well, maybe we would have if the supporting character had not stood around the victim like retards. Oh wait, I guess that should symbolize that they weren't real friends with him either that they did not defend him right? God this film was a mess from start to finish. This is what happens when the filmmaker has the ambition like Cameron, but 1% of Tommy Wiseau's talent. Truly unbearable to watch. Not only is the story ridiculous, the way it is executed here is so free of talent that it actually mocks drowning victims and their families. If I was gay, I'd be offended by this being called a gay movie. Highly not recommended.
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