You & I (2014) Poster


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Scenic Movie
fromdecatur-1012618 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Jonas is a photographer, ignoring messages from his girlfriend. He picks up his friend Philip at the airport for a planned trip. Philip is gay and Jonas is quite comfortable with that. The two lived together for 11 months in England, but haven't seen each other since. Philip is not sure what he wants to do with his life. Jonas asks him to move from England to Germany and live with him. He tells Philip that he needs him in his life.

They pick up a hitchhiker. Boris is Polish and both think of him as a little wild. Initially Philip seems jealous of how well Boris and Jonas get along. When Philip tells Boris that he is gay, Boris seems uncomfortable. Over the next few days Boris becomes intrigued and "hooks up" with Philip. The two become affectionate, to the jealousy of Jonas. This culminates in Jonas going into the shower and kissing a puzzled Philip and then walking away. When the three are having breakfast the next day Jonas tries to speak to Boris but can't get out what he wants to say. Philip says it for him: Boris, it is time for you to leave. Boris' reaction runs a large gamut of emotions...thinking it's a joke, letting it soak in, sudden tears, staring into Philip's eyes, looking several times at Jonas and finally understanding he is the odd man out. My perception is that this was Boris' first gay sex and it had become emotional for him.

The movie ends with Jonas and Philip setting up photographs for an exhibition, with Jonas rejecting several photos of Philip and Boris together. There is clearly affection between them. Whether that affection is romantic and sexual was not clear to me.

I found this a rather serene movie, with beautiful landscapes and locations such as an old building, beautiful manor, an impressive van. I think some descriptions of the movie may lead people to expect something more erotic or titillating, but it seems more a movie about friendship. It's much more about relationships that plot, though we learn quite a bit about everyone.
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Interesting Film
etiennestories31 December 2018
Whoever called this a "fetish" film missed the point. Two old friends get together for a road trip. And they do what men do, that is, engage in casual nudity, and one of them isn't shy about bodily functions. That much is obvious. What is less obvious at first, but becomes increasingly so, is the attraction they feel for each other. This attraction becomes more obvious when they are joined by a Polish hitchhiker, and the two men show, in various ways, their jealousy when the other man becomes too attentive to Boris. You have to watch this movie a couple or three times to catch all the subtexts. The film offers a lot more than the normal viewer might catch on a first viewing.
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Interesting to Fill in the Blanks
ekeby16 February 2018
I've read the other reviews here and am amused but not surprised at some of the descriptions. Some reviewers see motivation and action and inaction where others have quite different explanations of what's happened.

I find that to be perfectly understandable. Nothing is spelled out precisely for us in this film. There's an ambiguity to the characters' relationships that could easily cause different people to form different opinions about what happened. It's purposeful, and an interesting concept.

Two old friends (one gay, one straight) go on a camping trip and are having a rollicking good time. Then they pick up hitchhiker. You kind of wonder when the hitchhiker is going to turn out to be an ax murderer. Especially after the gay guy asks if his being gay is a problem for the hitchhiker.

It isn't.

This is a slender film that at first glance doesn't seem to add up to much. However, there is dynamic tension throughout the latter part of the film for reasons we're not quite sure we understand. The relationships are purposely somewhat vague and ill-defined, something I found to be an insightful take on modern relationships, especially gay relationships.

My initial reaction to the end of this film was WTF? On reflection, I get it. I liked this movie. It's deceptively simple-looking but there isn't anything simple about it. You know, like life.
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"Jealousy" allows you to discover what you really want
JJ-Chi17 February 2021
Not great ...but quite good. This film is a bit slow at times and not much happens for good part of the movie. But it is very well produced/structured; the scenery is beautiful and acting is top-notch!!

This film rings "true" on many levels and things develop naturally. Sadly, with three people; one will ultimately be left out! Life is hash.

I started this months ago and could not finish it. Re-watched it again and was pleasantly surprised how it developed in the end. I enjoyed this quite a bit.
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Slow but certainly not pointless
scottinhawaii-114 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you like your movies to spell everything out for you, this isn't your film. It is a very European style movie where you're told a snippet of a story. While the movie certainly has a beginning and end it's story arch goes beyond and much is left to your imagination. It subtly explores the laws of attraction and how fluid sexuality can be. Did they before? Will they again? Point blank questions of gay/straight get avoided. And sometimes your assumptions get proven wrong. Like many French movies in particular, it just kind of stops. You have to fill in the blank of where it goes next. But you are at least given a clear direction. Poor Boris.

