Ouija 3: The Charlie Charlie Challenge (2016) Poster

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a new game is played by a group of players in a haunted house
hotchocolatetb4 January 2017
if I could have given a minus 1 I would.thought this was a great looking horror movie but from the start knew I had made a huge mistake.couple of the males acted well but the women were terrible,the policeman unbelievable and the whole plot stupid.least favourite part was the phone girl,wanted to rip it out of her hands.the plot wasn't made clear and the introduction of a couple in a car made no sense.A former actor being bought back made no sense either.the masks worn by the haunted house males were actually very good. LOVE horror,this was only fit for the cutting room floor. it looks like an old film but isn't and with the right actors and an understandable story line it could have been so good
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Avoid for your own sake!!!
irene_j-892-28030422 July 2017
6.4 IMDb? Really..!?? I am a true horror genre fan, but this was absolutely unwatchable, terrible acting, I tried to watch it for 10 minutes, then I realised it was getting even worse, so I started to fast-forward it just to see if there is something interesting about it. Believe me, there's not! Keep away and don't waste your time...
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Amateur Night at the Bijou (Part 2)
dcarsonhagy6 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Lord love a duck, this one was pretty atrocious too. Whenever a movie (and I caught this on On-Demand) is advertised one way, and as soon as the movie starts it has a different title, that should be a HUGE red flag for anyone. Such is the case for "Ouija 3 - Charlie Charlie".

Hanging its false advertisement title on the "Ouija" series, this one is about some frat girls who decide to play the game "Charlie, Charlie" (scared yet?), and (of course) all but one winds up dying. Fast forward to a haunted house (which has opened in September) and you find the owner trying to decide on a way to make money since his haunted house is failing miserably. He decides to rent out his "haunted house" so individuals can play? look for? resurrect? or just mess with old Charlie. If you want to know anything else, you can waste your money (like I did) on this classic turd.

There are no redeeming qualities to be found. The acting, the direction, the effects, the script: they ALL suck. NR and just plain awful.
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Films Can't Get Much Worse
shawnblackman18 January 2017
A haunted house attraction isn't generating revenue so they try a new angle with people playing Charlie Charlie instead. This game is a Mexican Ouija board sort of with two pencils balanced on each other forming a cross. You then ask Charlie yes or no questions. Five young adults play the game unleashing the Mexican demon.

This film is by the far the worst I've seen. The whole setup is just crap. I don't know who would pay twenty bucks to stack two pencils and watch them spin but that's just me. Charlie is always an unseen force (a blue laser light sometimes) that goes around killing everyone. The score is ripped from Full Moon's films and the acting is crap. This thing makes no sense and the ending didn't help.
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savagerox-3916017 April 2017
Sadly there has been a wave of Ouija themed movies. Two mediocre major studio releases and two sub par independent releases (so far). I don't want to try to explain the plot because that would be of no real service to the reader. So the only spoiler alert you should be warned is this movie is just plain terrible. There aren't even good special effects to save this mess. I appreciate if the movie is laughably bad and this movie doesn't even have that going for it. If a movie is terrible but has the ability to make you laugh then it has entertainment value and this movie has none. It's 80+ minutes of my life I'll never get back. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!
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Awful, dumb and cheap.
MonsterVision9927 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Charlie Charlie" it's a horror comedy(?) directed by Derek Presley, this is definitely one of the worst films of the year, its cheap, dumb, uninteresting and boring. Its not even one of those "So-bad- they-are-funny" movies, it stops being interesting or laughable very early in the film, it then becomes just painfully awful.

The film tries to cash in on the success of the Charlie Charlie game, a game that became very popular in México, but has since then been proved to be just a waste of time, but that was in 2015, this movie was released in 2016 or 2017, which makes me think that it was stuck for many months in post production.

Everything its awful in this movie, the directing, the acting, the special effects, the writing, the plot, the characters, there isn't one redeemable aspect in this movie, you cant even laugh at the movie from being bad, its just annoying.

I don't recommend it, not even in an ironic way, there isn't an audience for this movie, its not even memorable, if you watch it, you will feel really bad for a while, and you will probably forget about the movie later, its not worth your time, not even if you are curious for knowing how bad it is.
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so very very awful
madgikar23 July 2017
I decided to watch this movie based on a IMDb score well over 6. I figure now that this was some sort of mathematical anomaly caused by the entire cast, crew and their families getting on and scoring it 10. I'm scoring 1 to try and help get to the 3 it richly deserves.