It was better than 90% of the trashy gay American movies I've seen. And I've seen a lot. It also has production value well above average too. Nicely shot.
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Kirpianuscus26 September 2020
The first virtue of it is simplicity. Familiar pieces - friendship becoming love, a road trip , relations and their structure, slow rhytm and the character changing, step by step, the equilibrium, an open end and a film without the desire to demonstrate anything. I love it for the courage and art to be different, to propose, in natural manner, a simple and precise in details story, good acting and the fair development of facts. My favorit - the image of the window at the end of hall.
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Weird, bad acting and way too much skin!
johannes2000-11 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie seems to have no purpose whatsoever. It's clear that the makers had a classic road-movie in mind, but it never succeeds in giving you the real feeling of it (apart from the fact that the protagonists drive around the country in a mini-van). The (few) characters are all extremely unsympathetic, so you couldn't care less what happens to them, there is no noticeable "Werdegang" or catharsis, at the end everything is exactly the same as at the beginning.

Much has been said here on account of the abundant nudity in this movie. Well, I am not one to complain about male nudity (not me!), but even I like it to be at least functional (for not-functional nudity there are a zillion sites on internet to see). Here it is mostly unnecessary, from the over-extended skinny-dipping scene at the start of the movie, to the bizarre exhibitionist prank that Phillip plays on Boris and Boris's just as bizarre exhibitionist reaction, to the urinating in front of the camera. There's by the way a lot of urinating going on, I guess a psycho-analyst would have a ball in pointing out all kinds of Freudian motives in this movie.

The scenery is nice, like a travel-brochure for the countryside of Germany. But what was the purpose of going to the remnants of Carinhall, the country-villa of Nazi-VIP Hermann Göring, when nothing at all (except of course the inevitable urinating, in this case on the entrance!) is done with this in itself fascinating place?? There are more flaws like that in the script. What was the point of Phillip being an American? Or Boris being Polish? It seemed to serve no purpose whatsoever.

As far as the acting goes, with George Taylor (the gay one) it's hard to look beyond his frequently exposed naked body and his weird fits of pubescent elation. Eric Klotzsch (the straight one) has a more serious and thoughtful attitude but as a result he's a bit of a bore. And Michal Grabowski as the Polish pick-up is just annoying and non-descript.

In the end everything is - as I said at the start - apparently the same as before, so on the whole their journey, as well as this movie, feels like totally superfluous.
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Sort of gay road trip with a fair bit of nudity
t-dooley-69-3869166 May 2016
The synopsis of this short indie film is that Jonas, who is German and straight, has invited his British and gay mate Philip for a camping trip. This is ostensibly so Jonas can carry out a photography project. They head off in an old VW camper and Phil sort of finds any excuse to get his kit off.

Then they run into Boris who is a friend of Jonas' and he tags along. At first the chemistry of all three is thrown out by the new arrival but then Phil and Boris start to get along a bit too well and all bets are off.

Now as I said this is a fairly short film at 79 minutes and a lot of that time not very much happens, but that may be the point. It could be seen as a slow build up I suppose but it does not translate very well. There is some chemistry but it takes a while to rear its head. And despite a lot of nude bits being shown there is no real bedroom action either. In German and English too with good sub titles; this is a film for those who like their stories to be fairly simple and take their time getting there. I am still in two minds as to whether I really liked it so am giving the benefit of the doubt. However, this is one of those films I would not want to watch twice – so maybe try a rental option.
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80 minutes of emptiness
Horst_In_Translation30 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"You & I" is a German movie from 2014, so 2 years old now and it was written and directed by Nils Bökamp. At this point, it is Bökamp's most known work I guess, but let me say that it does not exactly work in favor of the filmmaker here and I cannot really imagine his other stuff is even worse. It is probably because this film is relatively showy. The dialogues are a mix of English and German and there are admittedly some solid and beautiful places where the action takes place. But this is the only positive thing I can say. The big problem is the plot/story and sadly this is so frequently the case in gay-themed movies. If they define themselves and their sexuality via equality, then why is it they still cannot make films in a quantity that does justice to the genre. Yes there are gay-themed movies of strong quality, but it is sadly just the exception. The film defines itself through the main characters being gay, but there is nothing of quality in terms of writing or character development. Instead the filmmaker tries to make it a quality watch by including nude scenes and full frontal nudity. Yes you can say that there are strong films that are very slow, but even these have almost always an interesting story line. Not so this here. If anything, you can define it as a road movie, but the problem here is that road movies also live through the people that the protagonists meet during their journey, but these are almost non-existent here. The cast is minimal and the fact that the two lead actors are far from the level to elevate the very underwhelming script doesn't help matters at all. There is nothing uplifting to say about the film at all. It did not feel authentic to me or relevant and it simply did not make any difference at all with regards to anything. I cannot recommend checking it out at all. I was lucky it is a relatively short work (under 80 minutes and this already includes closing credits). Bökamp still has a long way to go in my opinion if he wants to get anywhere near Germany's most accomplished filmmakers. Judging from this one here, I cannot see it happen anytime soon.
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Gently paced but good character study
drtimhill13 January 2018
If you watch this movie with certain expectations, you are going to be disappointed. Which, I think, is why so many of the reviews here are so polarized. You won't find the meaning of life in this movie. You won't find gay themed cliches or tropes. You won't find pretty boys strutting around. You won't find Hollywood-style "spell everything out for the dumb audience" directing. You won't find "the big steamy sex scene". But nor will you find the movie being coy about (European) attitudes to nudity and sex (something which clearly confuses several of the other reviewers here).

Instead, you will find, essentially, a movie about the way people muddle through the conflicting chemistry of friendships and relationships. These are not titanic conflicts, causing huge explosions or overly-dramatic scenes. They are the inner puzzles we have to solve as we grope through life. What DO I feel about someone? What DO they really feel about me?

The reactions of the three principal (well, only) characters are played out against a road trip background -- not a particularly new idea, but the director lets things unfold in a paced manner, just as they do in real life. Things are NOT spelled out here; the clues are all there, but the director (wisely) leaves the viewer to fill in the holes. This leaves us to puzzle out things from these imprecise clues in the same way the characters are puzzling out their lives.

The actors mostly do a good job, the Jonas character for me being the most filled out and well acted. Jonas (a photographer) is clearly using his camera as both a shield and a way to probe the feelings of his companions, but the director wisely refrains from over-doing this (to the point, I suspect, where some reviewers didn't even notice this). Philip is more direct, and apparently more shallow. Boris is in many ways the most ambiguous.

The movie is of course not perfect, and a few scenes didn't quite click for me, but overall the development was perfectly believable, and gently touching, though ultimately sad for at least one of the trio.

I said that this movie is about chemistry, and ultimately I think the movie is best understood in terms of a catalyst .. an apt term (check on Google if you're not sure of the precise definition), though what that catalyst is I shall leave you to find as you watch it.
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Self-indulgent fetish-film
Coralknight16 February 2017
Although there is a gay subtext to this particular road-trip film, it's definitely not for the mainstream gay viewer. No...this is a hard-core German fetish movie, specifically for a) people who "enjoy" a lot of scenes with men urinating b) gratuitous outdoor nudity with absolutely no premise other than to show out-of-shape men with small penises and c) that every straight man can turn gay under the right circumstance. While the chemistry between the two lead characters is supposed to be that of two best friends; one gay and one straight, neither comes off as believable...meaning they both come off as gay. And they all come off as does this film. When you have to resort to long periods of scenery and gratuitous nudity, you know your film is in trouble. Enough said.
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I loved it...very realistic, some buildup of drama, nothing dark
peerfactory24 November 2017
The movie is simple, but that is the magic of it, it doesn't seem to make any mistakes, you have to be in a mood to watch something that isn't an action movie, and isn't a drama with tons of drama up front. But that is why I liked it. The actors were all perfect in every scene, and even the dialogue, translated to English, seems perfect as well. Every scene that could have been cheesy, or predictable, or just plain trite, was instead very well done and seemed more real than what you would expect. There are long scenes where the actor has to stay in character for a long time before it is over, and that must have been difficult, each actor is very talented and they make the movie, of course. I didn't see any weak spots, but the movie is definitely lighthearted and tame and you feel like you're on vacation with them having fun, goofing off, until halfway through, it accelerates and becomes more serious and problems start to appear for the characters, but it all works really well. I wouldn't change anything about this movie and I would definitely watch it again, especially if I needed a movie that feels good but also feels very realistic and the performances seem real too.
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Whimsical and fleeting
tyvaughn0131 March 2020
In trying to be subtle and leave open ended questions for the viewer, the film ends up lacking a lot of depth into the emotions of the main characters. It is true that it leaves a certain vagueness that is akin to semi platonic relationships between straight and lgbtq persons.
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You, me and he makes three.
AyanaH5 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If someone were to ask me what the point of the movie is, I honestly couldn't say. To be honest, after reading the reviews here, I thoroughly expected to hate it. I thought it would be another exploitation film along the lines of Taekwondo: chock-full of attractive, oft-nude guys doing little to nothing for far too long a run-time. I was in for a surprise.