I won't bore you to death - I allow the movie to do that for me - but among the reasons you should skip this rancid pile of feline excrement are:

1. editing - not bad - looks like what a child who was short of time and didn't understand the role of editing is in a movie would approach it - numerous times when we see the same scene cut together but overlapping shots - e.g. the tallest of the muppets roped into acting places things into his hat, then cut, and he's then asking the other people in the shot for the objects he's just put in his hat... 2. continuity - a guys gives someone his jacket - throughout the balance of the movie we see him with the jacket on, without the jacket on - needless to say this goes with the person he gave it too as well... 3. acting - clearly not something the humans in the movie were trained. 4. script - there are scenes that make no sense - an entire story line of two people in a car that has nothing to do with the story. 5. special (and i mean "special") effects - a child with a free ap from itunes would find something that could create better special effects...

all in all - one of those movies you hate yourself for watching - and then run to IMDb to give it a review in the vain home that maybe this will justify it.

it didn't.
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mjjmolina6 January 2018
The movie is suspiciously titled as Ouija 3 and I thought it was another chapter in that movie series. That wasn't the case. Instead we are given a movie with poor acting performances, bad direction, weak story, and laughable production quality. The editing wasn't that bad and the music was a hit-or-miss at different points. I did however like the makeup job on the clown. Nicely done! Altogether though this movie was not worth my time.
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The film does not appear to be a sequel of the films of the series "Ouija - 2014"
danilodemelo1 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The feature film tells the story of a group of young people who decide spend a night in a house of horrors (who were suffering a crisis and in the attempt to leverage the business, decide to take the pack of the Charlie Charlie Challenge). The film does not appear to be a sequel of the films of the series "Ouija - 2014". In many moments there is a lack of logic for events to occur, leaving the plot very weak. There are no scenes that create an empathy with the characters, placing them as mere pedestrians, thus promoting a sympathy with them. The effects and visual for the spirits do not promote to the spectator a reaction of fear, fright, or even joy.
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A bad film with a silver lining
evelynpecikonis3 February 2017
The concept of this story is amazing! The idea of a failing haunted house owner trying to save his business in a last ditch effort is really cool.

Unfortunately, this film was marketed falsely as a Ouija film when it was a completely separate story. The direction was questionable and the main actor was not good.

The only redeeming qualities about this film are the cool location and some of the acting performances. The girl who played Sarah was really good and I loved both the actress and character of Gina. Such a good performance with what she was given. Sadly, all of the actors had stupid lines and were not given much character substance to work with. Great actors lost in a bad movie.
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Fun if problematic supernatural effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder25 June 2017
Stuck for a new challenge, the owner of a run-down funhouse invites a group of teens to play a game based on a dangerous new internet challenge, only to realize the inherent danger they've released is out to kill them one-by-one and must escape from the attraction.

This here wasn't all that bad of an effort. One of the better features here is where this one goes into a rather detailed and specific backstory for the game, which comes across rather well here. Basing their haunted attraction around the striking of the internet story is the kind of incident that would be exploited in the kind of manner found here where it's so slapdash and slipshod that the story he tells is flawed and full of holes yet still has a somewhat creepy setup that is somewhat plausible in this situation. Once that occurs, this one really picks up nicely with the action of the game really helping this one get a much stronger pace with the opening set-up in the dorm where the rather freaky action against the group inside giving this a great opening. Even the demonic ambushes against them while inside aren't so bad, as the high-energy scenes around the different parts of the house where it stalks the different workers gives this some creepy moments, and once they go looking for the owners it's filled with some solid suspenseful stalking scenes, from the swirling tunnels to the meat-locker filled with bodies they have to navigate through, while the sequences trapped inside the twisting maze give this some really creepy moments where the ghosts go on the offensive and start playing with the group. These here really help this one to overcome its flaws although there are a few problems here. The main issue is the low- budget nature of this one, where there's very little about this one that enhances the overall storyline here because the effects are so weak. The main spirit is a wisp of CGI that barely interacts with anything, the set looks cramped in and so slipshod that it makes for a weak setting and it all looks distractingly low-budget on the whole. The other issue here is that the overall storyline makes no sense, for there's nothing here about the game or what it means and why the demons are targeting the group which really tends to make the film rather trying at times with so many hard to follow tangents that don't really make this one all that easy to understand. The other big flaw here is the fact that there are plenty of useless inserts that don't serve the plot, from the interludes of the older couple at the location unaware of their plight which doesn't matter much to the scenes of the trapped group or the scenes of the other workers simply waiting around for their cues which are just completely unneeded here. These here are what hold this one back.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Misleading Categorization
taylordavison-684857 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is listed as a horror, but by the end, I thought it was a parody. The characters were hilarious instead of dramatic, with many of them being manifestations of stereotypical millennials. The screams and emotional acting were either overacted or underacted, which I suspect was on purpose. There was a scene where one of the haunted house staff came out from a corner dressed up as a mariachi. Everyone in my house burst into laughter. Even the way he was moving was hysterical. He didn't prance, skip, sneak, or walk past them. He moved smoothly, like he was on a skateboard! The deaths? Don't even get me started.... Each character that's scripted to be a red shirt, like Kenny from South Park, dies IN THE DUMBEST WAYS POSSIBLE. The Selfie Girl, at the end, somehow ends up with the pencils gouging her eyes out. I know it's implying that she started a new game when she called Charlie, her friend's name twice, but how can someone have that rotten of luck?! There's no way this was a sincere attempt at a horror film! If you're expecting a horror comedy, you've come to the right place! If not, look elsewhere!
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Far from spooky and far from fun
TheLittleSongbird9 August 2018
Saw 'Charlie Charlie' as someone with an appreciation for horror and who found the premise oddly interesting. Despite it not being a unique one and one that could have gone either way in execution, it sounded pretty decent and if done right could have made a guilty pleasure sort of film.