The story follows Jonas and his best friend Phil on a trip through the German countryside. If you're expecting a film about best friends falling in love along the way, that's not what happens here. At least, not quite. During their travels, they meet Boris: a youth from Poland, also exploring the countryside. He joins them in their van and shenanigans ensue. There is a fair bit of unnecessary and unimpressive nudity but nothing as bad as I feared based on previous reviews(at least compared to Taekwondo) and there's only one graphic shot of someone urinating.

This movie is rather ridiculous and pointless but I feel like that's the charm of it. The first part of the film is basically just Phil getting on Jonas' nerves, which I empathized with, and not much else happens until they meet Boris. That's when the dynamic changes and Phil's sexuality comes into play. Boris himself is a strange character prone to randomness. One minute he's tearing his pants off during an angry yet hilarious rant about Phil wanting to have sex with him and the next, he's flirting with Phil. Shortly thereafter, they consummate their attraction and then Jonas starts feeling like the third wheel. Or is it more than that? Truth be told, to the very end I was left wondering whether what subsequently unfolded happened because Jonas really wanted to be with Phil, and didn't realize that until he had competition, or he just wanted Phil to himself again. An argument can be made for either since the film provides very little conclusive evidence. Phil even asks but all Jonas does is smile.

As I said before, I didn't expect to like this movie and saying that I did might be a stretch but I didn't hate it. Was it enjoyable? Strangely, yes. It was entertaining, if only because it was so silly and kept surprising me with how much sillier it could get. And since it was short, it didn't feel like a complete waste of my time. If that's what the director was going for, then they succeeded.
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pointless and very stupid
jm107012 January 2017
This may be the stupidest movie I have ever seen. Its only reason for existing seems to be (1) to show men running around totally naked and acting like monkeys--for no plot-required reason--as often as possible, and (2) to show men urinating on camera as often as possible. There are at least five instances of the latter in a barely-over-one-hour movie. It's not even water-sports porn--it's about as erotic (and realistic) as a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

The plot is extraordinarily flimsy: best friends (straight German and gay Briton, both affluent enough not to have real jobs; the German is a "photographer", the Brit nothing discernible) go on a pointless road trip through obscure northeastern Germany and pick up a Polish hitchhiker. Nothing happens, except for the previously-mentioned naked romping and urinating.

All three characters are either (take your pick) completely unbelievable, even as movie characters, much less as actual human beings, OR (or AND, if you insist) the three most obnoxious characters the writer/director could think up.

The two "best friends" act like they can't stand each other, and if that's supposed to be some sort of erotic tension it misfires completely. The Pole adds nothing but a different body type (short/chunky vs the friends' buttless "swimmer's builds"); a third obnoxious, unbelievable character; and a third language for the subtitle writers to screw up (they completely ignore all English, regardless of how unintelligibly it's being mumbled by non-English speakers).

Three obnoxious characters running around like monkeys and urinating every few minutes--and annoying each other and the audience for 78 minutes. That's this movie.
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andrewchristianjr14 August 2021
Beautifully shot. Good road trip film. While the movie certainly has a beginning and end its story arch goes beyond.
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Peter Pan Syndrome prevails
stormatsunup26 December 2020
A good reminder of the ramifications of acting like a child when an adult and "open relationships".
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Beautiful film about sexual awakening within the tradition of Romanticism, Heimat movies and Lars von Trier's Dogma 95.
andredejongh13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Lovely movie. A slow paced road movie with lots of improvisation by the actors. You follow two best friends on their holiday together. The first one is Philip a German who we catch at the beginning of this film watching straight porn: we see explicit photos of women. We see him gear up his van to pick up his good friend Jonas. Jonas is gay. It's clear that the two men are very close. But it's also clear that their relationship is platonic. They kiss each other on the lips when they are happy and they don't feel shame for being naked in front of each other. Philip is a photographer. His camera is used as a way for Philip to intimately connect with Jonas. Only via the camera he really observes Jonas' naked body. He frames Jonas and makes him his subject of desire that way. Although in close contact he's like a playful puppy or brother with him. And he shows no sign of being sexually interested. He only wants Jonas to come live with him in Berlin after the holiday because he needs him emotionally. We also learn half way the movie that Philip and Jonas know each other from London and that they worked for the same company and lived together in London for almost a year. This explains why they feel so comfortable with each other. Why they kiss, get naked in front of each other and why they have this deep emotional bond. As said the movie is slow paced. Nothing really much is happening. There's not even much sexual tension. They both seem to have compartmentilised their feelings for each other. They feel like family. They are vulnerable with each other and they show love for each other. There's lots of space for improvisation by the actors. You see some laughs they have which no actor could act out like this. And at the end of the movie the milk play between Jonas and hitchhiker Boris seems to have been improvised also, the actor who's playing Boris clearly didn't see it coming. But they stuck with it. This laissez-faire feeling, to clearly have a script with lots of outlines and some central directions but where the rough details are filled in by the actors themselves, so it feels like a real connection happening between the protagonists. Anyway, hitch hiker Boris enters the story. He's from Poland we learn. And at first he's a bit homophobic. In his verbal language that his. His body language shows he wants to be vulnerable with them. He underesses immediately in the woods when Jonas is also naked. They are all drunk by the whiskey they drank. The highlight of this film are the last 10 minutes. During their holiday trip Jonas fell for Boris. Where Philip was romantically unavailable for him there's Boris who is sexually awakening with Jonas. They are playful with each other and they seem to have a loving, fun and virile sexual connection. We start to notice Philip's jealousy when he is disturbed by Boris and Jonas eating cherries from the trees on the grounds of the big villa they are staying at. Cherries have a sexual connotation, used as a metaphor by the director. You can eat some cherries, says Philip. But not all! Meaning he doesn't mind them fooling around but it shouldn't get too serious. But it is slowly getting serious between those two. When Philip learns that Boris is really having sex with Jonas he goes out of the house, by himself. We see him rowing on the lake in a small boat. Surrounded by water. Water as a symbol of birth, rebirth, being purified. We see Philip going deep into his emotions. It's clearly time to really face himself. To be one with his own natural self (this whole movies is set in nature. The romantic notion of nature being the place where you are truly your real self, where you are pure and connected to your real instincts, being one with nature). We see slowly Philip realising that he wants to be connected to his real feelings for Jonas. It's not only emotional intimacy he's after, as we soon will learn. He also desires Jonas. It's more than just a deep brotherly connection. So in order not to lose Jonas to Boris, Philip rushes back to the Villa. And we witness one of the most beautiful romantic scenes ever seen in a film. I honestly think that these last scenes were the premise of this film. And the long road trip through nature was a rough outline from the get go with lots of improv. The last 10 min of the film show that this film is not just some amateur cinematic experiment. There's a real artist behind this movie. And with a modest budget he created an honest romantic film. Litterally belonging to the intellectual movement which was called Romanticism. And it also hits common ground with the German Heimat Movies, where nature and folklore culture are glorified. But not without criticism. The German NAZI's were fond of heimat movies and they glorified the human/male young athletic body. By letting the three main characters piss over the stone which carries the name of former NAZI highflyer Göring's summer house, where the three are roaming around, director Nils Bökamp literally distances himself from the fascist ideology many of these Heimat stories have, while still being connected to this influential cultural movement in German history. Beautiful movie. And worth much more than the minus 6 stars it gets in here. It's a beautiful romantic story about sexual awaking for both Philip and Boris. The long deep felt connection between Philip and Jonas wins it from the summer love between Boris and Jonas. We don't have to feel sorry for Boris. Both Philip and Jonas made him realise who he really is. And probably for the first time he has his heart broken. But at least he's whole, one with his emotions and desires. And as we know from the beginning of the movie: Jonas will go live with Philip in Berlin. Nils Bökamp delivered a playful, beautiful and meaningful piece of cinema. A story of gay sexual awakening within the tradition of Romaticism and the Heimat culture and roughly inspired by Lars von Triers 'Dogma 95' style of filmmaking. A movie worth rewatching. And a valuable addition to any film lovers film library.
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Great Cinema and Great Acting
jromanbaker2 July 2022
If I had only ten films to take on a desert island or to be more realistic to pare my films down to ten this would be high on the list. It is quite simply one of the best gay films ever made. I use the word gay deliberately as it is without women in it; has a lot of frontal nudity and it seems proud of the functions of the male body and all the intimate things a male body does. I do not see this as a limitation but a celebration of men needing to be with each other. Jonas, played beautifully by Eric Klotzsch is German and wants to go on a road trip with his best male friend from the UK played very well and lacking all inhibitions by George Taylor. They visit a remote part of Germany, and romantically kiss and even dance together in a deserted castle ( an excellent scene, ) despite the fact that Jonas does not identify as being gay. And yet his love for Phillip is palpable in every scene they are in. He even asks Phillip to live with him, and Jonas who is a photographer takes many of his beloved friend in the nude, and surprisingly this appears totally ' innocent ' sexually. They even perform their toilet functions together and this too seems totally natural. Then a youthful Polish youth played by Michal Grabowski hitches a ride with them and dominates their holiday. It is at this point that Jonas with the finest of nuanced looks becomes aware of what appears jealousy, especially when a sexual relationship begins between Boris the Polish wild guy eager for experience with Phillip. End of spoilers. Nils Bokamp directs with great expertise and on occasion watching the film I sensed slightly that he was very aware of both Polanski's ' Knife in the Water ' and an atmosphere worthy of Eric Rohmer. I thought of Rohmer in a symbolic cherry picking scene in the grounds of a manor where the threesome eventually reach a quiet destination. That said Bokamp is his own man and a finely attuned director to image, sound and actor's needs. Rarer than you think in cinema. As for the three actors they are perfect, and I thought that Eric Klotzsch should have been around in France in the 1960's. Jean Sorel and Alain Delon would have met an equal both in looks and acting. A Great film with a capital G and I am ashamed of myself that it has taken me so long to see it. Perfection.
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yonny1313 July 2020
I love this. Everything about it. I felt so drawn to both characters from the start and related to so many moments. Will watch again for sure.
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Two is a Company, Three is a Crowd
myronlearn5 September 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed 'You and I' (Y&I), a German film centered around two longtime friends, one straight and one gay. The sexual preference differences don't matter to either one of them as there is an underlying platonic love between both. Their History has bonded them. They decide to embark on a trek through rural parts of Germany, creating photographs, adventure and harmless mayhem along the way. They end up meeting a third person who joins them on their journey which ultimately causes a rift between the two friends. Jealously does manage to rear it's ugly head. That's all I'll say. What we witness is a beautiful expression of their deep love and friendship. Though Y&I can be a bit slow at times, the acting, directing and writing are all excellent. We also get to see some beautiful scenery and photography of parts of Europe that are off the beaten path. My favorite scene occurs at a dinner table toward the end of the movie when a tough decision has to be made. It's a wonderfully directed and poignantly acted scene. Does their friendship survive the road trip? Does something deeper between both emerge? Check it out.