What 'Charlie Charlie' was instead was a very lame, if not irredeemable, film that did very little with its premise and its setting. The setting is the best thing about the film, to me also the only good thing, and is pretty creepy. Even that feels wasted, a shame because it was the one thing that was done pretty well and deserved better than what the rest of 'Charlie Charlie' turned out to be. Didn't get the sense as such that it didn't even try, other low-budget films seen recently have done a far worse job at that, but did get the sense that it didn't do what to do with itself.

The setting apart, 'Charlie Charlie' looks cheap. Photography was drab and the editing, while not incoherent as such, was sloppy. Faring worst were the special effects, their ineptitude and intelligence insulting cheapness being an assault on the senses.

'Charlie Charlie' was not menacing or threatening, actually veering on the goofy side of things. In all fairness the material was cheesy and lacking in suspense, and the action was not disturbing, brutal or scary.

Its obvious and over-bearing sound really annoys and hinders the impact of any scares or suspense when they are telegraphed when being built up that they become predictable. The music is forgettable and doesn't always fit.

Script constantly sounds stilted and even cheesier than a large cheeseburger. The story is dull, lacking in any kind of atmosphere, tension or suspense and insults the intelligence by how ridiculous and confused it tends to be.

No better news about the characters or acting, the latter being one of the worst assets of 'Charlie Charlie'. The characters are bland and obnoxious, either or and in a few cases both, with truly dumb illogical decision making that makes them and even the viewer stupid and make one endear to them even less (and you don't even like them in the first place). The acting is a bad mix of over-compensating and disinterested, the female cast are just terrible.

Overall, poor. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Waste of Time
pzct25 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This cover is literally lying to every single one of you Like, Holy crap, The cover lies to you. This boy never shows up, The deaths are stupid as hell, and here's the funny thing. The killer you see in this movie...is literally just a floating blue ball. That's how stupid it is. The only good thing about the film is the cast and how stupid this film is
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Should not have been made
adeleysim30 January 2019
This film is just awful. Everything about it is bad, from the lousy plot, to the poor acting, to the 90s effects. Low budget films don't have to let their budget define them, but this one sure did. It wasn't even so bad that it was good, it was just super bad. What a pain.
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Was this supposed to be a comedy?
vmalast24 November 2018
I, like another reviewer, lasted about 10/15 minutes. If this was supposed to be a comedy-parody it failed. If it was intended to be horror, epic fail. Once again, a film that was over acted, under acted and rarely acted. The writers mustn't have made it past the 6th grade (I'm being generous). Let's just include every stereotype in a horror movie and exaggerate those stereotypes in case the audience is dumber than a box of rocks. Epic fail! The only good thing was the makeup.
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Very low budget but still very watchable
michaelant55516 January 2018
I enjoyed this movie and I don't why it has such a low rating. Okay, it's a very low budget offering that won't win any awards for script or effects but it doesn't take itself seriously and it's a fun watch...just don't have your expectations too high. I would watch it again and that says a lot because I do not watch bad films twice. I haven't bothered writing anything about the plot because that's been covered in other reviews and I just wanted to reassure people that most films with a 2.4 rating are probably pretty frustrating and unwatchable but this one isn't. It's actually quite good for a really bad film.
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Wildly amateurish!
movingwater5 June 2021
Looks like a film school project. At least production values are passable. Well lit, sound adequate, pacing works. Passing grade for class project, but unacceptable as a commercial release.
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Pencil worshiping murder cult!
nogodnomasters15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Ouija 3: The Charlie Charlie Challenge" and "Charlie Charlie" are the same film. In spite of the title, there appears to be no connection to any other Ouija movie, let alone 2 of them. In fact at no time is a Ouija board used or the word even spoken. I guess every series needs its "Halloween 3." The film is based on the latest U-Tube/Internet craze which means it is geared for a younger audience. When two college girls are killed while playing the game, Gene 'The Ringmaster' (Tom Zembrod) has an idea for his failing "Hangman's House of Horrors." A small group of teens play the Charlie Charlie game in his establishment and...okay you know the rest.

The film was set up to be light horror entertainment. The sound track was whimsical horror and the dialogue was geared toward humor. Derek Presley manages to created a slightly witty non-horrific film with decent dialogue, similar to an 80's film that wasn't quite there. While the film has a few decent scenes, it seemed to drag. I loved the use of the coat hangers in the beginning, and the characters in general. The film lacked chemistry. What was with that parking lot scene? Why would you not have Marissa Chibli show more skin?

Guide: No F-words, sex, or nudity.
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it could be much scarier
nontasg22 July 2017
it should be a comedy horror movie and not only horror.the movie is bad from the side of horror but i found it funny. the video recording is bad but it gives a more realistic angle. the actors are bad and the scenario... i don't know if the game is made for the movie but it doesn't seems scary or realistic
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