I highly recommend Y&I for you and me.
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Trying to hunt down sound track
fireantwithflames2 September 2019
Love to found the sound track for this film. I honest love the movie. If I could found both soundtrack for English dub
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Honest, Coming of Age, Love and Sexual discovery
bradsteffensen31 August 2021
Former roommate's and Beat friends meet in Germany for a road trip. Jonas (German) already showed signs of his anticipated arrival of his buddy (who's gay) ignoring calls from his gf leaving phone msgs. Without giving anything away, it's apparent that Jonas feelings for his buddy were beyond friendship. From the beginning its obvious the affection and compatibility between the two is undeniable. One moved the other did. They complimented each other in a way that happens once in a lifetime if your lucky. Regardless of their different sexuality shows that the soul wants what the soul wants and passion and sexuality is sometimes fluid and uncomplicated.
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roadtrip around germany
ksf-29 November 2022
Road trip !! Two buddies drive around deutchland in a van, on a mix of business and pleasure. They seem to be old buddies, but it's not really clear with the language difference just what their connection is. Dancing together, laughing, fun. Later on, they deny being a couple, so apparently they are just good friends, reuniting after many years. Along the way, they pick up a hitch hiker. And that changes things. When two of the men get a little too close, it makes the third-man-out grouchy. Or jealous. Or something. Some swearing. Nudity. It's all very well done, if a bit slow moving. I really enjoyed it, but for those hoping for a car chase or a gun fight, this will probably not be enough. Directed by nils bökamp. He has directed this and three documentaries. And it looks like he had written the same four projects.
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Germans !!
JeanFlores-Dickens9 May 2024
You and I is a must-watch for anyone craving a blend of romance and friendship. With three incredibly attractive leads, the screen practically sizzles with their chemistry. But beyond the eye candy, the film's heart lies in its portrayal of a beautiful friendship blossoming amidst life's trials. And oh, the ending! It's a satisfying conclusion that'll leave you with a warm heart and a smile. Trust me, this one's worth the watch.

That is al I have to say about the film and I think my review covers it all, but IMDb needs more characters to fill up this silly part. If you have read the first paragraph you are good to go.
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